Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Here is a few question-

How are we going to go back to work?

If they lift the stay at home orders and we start interacting the virus will come back. They claim it takes 18 months for an outbreak to die. An outbreak with a 95% to 98% survival rate. And it still could come back?

How long are we going to let fear steal our rights, income and freedom?

This will change us, what will our society look like after?
How Would You Explain Politics to a baby?
Jan 10, 2020 · Explaining Voting to Children Unlike kings in the past, the power is in people’s hands to decide who gets to control the country. That’s why every few years, the people in the biggest positions in the government step down and let someone else in charge.

How to explain politics to children?
Democracy, elections, voting – how to explain politics to children? Authors Alex Frith, Rosie Hore and Louie Stowell discuss writing Politics for Beginners – and why the book is important. Writing a book about politics for children against a backdrop of Brexit and Trump was an interesting challenge.

10 Things You Need to Teach Your ******* About Politics | All Pro Dad

10 Things You Need to Teach Your ******* About Politics
  1. Freedom relies on widespread participation in the political process.
  2. The Constitution.
  3. An open mind is not a political affiliation.
  4. Our political preference is not a religion.
  5. Free speech should not have a higher value than courtesy.
  6. It’s okay to get excited.
  7. Children must learn to think for themselves.
  8. Listen to both sides.

If I can be of any help please don't be afraid to ask.....I may not know everything....but then you don't know anything

anytime you want to quit with your biased and ridiculous right wing posts....hateful towards the dems.….....could maybe even have a conversation......but doubt it

We don't need to explain politics to Democrats and Leftists you don't listen. So this does not help.
Want. to use everyone else's first, and make money from it

wrong plain and simple someone getting middle man money....NONE of that oil will be used here....that's why they call it "tar oil"....no godd to use in anything ecpet for production....something china does a lot of....since big biz sent most production to china killing all kinds of jobs...….just as well make a little more off china letting them destroy the land and ******* people...it is the republican way.....your way!

but then I knew from the start you would not admit anything and will go on about as long as someone responds....numerous posts...does not make you right

you must be a Russian bot....you have yet to show any concern for America.....money and trashing politicians something Russia and trump both push
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more of trump's yes men.....willing to ******* more people!

Heated disagreement breaks out in Situation Room over ...
4 hours ago · Navarro had brought a stack of paperwork with him into the Situation Room on the *******, arguing it was proof that it could work to treat coronavirus, which Fauci, the nation's top infectious ...

Navarro Attacked Fauci in Heated Situation Room Debate ...
News about Fauci Navarro Situation Room bing.com/news Peter Navarro on his qualifications to disagree with Dr. Anthon...

Inside the epic White House blowup over hydroxychloroquine ...
Behind the scenes: This drama erupted into an epic Situation Room showdown. Trump's coronavirus task ******* gathered in the White House Situation Room on Saturday at about 1:30pm, according to four sources familiar with the conversation. ... Navarro said to Fauci, "That's science, not anecdote," said another of the sources.
wrong plain and simple someone getting middle man money....NONE of that oil will be used here....that's why they call it "tar oil"....no godd to use in anything ecpet for production....something china does a lot of....

but then I knew from the start you would not admit anything and will go on about as long as someone responds....numerous posts...does not make you righ
We we tax for pipe running through our country read the article billions never mind millions in construction
We we tax for pipe running through our country read the article billions never mind millions in construction

didn't read the article did you?
something you rarely do because it does not say what you want

what part of tax free zone did you not understand.....but then that fall right into your thinking that when they pay minus taxes...they are still paying taxes.
last time a lot of voter apathy......and probably the lowest voter turn out in a presidential election in a long time...….do not think that will be an issue this time
The questions that need to be considered. Who in America normally votes? Who in America normally doesn't vote? Bernie Sanders is finding this out the hard way, young rebellious liberals are his base I would think but they do rallies and attempt to institute his idea's mostly on college campuses but these young people fail to show up to vote. Just one honest thought, If all people of college age years up to age 30 would vote, the liberal party would have a good chance to win.
didn't read the article did you?
something you rarely do because it does not say what you want

what part of tax free zone did you not understand.....but then that fall right into your thinking that when they pay minus taxes...they are still paying taxes.

The questions that need to be considered. Who in America normally votes? Who in America normally doesn't vote? Bernie Sanders is finding this out the hard way, young rebellious liberals are his base I would think but they do rallies and attempt to institute his idea's mostly on college campuses but these young people fail to show up to vote. Just one honest thought, If all people of college age years up to age 30 would vote, the liberal party would have a good chance to win.
republicans normally always vote....dems...so-so...have to be inspired and pushed......last time a lot of people did not like either candidate....overkill on the negative press.....do not see that happening this time...with trump you either love him or hate him....and for that reason a lot more votes this time.....but then what about the electorial college...…..I think this time there will be a lot of hell raised on both sides and be a very bitter election

Bernie sanders never stood a chance from the start....and he should have known or at least suspected last time.....first he pulled some ******* with the DNC and Hillary...supporters..money….a lot...so they dumped him but he kept on....rallying all kinds of people...but his message is a big deal with the youth...free college...healthcare and etc....problem there is......the youth likes to go to rallies in a group....but they don't usually vote when the chips are down.....with the fans he amassed last time.....and the work this time...he should have been a shoe in.....but if you look at states last time where he got 40% of the vote....and this time barely 20%....tells you something wrong

I don't know what I consider myself....I believe in some freebies....but not all......health insurance by employer or gov...is nothing more than most other countries already have.....education is an issue....for all the ******* no matter what age or grade.....and we need to fix our infrastructure...that will cost at first...but just an investment.....and people are hired to do the work...they will pay more in taxes...something the gov needs....most...even your die hard libbers have a limit on the freebies....but then again with the infrastructure...repairing needed things in America......increases job and pay...more will go to work

again...well the right stopping or trying in a couple of red states to stop college ******* from voting...….but in most states....******* do not vote
Oh misdirected leftist criticizing, not surprising. Nancy Pelosi truly is ugly that it looks like her face caught on fire and Adam Schiff put the fire out with a pitchfork.
That's not very Christian of you. Are you Muslim? Not that there is anything wrong with that.
trump was warned.....and the Dr. still has "issues" with trump

Fauci: ‘No doubt’ Trump will face surprise infectious ...
Jan 11, 2017 · Anthony S. Fauci, MD, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said there is “no doubt” Donald J. Trump will be confronted with a surprise infectious disease outbreak during his presidency. Fauci has led the NIAID for more than 3 decades,...

Did Dr. Fauci Predict a Serious Pandemic During Trump's ...
Claim: In January 2017, Dr. Anthony Fauci predicted a serious pandemic during U.S. President Donald Trump's tenure in office.

Fact checked by truthorfiction.com

now trump trying to prescribe meds...…..isn't he killing enough

Trump Touts 'Game-Changing' ******* Cocktail For Coronavirus ...
Mar 22, 2020 · Trump at Thursday’s briefing first touted the anti-malarial ******* chloroquine as having “tremendous promise” against the coronavirus. He falsely suggested it had been approved for use against COVID-19. “It’s been approved ... they took it down from many, many months to immediate,” Trump said.

Dr. Fauci Buries Face In His Hand After Trump Rants About ...
Mar 20, 2020 · President Donald Trump referred to the U.S. State Department as the “Deep State Department” during a White House press briefing on the worsening coronavirus pandemic with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Friday, prompting National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci to bury his face in his hands.

Trump vs Fauci: President's gut sense collides with ...
Mar 21, 2020 · Trump vs Fauci: President's gut sense collides with science President Donald Trump and the government's top infectious disease expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci, are …

Dr. Fauci Is America's Last Hope for the Truth About ...
Dr. Fauci—the other doctor in Trump’s administration is Dr. Ben Carson, and he’s the doctor of houses—tried to downplay any tension (read, keep his job) during an appearance on Face the ...

Anthony Fauci Reveals the White House Has Silenced Him
Dr. Fauci on Extending Coronavirus Guidelines: Trump Just Shook His Head and Said ‘I Guess We’ve Gotta Do It’ White House Reportedly Ordered Infectious Disease Chief ‘Not to Say Anything ...
And how do the Republicans react to a scientist backed by science? They threaten his life so much, he had to get armed protection for telling the truth. NEVER ever let the Right tell you they are concerned about truth and the American people. The care about one thing, not winning, but being right in their lies.
Fucking threatened to ******* the Infectious Disease Chief during a pandemic because he exposes the ignorant, feckless, incompetence of their cult leader, tRump. Fucking DEPLORABLE degenerates.
Coronavirus Expert Dr. Anthony Fauci's Personal Security Has ...
www.forbes.com › sites › isabeltogoh › 2020/04/02 › coronavirus-ex...

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