Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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The Keystone XL Pipeline: Who Benefits?

Forty-one years ago, when I used to get up at 5 a.m. to get on gas station lines with my parents, I started hearing about “energy independence” — a secure source of supply for our energy needs. Today, energy independence soon will be a reality.

For China. Thanks to the Keystone XL pipeline.

Q. Cui bono? (“Who benefits?”) A. China.

The Chinese economy consists of taking raw materials and energy, making that into stuff, and then selling that stuff — a/k/a “manufacturing.” Chinese leaders understand that in order for that model to work, China needs steady supplies of raw materials and energy. By how do you get a steady supply of energy, in a world where those supplies are dominated by a cartel, and are concentrated in a part of the world prone to war? In America, we’ve been trying to puzzle that out for four decades, without success.

Well, the Chinese have figured it out. They’re going to get their energy from Canada, a stable country, and pass it through the United States, another stable country. They will pay the Canadians the world price for oil. They will pay us nothing, or next to nothing. So Uncle Sam is Uncle Sucker.

And not for the first time. For the past decade, China has pursued an utterly unscrupulous and incredibly successful strategy in “trade” with the United States. China has been importing from the United States roughly $50 billion in goods each year, much of it food, raw materials and energy. China has been exporting to the United States roughly $350 billion in goods each year, mostly manufactured goods. And China has been buying roughly $300 billion in U.S. assets each year, mostly U.S. Treasuries. So we buy their stuff, putting their people to work. And they buy our assets, driving us deeper and deeper into debt. America loses — twice.

Now China has peeled off a tiny portion of that trade surplus, just $30 billion, and audaciously is trying to parlay that into permanent energy independence. China has put that money into Canadian tar sands.

Canadian tar sands are easily one of the dirtiest energy sources on Planet Earth. Does China care? No. As Deng Xiaoping used to say, “it doesn’t matter whether a cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice.” China’s leaders are so indifferent to environmental concerns that they have no problem with 8-year-olds in Beijing contracting lung cancer from pollution — but they get upset when the U.S. Embassy in Beijing puts an air quality monitor on the roof, and posts the readings on the internet. Canadian tar sands are a very, very black cat, but China’s leaders care only about catching mice.

Chinese leaders have seized key elements of the world industrial supply chain, like rare earths. According to our government, they engage in pervasive industrial espionage. They have threatened American companies like Apple, Google and Walmart. In short, they know how to play the game.

All of the oil that passes through the Trans-Alaska Pipeline has to be sold in the United States. Why not the same rule for the Keystone XL Pipeline? But instead, we allow a tax-free zone, to facilitate Chinese energy independence at the expense of our own. Why does Uncle Sam have to be Uncle Sucker?

There are plenty of reasons to be against the Keystone XL pipeline. Environmentalists recognize it as the ultimate “bonfire of the vanities” — planet-wide carbon bonfires. The pipeline passes through an active earthquake zone. One bad spill could permanently poison the Ogallala Aquifer, which provides drinking water to millions of people, and 30 percent of our irrigation.

Here is another reason, perhaps the best reason of all: It doesn’t do us any good. China, yes. The Koch Brothers (who own the refining capacity that would be used), yes. Us, no.

When are we finally going to have a government with the courage to ask that simple question: Does it do us any good? Cui bono?


Keystone Pipeline Oil Spill Reported In South Dakota : The …
Updated at 8 p.m. ET. TransCanada, the company that owns and operates the Keystone Pipeline, says that an estimated 210,000 gallons, or 5,000 barrels, of oil have spilled near the small town of Amherst, S.D. The cause of the leak is under investigation, according to the company's website.

Nearly 400,000 gallons of oil spill from Keystone pipeline in North Dakota

More than 380,000 gallons of oil spilled from the Keystone pipeline in North Dakota this week, one of the largest onshore crude spills in the past decade.

The rupture struck the pipeline in Edinburg in the northeast section of the state, TC Energy said in a statement.

The oil affected about 2,500 square yards of land, about half the size of a football field, the company said. The numbers of gallons that spilled out could fill about half an Olympic-sized swimming pool, according to their statement.

“Our crews will remain focused on oil recovery and then prepare to make repairs to the pipeline,” the company added in the statement.

The exact amount of oil spilled from the pipeline will not be determined until after the cleanup process has finished, the company said.

The spill affected wetland habitats in the area, according to the North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality.

Just plain more American greed at the expense of America and americans!

Keystone pipeline: Foreign profits, American risk

Media coverage of the Keystone XL pipeline is coalescing around a single narrative. It goes like this: environmentalists oppose the pipeline because of climate change concerns, and U.S. construction companies support the pipeline because it creates jobs. Environmentalists warn that tar sands crude oil has three times the global warming potential of conventional crude. Oil industry interests shrug and say Canadian companies will continue to extract tar sands, with or without the pipeline. Pipeline opponents then counter: fewer than 50 permanent jobs will be needed to staff the pipeline, a few thousand temporary construction jobs to build it. But this rendering of the debate misses the larger picture.

Americans have been told for the past several years by the petroleum industry and members of Congress that Keystone is “key to America’s energy independence” and will help ensure America has the energy it needs in the future. This is hogwash.

TransCanada wants to build a pipeline through the farmland and ranches of the United States in order to send its oil to refineries in the Gulf Coast for the export market. This crude is not meant to supply the U.S. market
. We have a glut of oil and gas in the U.S. because of largely unregulated fracking going on in 31 states. Between our growing natural gas supply and OPEC's effort to quash the U.S. energy boom, gas prices are so low that American producers may slow their drilling. The Keystone pipeline will not reduce the cost of gasoline or home heating oil for American consumers.

What a TransCanada pipeline will do is put a major underground water supply at risk. Keystone XL would be built directly above the Ogallala Aquifer, located beneath most of Nebraska and extending to seven other states. The Ogallala is a shallow aquifer, meaning
a pipeline spill could easily pollute this drinking water source for two million Americans.

The pipeline would cross thousands of acres of farmland in the Great Plains; a spill could make this land unusable for years. In 2013, an oil pipeline spilled 840,000 gallons of crude near Tioga, North Dakota, and crews are still working to clean it up. Keystone I, which runs from Canada through Illinois, had 14 reported leaks during its first year of operation.

TransCanada has been criticized for failing to comply with Canadian safety regulations, and the company does not intend to use the latest safety technology to detect spills along the Keystone XL route. With the pipeline travelling through miles of grassland, leaks could go undetected and unaddressed until water and soil are irreparably damaged. In Texas, where pipeline construction has already begun, landowners have reported issues to the U.S. Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration and been told that there are not enough inspectors to investigate their claims.

An additional concern is the impact on the Gulf. The pipeline would carry Canadian crude to refineries on the U.S. Gulf Coast, to communities like Port Arthur, Texas where residents are already burdened with disproportionally high levels of pollution. These communities would bear the brunt of increased emissions from refining dirty tar sands crude and the Gulf Coast – still not recovered from the 2010 BP oil spill – would take on the risk of further spills from increased export traffic.

The Keystone decision is being reviewed by the State Department because it is a critical issue for the nation. This project asks American farmers, ranchers, and residents in the path of the pipeline and those in port communities along the Gulf Coast to put crucial parts of our nation’s water supply, grasslands, and habitats at risk so that Canadian oil producers – and some U.S. oil refineries – can benefit. This is a bad deal.

We can find alternative energy sources, but American water supplies are precious and under pressure. Just ask agriculturalists and consumers in the West. Instead of responding to the narrow interests of a few oil companies, we need our elected officials to steward the natural resources that have allowed our country to prosper and feed the world.

Keystone XL pipeline would only create 35 permanent jobs

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think about this for a minute...…..right now we ARE the largest producer of crude oil.....what do we need with more?....we don't!....some oil comp is getting his middle man cut to let Canada sell oil to others and he makes a little money....putting this country at risk....as for workers....if you notice Canada is supplying most of the technology workers......America just supplying the muscle.....again we get fucked....something the right specializes in......them making money avg American doing the work for little of nothing

but I am confident that you are your usual closed minded on this and do not see anything
1.Hmm still no proof. Again, OPINIONS by assholes. Even those assholes defeated their own opinion by have to write the actual provision from the bill:
New York Democrats have argued the law has safeguards in place to prevent non-citizens from registering to vote, including a provision that says DMVs shall not send voter registrations of ineligible applicants to the State Board of Elections:
Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, no agency designated under this section shall transmit to the State Board of Elections any application for registration for a person that is, by virtue of data collected by the agency during the same application for services or change of address or name transaction, demonstrably ineligible to register or pre-register to vote by reason of age or not being a citizen of the United States.

2.The Townhall article was addressed already and you still repost it like some simpleton or the agenda driven deceiver.
The United States already has a law that prevents noncitizens from casting a ballot for president or other federal offices. HR 1 doesn’t change that law — and HR 1 doesn’t call for extending the right to vote to noncitizens.

Let's see, what other lies are you throwing out? Oh ACORN utilizing voter fraud to get Obama a second term in 2012.
ACORN was defunded by Congress (a democratic majority House and Senate) in 2009 and stopped all work that year.
By early 2010, they had completely disbanded. More than six months before the mid-term Tea Party take over and over 2 and a half years before the 2012 election. They had nothing to do with the 2012.

That's three strikes Skippy, you're out. Now you will be tempted to respond, but don't. Hit the showers.

See here you go- I never said they can vote- I said the Democrats keep TRYING to make it happen. And Pelosi said so her self, hence why you did this big production of trying to argue a strawman. And of course you are going to dismiss Townhall. They don't have to retract every other story like VOX.

And why did the Congress- defund Acron them? Voter Fraud in multiple states that only benefited Democrats. Strange how that happened And the Dems defuned because they have to have a scape goat for their criminal Democrat, and only Democrat benefiting mass criminal enterprise. The number of felonies should have been RICO for Acron and many Dems. Possible including the Sitting President.
This was not our discussion. We were talking about illegals voting.
You're just running down the street shouting ******* into open windows, never stopping to hear any response because truth is not your goal, it's confusion with lies and deflection. Someone answers you, you take their answer and do a what aboutism. You post the same sources. Too, responsive to be a bot, not smart enough to be a paid operative. Just a guy on the internet who get's off on what? False victory? If that woman in your pictures is your wife, you're finding self worth in the wrong places.

No same argument that started this.

Democrats are the party against American. They are the party of illegals, party of replacement, the party of open boarders and the party trying to saddle the American Taxpayers to support illegals/ "Refugees" with free meals, free schools, free healthcare. Why? So the Dems can get the illegals and "refugees" the right to vote so the Dems can stay in power.

Again why are the dems pushing to bring in so many people from socialist and anti American countries? Why not farms from South Africa or Highly educated from Former Russian States? No middle eastern "Refugees" who go right on welfare and never come off, most appear to be literate in their own language? Why so many Democrat NGOs operate in Socialist South America and help those South Americans socialist to come here?

Why did Obama with Catholic Charities "import" so many Somalis into Minnesota? To the point they dominate politics in many areas now? Wonder why so many Red and Purple states received so many "refugees" under Obama? And why Democrat NGOs using tax payer funds educated them on democrat handouts?
I hope they are putting just as much effort into finding a cure. I'm afraid this is just going to become another disease that is simply treated instead of cured.
There's no guarantee of a vaccine. It could be like the common cold - no vaccine and no cure. Only therapeutic treatment.
You do know we still have people coming here legally every single year? Newcomers, is what she called them. Your deep thinkers saw an opportunity to make that mean 'illegal' because they know you don't want anyone coming here. That's the 'tan suit' outrage du jour for you simpletons. She did not say illegals. You deceivers are lying about it, and the legislation HR-1, has nothing about illegals voting. I've posted two Fact Checks to that.
Stop being hateful, learn something, or keep falling for everything.

That is what she meant- Refugees and Illegals.

That is bullshit- We want them to follow the law and we want corporations, Democrats and Republicans to stop importing cheap illegal or just cheap labor keeping our wages down.

Your party is trying to accommodate criminals from other countries while Vet suffer on the streets. Get it, All the while calling Trump a racist Xenophobe for wanting to call out China and put Americans first. In the middle of the crisis your party is already talking another attempted coup.
The Keystone XL Pipeline: Who Benefits?

Forty-one years ago, when I used to get up at 5 a.m. to get on gas station lines with my parents, I started hearing about “energy independence” — a secure source of supply for our energy needs. Today, energy independence soon will be a reality.

For China. Thanks to the Keystone XL pipeline.

Q. Cui bono? (“Who benefits?”) A. China.

The Chinese economy consists of taking raw materials and energy, making that into stuff, and then selling that stuff — a/k/a “manufacturing.” Chinese leaders understand that in order for that model to work, China needs steady supplies of raw materials and energy. By how do you get a steady supply of energy, in a world where those supplies are dominated by a cartel, and are concentrated in a part of the world prone to war? In America, we’ve been trying to puzzle that out for four decades, without success.

Well, the Chinese have figured it out. They’re going to get their energy from Canada, a stable country, and pass it through the United States, another stable country. They will pay the Canadians the world price for oil. They will pay us nothing, or next to nothing. So Uncle Sam is Uncle Sucker.

And not for the first time. For the past decade, China has pursued an utterly unscrupulous and incredibly successful strategy in “trade” with the United States. China has been importing from the United States roughly $50 billion in goods each year, much of it food, raw materials and energy. China has been exporting to the United States roughly $350 billion in goods each year, mostly manufactured goods. And China has been buying roughly $300 billion in U.S. assets each year, mostly U.S. Treasuries. So we buy their stuff, putting their people to work. And they buy our assets, driving us deeper and deeper into debt. America loses — twice.

Now China has peeled off a tiny portion of that trade surplus, just $30 billion, and audaciously is trying to parlay that into permanent energy independence. China has put that money into Canadian tar sands.

Canadian tar sands are easily one of the dirtiest energy sources on Planet Earth. Does China care? No. As Deng Xiaoping used to say, “it doesn’t matter whether a cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice.” China’s leaders are so indifferent to environmental concerns that they have no problem with 8-year-olds in Beijing contracting lung cancer from pollution — but they get upset when the U.S. Embassy in Beijing puts an air quality monitor on the roof, and posts the readings on the internet. Canadian tar sands are a very, very black cat, but China’s leaders care only about catching mice.

Chinese leaders have seized key elements of the world industrial supply chain, like rare earths. According to our government, they engage in pervasive industrial espionage. They have threatened American companies like Apple, Google and Walmart. In short, they know how to play the game.

All of the oil that passes through the Trans-Alaska Pipeline has to be sold in the United States. Why not the same rule for the Keystone XL Pipeline? But instead, we allow a tax-free zone, to facilitate Chinese energy independence at the expense of our own. Why does Uncle Sam have to be Uncle Sucker?

There are plenty of reasons to be against the Keystone XL pipeline. Environmentalists recognize it as the ultimate “bonfire of the vanities” — planet-wide carbon bonfires. The pipeline passes through an active earthquake zone. One bad spill could permanently poison the Ogallala Aquifer, which provides drinking water to millions of people, and 30 percent of our irrigation.

Here is another reason, perhaps the best reason of all: It doesn’t do us any good. China, yes. The Koch Brothers (who own the refining capacity that would be used), yes. Us, no.

When are we finally going to have a government with the courage to ask that simple question: Does it do us any good? Cui bono?


Keystone Pipeline Oil Spill Reported In South Dakota : The …
Updated at 8 p.m. ET. TransCanada, the company that owns and operates the Keystone Pipeline, says that an estimated 210,000 gallons, or 5,000 barrels, of oil have spilled near the small town of Amherst, S.D. The cause of the leak is under investigation, according to the company's website.

Nearly 400,000 gallons of oil spill from Keystone pipeline in North Dakota

More than 380,000 gallons of oil spilled from the Keystone pipeline in North Dakota this week, one of the largest onshore crude spills in the past decade.

The rupture struck the pipeline in Edinburg in the northeast section of the state, TC Energy said in a statement.

The oil affected about 2,500 square yards of land, about half the size of a football field, the company said. The numbers of gallons that spilled out could fill about half an Olympic-sized swimming pool, according to their statement.

“Our crews will remain focused on oil recovery and then prepare to make repairs to the pipeline,” the company added in the statement.

The exact amount of oil spilled from the pipeline will not be determined until after the cleanup process has finished, the company said.

The spill affected wetland habitats in the area, according to the North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality.

Just plain more American greed at the expense of America and americans!

Keystone pipeline: Foreign profits, American risk

Media coverage of the Keystone XL pipeline is coalescing around a single narrative. It goes like this: environmentalists oppose the pipeline because of climate change concerns, and U.S. construction companies support the pipeline because it creates jobs. Environmentalists warn that tar sands crude oil has three times the global warming potential of conventional crude. Oil industry interests shrug and say Canadian companies will continue to extract tar sands, with or without the pipeline. Pipeline opponents then counter: fewer than 50 permanent jobs will be needed to staff the pipeline, a few thousand temporary construction jobs to build it. But this rendering of the debate misses the larger picture.

Americans have been told for the past several years by the petroleum industry and members of Congress that Keystone is “key to America’s energy independence” and will help ensure America has the energy it needs in the future. This is hogwash.

TransCanada wants to build a pipeline through the farmland and ranches of the United States in order to send its oil to refineries in the Gulf Coast for the export market. This crude is not meant to supply the U.S. market
. We have a glut of oil and gas in the U.S. because of largely unregulated fracking going on in 31 states. Between our growing natural gas supply and OPEC's effort to quash the U.S. energy boom, gas prices are so low that American producers may slow their drilling. The Keystone pipeline will not reduce the cost of gasoline or home heating oil for American consumers.

What a TransCanada pipeline will do is put a major underground water supply at risk. Keystone XL would be built directly above the Ogallala Aquifer, located beneath most of Nebraska and extending to seven other states. The Ogallala is a shallow aquifer, meaning
a pipeline spill could easily pollute this drinking water source for two million Americans.

The pipeline would cross thousands of acres of farmland in the Great Plains; a spill could make this land unusable for years. In 2013, an oil pipeline spilled 840,000 gallons of crude near Tioga, North Dakota, and crews are still working to clean it up. Keystone I, which runs from Canada through Illinois, had 14 reported leaks during its first year of operation.

TransCanada has been criticized for failing to comply with Canadian safety regulations, and the company does not intend to use the latest safety technology to detect spills along the Keystone XL route. With the pipeline travelling through miles of grassland, leaks could go undetected and unaddressed until water and soil are irreparably damaged. In Texas, where pipeline construction has already begun, landowners have reported issues to the U.S. Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration and been told that there are not enough inspectors to investigate their claims.

An additional concern is the impact on the Gulf. The pipeline would carry Canadian crude to refineries on the U.S. Gulf Coast, to communities like Port Arthur, Texas where residents are already burdened with disproportionally high levels of pollution. These communities would bear the brunt of increased emissions from refining dirty tar sands crude and the Gulf Coast – still not recovered from the 2010 BP oil spill – would take on the risk of further spills from increased export traffic.

The Keystone decision is being reviewed by the State Department because it is a critical issue for the nation. This project asks American farmers, ranchers, and residents in the path of the pipeline and those in port communities along the Gulf Coast to put crucial parts of our nation’s water supply, grasslands, and habitats at risk so that Canadian oil producers – and some U.S. oil refineries – can benefit. This is a bad deal.

We can find alternative energy sources, but American water supplies are precious and under pressure. Just ask agriculturalists and consumers in the West. Instead of responding to the narrow interests of a few oil companies, we need our elected officials to steward the natural resources that have allowed our country to prosper and feed the world.

Keystone XL pipeline would only create 35 permanent jobs

"Just plain more American greed at the expense of America and americans!"

Says the guy who supports the party getting the most money from the rich, china and corporations.
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