Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Not sure what personal insults, Obozo's vote totals and inaugural crowd sizes has to do with the issue of H1N1 and Obozo's raiding of the n95 respirator stockpile without replenishing it....depsite him and the Democrat Party having a trifecta....oh yeah deflection.
You sum up who you are in the first six words- you act like a personal insult is beneath the conversation, as you call Obama Obozo.
Obama had a majority for the first 2 out of 8 years. What did he and the Democrats do for a country that was heading into the worst recession in decades?
-Passed Health Care Reform
-Passed the Stimulus
-Passed Wall Street Reform
-Saved the Auto Industry
-Killed Osama Bin Laden
-Recapitalized Banks
-No Scandals
-Improved America's image in the world by 28%
-Showed Leadership

Obama waited to declare a National Emergency until 1,000 Americans had died, and 23 days AFTER the vaccine was available. Quite to the contrary of your BS, the states had to order their vaccines individually. 47 of the states ordered their vaccines on 9/30/2009....the first day they could. The remaining states had all ordered theirs by 10/9/2009....a full two weeks BEFORE Obozo bothered to declare the National Emergency
First person infected in the US by H1N1 was April 15th 2009, Obama's Administration declared a public health emergency on April 26th.
  • The Obama administration declared swine flu, or H1N1, a public health emergency six weeks before H1N1 was declared a pandemic.
  • No H1N1 deaths had yet been recorded in the United States.
  • Six months after that initial declaration, when more than 1,000 deaths had occurred, Obama himself declared H1N1 a national emergency.

Yeah that decisive action sure was a tough choice....the 7 or the 9 iron????
Obama took care of business like a leader should, during the pandemic. He may have golfed, but ******* got done within days.

The CDC began releasing antiviral ******* to treat the H1N1 flu on April 26, the same day of Obama’s public health emergency declaration, and two days later, April 28th the FDA approved a new CDC test for the disease.
April 30, Obama formally asked for $1.5 billion from Congress to address the outbreak (the Obama administration later asked for nearly $9 billion). And a vaccine was made available in about six months.

tRump has the golf thing down. That's about it.
You sum up who you are in the first six words- you act like a personal insult is beneath the conversation, as you call Obama Obozo.
Obama had a majority for the first 2 out of 8 years. What did he and the Democrats do for a country that was heading into the worst recession in decades?
-Passed Health Care Reform
-Passed the Stimulus
-Passed Wall Street Reform
-Saved the Auto Industry
-Killed Osama Bin Laden
-Recapitalized Banks
-No Scandals
-Improved America's image in the world by 28%
-Showed Leadership

First person infected in the US by H1N1 was April 15th 2009, Obama's Administration declared a public health emergency on April 26th.

  • The Obama administration declared swine flu, or H1N1, a public health emergency six weeks before H1N1 was declared a pandemic.
  • No H1N1 deaths had yet been recorded in the United States.
  • Six months after that initial declaration, when more than 1,000 deaths had occurred, Obama himself declared H1N1 a national emergency.

Obama took care of business like a leader should, during the pandemic. He may have golfed, but ******* got done within days.

The CDC began releasing antiviral ******* to treat the H1N1 flu on April 26, the same day of Obama’s public health emergency declaration, and two days later, April 28th the FDA approved a new CDC test for the disease.
April 30, Obama formally asked for $1.5 billion from Congress to address the outbreak (the Obama administration later asked for nearly $9 billion). And a vaccine was made available in about six months.

tRump has the golf thing down. That's about it.

Obama Administration Gets High Marks on Swine Flu So Far
Apr 29, 2009 · In a Gallup Poll conducted Tuesday night, 66% of Americans say they approve of how the Obama administration is handling the ongoing swine flu situation, while 16% disapprove and 17% have no opinion. Notice: JavaScript is not enabled.
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Proof positive that Republicans are racist when it comes to their treatment of President Obama, the first African-American president in history.
There is no doubt that many Republicans are racist when it comes to President Obama.

The president has been ****** to endure racism, hatred and malicious lies and rumors like no other American president.

As Timothy Egan of The New York Times reported in an Op/Ed piece,

From the day he took office, his legitimacy has been challenged, his American birth has been suspect, and he’s been personally insulted, lectured, yelled at and disrespected in public, by public figures, in a way that few if any American presidents have ever faced.

A conservative friend asked me the other day why liberals are always playing the race card when it comes to Obama. And let’s be honest, we do question whether or not racism plays a part in the unprecedented hatred directed towards Obama.

The problem is that as soon as we do, we get accused of being THE RACISTS ourselves, as you can see in the example from my friend, below:

WHY is it that if those who support President Obama automatically go to “race” when they disagree with someone who does not support the political leanings of this President? It seems to me that those who do that are more prejudiced than the ones they accuse. Think about it. Why is it that their reasoning automatically takes them to “race” . . . as if there can not be ANY other possible reason to differ. It’s amazing to me that so many, including Mindy, will use that race card on people who so strongly support people like Dr. Ben Carson, Herman Cain, Mia Love, and a HUGE list I could go on with. Kind of negates that “race” issue to me. Maybe their thought process should continue on a bit farther.

With that in mind, we have collected several examples of flagrant displays of racism from leading Republicans, examples from state level officials, and some broader examples such as the birther movement.

Newt Gingrich
Back in September 2010 Newt Gingrich told National Review that President Obama may follow a “Kenyan, anti-colonial” worldview, asking:

What if [Obama] is so outside our comprehension, that only if you understand Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior, can you begin to piece together [his actions]? That is the most accurate, predictive model for his behavior.

Rush Limbaugh
Rush Limbaugh has made numerous racially offensive remarks about the President to include stating that Obama is “able to turn on that Negro dialect whenever he wants to.” Referring to a 2007 video of Obama talking about race relations, Limbaugh also stated:

And we got the trumped up black accent like down in Selma. And we’re gonna go back and relive all that. Hillary, “I ain’t no ways tired.” Gonna go back and relive all of it. That southern-fried accent that Obama put on before the black ministers, was he raised in the southern part of Hawaii? Where did he pick that accent up? I’ve been to Hawaii. I’ve never heard that accent over there. I’ve been to Hawaii a lot, in fact. His accent got so strong, I half expected him to tell the audience that he wasn’t no ways tired when he was going on and on about this. But I guess that’s what happens when you’ve been born somewhere close to Selma.

Rick Santorum
In a 2011 interview with CNS News, Rick Santorum brought race into Obama’s view on abortion, stating:

The question is — and this is what Barack Obama didn’t want to answer — is that human life a person under the Constitution? And Barack Obama says no. Well if that person — human life is not a person, then — I find it almost remarkable for a black man to say, ‘We’re going to decide who are people and who are not people.’

Tom Coburn
Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) claimed that Obama has stamped his alleged dependency on government because “it worked so well for him” that “as an African-American male… he got tremendous benefit” from entitlement programs.

His intent isn’t to destroy. It’s to create dependency because it worked so well for him. I don’t say that critically. Look at people for what they are. Don’t assume ulterior motives. I don’t think he doesn’t love our country. I think he does.
“As an African American male, coming through the progress of everything he experienced, he got tremendous benefit through a lot of these programs. So he believes in them.

Sarah Palin
Notorious for making racist comments about Obama, we decided to highlight one our favorites – the time she was caught spewing racist nonsense about Benghazi on a Facebook note and its linked Twitter account referring to “President Obama’s shuck and jive shtick”.
As CNN’s Roland Martin noted at the time:

“Shucking and jiving” have long been words used as a negative assessment of African Americans, along the lines of a “foot shufflin’ Negro.” In fact, I don’t recall ever hearing the phrase used in reference to anyone white.

Group Attacks, Part I
There are also examples of times that more than one person came together to attack Obama, such as the time that Sarah Palin, Senator Ted Cruz, and Senator Mike Lee joined a couple hundred protestors in Washington, DC to protest President Obama’s closing down the WWII Memorial (while pretending they had nothing to do with the government shutdown). These protestors then marched to the White House, where they carried a Confederate flag and demanded “the President leave town, to put the Quran down, to get up off his knees, and to come out with his hands up.”

As we reported at the time, “Did no one realize that carrying a Confederate flag in front of the White House, where our first African-American family now resides, was an absolutely disgusting display of racism? The Confederate flag – which represents a war that killed 600,000 Americans over the right to enslave other human beings?”

Group Attacks, Part II – State Officials
Examples of racism directed at Obama flourished during campaign cycles and as Slate reported in 2012,

“[V]ery often you’ll have local, state, and sometimes national officials exposed for explicit racism. It seems like it has become a monthly occurrence that an elected Republican either forwards some horrible racist chain email about President Obama or makes some horrible racist off-the-cuff remark. (For a few examples of this from the past year, see here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.)

In a stunning example, Jennifer Olsen, chairwoman of the Yellowstone County Republicans and a prominent tea party organizer in Montana, published the following photo on her Facebook page in February of 2013 according to MontanaFesto.

Group Attacks, Part III – Broader Attacks
Claims of Sealed Obama Records Proven False

No American president has endured the kinds of malicious and false rumors about his past as has President Obama and as part of an ongoing public service commitment by this website, we present our series of articles debunking right-wing lies taking on myths such as those claiming that Obama’s thesis paper is sealed, college records are sealed from Occidental College Columbia and Harvard, his Selective Service Registration is sealed, Obama’s medical records are sealed, his state senate records are sealed, and that his law practice records are sealed.

The New York Times put it best in a recent article, writing:

The biggest slap at the president was the smear about his birth. It’s insulting and humiliating that Obama — alone among presidents — has been ****** to release his long-form birth record to satisfy a clutch of fact-deniers. Leading the attack on the president’s very citizenship is the professional vulgarian Donald Trump, who gets away with the kind of preposterous, race-based comments granted few black public figures.
Trump’s displays of idiocy on Fox News are a staple of that network. I wait for the day when something Trump says that is both stupid and incendiary is held up as representative of all white people — and he’s asked to apologize for his race.

BONUS: Col. Lawrence Wilkerson Speaks Out Against Republican Racism

In October 2012, Colin Powell’s former chief of staff Col. Lawrence Wilkerson publicly stated that the Republican Party is “full of racists” who only want President Obama out of office because of “the color of his skin.”

In an interview with Ed Schultz, Wilkerson stated:

Let me just be candid: My party is full of racists. And the real reason a considerable portion of my party wants President Obama out of the White House has nothing to do with the content of his character, nothing to do with his competence as commander in chief and president, and everything to do with the color of his skin. And that’s despicable.

Proof Republicans Are Racist Towards President Obama
Proof positive that Republicans are racist when it comes to their treatment of President Obama, the first African-American president in history.
with a lot of photos posted all over by the racist republican party
Republicans Keep Admitting Everything They Said About Obama Was a Lie

White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, appearing on Fox News Sunday, repeated the official administration line that Democrats had to choose between legislation and investigation. Chris Wallace reminded Mulvaney that he had supported a Republican Congress that had engaged in continuous investigations of the White House, reopening probes to chase conspiracy theories even after they had been conclusively debunked.

This prompted Mulvaney to make an interesting confession. The Republican Congress never wanted to pass laws in the first place:

You were there, of what the Republicans did to Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton on Benghazi, on Fast and Furious. And they got some things done despite the fact that these were aggressive partisan investigations.

MULVANEY: Well, we didn’t get very much done. Listen, I’ll be the first to admit that when the tea party wave, of which I was one, got here in 2011, the last thing we were interested in was giving President Obama legislative successes.

When somebody says “I’ll be the first to admit,” it’s usually an idiom, suggesting they are not trying to hide a fact that is widely known and frequently confessed. But in this case the sentence construction makes more sense if read literally. Mulvaney may actually be the first person to admit that congressional Republicans did not want to give Obama any legislative successes at all.

Mitch McConnell boasted that he pressured Republicans to refuse to compromise with any of the Obama administration’s priorities in his first two years
(“We worked very hard to keep our fingerprints off of these proposals. Because we thought — correctly, I think — that the only way the American people would know that a great debate was going on was if the measures were not bipartisan.”).

Yet after Republicans won control of Congress on the shoulders of a tea party wave of debt hysteria in 2010, a conventional wisdom took hold that President Obama needed to get Republicans to make a deal. Most outside observers conceded that the congressional GOP might not be the easiest negotiating counterparty. Still, Obama was widely held to bear a share of the blame for his inability to get Republicans to make a deal. He didn’t play enough golf with them, or ******* enough with them, or “lead.” The idea that Obama could and should ******* Republicans to make deals with him was pure conventional wisdom for years on end.

As a high-profile link between the Obama-era Republican Congress and the Trump administration, Mulvaney has retrospectively clarified a lot of points people refused to understand at the time. Mulvaney casually confessed last week that nobody cares about the deficit. Mulvaney of course spent the Obama era claiming to care about the deficit a lot — so much, indeed, that he was willing to shut down the government or even default on the national debt in order to reduce it. The debt hysteria was manufactured to cover a different agenda. Republicans wanted to ******* Obama to reduce popular domestic spending programs so they could cut taxes for the affluent. But since neither cutting retirement programs nor reducing taxes for the rich are popular goals, Republicans framed their policy as “deficit reduction,” and the debt-scold community and most of the mainstream news media took this framing at face value.

That’s one reason why Obama couldn’t make a deficit deal with Republicans: They didn’t care about the deficit.
Also, as Mulvaney now casually concedes, they didn’t want to give him any accomplishments at all, so even if Obama offered a deal they could live with, they would have opposed it rather than allow him to claim legislative success.

The Republican Party of the last quarter century regularly toggles between methodological extremes. When they gain the presidency, they dismiss congressional oversight and fiscal responsibility alike as totally unnecessary. When they relinquish it, they pursue both to fanatical extremes. Either they are blowing up the deficit and covering up wild crime sprees, or they are demanding senseless austerity and conducting permanent, redundant investigations of phantasmal Fox News–generated nonevents.

Typically, they roll out a new cast of characters to justify the stance of the moment and allow the old ones to fade into the sunset. The Clinton-era inquisitors of Capitol Hill were gone from the scene when the Bush administration was escaping oversight and rolling up debt. The Bushies faded into the background when Obama-era Republicans waxed hysterical about debt and scandal. Now a new reversal is upon us. Unfortunately for Trump’s party, Mulvaney is still with us to answer for the past.

Republicans Keep Admitting Everything They Said About Obama Was a Lie
White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney confesses the GOP Congress refused to give Obama any successes.
You sum up who you are in the first six words- you act like a personal insult is beneath the conversation, as you call Obama Obozo.
No I did not act like personal insults were beneath the conversation. I pointed out that you used personal insults along with completely off topic points like Obozo's inaugural crowd size to deflect away from the very ugly fact I'm pointing out regarding Obozo raiding and not replenishing the Strategic National Stockpile despite him and the Democrat Party having a trifecta at the time.
Obama had a majority for the first 2 out of 8 years. What did he and the Democrats do for a country that was heading into the worst recession in decades?
-Passed Health Care Reform
-Passed the Stimulus
-Passed Wall Street Reform
-Saved the Auto Industry
-Killed Osama Bin Laden
-Recapitalized Banks
-No Scandals
-Improved America's image in the world by 28%
-Showed Leadership
Oh of course....deflection on steroids.....using some serious BullShit to top it off. No scandals...are you serious???? What rock were you living under? Let's see....Fast & Furious ring a bell? First Attorney General in history to be held in contempt of congress for refusing to provide documents under subpoena. The Dumascraps a few months back thought withholding documents from Congress was an impeachable offense. That's some serious hypocrisy....typical knucledragging Democrat Party operative....orange man bad, Obozo good :rolleyes:
Six months after that initial declaration, when more than 1,000 deaths had occurred, Obama himself declared H1N1 a national emergency.
Thank you for proving my point. Obozo waited until 1,000 Americans had died and the vaccine was already available to finally declare a National Emergency......then went that night to fight it by holding a fundraiser followed by several golf outings.

Damn....what do you think....maybe the 3 wood against this H1N1????
No you didn't, you lying JERK! Just give me the links ... the post #s, asshole! You can't because I never said it. And you're taking what I DID POST out of context ... so either provide the posts or FUCK OFF!

cpl2010, you're a total "freak of nature" ... its amazing that YOUR sperm won the race to get to your mom's egg ahead of 2 billion other sperm.

You posted it, you have denied it and I have reposted. Now you are trying to cover it.

And this response shows you know it and so now escalating the response scale over a fear you have.
No I did not act like personal insults were beneath the conversation. I pointed out that you used personal insults along with completely off topic points like Obozo's inaugural crowd size to deflect away from the very ugly fact I'm pointing out regarding Obozo raiding and not replenishing the Strategic National Stockpile despite him and the Democrat Party having a trifecta at the time.

Oh of course....deflection on steroids.....using some serious BullShit to top it off. No scandals...are you serious???? What rock were you living under? Let's see....Fast & Furious ring a bell? First Attorney General in history to be held in contempt of congress for refusing to provide documents under subpoena. The Dumascraps a few months back thought withholding documents from Congress was an impeachable offense. That's some serious hypocrisy....typical knucledragging Democrat Party operative....orange man bad, Obozo good :rolleyes:

Thank you for proving my point. Obozo waited until 1,000 Americans had died and the vaccine was already available to finally declare a National Emergency......then went that night to fight it by holding a fundraiser followed by several golf outings.

Damn....what do you think....maybe the 3 wood against this H1N1????

If everything you say is true (none of it is), Obama left office over three years ago... The current president has had time, money, sufficient warnings, and still did not a damn thing and people are dying.
If everything you say is true (none of it is), Obama left office over three years ago... The current president has had time, money, sufficient warnings, and still did not a damn thing and people are dying.

You mean to say the CDC, HHS, NIH and several other agencies, since 2009's outbreak bull dodge, had 10 years and did nothing. A fucking decade

How many times did they have national conferences at 5 star Resorts in the last 10 years?

Yes Obama and the Congress did cuts, but the professional government guys had 10 years and billions of dollars to get ready and they failed. By your standards. The issues you point to are their issues not Trump.

Each states, especially in Dem run states, had 10 years to get ready and just wasted money and expected the Feds to save them. And I bet they lived it up at those fed funded conferences.

And now the Dems are trying to use this crisis to get pollical power stumpping on the dead and to leverage the fearful.
BullShit....everything I said was true. Prove otherwise or admit you're a liar.
You know what is genius? We are talking about Coronavirus and you want to go back 11 years. Why? So we can debate H1H1 to distract from the abysmal failure that the tRump administration is.
Proof the Obama Administration declared a public health emergency before anyone died in the US?
You got it:
Obama left office over three years ago... The current president has had time, money, sufficient warnings, and still did not a damn thing and people are dying.
Hey at least he got a Presidential Medal of Freedom to show for it. tRump respects a career built on divisive racial rhetoric with a side of economic snobbery thrown in.

what a fucking sham!....that was just to pump up his base...and Limbaugh fans
to give that medal to a known racist!
and yet people insist trump is not racist
You know what is genius? We are talking about Coronavirus and you want to go back 11 years. Why? So we can debate H1H1 to distract from the abysmal failure that the tRump administration is.
Proof the Obama Administration declared a public health emergency before anyone died in the US?
You got it:
Obama left office over three years ago... The current president has had time, money, sufficient warnings, and still did not a damn thing and people are dying.

oh sure he did....he sent most of our supplies to china as a gift...….leaving us without!
that way he can ******* more americans
Proof the Obama Administration declared a public health emergency before anyone died in the US?
You got it:
Unfortunately for you, my statement, multiple times was that Obozo waited until after 1,000 Americans had died before declaring a National Emergency. Which in your haste to try and respond with something..anything....you proved with your copy & paste of your three bullet points from politifact.

From YOUR post: "when more than 1,000 deaths had occurred, Obama himself declared H1N1 a national emergency."

Proving your statement that "If everything you say is true (none of it is)" was a fucking lie.
You mean to say the CDC, HHS, NIH and several other agencies, since 2009's outbreak bull dodge, had 10 years and did nothing. A fucking decade

How many times did they have national conferences at 5 star Resorts in the last 10 years?

Yes Obama and the Congress did cuts, but the professional government guys had 10 years and billions of dollars to get ready and they failed. By your standards. The issues you point to are their issues not Trump.

Each states, especially in Dem run states, had 10 years to get ready and just wasted money and expected the Feds to save them. And I bet they lived it up at those fed funded conferences.

And now the Dems are trying to use this crisis to get pollical power stumpping on the dead and to leverage the fearful.
As usual you fucked it all up and are now looking for a participation trophy. Not here buddy. You've said nothing and brought nothing.
Except, tRump's administration incompetence. Every year, the stockpile inventory is done and its highly classified tRump has been there over 3 years. He has had time, money, sufficient warnings, and still did not a damn thing and people are dying.
You know what is genius? We are talking about Coronavirus and you want to go back 11 years. Why? So we can debate H1H1 to distract from the abysmal failure that the tRump administration is.
Proof the Obama Administration declared a public health emergency before anyone died in the US?
You got it:
Obama left office over three years ago... The current president has had time, money, sufficient warnings, and still did not a damn thing and people are dying.

Quoting your source:

"The U.S. government declared a public health emergency -- a step Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said "sounds more severe than really it is."
"This is standard operating procedure and allows us to free up federal state and local agencies and their resources for prevention and mitigation," she said.
The outbreak "is of great concern to the White House," said White House spokesman Robert Gibbs, but, he added, "It's certainly not a time to panic."

And from the Breifing YOU POSTED there is the HUGGEEEE nugget.

"While the President and his administration are actively coordinating the overall government response, individual departments and agencies with specific responsibilities as well as unique expertise and experience in dealing with public health risks are leading key elements of the effort."

"For example, the Department of Health and Human Services is responsible for the overall effort to coordinate disease surveillance, medical preparedness, and guidance to public health professionals in the event that further cases are detected. The Departments — Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has responsibility for identifying and tracking the spread of the disease and for communicating health-related information to the government, media, and public. To this end, the CDC has held regular public briefings since Friday."

In their own words they are responsible. AND you posted the proof. Good Job Hotdog

Wow, based on your posts, it looks like they did a lot. Had some briefings and did this "standard operating procedure."

So by your assertion Obama had the worst response ever. He didn't even restrict travel.
Unfortunately for you, my statement, multiple times was that Obozo waited until after 1,000 Americans had died before declaring a National Emergency. Which in your haste to try and respond with something..anything....you proved with your copy & paste of your three bullet points from politifact.

From YOUR post: "when more than 1,000 deaths had occurred, Obama himself declared H1N1 a national emergency."

Proving your statement that "If everything you say is true (none of it is)" was a fucking lie.
What I really find flattering is when people of less intelligence or creativity true to use my words and style to pin me. FAIL loser. He had his Health Department do it immediately and got tests ready within three days. When the President did it, it was to release more funds to get 100 Million Vaccines ready by the end of year. And he did. That's how you work it.
Now go back to using your Obozo, 'Democrat' (as an adjective) and whatever else you think is clever. It doesn't hide the fact that today, we have the worst President who showing he is in over his head. He has had time, money, sufficient warnings, and still did not a damn thing and people are dying.
oh sure he did....he sent most of our supplies to china as a gift...….leaving us without!
that way he can ******* more americans

This is a lie.

They were donated supplies and per the posts of one of you leftist, I think ed4mwf- it was to help China to stop the spread before it got worse and back when we thought it was localized. Called humanitarian efforts.
As usual you fucked it all up and are now looking for a participation trophy. Not here buddy. You've said nothing and brought nothing.
Except, tRump's administration incompetence. Every year, the stockpile inventory is done and its highly classified tRump has been there over 3 years. He has had time, money, sufficient warnings, and still did not a damn thing and people are dying.

And he got warned in Jan about this. And restricted travel form the hot zone with in days. While Dems screamed Xenophobe and demanded he open the travel back up. And the experts say Trumps actions alone saved thousands of lives. So did all the other leaders when they did the exact same thing right after.

You do realize the budget for this response and the CDC specifically has been higher every year under Trump than any year in the decade before he took office. So

So what specifically did Trump do that he alone caused this? You list them.

The articles you guys keep posting don't back you. They are trying to create linkage to despondent points, and they keep failing. Or just prove you wrong.
Quoting your source:

"The U.S. government declared a public health emergency -- a step Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said "sounds more severe than really it is."
"This is standard operating procedure and allows us to free up federal state and local agencies and their resources for prevention and mitigation," she said.
The outbreak "is of great concern to the White House," said White House spokesman Robert Gibbs, but, he added, "It's certainly not a time to panic."

And from the Breifing YOU POSTED there is the HUGGEEEE nugget.

"While the President and his administration are actively coordinating the overall government response, individual departments and agencies with specific responsibilities as well as unique expertise and experience in dealing with public health risks are leading key elements of the effort."

"For example, the Department of Health and Human Services is responsible for the overall effort to coordinate disease surveillance, medical preparedness, and guidance to public health professionals in the event that further cases are detected. The Departments — Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has responsibility for identifying and tracking the spread of the disease and for communicating health-related information to the government, media, and public. To this end, the CDC has held regular public briefings since Friday."

In their own words they are responsible. AND you posted the proof. Good Job Hotdog

Wow, based on your posts, it looks like they did a lot. Had some briefings and did this "standard operating procedure."

So by your assertion Obama had the worst response ever. He didn't even restrict travel.
Obams's administration didn't waste time on travel restrictions and then wait weeks to make an announcement. The SAME DAY his administration made the announcement!!! Two days later, A new test for it. Two days after that, 1.5 billion from Congress. Models showed there would 40,000 deaths in the US. Eventually there were 60,000,000 infected and only 12,400 deaths.

The CDC began releasing antiviral ******* to treat the H1N1 flu on April 26, the same day of Obama’s public health emergency declaration, and two days later, April 28th the FDA approved a new CDC test for the disease.
April 30, Obama formally asked for $1.5 billion from Congress to address the outbreak (the Obama administration later asked for nearly $9 billion). And a vaccine was made available in about six months.

Three months in, we still don't a consistent reliable test, and not even enough tests so the numbers are under reported. We have little new information about this virus and a President pushing a different story around a lie everyday. The public has little confidence in him. and he has shown not to be competent. 180 degrees different than Obama.
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