Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I really find no value in a person of another country constantly sticking their nose in American issues. I say if they don't like the way or president does things, it would give my heart great pleasure to let if we could keep all of our tax dollars right here in America. Most people in America could care less what others think of any of us, why should we?
It's a different world now. Our country is dependent economically and in a security sense on the support and cooperation of other countries. Investing in peace, and cooperation keeps us safer and the economy good. While we are big and strong individually, we can't kick everyone's ass, not all at once, or have eyes and ears everywhere without cooperation.
So, foreigners get to be concerned about what our leaders are doing, it affects them at different levels. Besides, tRump overtly picks sides and gets deep into the internal politics of many countries. Many people are talk about it- it's like something they've never seen before.
I wouldn't worry about it, if I was you. Bernie Sanders is NOT going to be the Democrats nominee anyway, ok? Ain't going to happen.
Right, Biden will be Like I told you over 6 months ago. It's the only reason he ran - he was promised the nomination. Yet you insisted I was incorrect.

Besides, anyone running on the Democrat side is better than the traitor who shared classified US documents with Russian delegates, and had private, closed door sessions with VPuten and the Russian delegates WITHOUT discussing it with anyone beforehand.
Still waiting to see the proof you have on this, I mean anything beyond speculation and guessing you should share with the CIA and FBI.
What your idiot of a leader does affects others so your point is void.
Really and why is that.... how much money do you send us. I do not believe in a one world situation were everyone involves themselves in everyone else's business. Just because one country trades with another or considers each other on good terms, It shouldn't mean we must please your view point, As far a China goes they are controlled by a communist dictatorship. They ******* their own people at will and freedom don't exist.
Your response posts aren't clear, TwoBi ... what are your points here?
Right, Biden will be Like I told you over 6 months ago. It's the only reason he ran - he was promised the nomination. Yet you insisted I was incorrect.
Are you saying that Biden was "promised" the nomination? If so why would they have debates? Who exactly promised Biden the nomination?
And, I was incorrect about what? That you TOLD ME SO 6 months ago? I'm confused with your points. Do you have a link to this discussion with ME as I don't recall it.
Still waiting to see the proof you have on this, I mean anything beyond speculation and guessing you should share with the CIA and FBI.
You want to see WHAT exactly? The ORANGE President admitted sharing confidential documents with the Russians "in private" when they visited him in Trump Tower, for one .... stating "Presidential Privilege". There are photographs of the meeting with only Russians & their OWN interpreter. And he met in private, with both VPutin (at least twice) and with the Russians with no other US representatives present ... not even an interpreter. Are you saying he didn't?
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Your response posts aren't clear, TwoBi ... what are your points here?

Are you saying that Biden was "promised" the nomination? If so why would they have debates? Who exactly promised Biden the nomination?
And, I was incorrect about what? That you TOLD ME SO 6 months ago? I'm confused with your points. Do you have a link to this discussion with ME as I don't recall it.

You want to see WHAT exactly? The ORANGE President admitted sharing confidential documents with the Russians "in private" when they visited him rump Tower, for one .... stating "Presidential Privilege". And he met in private, with both VPutin (at least twice) and with the Russians with no other US representatives present ... not even an interpreter. Are you saying he didn't?

They had debate for same reason professional wrestlers like wwe have matches
It's a different world now. Our country is dependent economically and in a security sense on the support and cooperation of other countries. Investing in peace, and cooperation keeps us safer and the economy good. While we are big and strong individually, we can't kick everyone's ass, not all at once, or have eyes and ears everywhere without cooperation.
So, foreigners get to be concerned about what our leaders are doing, it affects them at different levels. Besides, tRump overtly picks sides and gets deep into the internal politics of many countries. Many people are talk about it- it's like something they've never seen before.
I agree with much of this but our world over does so much. You would think that a one world government would be the answer, but noway would this ever work, to many negative factors, we can't even get along in America.
Pelosi's proposal:
Help for tax relief for 13,000,000 households making over $100,000 a year- CAPPED at $10,000.
Figures don't lie, but liars sure can figure....

There are almost 130 million households in the US. So Pelosi's proposal would be impacting roughly the top 10% although the reality is more complicated than that. The "making over $100k a year" is political horseshit for liberal dolt's to happily swallow. Pelosi's tax cut isn't geared to income. It is tied to state and local tax payments (hence the "SALT"). The people who will exceed the existing SALT tax deduction cap make "over $100k" a year....most of them will be making far more than that. Your article could have been equally correct with a statement like 13,000,000 households making over $1.00 a year....but there might have been a few more liberal dolt's who would have picked up on the horseshit.
CAPPED at $10,000.
Pelosi's proposal isn't "CAPPED at $10,000". You really should learn to educate yourself before making a fool out of yourself. Pelosi's proposal REMOVES the $10,000 cap for deduction of state and local taxes. Pelosi's proposal ONLY benefits people with enough state income/property taxes that they are paying MORE than $10,000 a year in them.

Tax cuts for the wealthy....Democrat Party hypocrisy at its finest!
Convicted felons can't vote and are flagged against voting. Everyone in county jail is not convicted. Most don't have the money for bail- or are in for a domestic and don't have access to their money. You should be there for nonviolent ******* if you haven't been convicted and have a place to go. A white guy gets pulled over for a DUI late Friday night, he doesn't get to see a Judge until Tuesday or Wednesday in a small county. Why should that be a death sentence? Or Parking tickets? Or a drunken college brawl? Of public *******? Or possession? Republicans have been cutting the budgets for the courts so much that there is not enough personal to give you that speedy hearing whether you ran a red light and license was suspended for parking tickets, or you shot someone with an unregistered firearm. You sit and wait. Then with the quarantine, the wait time got longer, weeks waiting for a hearing on a misdemeanor. But you say fuck them, let them rot in jail and die.

You're right convicted felons can't vote. That's why I said- Dems tried to get voting in prison. You should read

And Death Sentence is hyperbole and another attempt to foment fear to get power. Most cities had already said enforcement would be limited and these people would not be arrested, except maybe DUI and they would be exposed the second they went to jail. So maybe they shouldn't be committing crimes and maybe they should be at home like the TV commercial, you and local news have been breathlessly saying since Feb.
Before cpl2010co comes on here and begin lying. I have said this at least twice about China's information.

On Friday at 2:09 I wrote:
".... China lies EVERYTIME a pandemic breaks out from their regions. I don't believe for one second that those death number are not higher, and won't believe them when they say they do not have a cure. Fuck them...."

On Monday at 12 59pm (my time) I wrote:
"Never ever believe what the Chinese government presents to the world as fact- especially if the inverse can make them look unfavorable. They are the Kings of state run media. They're the ones who taught North Korea how to do it."

It appear that you were not one of the apologist for China, My bad for adding you.

Please help educate Subby and Subhub.
Is pandemic management the job of the experts at the CDC's? Yes. First one of you says he is not following the experts and I know you agreed with that. Now you are saying he should be a dictator and overrule the experts?
I am not.

Did professional government fail, again? Did the states and federal professional governments fail to stockpile and prepare after two previous pandemics? Yes. Can your TDS and hate for Trump and the liberal pathogen be treated? No, you have drank too much of the Leftist Kool Aid.

Professional government? You mean professional public servants like Tony Fauci? No they didn't fail, they tried to warn the tRumptards. tRump failed and will wear this failure, among his many others, straight to the grave.

And you keep arguing that you want him to enact an unconstitutional law and act like a dictator? But in the next breath you imply or say and condemn Trump as evil and as a racist? But you want him to be a dictator? He follows the Constitution and you are pissed at him.

It's what you do in war or a national crisis. It's the very reason that act is there. They knew selfish assholes like you won't act right.

Then you toss in- “With the defense production act in play, all tRump has to do is send an order”- you mean be a dictator and violate the civil and property rights of citizens.
That doesn't override a national crisis. We did it during WWII and our ability to produce weapons, tanks, soldiers (draft) at top speed helped us win battle after battle. Americans at home had to sacrifice as did auto companies and other factories. Again, are you even from here?

And then you wanna try “AMERICA FIRST” comment. Really? With your party’s stands on illegal immigration and voting for illegals and cover up of real deadly virus coming in like Tuberculosis and possibly small pox. You should stick to the PPE going out if you have backup from a reputable source.

Save that bullshit for a lesser foe. I've never argued for illegal immigration and neither has any Democrat. We don't have a working system now, and Democrats are trying to fix it, Republicans don't want more democracy loving brown folks here so they are fine with it. Why is it easy and clear for some Europeans to come here, but not for those from some countries in Africa, Latin America or Asia? Should be one policy.

Then, after you just argued he should have nationalized the companies you try to brag about private industry in Illinois. Then you reference an argument you lost.

Nope. Nationalizing means the government owns. The Defence Production Act, commands the production of products to address a specific national crisis AND the company is compensated usually at higher than market prices. Which in turn, keeps some people employed and saves lives. Are playing dumb?

Man you just flail around like a 12 year old in his first fight. Flip’n and flopping
Not me. I was Golden Gloves Southside Chicago at 12. Not very good but not flip'n and flopping. You must be looking at my dick. Stop it.

Also, please provide reputable source backing your claims about PPE going out of the country.
love you! After you come here with ******* from Red State, Breitbart and Town Hall??? GTFO!
You got something below from Snopes. Not good enough? How about a statement from the State Department? And SecState Mike Pompeo's own Twitter account?

It is also true that on Feb. 7, 2020, while critics contended that the Trump administration was doing relatively little to prepare for the coming pandemic in the U.S., the State Department announced it had facilitated “the transportation of nearly 17.8 tons of donated medical supplies to the Chinese people, including masks, gowns, gauze, respirators, and other vital materials” in order to help “contain and combat the novel coronavirus”:

So they did nothing for us, but shipped supplies to China. Nice.

First and foremost- The Constitution is the only law of the land either when in crisis or out of crisis. "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.

The CDC has very few charter functions- And they have one primary directive-
Pandemic preparation and management- They are the ‘experts’ with the mission and the mission didn’t get done according to you.

They have a budget of over 7 Billion and been around since 1970. How did we get into this pandemic short fall of PPE and ventilators? Especially after CDC used up and were short in 2009. How did the CDC not have manufacturing capacity in reserve or work arounds to ramp up? They are the experts in charge since 1970. They had to wait for Trump to clear the FDA out of the way.

This preparedness is a primary mission of this origination, in fact the main reasons they were founded. And the pandemic hits and it is the fault of the guy in office three years not the pros in charge since the 1970s or Congress. And no the response team was reassigned and those 'experts' are in place since the start. That has been documented here.

And save it Trump had the CDC and the task ******* in place working as the point team in Feb. He restricted travel in Jan despite the Dems trying to shame him while the dems and dem media screamed Xenophobe racist and said he was terrible. And don’t forget the Dems in March telling people to go to parades in NYC, Pelosi San Fran. And those experts have said, the travel restriction saved lives.

The Defense Protection Act
Well that was not enacted until 1950 under Truman and the democrat controlled Congress. Since then it has been used by Obama to spy on citizens and the DOD to give seed money to private industry, to spy on us. And it is real easy to pay ‘above market’ when you, the government is setting the price. 'Oh you say it cost $5 to make. We say the price is $0.05 now and we will pay $0.10.' Oh look they paid above market.

Also some of the key provisions of this act are- “The Act also authorizes the president to requisition property, ******* industry to expand production and the supply of basic resources, impose wage and price controls, settle labor disputes, control consumer and real estate credit, establish contractual priorities, and allocate raw materials towards national defense.” So be a dictator.

WW2 civil and property rights, and much worse, were violated by generally individual acts including

Stealing gold from all US Citizens
Kidnapping and putting Japanese Americans into camps
Arresting and stealing property from Italians and German Americans
Nationalized resources
Stealing Labor
forsing companies to work for the government at whatever rates set.
Rationing for the people, but not for the Dems in power.

But you know it was a crisis.

And FDR was a Democrat right? The Congress was under Democrat control then too, right? Was the government taking gold, the trusted means of savings for most Americans, redistribution from the people to the rich Democrat controlled Government? Why yes it was.

That seems to be a running them with the Democrats- Steal Rights, people and property, while usingFear. What was it, “Never let a crisis go to waste.” - Rom

Immigration is broken because the Dems and the Republicans want it broken for two reasons. The Dems to get votes and stay in power. Both parties to keep their big union and big bank/ business masters happy with members and low wages.
Oh, I see now. A Wikipedia Degree. Acceptance rate is 100% You read too fast and came back with another gotcha. I didn't insult your lack of intelligence, your parents ensured that.

This is about yet another lie of yours. You tried that old tired GOP line of Democrats redistributing income or wealth. I told you ALL governments do that. That's what they do going back to Rome. They tax citizens and pay for government. Your blind dishonesty makes you miss the point over and over.

Unlike your 7th Grade teacher, I explained to you how the government is given it's powers by the Constitution. Congress was entitled to “lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts, and excises”. The states were put in charge of collecting those taxes and sending them to the Feds. The Feds could not do it directly until Abraham Lincoln, the First Republican President, taxed income at 3% for all making over $800/yr.

So, let's review. Redistribution of wealth is the same thing as collecting taxes on income and property. Congress was empowered to set amounts and collect. Then distribute to the various functions of government. If you don't like that, go to Somalia.

So, you lied about my China position. You lied about my position as a Democrat- well all of ours. Are tired of 'winning' yet?
Oh, I see now. A Wikipedia Degree. Acceptance rate is 100% You read too fast and came back with another gotcha. I didn't insult your lack of intelligence, your parents ensured that.

This is about yet another lie of yours. You tried that old tired GOP line of Democrats redistributing income or wealth. I told you ALL governments do that. That's what they do going back to Rome. They tax citizens and pay for government. Your blind dishonesty makes you miss the point over and over.

Unlike your 7th Grade teacher, I explained to you how the government is given it's powers by the Constitution. Congress was entitled to “lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts, and excises”. The states were put in charge of collecting those taxes and sending them to the Feds. The Feds could not do it directly until Abraham Lincoln, the First Republican President, taxed income at 3% for all making over $800/yr.

So, let's review. Redistribution of wealth is the same thing as collecting taxes on income and property. Congress was empowered to set amounts and collect. Then distribute to the various functions of government. If you don't like that, go to Somalia.

So, you lied about my China position. You lied about my position as a Democrat- well all of ours. Are tired of 'winning' yet?

So there come the 4th grade insutls again.

Your party has a main candidate, twice, powerful leadership and 3 Representatives promoting Socialism regularly on national TV and Instagram
A third of your party or more want communism in America and even more want socialism
And you use the phrasing of Marx, you know Marxism- in the post.

Then when called on your use of Marxist wording you do these verbal gymnastics to pretend you meant taxes.

Your words- government's job is "to take care of the collective" and "redistribute the peoples assets to the people." That is the FOUNDATIONAL phrasing of Marxism. Then after that being call a socialist idea you, yes you, came back and tried to cover by saying no I meant taxes and the job is now to be a "safety net".

Why the switch to the more traditional "Safety Net" phrasing most of us heard in, what was it, 7th grade? " The lady doth protest too much, methinks "
The Dems are trying to subtly go commie - democratic socialist - best laugh of all !!!

so now when we call you a commie....you know why!
How the GOP Became the Party of Putin - POLITICO Magazine
Jul 18, 2017 · How the GOP Became the Party of Putin. ... What I never expected was that the Republican Party—which once stood for a muscular, moralistic approach to the world, and which helped bring down the ...

Hidden Motives behind Key GOP Leaders’ Cooperation with ...
Nov 04, 2018 · Experts maintain that Putin funneled millions of dollars through his oligarchs into the Republican Party during the 2015–2016 election cycle, according to Ruth May, a …

More Republicans viewing Putin favorably - POLITICO
Dec 16, 2016 · The GOP is warming to Russian President Vladimir Putin — even as evidence of his regime’s interference in the election intensifies. While some Republicans in …

PUTIN CONTROLS THE REPUBLICAN PARTY PURE FASCIST ~~~ We all know Putin is TRUMP'S boss so we know who runs the Current Fascist Party they call...

How Putin Controls Trump - Daily Kos
May 13, 2017 · Putin continues to control Trump through money. The Trump ( IMHO ) empire is a house of cards, ready to tumble at any moment. Without continued inflow of new investment monies to finance the empire...

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Jan 29, 2018 · Politics; Russia money ties to NRA makes Trump and GOP look very suspicious. The Republican Party and NRA are somehow linked to a Russian banker who has close ties to Vladimir Putin.

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Jul 16, 2018 · Trump calls Putin 'very, very strong' in post-summit TV interview – video In a thread on Twitter, Lindsey Graham, a Republican senator from South …
Is pandemic management the job of the experts at the CDC's? Yes. First one of you says he is not following the experts and I know you agreed with that. Now you are saying he should be a dictator and overrule the experts?
I am not.

Did professional government fail, again? Did the states and federal professional governments fail to stockpile and prepare after two previous pandemics? Yes. Can your TDS and hate for Trump and the liberal pathogen be treated? No, you have drank too much of the Leftist Kool Aid.

Professional government? You mean professional public servants like Tony Fauci? No they didn't fail, they tried to warn the tRumptards. tRump failed and will wear this failure, among his many others, straight to the grave.

And you keep arguing that you want him to enact an unconstitutional law and act like a dictator? But in the next breath you imply or say and condemn Trump as evil and as a racist? But you want him to be a dictator? He follows the Constitution and you are pissed at him.

It's what you do in war or a national crisis. It's the very reason that act is there. They knew selfish assholes like you won't act right.

Then you toss in- “With the defense production act in play, all tRump has to do is send an order”- you mean be a dictator and violate the civil and property rights of citizens.
That doesn't override a national crisis. We did it during WWII and our ability to produce weapons, tanks, soldiers (draft) at top speed helped us win battle after battle. Americans at home had to sacrifice as did auto companies and other factories. Again, are you even from here?

And then you wanna try “AMERICA FIRST” comment. Really? With your party’s stands on illegal immigration and voting for illegals and cover up of real deadly virus coming in like Tuberculosis and possibly small pox. You should stick to the PPE going out if you have backup from a reputable source.

Save that bullshit for a lesser foe. I've never argued for illegal immigration and neither has any Democrat. We don't have a working system now, and Democrats are trying to fix it, Republicans don't want more democracy loving brown folks here so they are fine with it. Why is it easy and clear for some Europeans to come here, but not for those from some countries in Africa, Latin America or Asia? Should be one policy.

Then, after you just argued he should have nationalized the companies you try to brag about private industry in Illinois. Then you reference an argument you lost.

Nope. Nationalizing means the government owns. The Defence Production Act, commands the production of products to address a specific national crisis AND the company is compensated usually at higher than market prices. Which in turn, keeps some people employed and saves lives. Are playing dumb?

Man you just flail around like a 12 year old in his first fight. Flip’n and flopping
Not me. I was Golden Gloves Southside Chicago at 12. Not very good but not flip'n and flopping. You must be looking at my dick. Stop it.

Also, please provide reputable source backing your claims about PPE going out of the country.
love you! After you come here with ******* from Red State, Breitbart and Town Hall??? GTFO!
You got something below from Snopes. Not good enough? How about a statement from the State Department? And SecState Mike Pompeo's own Twitter account?

It is also true that on Feb. 7, 2020, while critics contended that the Trump administration was doing relatively little to prepare for the coming pandemic in the U.S., the State Department announced it had facilitated “the transportation of nearly 17.8 tons of donated medical supplies to the Chinese people, including masks, gowns, gauze, respirators, and other vital materials” in order to help “contain and combat the novel coronavirus”:

So they did nothing for us, but shipped supplies to China. Nice.

On the snopes. I am going to agree sending a single shipment of 'medical supplies' to China was not the best idea.

However, I am going to argue that you are misrepresenting it and overstating it. It appears you tied to imply it was going on now, was on going and that he intentionally was depriving American's of these supplies, I believe you tried sell, because he is evil.

Your source says, "The U.S. facilitated the sending of nearly 17.8 tons of donated medical supplies to China to combat the spread of the novel coronavirus in early 2020."

So this implies his admiration was sending donate supplies to China to help them keep the virus there. So again this appears like you were trying to imply what you believe to be evil motives.

I really don't think you guys understand how the Executive Branch and government works in real life.
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