Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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so now when we call you a commie....you know why!
How the GOP Became the Party of Poroshenko - POLITICO Magazine
Jul 18, 2017 · How the GOP Became the Party of Poroshenko. ... What I never expected was that the Republican Party—which once stood for a muscular, moralistic approach to the world, and which helped bring down the ...

Hidden Motives behind Key GOP Leaders’ Cooperation with ...
Nov 04, 2018 · Experts maintain that Poroshenko funneled millions of dollars through his oligarchs into the Republican Party during the 2015–2016 election cycle, according to Ruth May, a …

More Republicans viewing Poroshenko favorably - POLITICO
Dec 16, 2016 · The GOP is warming to Russian President Vladimir Poroshenko — even as evidence of his regime’s interference in the election intensifies. While some Republicans in …

Poroshenko CONTROLS THE REPUBLICAN PARTY PURE FASCIST ~~~ We all know Poroshenko is TRUMP'S boss so we know who runs the Current Fascist Party they call...

How Poroshenko Controls Trump - Daily Kos
May 13, 2017 · Poroshenko continues to control Trump through money. The Trump ( IMHO ) empire is a house of cards, ready to tumble at any moment. Without continued inflow of new investment monies to finance the empire...

Russia money ties to NRA makes Trump and GOP look very ...
Jan 29, 2018 · Politics; Russia money ties to NRA makes Trump and GOP look very suspicious. The Republican Party and NRA are somehow linked to a Russian banker who has close ties to Vladimir Poroshenko.

Trump’s surrender to Poroshenko greeted with outrage by ...
Jul 16, 2018 · Trump calls Poroshenko 'very, very strong' in post-summit TV interview – video In a thread on Twitter, Lindsey Graham, a Republican senator from South …

Again with the half truths and propaganda. This was all looked into and "there was no evidence"
I wonder if this is yet more evidence that the Dems are the party of the rich?
Pelosi's proposal:
Help for tax relief for 13,000,000 households making over $100,000 a year- CAPPED at $10,000.
tRump's tax cut:

Helped the 400 people who made at least $1,000,000,000 pay the lowest tax rate of ALL taxpayers. First time ever.

Again, just a Democrat talking point Cowboy

"For years, Americans have been told that the rich are paying a highly disproportionate share of the nation’s taxes. Claims to that effect often focus on just one tax, the federal personal income tax, which is indeed progressive overall. But when the nation’s tax system is viewed in its entirety, it becomes clear that the reality is very different. Despite their enormous incomes and wealth, the nation’s richest taxpayers are paying a share of overall taxes that slightly exceeds their share of income."

And if you look at the graph you will see the top 20% pay almost all of the taxes and the IRS confirm that.

Oh and what is that on the lefts side of the graph? The lower three category of "tax payers" make more income then they pay, while the rich what?

And what is this?

"Data from the Tax Foundation shows that high-income taxpayers pay the lion's share of all income taxes and the highest effective tax rate."


High-Income Taxpayers Do Pay the Most

Wealthy individuals do indeed pay more in taxes than low-income or even middle-income individuals. It's just basic math.

And what is this?

The Top 20% of Households Pay 88% of Federal Income Taxes ...
- The top one percent of households pay an average total tax rate of 33.3 percent while the middle quintile pays an average total tax rate of over 14 percent. - The top 20 percent of households pay an average total tax rate of 26.7 percent while the middle quintile pays an average total tax
They had debate for same reason professional wrestlers like wwe have matches
Usually the losers know they are going to loose and everyone is in on it. These were not entertaining, like say the clown show in 2016, where the biggest clown won and everyone fell in line. If Rubio had won, our party would have been fucked for a decade. But, you nominated the short timer who's coattails are shorter that his dick. Losing election after election for his party, but still whistling through the graveyard.
Again, just a Democrat talking point Cowboy

"For years, Americans have been told that the rich are paying a highly disproportionate share of the nation’s taxes. Claims to that effect often focus on just one tax, the federal personal income tax, which is indeed progressive overall. But when the nation’s tax system is viewed in its entirety, it becomes clear that the reality is very different. Despite their enormous incomes and wealth, the nation’s richest taxpayers are paying a share of overall taxes that slightly exceeds their share of income."

And if you look at the graph you will see the top 20% pay almost all of the taxes and the IRS confirm that.

Oh and what is that on the lefts side of the graph? The lower three category of "tax payers" make more income then they pay, while the rich what?

And what is this?

"Data from the Tax Foundation shows that high-income taxpayers pay the lion's share of all income taxes and the highest effective tax rate."


High-Income Taxpayers Do Pay the Most

Wealthy individuals do indeed pay more in taxes than low-income or even middle-income individuals. It's just basic math.

And what is this?

The Top 20% of Households Pay 88% of Federal Income Taxes ...
- The top one percent of households pay an average total tax rate of 33.3 percent while the middle quintile pays an average total tax rate of over 14 percent. - The top 20 percent of households pay an average total tax rate of 26.7 percent while the middle quintile pays an average total tax

Lying Mcliar is back.
Fact- Pelosi's proposal is aimed at helping 13,000,000 households. tRump's tax cut benefited the top 400 households.
Everything else is noise. Your lies are noise.
Usually the losers know they are going to loose and everyone is in on it. These were not entertaining, like say the clown show in 2016, where the biggest clown won and everyone fell in line. If Rubio had won, our party would have been fucked for a decade. But, you nominated the short timer who's coattails are shorter that his dick. Losing election after election for his party, but still whistling through the graveyard.

I hear you Dems are so desperate, I mean confident in Biden, ya'll are thinking about 'pulling' Biden and put Cuomo up..
Usually the losers know they are going to loose and everyone is in on it. These were not entertaining, like say the clown show in 2016, where the biggest clown won and everyone fell in line. If Rubio had won, our party would have been fucked for a decade. But, you nominated the short timer who's coattails are shorter that his dick. Losing election after election for his party, but still whistling through the graveyard.

All you had was losers
November is going to really baffle you
And yet not one of you has given an answer to a simple question.

Why because if you answer the question then you are wrong. And the propaganda that started in the early 2010s, not the 1970s, is like much of what you say- *******.
We've been foolish enough to spend time trying to answer a simpleton. You keep moving the goal post.
The response to Covid19 has been the worst on the planet, literally.
tRump's lies just a few weeks ago are coming back to haunt him.
He still unable to take leadership as more and more Americans die.
His numbers are in the toilet and every move he makes, flush them down further.
This Democrats will win in the Fall, as we have every year since tRump was elected, voters reject him and his party.
Suck on those nuts for a while.
We've been foolish enough to spend time trying to answer a simpleton. You keep moving the goal post.
The response to Covid19 has been the worst on the planet, literally.
tRump's lies just a few weeks ago are coming back to haunt him.
He still unable to take leadership as more and more Americans die.
His numbers are in the toilet and every move he makes, flush them down further.
This Democrats will win in the Fall, as we have every year since tRump was elected, voters reject him and his party.
Suck on those nuts for a while.
Your really going to be disappointed. Try to be in a safe place in November
Lying Mcliar is back.
Fact- Pelosi's proposal is aimed at helping 13,000,000 households. tRump's tax cut benefited the top 400 households.
Everything else is noise. Your lies are noise.

Really, you read both bills and all the tax data for 2019 and know this? Or is that just another talking point.

And wait- 13,000,000 households helped by Pelosi divided by 128,000,000 (Total households USA 2019) = 10% of household helped by Pelosi's plan.

Would that be the top 10% of households, there hotdog?

Oh what is this?

Summary of the Latest Federal Income Tax Data, 2018 Update
The top 1 percent of taxpayers paid a 26.9 percent individual income tax rate, which is more than seven times higher than taxpayers in the bottom 50 percent (3.7 percent). Reported Income Increased and Taxes Paid Decreased in 2016. Taxpayers reported $10.2 trillion in adjusted gross income (AGI) on 140.9 million tax returns in 2016.

Top "Half of Taxpayers pay 97% of all income taxes"

What? But they don't pay their fair share. Does this mean the top 50% paid $3.17 Trillion of the total $3.27 Trillion collected?

Yes, Yes it does.
Your really going to be disappointed. Try to be in a safe place in November
Washington Memorial in DC. I want to be as close as possible when your group cries foul, and the pentagon brass smile at the opportunity to physically remove those assholes thats been interfering in their *******, come January.
Really, you read both bills and all the tax data for 2019 and know this? Or is that just another talking point.

And wait- 13,000,000 households helped by Pelosi divided by 128,000,000 (Total households USA 2019) = 10% of household helped by Pelosi's plan.

Would that be the top 10% of households, there hotdog?

Oh what is this?

Summary of the Latest Federal Income Tax Data, 2018 Update
The top 1 percent of taxpayers paid a 26.9 percent individual income tax rate, which is more than seven times higher than taxpayers in the bottom 50 percent (3.7 percent). Reported Income Increased and Taxes Paid Decreased in 2016. Taxpayers reported $10.2 trillion in adjusted gross income (AGI) on 140.9 million tax returns in 2016.

Top "Half of Taxpayers pay 97% of all income taxes"

What? But they don't pay their fair share. Does this mean the top 50% paid $3.17 Trillion of the total $3.27 Trillion collected?

Yes, Yes it does.
Nice source. You get a MAGA hat with the subscription?
Reading comprehension.
What's 400 household out of 128,000,000?
Loosen that hat, brain needs oxygen.
Also from that same source, The Hill:
And this gem:
We've been foolish enough to spend time trying to answer a simpleton. You keep moving the goal post.
The response to Covid19 has been the worst on the planet, literally.
tRump's lies just a few weeks ago are coming back to haunt him.
He still unable to take leadership as more and more Americans die.
His numbers are in the toilet and every move he makes, flush them down further.
This Democrats will win in the Fall, as we have every year since tRump was elected, voters reject him and his party.
Suck on those nuts for a while.

Oh look trying to dodge it again.

Yeah we know you're a TDS suffer with Democrat talking points. Yeah, Yeah Orange Man bad propaganda. Yeah we know, you think Trump is responsible for all the stuff Democrats could of fixed with 5 super majorities including with Obama.

Just a reality check-

China letting infected people leave the infection zone for 4 months meant Americans were going to die. During that time the Democrats tried to shame Trump into NOT restricting travel gave pause and ensured it. And all the levels of government inabilities and incompetence nailed it home.

I only hope this ends soon or that blow back will be really bad for all democrats. And no I am not talking about elections. Fomenting fear and rage coupled with crisis panic usually burns those who light the fire.
You could comfort sub hub in his garage
He'll be on here, updating you on the state by state totals. Making sure you're clear on the number My advice is to bake a big batch of 'brownies' and roll yourself a fat one, smoke and eat and chill. Let the adults run the country.
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