Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I guess it seems like that when you truly know nothing. Now take your meds and go back to bed before they do rounds.

I KNOW who won the freaking election.

What is it about you Dems that make you so pompous - all I see is sniveling poltroons.
Bunch a know-it-all sore LOSERS !!!!
The more I hear that from you, and ONLY YOU it seems, the more I'm going to enjoy the DAY AFTER the 2020 election.
Why, you might ask!
Because every day you and your minions bitch about Trump being wrongly removed from office, and you WILL do that I'm sure, I'm going to type the EXACT SAME THING to everything YOU POST .... comprende'? EVERY SINGLE POST you make.

Oh look- Wasn't it Subby and Subhub and indirectly ed4mwf- saying China was the good guys. And Trump was bad for saying it started in China. Oh and now it turns out the China sent bad PPE.

Covid-19: China's 'defective' masks and test kits raise ...
Spain and Netherlands are among major European countries raising concerns about the quality of these materials. The Dutch government said it has recalled about …

First they lied, covered up , then destroyed samples and allowed travel from Nov to Jan- Up to 7 million in and out of the infection zone in Jan alone.

And Now. Bad medical supplies.

Strange how you leftist keep ending defending nasty government and parties.
Oh look, Under Trump's request a private US Lab comes up with a 5 minute Covid test.

And without Trump agreeing to be the dictator the Democrats' wanted. And without violating the owners' and staff's, of this private company, CIVIL RIGHTS and PROPERTY RIGHTS through nationalizing and forsing their labor at the threat of government violence.

Damn those evil corporations for doing what government could never do. And damn them for doing this without being under the threat of violence by the government. [Sarcasm, just for you Subhub]

Coronavirus: FDA authorizes Abbott Labs' 5-minute COVID-19 ...
Mar 28, 2020 · The FDA has authorized Abbott Labs' coronavirus test that the company says delivers results in five to 13 minutes. The FDA has authorized Abbott Labs' coronavirus test

Oh wait what is this?

2-minute COVID-19 test results? Denver-area company wants ...
"In 2 to 10 minutes, you can have a ******* test that has a very high sensitivity and specificity, so it’s a relatively good test for detecting COVID-19 infection.”

Two private US Labs come up with tests that cut the results time from 45 minutes to 5 minutes and than 2 minutes.

How is that possible without being Nationalized? Damn those capitalist free market incentives. [Sarcasm, just for, well all three of you]

Did you know that the testing was held up because of the FDA?

Did you know that the CDC was the only FDA approved supplier for Covid test in the US in Jan, Feb and early March.

Do you know who cut through all that red tape, President Trump. He unleashed the power of the US private industry and they cut government result times from 45 minutes (fast by the Gov't statements) to 2 minutes in less than a month. Wow.
Wait first the dems tried to get voting in prision

And Now
  1. House Dems Want To Use Coronavirus as Excuse To Release ...
    1 day ago · Well, here’s something that the men and women in law enforcement, stretched thin for resources as they are, will love to hear: House Democrats want to open federal prison cells across the country to “release as many prisoners as possible,” even as Attorney General William Barr tries to push for more home confinement.
  2. NYC may free jailed suspects over coronavirus
    Mar 17, 2020 · The city is considering freeing jailed suspects over the coronavirus, Mayor Bill de Blasio said Tuesday — a move backed by the city Board of Correction and Manhattan and Brooklyn DAs.
  3. NYC Corrections Board Calls On City To Empty Jails Ahead ...
    Mar 17, 2020 · The New York City Board of Corrections issued a call Tuesday for the city to dramatically decrease the population of city jails amid the coronavirus outbreak. Wow. Unprecedented call from NYC Board of Correction (the independent oversight body for NYC’s jails) calling on the City to rapidly decrease its jail population.
  4. AOC: Empty the jails to fight coronavirus - The Horn News
    Mar 14, 2020 · As the coronavirus spreads its deadly shadow over every country in the world, American liberals have come up with a novel solution: They want President Donald Trump to set millions of American prisoners free. And as usual, the loudest voice shouting a bad idea belonged to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y.

I know it is only the non violent inmates.

Being released into a crisis environment with no services, no jobs, and no place to stay for most.

Be an idiot and trust the democrats- Those newly freed desperate sex starved criminals won't hurt you to survive, Mr. and especially Mrs. Public.

Does anyone else 'feel' like this is an attempt to buy votes at the expense of our safety?
Wait first the dems tried to get voting in prision
I know it is only the non violent inmates.
Being released into a crisis environment with no services, no jobs, and no place to stay for most.
Be an idiot and trust the democrats- Those newly freed desperate sex starved criminals won't hurt you to survive, Mr. and especially Mrs. Public.
Does anyone else 'feel' like this is an attempt to buy votes at the expense of our safety?
I wouldn't worry about it, if I was you. Bernie Sanders is NOT going to be the Democrats nominee anyway, ok? Ain't going to happen.
I could live with Elisabeth Warren's idea that once a prisoner/felon has paid their debt to society, that they should be allowed to vote again, once released, even if they're on probation or under house arrest.
If I was you, I'd quit trying to stir up a hornet's nest, here, and concentrate on YOUR own postings.
Besides, anyone running on the Democrat side is better than the traitor who shared classified US documents with Russian delegates, and had private, closed door sessions with VPuten and the Russian delegates WITHOUT discussing it with anyone beforehand.
Oh look- Wasn't it Subby and Subhub and indirectly ed4mwf- saying China was the good guys. And Trump was bad for saying it started in China. Oh and now it turns out the China sent bad PPE.

Covid-19: China's 'defective' masks and test kits raise ...
Spain and Netherlands are among major European countries raising concerns about the quality of these materials. The Dutch government said it has recalled about …

First they lied, covered up , then destroyed samples and allowed travel from Nov to Jan- Up to 7 million in and out of the infection zone in Jan alone.

And Now. Bad medical supplies.

Strange how you leftist keep ending defending nasty government and parties.
NOPE. You just can't help being a fucking liar, can you? I've had the harshest words for China on here. Maybe you remember this:

On Friday at 2:09 I wrote:
First section I somewhat agree with. China lies EVERYTIME a pandemic breaks out from their regions. I don't believe for one second that those death number are not higher, and won't believe them when they say they do not have a cure. Fuck them. However, China is not Chinese people. All of this racism against them over here is ridiculous. The government of China- just like Russia, does not want to see America succeed. They don't give two fucks about us. They really don't. They have a name for American Chinese and it's not nice.

On Monday at 12 59pm (my time) I wrote:
Never ever believe what the Chinese government presents to the world as fact- especially if the inverse can make them look unfavorable. They are the Kings of state run media. They're the ones who taught North Korea how to do it.

Two more times you can find for yourself on my healthy and fact-based disdain for China, including a story about my ex.

So, are you a true tRumptard and will ignore the facts when presented and try to gaslight us and stick to the LIE? Or a normal person who just has a bad memory and can't read?
Oh look, Under Trump's request a private US Lab comes up with a 5 minute Covid test.

And without Trump agreeing to be the dictator the Democrats' wanted. And without violating the owners' and staff's, of this private company, CIVIL RIGHTS and PROPERTY RIGHTS through nationalizing and forsing their labor at the threat of government violence.

Damn those evil corporations for doing what government could never do. And damn them for doing this without being under the threat of violence by the government. [Sarcasm, just for you Subhub]

Coronavirus: FDA authorizes Abbott Labs' 5-minute COVID-19 ...
Mar 28, 2020 · The FDA has authorized Abbott Labs' coronavirus test that the company says delivers results in five to 13 minutes. The FDA has authorized Abbott Labs' coronavirus test

Oh wait what is this?

2-minute COVID-19 test results? Denver-area company wants ...
"In 2 to 10 minutes, you can have a ******* test that has a very high sensitivity and specificity, so it’s a relatively good test for detecting COVID-19 infection.”

Two private US Labs come up with tests that cut the results time from 45 minutes to 5 minutes and than 2 minutes.

How is that possible without being Nationalized? Damn those capitalist free market incentives. [Sarcasm, just for, well all three of you]

Did you know that the testing was held up because of the FDA?

Did you know that the CDC was the only FDA approved supplier for Covid test in the US in Jan, Feb and early March.

Do you know who cut through all that red tape, President Trump. He unleashed the power of the US private industry and they cut government result times from 45 minutes (fast by the Gov't statements) to 2 minutes in less than a month. Wow.
Oh look at that. An Illinois company. One of our bigger employers if you remember the list I sent. And the private sector has to come up with this, Republicans have spent 25 years cutting R&D budgets at universities and government agencies.
tRump hasn't unleashed *******. The companies had to jump on this and move forward because they were getting NO direction from the White House. There is still no coordination. Companies are selling PPE's to foreign government when our states are looking to bid. With the defense production act in play, all tRump has to do is send an order, AMERICA FIRST, then all others after but no. He is in too far over his head. That's why he went to the mic to whine about GM hurting his feelings, instead of directing them to make the respirators at market price NOW.
You never really latched on to school did you? Hated reading comprehension I bet. Your ******* reads like you're talking in the mirror to some created democrat that only exist in the minds of tRumptards.
1. It's about equal access, not equal outcome. You republicans don't understand that. You don't have to be poor to acknowledge government should have a safety net. You don't have to be black to understand racism is bad and should be addressed. You don't have to be a woman to support equal pay for equal work. You can be rich, old and white, and still be an advocate on those issues and positions. Equal opportunity to succeed or fail. Joe is a guy that never had much money, was the poorest Senator in the Senate often. Everyone knows his blue collar upbringing. He was active in the civil rights movement before he was elected to the Senate at 30. People feel comfortable that they know Joe. He is everything that tRump is not.
2. You have the privilege and luxury of mocking diversity. It's exactly why you're not worthy of a serious conversation from me. Talk to yourself. And your other mentally disturbed buddy who will be liking your post soon enough.

You are a fucking liar. Putting words and positions to me, than fighting back on them. That is some kind of psychotic workings you got going on there. Go ahead, entertain yourself. Fuck off.

First you said

1-‘its government’s job to redistribute people’s assets to the ‘people’’.
’it was the government’s job to ‘take care of the collective.’

Then you realized your optics were bad and you flip and flopped

And now you say

‘Its government’s ‘job is to be a safety net.'
‘it is government’s job to ensure equal opportunity.’

So which are you selling- Hard soclism or soft socialism? Because they are both Marxist.

2-Are you trying to sell $9 Million, life time public service servant, baby hair sniffing Joe Biden to me or to yourself?

Ask yourself, besides Obama how many ‘minorities’ have won the primary and have been the party candidate for either President or Vice President for the 'diverse' Democrats? Why haven't the Democrats put their, party of the rich funds, where their, party of the poor and diversity, speech is?

And don’t be stupid, I very well know the status of the Republicans, but they aren’t the party trying to sell diversity for diversity sake coupled with permanent minority victimhood mixed with identity politics. You and the Democrats are.

And by the way anyone can go back and read through to see how you are deflecting and avoiding the direct questions and points. They can also see you admit you are a Democrat who has been in politics. I think everyone knows that means you struggle with the truth. And that was me being nice.
Wait first the dems tried to get voting in prision

And Now
  1. House Dems Want To Use Coronavirus as Excuse To Release ...
    1 day ago · Well, here’s something that the men and women in law enforcement, stretched thin for resources as they are, will love to hear: House Democrats want to open federal prison cells across the country to “release as many prisoners as possible,” even as Attorney General William Barr tries to push for more home confinement.
  2. NYC may free jailed suspects over coronavirus
    Mar 17, 2020 · The city is considering freeing jailed suspects over the coronavirus, Mayor Bill de Blasio said Tuesday — a move backed by the city Board of Correction and Manhattan and Brooklyn DAs.
  3. NYC Corrections Board Calls On City To Empty Jails Ahead ...
    Mar 17, 2020 · The New York City Board of Corrections issued a call Tuesday for the city to dramatically decrease the population of city jails amid the coronavirus outbreak. Wow. Unprecedented call from NYC Board of Correction (the independent oversight body for NYC’s jails) calling on the City to rapidly decrease its jail population.
  4. AOC: Empty the jails to fight coronavirus - The Horn News
    Mar 14, 2020 · As the coronavirus spreads its deadly shadow over every country in the world, American liberals have come up with a novel solution: They want President Donald Trump to set millions of American prisoners free. And as usual, the loudest voice shouting a bad idea belonged to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y.

I know it is only the non violent inmates.

Being released into a crisis environment with no services, no jobs, and no place to stay for most.

Be an idiot and trust the democrats- Those newly freed desperate sex starved criminals won't hurt you to survive, Mr. and especially Mrs. Public.

Does anyone else 'feel' like this is an attempt to buy votes at the expense of our safety?
Convicted felons can't vote and are flagged against voting. Everyone in county jail is not convicted. Most don't have the money for bail- or are in for a domestic and don't have access to their money. You should be there for nonviolent ******* if you haven't been convicted and have a place to go. A white guy gets pulled over for a DUI late Friday night, he doesn't get to see a Judge until Tuesday or Wednesday in a small county. Why should that be a death sentence? Or Parking tickets? Or a drunken college brawl? Of public *******? Or possession? Republicans have been cutting the budgets for the courts so much that there is not enough personal to give you that speedy hearing whether you ran a red light and license was suspended for parking tickets, or you shot someone with an unregistered firearm. You sit and wait. Then with the quarantine, the wait time got longer, weeks waiting for a hearing on a misdemeanor. But you say fuck them, let them rot in jail and die.
First you said

1-‘its government’s job to redistribute people’s assets to the ‘people’’.
’it was the government’s job to ‘take care of the collective.’

Then you realized your optics were bad and you flip and flopped

And now you say

‘Its government’s ‘job is to be a safety net.'
‘it is government’s job to ensure equal opportunity.’

So which are you selling- Hard soclism or soft socialism? Because they are both Marxist.

2-Are you trying to sell $9 Million, life time public service servant, baby hair sniffing Joe Biden to me or to yourself?

Ask yourself, besides Obama how many ‘minorities’ have won the primary and have been the party candidate for either President or Vice President for the 'diverse' Democrats? Why haven't the Democrats put their, party of the rich funds, where their, party of the poor and diversity, speech is?

And don’t be stupid, I very well know the status of the Republicans, but they aren’t the party trying to sell diversity for diversity sake coupled with permanent minority victimhood mixed with identity politics. You and the Democrats are.

And by the way anyone can go back and read through to see how you are deflecting and avoiding the direct questions and points. They can also see you admit you are a Democrat who has been in politics. I think everyone knows that means you struggle with the truth. And that was me being nice.

Hey Dummy, did you go to school at all in this country? You ever take civics? We have this thing called the Constitution. What is government for? And how do you pay for that? And where does that money come from?
WHATEVER your answer is, it's the people. The people's money is redistributed by the government (taxes), Whether it's the military or social services. THE GOVERNMENT takes that money, and decides where it goes. That's redistribution. Somebody has to pay for defense, and operations of any government. They decide how much and to whom.
Article I of the United States Constitution establishes this from the beginning of the republic. Try reading it please.
Is it hard being angry, ignorant and a liar at once?
Oh look at that. An Illinois company. One of our bigger employers if you remember the list I sent. And the private sector has to come up with this, Republicans have spent 25 years cutting R&D budgets at universities and government agencies.
tRump hasn't unleashed *******. The companies had to jump on this and move forward because they were getting NO direction from the White House. There is still no coordination. Companies are selling PPE's to foreign government when our states are looking to bid. With the defense production act in play, all tRump has to do is send an order, AMERICA FIRST, then all others after but no. He is in too far over his head. That's why he went to the mic to whine about GM hurting his feelings, instead of directing them to make the respirators at market price NOW.

Is pandemic management the job of the experts at the CDC's? Yes. First one of you says he is not following the experts and I know you agreed with that. Now you are saying he should be a dictator and overrule the experts?

Did professional government fail, again? Did the states and federal professional governments fail to stockpile and prepare after two previous pandemics? Yes. Can your TDS and hate for Trump and the liberal pathogen be treated? No, you have drank too much of the Leftist Kool Aid.

And you keep arguing that you want him to enact an unconstitutional law and act like a dictator? But in the next breath you imply or say and condemn Trump as evil and as a racist? But you want him to be a dictator? He follows the Constitution and you are pissed at him.

Then you toss in- “With the defense production act in play, all tRump has to do is send an order”- you mean be a dictator and violate the civil and property rights of citizens.

And then you wanna try “AMERICA FIRST” comment. Really? With your party’s stands on illegal immigration and voting for illegals and cover up of real deadly virus coming in like Tuberculosis and possibly small pox. You should stick to the PPE going out if you have backup from a reputable source.

Then, after you just argued he should have nationalized the companies you try to brag about private industry in Illinois. Then you reference an argument you lost.

Man you just flail around like a 12 year old in his first fight. Flip’n and flopping

Also, please provide reputable source backing your claims about PPE going out of the country.
Is pandemic management the job of the experts at the CDC's? Yes. First one of you says he is not following the experts and I know you agreed with that. Now you are saying he should be a dictator and overrule the experts?
I am not.

Did professional government fail, again? Did the states and federal professional governments fail to stockpile and prepare after two previous pandemics? Yes. Can your TDS and hate for Trump and the liberal pathogen be treated? No, you have drank too much of the Leftist Kool Aid.

Professional government? You mean professional public servants like Tony Fauci? No they didn't fail, they tried to warn the tRumptards. tRump failed and will wear this failure, among his many others, straight to the grave.

And you keep arguing that you want him to enact an unconstitutional law and act like a dictator? But in the next breath you imply or say and condemn Trump as evil and as a racist? But you want him to be a dictator? He follows the Constitution and you are pissed at him.

It's what you do in war or a national crisis. It's the very reason that act is there. They knew selfish assholes like you won't act right.

Then you toss in- “With the defense production act in play, all tRump has to do is send an order”- you mean be a dictator and violate the civil and property rights of citizens.
That doesn't override a national crisis. We did it during WWII and our ability to produce weapons, tanks, soldiers (draft) at top speed helped us win battle after battle. Americans at home had to sacrifice as did auto companies and other factories. Again, are you even from here?

And then you wanna try “AMERICA FIRST” comment. Really? With your party’s stands on illegal immigration and voting for illegals and cover up of real deadly virus coming in like Tuberculosis and possibly small pox. You should stick to the PPE going out if you have backup from a reputable source.

Save that bullshit for a lesser foe. I've never argued for illegal immigration and neither has any Democrat. We don't have a working system now, and Democrats are trying to fix it, Republicans don't want more democracy loving brown folks here so they are fine with it. Why is it easy and clear for some Europeans to come here, but not for those from some countries in Africa, Latin America or Asia? Should be one policy.

Then, after you just argued he should have nationalized the companies you try to brag about private industry in Illinois. Then you reference an argument you lost.

Nope. Nationalizing means the government owns. The Defence Production Act, commands the production of products to address a specific national crisis AND the company is compensated usually at higher than market prices. Which in turn, keeps some people employed and saves lives. Are playing dumb?

Man you just flail around like a 12 year old in his first fight. Flip’n and flopping
Not me. I was Golden Gloves Southside Chicago at 12. Not very good but not flip'n and flopping. You must be looking at my dick. Stop it.

Also, please provide reputable source backing your claims about PPE going out of the country.
love you! After you come here with ******* from Red State, Breitbart and Town Hall??? GTFO!
You got something below from Snopes. Not good enough? How about a statement from the State Department? And SecState Mike Pompeo's own Twitter account?

It is also true that on Feb. 7, 2020, while critics contended that the Trump administration was doing relatively little to prepare for the coming pandemic in the U.S., the State Department announced it had facilitated “the transportation of nearly 17.8 tons of donated medical supplies to the Chinese people, including masks, gowns, gauze, respirators, and other vital materials” in order to help “contain and combat the novel coronavirus”:

This week the State Department has facilitated the transportation of nearly 17.8 tons of donated medical supplies to the Chinese people, including masks, gowns, gauze, respirators, and other vital materials. These donations are a testament to the generosity of the American people.
Today, the United States government is announcing it is prepared to spend up to $100 million in existing funds to assist China and other impacted countries, both directly and through multilateral organizations, to contain and combat the novel coronavirus. This commitment – along with the hundreds of millions generously donated by the American private sector – demonstrates strong U.S. leadership in response to the outbreak.

Secretary Pompeo

Proud of our rapid facilitation of the delivery of donated life-saving personal protection equipment and medical and humanitarian relief supplies to the people affected by the #coronavirus in #China. Grateful to the generous U.S. organizations donating to the relief efforts.
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2:15 PM - Feb 4, 2020
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This assistance only adds to what the United States has done to strengthen health security programs around the world. For the last 20 years, the United States through USAID has invested over one billion dollars to strengthen the capacity of more than 25 countries to prevent, detect, and respond to existing and emerging infectious disease threats. Since 2015, under our commitment to the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA), this support has helped improve surveillance and laboratory systems, risk communication, outbreak response, and address the rising threat of anti-microbial resistance.
The United States is and will remain the world’s most generous donor. We encourage the rest of the world to match our commitment. Working together, we can have a profound impact to contain this growing threat.

So they did nothing for us, but shipped supplies to China. Nice.
Last edited:
Hey Dummy, did you go to school at all in this country? You ever take civics? We have this thing called the Constitution. What is government for? And how do you pay for that? And where does that money come from?
WHATEVER your answer is, it's the people. The people's money is redistributed by the government (taxes), Whether it's the military or social services. THE GOVERNMENT takes that money, and decides where it goes. That's redistribution. Somebody has to pay for defense, and operations of any government. They decide how much and to whom.
Article I of the United States Constitution establishes this from the beginning of the republic. Try reading it please.
Is it hard being angry, ignorant and a liar at once?

Oh look an insult of my intelligence and then a whole bunch of blather deflecting and avoiding.

You asserted corner stone Marxism and then tried to walk it back to lighter version of Marxism. And now you are trying to deflect and cover while parsing meanings and trying to conflate apportioned direct taxation of the states and duck your assertion of redistribution of personal property to other people. And Article 1 gave authority to "direct apportionment" of the states not income tax on personal property. But you knew that right?

You do realize, don't you, the meaning carried with redistribution. It is like a dog whistle to communist. No actually it is just the foundation of their ideology.

How about those other questions?
Oh look an insult of my intelligence and then a whole bunch of blather deflecting and avoiding.

You asserted corner stone Marxism and then tried to walk it back to lighter version of Marxism. And now you are trying to deflect and cover while parsing meanings and trying to conflate apportioned direct taxation of the states and duck your assertion of redistribution of personal property to other people. And Article 1 gave authority to "direct apportionment" of the states not income tax on personal property. But you knew that right?

You do realize, don't you, the meaning carried with redistribution. It is like a dog whistle to communist. No actually it is just the foundation of their ideology.

How about those other questions?
Oh, I see now. A Wikipedia Degree. Acceptance rate is 100% You read too fast and came back with another gotcha. I didn't insult your lack of intelligence, your parents ensured that.

This is about yet another lie of yours. You tried that old tired GOP line of Democrats redistributing income or wealth. I told you ALL governments do that. That's what they do going back to Rome. They tax citizens and pay for government. Your blind dishonesty makes you miss the point over and over.

Unlike your 7th Grade teacher, I explained to you how the government is given it's powers by the Constitution. Congress was entitled to “lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts, and excises”. The states were put in charge of collecting those taxes and sending them to the Feds. The Feds could not do it directly until Abraham Lincoln, the First Republican President, taxed income at 3% for all making over $800/yr.

So, let's review. Redistribution of wealth is the same thing as collecting taxes on income and property. Congress was empowered to set amounts and collect. Then distribute to the various functions of government. If you don't like that, go to Somalia.

So, you lied about my China position. You lied about my position as a Democrat- well all of ours. Are tired of 'winning' yet?
Is pandemic management the job of the experts at the CDC's? Yes. First one of you says he is not following the experts and I know you agreed with that. Now you are saying he should be a dictator and overrule the experts?
I am not.

Did professional government fail, again? Did the states and federal professional governments fail to stockpile and prepare after two previous pandemics? Yes. Can your TDS and hate for Trump and the liberal pathogen be treated? No, you have drank too much of the Leftist Kool Aid.

Professional government? You mean professional public servants like Tony Fauci? No they didn't fail, they tried to warn the tRumptards. tRump failed and will wear this failure, among his many others, straight to the grave.

And you keep arguing that you want him to enact an unconstitutional law and act like a dictator? But in the next breath you imply or say and condemn Trump as evil and as a racist? But you want him to be a dictator? He follows the Constitution and you are pissed at him.

It's what you do in war or a national crisis. It's the very reason that act is there. They knew selfish assholes like you won't act right.

Then you toss in- “With the defense production act in play, all tRump has to do is send an order”- you mean be a dictator and violate the civil and property rights of citizens.
That doesn't override a national crisis. We did it during WWII and our ability to produce weapons, tanks, soldiers (draft) at top speed helped us win battle after battle. Americans at home had to sacrifice as did auto companies and other factories. Again, are you even from here?

And then you wanna try “AMERICA FIRST” comment. Really? With your party’s stands on illegal immigration and voting for illegals and cover up of real deadly virus coming in like Tuberculosis and possibly small pox. You should stick to the PPE going out if you have backup from a reputable source.

Save that bullshit for a lesser foe. I've never argued for illegal immigration and neither has any Democrat. We don't have a working system now, and Democrats are trying to fix it, Republicans don't want more democracy loving brown folks here so they are fine with it. Why is it easy and clear for some Europeans to come here, but not for those from some countries in Africa, Latin America or Asia? Should be one policy.

Then, after you just argued he should have nationalized the companies you try to brag about private industry in Illinois. Then you reference an argument you lost.

Nope. Nationalizing means the government owns. The Defence Production Act, commands the production of products to address a specific national crisis AND the company is compensated usually at higher than market prices. Which in turn, keeps some people employed and saves lives. Are playing dumb?

Man you just flail around like a 12 year old in his first fight. Flip’n and flopping
Not me. I was Golden Gloves Southside Chicago at 12. Not very good but not flip'n and flopping. You must be looking at my dick. Stop it.

Also, please provide reputable source backing your claims about PPE going out of the country.
love you! After you come here with ******* from Red State, Breitbart and Town Hall??? GTFO!
You got something below from Snopes. Not good enough? How a statement from the State Department? And SecState Mike Pompeo's own Twitter account?

It is also true that on Feb. 7, 2020, while critics contended that the Trump administration was doing relatively little to prepare for the coming pandemic in the U.S., the State Department announced it had facilitated “the transportation of nearly 17.8 tons of donated medical supplies to the Chinese people, including masks, gowns, gauze, respirators, and other vital materials” in order to help “contain and combat the novel coronavirus”:

So they did nothing for us, but shipped supplies to China. Nice.

wasting your time...he is a dipshit that will lie and twist facts to suit his argument and in the end that is all he wants to do......argue.....he is not interested in the facts....has shown that repeatedly...…...think he has some kind of mental disorder and needing attention.....far as I'm concerned he can go back where he was and get it from his nurse
wasting your time...he is a dipshit that will lie and twist facts to suit his argument and in the end that is all he wants to do......argue.....he is not interested in the facts....has shown that repeatedly...…...think he has some kind of mental disorder and needing attention.....far as I'm concerned he can go back where he was and get it from his nurse
I wonder if he and BlkdLuar are hospital bedmates? Or, ******* *******? An unhealthy mental state can be hereditary.
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