Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Except your Conservative Party agrees with him on China and their Disinformation.

It is now a well established and documented fact that China tried to cover up the virus out break, destroyed samples and allowed, admitted by them, 7 million people to travel from the infection zone to domestic and international location. So yes they are too blame.

So what's being done to stop next time before it happens .I'm not for looking the other way .if the source was here it would be dealt with
Except your Conservative Party agrees with him on China and their Disinformation.

It is now a well established and documented fact that China tried to cover up the virus out break, destroyed samples and allowed, admitted by them, 7 million people to travel from the infection zone to domestic and international location. So yes they are too blame.
Except its not 'my' conservative party is it? I am actually able to have my own opinions independent of the party I voted for in the last general election.
But having said that the reality is, as is usual when having to deal with you, the truth is far more nuanced than you understand. It is true that some politicians have condemned China for a perceived lack of clarity and I have some sympathy with that. China hasn't exactly got a brilliant record on human rights and honesty. And the British government has more dealings with them than many here are happy with.
But the US response, as evidenced on here, has a certain rabid obsession with the Chinese and painting them as the arch enemy. This is completely at odds with the fact that your captains of industry have repeatedly moved production over there and then wrung their hands and complained that they've taken jobs and stolen intellectual property.
It isn't well documented and an often repeated statement doesn't make it true. The real truth is that we aren't going to know exactly what happened until the dust settles. I've asked you at least once to provide evidence from a reputable source to support your assertion that the virus appeared, in your words, 5 or 6 months ago, and you have studiously failed to respond.
So, no, we don't know.
Except its not 'my' conservative party is it? I am actually able to have my own opinions independent of the party I voted for in the last general election.
But having said that the reality is, as is usual when having to deal with you, the truth is far more nuanced than you understand. It is true that some politicians have condemned China for a perceived lack of clarity and I have some sympathy with that. China hasn't exactly got a brilliant record on human rights and honesty. And the British government has more dealings with them than many here are happy with.
But the US response, as evidenced on here, has a certain rabid obsession with the Chinese and painting them as the arch enemy. This is completely at odds with the fact that your captains of industry have repeatedly moved production over there and then wrung their hands and complained that they've taken jobs and stolen intellectual property.
It isn't well documented and an often repeated statement doesn't make it true. The real truth is that we aren't going to know exactly what happened until the dust settles. I've asked you at least once to provide evidence from a reputable source to support your assertion that the virus appeared, in your words, 5 or 6 months ago, and you have studiously failed to respond.
So, no, we don't know.
I see you didn't read article where who finally admitted it originated there
I am a Democrat.
Not a mindless drone but actually someone who has spent over 20 years working with the Party, been on numerous committees and a delegate. I was an employee for a few years too. Let's face it, most large organizations are *******, and change is slow, but it happens.

For instance, in 1924, do you know why the Democratic Party Convention went so long? Over 100 ballots (before computers could tally it for you) because the very large Ku Klux Klan delegates refuse to back Al Smith, a Catholic from New York. The Klan was infused in the party structure.
By the convention of 1948, the Democratic Party had officially adopted a Civil Rights platform, which caused a walk out by a lot of southern delegates who formed the Dixiecrats, and nominated a young old Strom Thurmond for president.
By 1964, they had taken on the civil rights platform seriously and used the full power of the federal government to enforce.
By 1968, it was the place to go if you were against the war and supported equality. In each instance there were Democrats against those changes for sure, however, there were no options for pushing that kind of commitment in the Republican Party.

In America, we have two parties period. If you want to get something done, and make change politically, you can go through the Democratic Party or the Republican Party. For me, the Republicans are not even an option. To much comfort with racists, and too many years of playing footsie with demagogues talking about taking America back, and the country is going in the wrong direction. Makes you wonder where they want to take it back too- a time period back when people like me were officially second class citizens? Fuck that. That leaves the Democratic Party to work on and work through. I don't agree with everything, but I see avenues to improve it. There is no room for that where a president is endorsed by major hate groups and give a kind word to nazis.
So yes, I strongly support the Democratic Party platform. It's just some of the actual Democrats I don't like at all.

like you.....I was a union member....and into politics...….they wanted someone to get involved in politics for the union and explain to people the importance of voting and voting for who...….I have walked door to door...made phone calls....licked stamps....so anyway I have more than done my share for the democratic party...….and have for 40 years...…………………...

but here lately the right has passed laws and did ******* that the dems have had the chance to correct ...and didn't...….made promises they haven't kept...………….so while the right passes laws and does things to fuck people...…...the dems taking our vote for granted and not as "fruitful" as they once were

putting us into a very bad position....we can not support the right......the left not doing what it should...…..if you don't vote...the right wins....if you do vote......what do we get anymore....fucked and ****** to vote dem.……..not because they are better....just they are lesser of the two evils.....shouldn't be that way.....you should be inspired to vote...I am for some

back in the old days I was inspired and pushed others to vote and explained why...…….anymore I vote Dem just to keep it from a republican...and that is not right

if a 3rd party ever got it's ******* together...both of the other parties would really have a problem....like me.....I know a lot of republicans...just because they believe in the OLD republican basic policies....and yet do not like where the party is now......and I know there are a lot of dems like me....used to support...but feel anymore our vote is just expected

I will vote for Biden...…..but I don't see him rolling back all of trumps blunders...….he will work for the worker...but how about undoing some of the damage?
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I do not believe that....right now trump and company doing all they can to divert his fuck up...…..same as these white supremist doing the same thing....just talk...…..virus's and diseases come and go and will start somewhere...….I don't blame the Chinese for having it or it starting there.....I don't see them doing this to their own people even as some suggest that....we manuf and have to much ******* in the world ...air...food and etc anymore......we just need to do a better job of being prepared…...the world made its bed and now has to lay in it
FBI caught him read the fucking article
Except its not 'my' conservative party is it? I am actually able to have my own opinions independent of the party I voted for in the last general election.
But having said that the reality is, as is usual when having to deal with you, the truth is far more nuanced than you understand. It is true that some politicians have condemned China for a perceived lack of clarity and I have some sympathy with that. China hasn't exactly got a brilliant record on human rights and honesty. And the British government has more dealings with them than many here are happy with.
But the US response, as evidenced on here, has a certain rabid obsession with the Chinese and painting them as the arch enemy. This is completely at odds with the fact that your captains of industry have repeatedly moved production over there and then wrung their hands and complained that they've taken jobs and stolen intellectual property.
It isn't well documented and an often repeated statement doesn't make it true. The real truth is that we aren't going to know exactly what happened until the dust settles. I've asked you at least once to provide evidence from a reputable source to support your assertion that the virus appeared, in your words, 5 or 6 months ago, and you have studiously failed to respond.
So, no, we don't know.

First the truth is not nuanced. Our perception of is. The Truth is the Truth. Only people trying to dodge the truth say that or try the ‘your truth/ my truth’ bullshit.

Second- I have told you this more than once- I have posted articles from reputable sources. They just don’t agree with what you think. So, you pull this same move. You claim there is no evidence, blather on about, usually a bunch of liberal sore points, and make some feeble attempt to insult my intelligence.

The fact is, there is no dispute over November being the first case. The source I posted quoted the Mayor saying travel was 7 million in January. And even Subhub posted something saying they allowed travel until Jan 28th this morning. On the 5 to 6 months it was clearly noted as my estimate, with probably and likely immediately preceding the estimate. And you miss quoted that intentionally. Wonder why?

Third- The conservative crack was me calling you out on you dodging yet another post. You tried to cover your BS and say you were a Conservative. I call you on it and ask you two questions. You keep ducking. And now you admitted you only voted Conservative in the last election.

My points have been backed up and supported. You just don’t like the sources or what they say. So tell us which points do you have support proving the alternative to my assertions. Why don't you post some reputable source, not owned by or beholding to China, saying different.
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Excuse me, I have never said it didn't originate in China. In fact I've said it probably did, but that doesn't make everything their fault

First off, you just implied it didn't start there, again. It "probably did" Really?

"It probably did." Even the fucking Chinese ChiComms say it did.

Granted they say the Americans planted it, but they still say the outbreak stated there.
HOLY SHITE - you guys been BUSY - took me FOREVER to get caught up.

In a nutshell 7 pages of Orange Man Bad - TDS - and everything bad in the world is our President’s fault - same ole same ole Dem horseshite propaganda - and of course nonstop Dem whining and showing what sore LOSERS they are.

Thanks to all the patriots defending our President against their enmity in this time of crisis when we SHOULD be pulling together as a country !!!!
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