Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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HOLY SHITE - you guys been BUSY - took me FOREVER to get caught up.

In a nutshell 7 pages of Orange Man Bad - TDS - and everything bad in the world is our President’s fault - same ole same ole Dem horseshite propaganda - and of course nonstop Dem whining and showing what sore LOSERS they are.

Thanks to all the patriots defending our President against their enmity in this time of crisis when we SHOULD be pulling together as a country !!!!

should have said something....I could have summed it up for you...…..killer trump allowed the virus in unchecked...…..trumptards confused with facts
Oh look you busted yourself lying, again, about Trump doing nothing.

So like a good Dem, you changed the Narrative.

In like two pages on the same thread.

do you realize just how fucking stupid you sound...….and why most don't like talking to you....facts in frony of you and everyone else...they read...and yet you come up with something completely different.....doesn't say a lot for your "smarts now does it

no matter what you say to defend the pumpkin....facts are dems are better than republicans...and have been for OVERT 70 years now...….and the right has not passed a law for America in 40 years now......cry all you want...change things to how ever you want to read...facts are facts.....kind of like nothing factual or substantial from any of your posts....just the same *******....trump great …..dems bad.....about the same as blkdlaur...just takes you more words to say nothing
do you realize just how fucking stupid you sound...….and why most don't like talking to you....facts in frony of you and everyone else...they read...and yet you come up with something completely different.....doesn't say a lot for your "smarts now does it

no matter what you say to defend the pumpkin....facts are dems are better than republicans...and have been for OVERT 70 years now...….and the right has not passed a law for America in 40 years now......cry all you want...change things to how ever you want to read...facts are facts.....kind of like nothing factual or substantial from any of your posts....just the same *******....trump great …..dems bad.....about the same as blkdlaur...just takes you more words to say nothing

Do you realize how stupid you look trying to deny this, now.

You said he did nothing. Then you, not once, but twice, posted 'articles' saying he did something in response to the virus. Travel Restrictions. Seems like you are allergic to the facts you posted and in denial of your own actions.

No, your article did not say that. Try going back and responding to my questions in you fake news 70 years bullshit. And the rest of this quoted post is your opinion and also dillusional.
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Dems hate anyone and everyone that doesn’t agree with their horsehite - seems ta me

I found this one intersting

5 Reasons Liberals Are Such Unpleasant People To Be Around
    1. They're unhappy: Study after study shows that conservatives are happier people than liberals. The …
    2. Liberals don't care as much about tradition: Although it goes without saying that people who …
    3. Liberals see people who disagree as evil: Liberals see themselves as part of a Manichean struggle …
    4. Liberals aren't very religious: Liberals are overwhelmingly either atheists or agnostics, people who …
    See full list on townhall.com
Oh you forgot to mention the Civil Rights act was driven by the Republican Party and 89% of the Republicans voted for it because they believed in it. The Democrats on the other hand saw most of their party vote for it to keep power.
I see you are still overstating stuff- but as you explained that's OK in your mind. OK Dum Dum, let's start with the above statement.
1. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was not driven by Republicans. It was started in 1963 by President Kennedy, and then LBJ picked up the mantle. It was a Democratic proposal and plank.
2. In each House of Congress, Democrats voted in a majority for it.
Dems 153 of 244. Reps. 136 of 171. (80%)
Dems 46 of 67. Reps 26 of 33 (82%)
An honest observer would notice that 90% of the Yays in Congress came from states that were in Union or Union territory 100 years earlier. It was the South that voted against it.

You also forgot to mention those "Dixiecrat" Democrats dominate southern politics until the late 1980s and some place until 1990s. When the Republicans started getting elected and now those places are much better off. You also forgot to mention that the Klan was focused in the south and protected, until the Republican Ronald Reagan's FBI, started hammering them and all of sudden those Elected Democrats lost their robs and 'forgot' their uncle was the Grand Dragon. But still voted like he was.
More over stating and damn lies.
My point was to show the party is not perfect but it moves toward a direction that is better than where is was. The Republicans again, have no concern with that kind of politics. Your timeline shows that too.
Ronald Reagan??? What the fuck? He switched the focus from economic development for southerners to social issues. That worthless fuck kicked his 1980 campaign off in Philadelphia, MS. Why? He was California's Governor. he was born and raised in Illinois. And he kicked it off with a speech on "States Rights". Don't pretend like you don't know what that dog whistle meant in the south where the federal government ****** desegregation and somewhat equal opportunity. And, he makes this speech in the Mississippi town that three civil rights workers (Cheney, Goodman and Schwerner) were murdered for trying to help register blacks to vote just about 15 years prior.
- He was opposed to the Civil Rights Act of 1964
- He was opposed to the Voting Rights of 1965
- He called the UN Delegation from some African Countries 'monkeys' while on the recorded phone call with Nixon
- He Said that Jefferson Davis was a hero of his
- Gave aid and support to the apartheid Government of South Africa when others were sanctioning them.
Enough. I could write a book in Reagan, wait, plenty of people already did.
The south is completely owned by the Republicans. It's still a bastion of poverty, shitty education, shitty economies and a drag on the rest of us. If they want to break away, I say let them go, leave us our military bases, NASA and Miami Beach.
That was Republican Trent Lott's uncle who was a Klansman. Also, a member of the Concern Citizen League, a dressed up klan like society in the south.

You also forgot to mention Robert Byrd. A Grand Dragon of the KKK and powerful Dixiecrat Democrat Senator and was "One of the greatest men I knew" Hillary Clinton. He was in Federal office 1953 to 2010 and A Democrat chair and leader for most of those years. Talk about comfort.
Byrd was in the Klan in his 20s for a couple of years. Ran for Congress and denounced his Klan membership in the 1950s and almost lost his election over it. He didn't walk out with the Dixiecrats in 1948 because he wasn't in office yet. He got to the Senate in 1959. I'm not going to defend him, you really can't. But I will say this, Byrd represents exactly what I wrote about, he came into federal office with Klan support, moved with the times over the years and ended up endorsing a black man for the one office that was always out of his reach, the Presidency. That's progress. Don't ask me to explain the actions of Hillary Clinton.

And you know the President did not endorse Nazis. That was hit piece propaganda for TDS suffering reports.
My TDS is grounded in the reality that he is the absolute worst.
Are Trump Supporters Really As Stupid As We Think ...
May 04, 2017 · There has been a long standing belief that those that support Trump are the percentage of the country that is ignorant, naïve of politics, gullible and flat out stupid. This opinion was not developed by sheer chance, but has been based on both the behavior and the comments made by his supporters.
You do know that almost all of the media personalities on the Mainstream Media are registered democrats right? Like 98%. And a good number of them are married to democrat government operatives, elected officials , or staff?

I also noted you didn't challenge the overall premise, Just another strawman.
First it was 89% of the Republicans supported Civil Rights Act, and you were wrong.
Now is 98% of journalist are registered Democrats (how would you know since you don't have a register with a party in a lot of states?). Yet your own links do not support a 98% claim. "Over stating stuff" again, are you?

Democrat is a noun. Democratic is the adjective. Democrat Media is stupid and obviously slight at the party. The proper term is Democratic. You sycophants have been getting off on this years now.
just the facts....Dems are better......trump n comp...suck!

Shifts?!? They've been fucking using it since the 60s! (or so I am told and read. I am too young to know.). I dated a Chinese women a few years ago, and hung out with her and her friends and some relatives, I really got some insight on the oppressing and ******* regime that China is. I think we give it a pass because of the whole economics of manufacturing products for us, as well as their heavy investments in our country. The government of China is still overall not to be trusted, ever. We have a dozen intelligence agencies that are probably feeding the administration correct numbers. I can never defend China, but will defend Chinese people. The people are not the government, even there.
You are a democrat Union guy who walked door to door and licked something for the cause. Extreme Leftist.
No. I actually worked for the party and ran elections eventually (we all start off doing field work). I had promise and begin rising in the party structure as well. Chairing committees, writing and executing outreach efforts, communications, fundraising and then local chair and national delegate until I realize I was burnt out and tired of the personalities.
Unions and guilds created the Middle Class in America which use to be the world's best.
do you realize just how fucking stupid you sound...….and why most don't like talking to you....facts in frony of you and everyone else...they read...and yet you come up with something completely different.....doesn't say a lot for your "smarts now does it

no matter what you say to defend the pumpkin....facts are dems are better than republicans...and have been for OVERT 70 years now...….and the right has not passed a law for America in 40 years now......cry all you want...change things to how ever you want to read...facts are facts.....kind of like nothing factual or substantial from any of your posts....just the same *******....trump great …..dems bad.....about the same as blkdlaur...just takes you more words to say nothing
Well in those 40+ years the democrats have done nothing to help the American Dream. I really can't blame most of the down trodden Americans because the government has and continues to give them just enough to survive at first, now they give them enough so that the single mom of 6 ******* can stand outside in her night gown waiting to put those ******* on the bus, so she can go back to bed. She stands out there chain smoking 9 to 10 dollar a pack cigarettes while talking on her Smart Phone. Here in Maine many are on their 4th generation welfare and that is fifty% of the people of our country.

Until I became disabled I worked hard for a living, many times just getting by while people on the government assisted programs lived better then I did. This state is a blue state and it is impossible to say that the Red states are supported by the blue. We have single mothers receiving 5000 dollar rebates at tax time when they never earned a dime. Who is better? who is the least educated ? Who has the highest crime rate, not Republicans.
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