Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I found this one intersting

5 Reasons Liberals Are Such Unpleasant People To Be Around
    1. They're unhappy: Study after study shows that conservatives are happier people than liberals. The …
    2. Liberals don't care as much about tradition: Although it goes without saying that people who …
    3. Liberals see people who disagree as evil: Liberals see themselves as part of a Manichean struggle …
    4. Liberals aren't very religious: Liberals are overwhelmingly either atheists or agnostics, people who …
  • See full list on townhall.com
This part is great and so true.
The sequence goes something like this. Someone tells you that you are not very competent at something. If you are a shame-prone person, you start to experience that sinking feeling that the other person may be right and this is not the only thing that you are bad at, and maybe you are just a worthless loser in general. You start to feel panic, anxiety, and misery, and your heart beats faster. To break free of those feelings, you reject the premise. You are not incompetent in the way the other person said. The other person had no right to say that to you, and he's completely wrong. Your feelings are now directed outward at him, instead of yourself, and the effects of your faster heartbeat and general arousal transfer into intense anger at the person who has so unfairly insulted you. You want to hit him.
Congratulations! You've just graduated from "Interactions with Liberals 101."
Oh you forgot to mention the Civil Rights act was driven by the Republican Party and 89% of the Republicans voted for it because they believed in it. The Democrats on the other hand saw most of their party vote for it to keep power.
I see you are still overstating stuff- but as you explained that's OK in your mind. OK Dum Dum, let's start with the above statement.
1. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was not driven by Republicans. It was started in 1963 by President Kennedy, and then LBJ picked up the mantle. It was a Democratic proposal and plank.
2. In each House of Congress, Democrats voted in a majority for it.
Dems 153 of 244. Reps. 136 of 171. (80%)
Dems 46 of 67. Reps 26 of 33 (82%)
An honest observer would notice that 90% of the Yays in Congress came from states that were in Union or Union territory 100 years earlier. It was the South that voted against it.

You also forgot to mention those "Dixiecrat" Democrats dominate southern politics until the late 1980s and some place until 1990s. When the Republicans started getting elected and now those places are much better off. You also forgot to mention that the Klan was focused in the south and protected, until the Republican Ronald Reagan's FBI, started hammering them and all of sudden those Elected Democrats lost their robs and 'forgot' their uncle was the Grand Dragon. But still voted like he was.
More over stating and damn lies.
My point was to show the party is not perfect but it moves toward a direction that is better than where is was. The Republicans again, have no concern with that kind of politics. Your timeline shows that too.
Ronald Reagan??? What the fuck? He switched the focus from economic development for southerners to social issues. That worthless fuck kicked his 1980 campaign off in Philadelphia, MS. Why? He was California's Governor. he was born and raised in Illinois. And he kicked it off with a speech on "States Rights". Don't pretend like you don't know what that dog whistle meant in the south where the federal government ****** desegregation and somewhat equal opportunity. And, he makes this speech in the Mississippi town that three civil rights workers (Cheney, Goodman and Schwerner) were murdered for trying to help register blacks to vote just about 15 years prior.
- He was opposed to the Civil Rights Act of 1964
- He was opposed to the Voting Rights of 1965
- He called the UN Delegation from some African Countries 'monkeys' while on the recorded phone call with Nixon
- He Said that Jefferson Davis was a hero of his
- Gave aid and support to the apartheid Government of South Africa when others were sanctioning them.
Enough. I could write a book in Reagan, wait, plenty of people already did.
The south is completely owned by the Republicans. It's still a bastion of poverty, shitty education, shitty economies and a drag on the rest of us. If they want to break away, I say let them go, leave us our military bases, NASA and Miami Beach.
That was Republican Trent Lott's uncle who was a Klansman. Also, a member of the Concern Citizen League, a dressed up klan like society in the south.

You also forgot to mention Robert Byrd. A Grand Dragon of the KKK and powerful Dixiecrat Democrat Senator and was "One of the greatest men I knew" Hillary Clinton. He was in Federal office 1953 to 2010 and A Democrat chair and leader for most of those years. Talk about comfort.
Byrd was in the Klan in his 20s for a couple of years. Ran for Congress and denounced his Klan membership in the 1950s and almost lost his election over it. He didn't walk out with the Dixiecrats in 1948 because he wasn't in office yet. He got to the Senate in 1959. I'm not going to defend him, you really can't. But I will say this, Byrd represents exactly what I wrote about, he came into federal office with Klan support, moved with the times over the years and ended up endorsing a black man for the one office that was always out of his reach, the Presidency. That's progress. Don't ask me to explain the actions of Hillary Clinton.

And you know the President did not endorse Nazis. That was hit piece propaganda for TDS suffering reports.
My TDS is grounded in the reality that he is the absolute worst.

No it is not. Your TDS is blindness.

You just confirmed that the majority of Republican voted for the Act.
I said the Republican's drove it. Not start it. They were the party pushing for it Congress with Kennedy and many Democrats.
You just agreed that southern democrat's voted against it.

I didn't say Reagan was a saint or a hero of Civil Rights. I said, his FBI broke up the Klan and the Democrat's who were almost fully in control, at all levels, of the south until the 1980s/1990s ran and hid their Klan ties.

Byrd was a Grand Dragon. You can rationalize however you want. He was a self proclaimed Dixiecrat, was in office in the south in 48 and along standing respected Democrat leader. Funny he was a member of the Klan you just give him a pass because he was a Democrat, but a miss statement or blunt statement is proof Trump is a racist.

Oh I saw what you were doing. My point both Parties have their history. But I will call out BS when I see it. The Democrat party was the party of the Klan, segregation, Started the Civil war to keep slaves and had Klan Members as their leadership in 2011. So pointing over at the Republicans and saying racist is a hypocritical. And many say they are the party of racism by low expectations today.

And these articles really? Any article trying to pass off the Southern Poverty Law Center is BS.

I told you I watched the speech and Q and A live. He was clear. The quote you are trying to pass off was in response to the question about the people trying to tear down statutes and the people disagreeing. Not the Charlotteville marchers.

Let me ask you a question- Do you think maybe the "white-nationalist" are responding to the Democrats pro illegal mass immigration and amnesty. Do you think they are responding anti rule of law stances of the Democrat leadership and party? Maybe running to the other side away from their normal political leaning due to Fear? Or maybe it is just liberal media using the same BS to make Trump look bad?

Tell me which President set policy to stop doing business with any county who kills or outlaws gays and gay rights? Also, help me out. If Trump is such a racist sexist why are there so many women and minorities working with him and for him? Why did the NAACP, Jessie and Al all award him and praise him until he ran as a Republican?
Are Trump Supporters Really As Stupid As We Think ...
May 04, 2017 · There has been a long standing belief that those that support Trump are the percentage of the country that is ignorant, naïve of politics, gullible and flat out stupid. This opinion was not developed by sheer chance, but has been based on both the behavior and the comments made by his supporters.

Dodging and lying. It is still made up and opinion.
No. I actually worked for the party and ran elections eventually (we all start off doing field work). I had promise and begin rising in the party structure as well. Chairing committees, writing and executing outreach efforts, communications, fundraising and then local chair and national delegate until I realize I was burnt out and tired of the personalities.
Unions and guilds created the Middle Class in America which use to be the world's best.

1- Comment was meant for Subhub
2- So you are a Democrat- Got it
3- Then later Unions destroyed the middle class and upward mobility. Destroyed wage elasticity and over priced American Labor specifically unskilled labor.

Some could argue that they were one of the four big reasons jobs went to China and lower priced labor pools. Along with government corruption, much resting on unions, mass criminal illegal immigration and distorted incentives to large conglomates.

And now you stand with a party that is pro illegal immigration- ie lower wages, anti rule of law and socialism. And owned by large corporation and Banks. Based on contribution history and pac donations.
First it was 89% of the Republicans supported Civil Rights Act, and you were wrong.
Now is 98% of journalist are registered Democrats (how would you know since you don't have a register with a party in a lot of states?). Yet your own links do not support a 98% claim. "Over stating stuff" again, are you?

Democrat is a noun. Democratic is the adjective. Democrat Media is stupid and obviously slight at the party. The proper term is Democratic. You sycophants have been getting off on this years now.

That word 'like' has meaning. It is a qualifier. The point- the vast majority of American journalist are Democrats. See other post for details for the 93% that one article asserts.

No it is democrat media. I am talking about the party affiliation of the vast majority of reporters and journalist, hence since the vast majority is democrat the democrat Media.

I know you missed the point and attacked the strawman you thought you could beat up.
No it is not. Your TDS is blindness.

You just confirmed that the majority of Republican voted for the Act.
I said the Republican's drove it. Not start it. They were the party pushing for it Congress with Kennedy and many Democrats.
You just agreed that southern democrat's voted against it.

I didn't say Reagan was a saint or a hero of Civil Rights. I said, his FBI broke up the Klan and the Democrat's who were almost fully in control, at all levels, of the south until the 1980s/1990s ran and hid their Klan ties.

Byrd was a Grand Dragon. You can rationalize however you want. He was a self proclaimed Dixiecrat, was in office in the south in 48 and along standing respected Democrat leader. Funny he was a member of the Klan you just give him a pass because he was a Democrat, but a miss statement or blunt statement is proof Trump is a racist.

Oh I saw what you were doing. My point both Parties have their history. But I will call out BS when I see it. The Democrat party was the party of the Klan, segregation, Started the Civil war to keep slaves and had Klan Members as their leadership in 2011. So pointing over at the Republicans and saying racist is a hypocritical. And many say they are the party of racism by low expectations today.

And these articles really? Any article trying to pass off the Southern Poverty Law Center is BS.

I told you I watched the speech and Q and A live. He was clear. The quote you are trying to pass off was in response to the question about the people trying to tear down statutes and the people disagreeing. Not the Charlotteville marchers.

Let me ask you a question- Do you think maybe the "white-nationalist" are responding to the Democrats pro illegal mass immigration and amnesty. Do you think they are responding anti rule of law stances of the Democrat leadership and party? Maybe running to the other side away from their normal political leaning due to Fear? Or maybe it is just liberal media using the same BS to make Trump look bad?

Tell me which President set policy to stop doing business with any county who kills or outlaws gays and gay rights? Also, help me out. If Trump is such a racist sexist why are there so many women and minorities working with him and for him? Why did the NAACP, Jessie and Al all award him and praise him until he ran as a Republican?
90% bullshit. Too
That word 'like' has meaning. It is a qualifier. The point- the vast majority of American journalist are Democrats. See other post for details for the 93% that one article asserts.

No it is democrat media. I am talking about the party affiliation of the vast majority of reporters and journalist, hence since the vast majority is democrat the democrat Media.

I know you missed the point and attacked the strawman you thought you could beat up.
Correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t LBJ a known racist that used the “n” word liberally????
Yep. Then he fought for each of the four civil rights bills, voting rights act, fair housing and anti discrimination act (tRump's favorite). Acknowledged that his support of this would lose the South for Democrats for a generation. He was determined that Civil Rights would be his legacy and he lost his people over it. Political expediency would be to kick it down the road. That was political courage for a Southern Democrat to use the entire power of his office to strong arm th legislation through then ******* Hoover's FBI to enforce it. Nationalizing the national guard so ******* can be escorted school because their lives were in danger from 'good' white folks in the south. Investigating church bombings because the local police could not be counted on to do it. making a violation of civil rights a federal offense. So Reagan came along talking about States Rights a dozen years later, those old dusty Southerners knew what he meant, and voted for him in droves. Today, the republicans hold on the south is so strong, that a crazy baby molester was almost sent to the Senate over a decent Democrat who had a strong record of prosecution, against white supremacists. No need to guess where tRump lined up.

Republicans starting with Nixon picked up where the Dems left off. Blacks starting voting for Dems, then white southerners start voting for Republicans. Republicans began using the same code words thanks to communication geniuses like Lee Atwater and Fox news founder Roger Ailes. States Rights, social orders, law and order, silent majority.
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Yep. Then he fought for each of the four civil rights bills, voting rights act, fair housing and anti discrimination act (tRump's favorite). Acknowledged that his support of this would lose the South for Democrats for a generation. He was determined that Civil Rights would be his legacy and he lost his people over it. Political expediency would be to kick it down the road. That was political courage for a Southern Democrat to use the entire power of his office to strong arm th legislation through then ******* Hoover's FBI to enforce it. Nationalizing the national guard so ******* can be escorted school because their lives were in danger from 'good' white folks in the south. Investigating church bombings because the local police could not be counted on to do it. making a violation of civil rights a federal offense. So Reagan came along talking about States Rights a dozen years later, those old dusty Southerners knew what he meant, and voted for him in droves. Today, the republicans hold on the south is so strong, that a crazy baby molester was almost sent to the Senate over a decent Democrat who had a strong record of prosecution, against white supremacists. No need to guess where tRump lined up.

Republicans starting with Nixon picked up where the Dems left off. Blacks starting voting for Dems, then white southerners start voting for Republicans. Republicans began using the same code words thanks to communication geniuses like Lee Atwater and Fox news founder Roger Ailes. States Rights, social orders, law and order, silent majority.

Thanks for your clear dissertation on that.

At least you admitted that LBJ was a racist - so his backing and implementing those Civil Rights Acts - was the very definition of political expediency.
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Yep. Then he fought for each of the four civil rights bills, voting rights act, fair housing and anti discrimination act (tRump's favorite). Acknowledged that his support of this would lose the South for Democrats for a generation. He was determined that Civil Rights would be his legacy and he lost his people over it. Political expediency would be to kick it down the road. That was political courage for a Southern Democrat to use the entire power of his office to strong arm th legislation through then ******* Hoover's FBI to enforce it. Nationalizing the national guard so ******* can be escorted school because their lives were in danger from 'good' white folks in the south. Investigating church bombings because the local police could not be counted on to do it. making a violation of civil rights a federal offense. So Reagan came along talking about States Rights a dozen years later, those old dusty Southerners knew what he meant, and voted for him in droves. Today, the republicans hold on the south is so strong, that a crazy baby molester was almost sent to the Senate over a decent Democrat who had a strong record of prosecution, against white supremacists. No need to guess where tRump lined up.

Republicans starting with Nixon picked up where the Dems left off. Blacks starting voting for Dems, then white southerners start voting for Republicans. Republicans began using the same code words thanks to communication geniuses like Lee Atwater and Fox news founder Roger Ailes. States Rights, social orders, law and order, silent majority.

Really what laws did the republicans pass equal to Jim Crow?
What Laws Since Reagan?
What Laws Since Nixon?

What laws right now are voted only by Republicans and signed by Republicans Prez that actually abridge rights for anyone?
What law proposed by Republicans, and not cosponsored by dems, is up for vote to take away someone's rights based on race or anything?
Actually 93% per that article. What percentage does your back up say it is?

They self identified that high in more than one survey. SELF IDENTIFIED as Democrat.
As "a" Democrat. Didn't you learn what nouns and adjective were in grade school? You clearly didn't learn sentence structure.
Really what laws did the republicans pass equal to Jim Crow?
What Laws Since Reagan?
What Laws Since Nixon?
What laws right now are voted only by Republicans and signed by Republicans Prez that actually abridge rights for anyone?
What law proposed by Republicans, and not cosponsored by dems, is up for vote to take away someone's rights based on race or anything?

Every single law that passed making it harder to vote, especially for minorities. And, removing Voting Rights planks that had the Feds overseeing any changes states made, if those states were active during Jim Crow. Immediately after that was removed, Texas, Georgia, Florida and North Carolina begin closing polling places in majority minority areas making them travel to cast a ballot, stringent ID laws, kicking names off voter rolls without informing the namesake. People like you talk about voter integrity and voter fraud but there is no rampant voter fraud. Never been able to show really any statistically significant voter fraud and when there are individual cases, it's not multiple votes, it's people voting ONCE, in the wrong place, and a felon or two who didn't understand they could not vote. The last double voter was a tRump guy in Texas I believe, that wanted to be sure the tRump won.

Why are Republicans always trying to limit who can vote, and making it harder? While Democrats support doing more things to get more citizens voting. Motor Voter Laws and Early Vote Laws? Don't hurt yourself, I'll tell you. Republicans know, more people, less chance they win. Period. More Democracy = More Democrats. Less voters, and voter turnout benefits republicans. Most people don't want Republicans in office. Simple.

There is not enough time or energy on my part, to list Nixon and Reagan's positions. Since the President only sign bills, your question is misleading. Regardless, I've listed some reason Reagan was a piece of ******* when it comes to civil rights.
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