Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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How is it possible to not take ANY notice WHATSOEVER of what is going on in the world??!
tRump and his cult, as a lot of the Right wingers around the world could give a fuck about the WHO. They do not believe in the UN, so any subsidiary of it is just a worthless money hole in their small minded uninformed world.
You have to see that even this is reaching gratuitously. You start off by saying "Of course he brags and over states stuff", and you end this by saying "Does he straight up lie like the left? No where close". So if he lies about things like you wish they were, it's an over statement, but he says things you don't agree with politically, then it's a straight up lie." This is the dishonesty of the Right. A lie is a lie, unless tRump is lying then it's not as bad as when Democrats do it.
Is it illegal to "over state" stuff in court under oath? Yes. It's called a lie, or perjury.

He lies about social *******, that anyone on Facebook is lying about. Including you. He also likes to push buttons and use the ire of the Democrats to get his agenda. And he is doing that. The democrats lie about their corruption, motives, and the state of the US. They lie about how good the government is and how they enrich themselves. They lie about who owns them.

Another thing he may say stuff to keep the American people calm, while the democrats lie about events foment fear, breathlessly report, leave out or take out of context to cause a political coup. The Dems lied for 3 years and clearly were trying a pollical coup.

I am glad you know it is illegal to over state stuff under oath. Schiff's statements were all lies and he was under oath. If you have time you should watch all
He lies about social *******, that anyone on Facebook is lying about. Including you. He also likes to push buttons and use the ire of the Democrats to get his agenda. And he is doing that. The democrats lie about their corruption, motives, and the state of the US. They lie about how good the government is and how they enrich themselves. They lie about who owns them.

Another thing he may say stuff to keep the American people calm, while the democrats lie about events foment fear, breathlessly report, leave out or take out of context to cause a political coup. The Dems lied for 3 years and clearly were trying a pollical coup.

I am glad you know it is illegal to over state stuff under oath. Schiff's statements were all lies and he was under oath. If you have time you should watch all
The first two words were the only truth in what you wrote:
"He lies..."
Yep. A city of 2.7 million people can't operate on wishes and philosophy. Over 11,000 cops and about 5,000 firefighters alone. So, of all of those federal offices, which ones do you want to eliminate? Then STFU.

Let's clear the ground noise and check the signals. You began this by trying to conflate blue states with federal dependency over red states. I came back to show the numbers and list that what you wrote was a lie- or an "over statement", which it is.

So, then you went on a search and destroy mission to try and prove something financially negative about blue states over red states. Bottom line is, few people live in those red counties across the midwest, because there is no financial or educational advantage. So their children leave and start families in the blue counties or big city areas. Again- there is more economic opportunity in the areas that vote for Democrats.

No. the search and destroy was you. I challenged your world view and you tried to conflate State and Individual 'subsidies' to paint the picture that Blue states are good and Red Starts are bad, Insert whatever insult you think gets those evil right wingers.

Then I hinted to give you an out. On your first list that chart included military payments to make the Red States the "federal aid" leaders. And even when they did that New Mexico, a blue state, was number 1. Did you take the hint, No you doubled down saying, see here is the list of employers in Illinois. And put in a passive aggressive insult for good measure.

I responded Did you take the hint, no you tried to change the subject and go into the weeds. I even gave you a clear out, where you could've said, "Oh you meant feds were one of the largest employers in both private and public employers. I was mistaken'" No you doubled down again and did this quoted post.

So in your framework let's look at what states have the most welfare individuals.

States that spend the most on welfare | Fox Business
    1. New York. Welfare spending per capita: $3,305. Total public welfare expenditures: $19.85 billion. …
    2. Alaska. Welfare spending per capita: $3,020. Total public welfare expenditures: $2.23 billion. Fact: …
    3. Massachusetts. Welfare spending per capita: $2,911. Total public welfare expenditures: $19.97 …
    4. Vermont. Welfare spending per capita: $2,842. Total public welfare expenditures: $1.77 billion. …
    See full list on foxbusiness.com

You have to get to number 10 to get a 'red' state of Kentucky. And that is questionable. So your list, as most leftist propaganda, does controtion to make the right look bad and you don't question any of it.
That's disgusting. But someone will defend it. 'Nobody HAS to pay for it' etc. Not getting the point at all. Not seeing that Christ would certainly object to the rich shutting the poor out of good healthcare.
this is the USA...…..republicans push that free enterprise...….to most it is just greed and taking advantage of a situation

Odd I thought atty gen Barr was going to be on the look out for this type of thing.....hell this was an ad on TV....go figure...they have the kits and Dr.s don't
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What use to be below the Office of the Presidency is now A-OK because tRump is doing it to the opposition- or those who call him out on his bullshit like Romney.
I wrote two days ago that he is only hurting himself as Michigan delivered for him in 2016 but he's been under the numbers since then. This didn't help. He doesn't hurt these governors he hurts the people- and not just the ones in Detroit he doesn't give a fuck about. It hurts people in Western and Northern Michigan. Republicans.

I saw last night on his daily campaign pitch....saying how great Mich was....someone must have told him he fucked up...….that state helped put him in office
Medical, Diet, health, cleanliness, density of population, sanitation, ventilators. education, and countless other things are significantly improved. But again you are missing the scale. You keep pointing to rates, per your claim, for 2 years. You are avoiding the hyper initial spread rates. Also, you are trying to leveraging large numbers and declining rates to use the average rates. The fact is the current numbers and rates don't back the claims. We are still talking about estimates and questionable numbers. WHO is admitting the numbers were double because they fucked up the counting model.

We are 4 months in, likely 5 to 6 in reality, and by this timeframe in the epidemic the Spanish Flu had Million to 2 Million, probably more, cases worldwide. And the infection rate was much, much, much, much higher then the extreme scare estimates are now.
Yes Medicine, diet, health etc. etc. are significantly better today....and despite that even with the social distancing we're doing COVID is rapidly spreading, the medical system is getting overloaded and the disease is killing significant numbers of people. You need to do some research before making making such comparisons to Spanish flu. Covid is roughly as infectious as the Spanish flu was. Covid's R-naught is actually a bit higher than the Spanish flu based on research....although the numbers are close enough that the stated difference is within the statistical error band.

You say "by this timeframe in the epidemic the Spanish Flu had Million to 2 Million, probably more, cases worldwide." Well newsflash...we have well over a million cases worldwide of COVID right now. The lab confirmed cases are 740k. There are a lot more people walking around that have it and either haven't developed symptoms yet or had mild symptoms and didn't get tested.

But hell...why not have a parade! Or maybe just get your church choir together and sing songs to praise the sky fairies.... Up in Washington state, the Skagit Valley Chorale decided to ignore what was clearly brewing and get together to practice their singing. There weren't any reported cases in their county. 60 of them got together, used hand sanitizer, avoided handshakes, and tried to spread out/keep their distance in the room as best they could during the 2.5 hour long practice. None had any symptoms. One of the songs they practiced was “If we ever needed the Lord before, we sure do need Him now.”....boy if they only knew! Within days many started showing symptoms. 45 have been diagnosed, three hospitalized and two are dead. (Note: that is a 5% hospitalization rate and 3.3% mortality rate)

Yes Medicine, diet, health etc. etc. are significantly better today....and despite that even with the social distancing we're doing COVID is rapidly spreading, the medical system is getting overloaded and the disease is killing significant numbers of people. You need to do some research before making making such comparisons to Spanish flu. Covid is roughly as infectious as the Spanish flu was. Covid's R-naught is actually a bit higher than the Spanish flu based on research....although the numbers are close enough that the stated difference is within the statistical error band.

You say "by this timeframe in the epidemic the Spanish Flu had Million to 2 Million, probably more, cases worldwide." Well newsflash...we have well over a million cases worldwide of COVID right now. The lab confirmed cases are 740k. There are a lot more people walking around that have it and either haven't developed symptoms yet or had mild symptoms and didn't get tested.

But hell...why not have a parade! Or maybe just get your church choir together and sing songs to praise the sky fairies.... Up in Washington state, the Skagit Valley Chorale decided to ignore what was clearly brewing and get together to practice their singing. There weren't any reported cases in their county. 60 of them got together, used hand sanitizer, avoided handshakes, and tried to spread out/keep their distance in the room as best they could during the 2.5 hour long practice. None had any symptoms. One of the songs they practiced was “If we ever needed the Lord before, we sure do need Him now.”....boy if they only knew! Within days many started showing symptoms. 45 have been diagnosed, three hospitalized and two are dead. (Note: that is a 5% hospitalization rate and 3.3% mortality rate)

they say this is far easier to get than the Spanish flu......and far more deadly
all I know is I have not left the property in about a week or better......and now they say Apr 30....getting a bunch of old car work done...….Christ by then I will be out of ammo...…...shooting squirrels yesterday just for the hell of it....although if times get hard....they are good eating fried in butter
No. the search and destroy was you. I challenged your world view and you tried to conflate State and Individual 'subsidies' to paint the picture that Blue states are good and Red Starts are bad, Insert whatever insult you think gets those evil right wingers.

Then I hinted to give you an out. On your first list that chart included military payments to make the Red States the "federal aid" leaders. And even when they did that New Mexico, a blue state, was number 1. Did you take the hint, No you doubled down saying, see here is the list of employers in Illinois. And put in a passive aggressive insult for good measure.

I responded Did you take the hint, no you tried to change the subject and go into the weeds. I even gave you a clear out, where you could've said, "Oh you meant feds were one of the largest employers in both private and public employers. I was mistaken'" No you doubled down again and did this quoted post.

So in your framework let's look at what states have the most welfare individuals.

States that spend the most on welfare | Fox Business
    1. New York. Welfare spending per capita: $3,305. Total public welfare expenditures: $19.85 billion. …
    2. Alaska. Welfare spending per capita: $3,020. Total public welfare expenditures: $2.23 billion. Fact: …
    3. Massachusetts. Welfare spending per capita: $2,911. Total public welfare expenditures: $19.97 …
    4. Vermont. Welfare spending per capita: $2,842. Total public welfare expenditures: $1.77 billion. …
  • See full list on foxbusiness.com

You have to get to number 10 to get a 'red' state of Kentucky. And that is questionable. So your list, as most leftist propaganda, does controtion to make the right look bad and you don't question any of it.
Didn't take you long to start "over stating stuff". We have no clue what percentage is Federal State or Local welfare is in these numbers (not that I don't trust Fox News). It only mentions State and Local. Also, it's not a reflection on the State's overall economy.
From the article :
However, the study notes that it’s not just living costs that come into play. Other factors include state budgets, median incomes, poverty rates, unemployment rates and income inequality.
1. New York
According to the report, New York spends $3,305 on welfare per capita, while its total public welfare expenditures are only $19.85 billion. The biggest factor contributing to the problem is the state’s high cost of living, which is the fifth-highest in the country.
2. Alaska (BIG RED STATE FYI - over statement I'm sure when you ignored it and went to Kentucky)
Fact: Alaska is one of the least populous states, and its total public welfare spending is actually the sixth-lowest of all the states – even though its spending per capita is ranked No. 2.
3 Massachusetts
Fact: The percentage of Massachusetts households that lived in poverty during 2016-17 is 10.1 percent. Massachusetts is also the fourth-most expensive state to live in.
4. Vermont
Fact: Although Vermont’s welfare spending per capita is high, its total welfare spending is the fifth-lowest of all the states, which is likely due to its low population.

As I go through the list and separate total spent, from per capita and then cross check the cost of living, my conclusion is that having to depend on welfare is terrible and doesn't cover the cost of living but, living on welfare in red states is damn near criminal. It appears that Democrats give a damn about poor people. We take care of the workers at Wal Mart and Republicans keep giving Wal Mart tax breaks (rewards) as they pay their workers so little that they qualify for public assistance. This is your point? Your gotcha?
We are 4 months in, likely 5 to 6 in reality, and by this timeframe in the epidemic the Spanish Flu had Million to 2 Million, probably more, cases worldwide. And the infection rate was much, much, much, much higher then the extreme scare estimates are now.
Please can you provide a respectable source for your assertion that we are 'likely 5 to 6' months into the pandemic?
There is an unconfirmed report that the first case was contracted on the 17th November. Reputable sources can only trace the first case to December 1st. The infections grew slowly at first and only started to worry the Chinese by late December, whereupon they informed the WHO.
I get the feeling that doesn't fit your narrative that it's all a Chinese conspiracy against the world. I'm not denying that the source was likely in China and that questionable eating habits could be responsible, but demonising the Chinese is pointless.
all I know is I have not left the property in about a week or better......and now they say Apr 30....getting a bunch of old car work done...….Christ by then I will be out of ammo...…...shooting squirrels yesterday just for the hell of it....although if times get hard....they are good eating fried in butter
I've never tried squirrel. We have your greys over here after they invaded and gave all our lovely red squirrels diseases. 😜
Please can you provide a respectable source for your assertion that we are 'likely 5 to 6' months into the pandemic?
There is an unconfirmed report that the first case was contracted on the 17th November. Reputable sources can only trace the first case to December 1st. The infections grew slowly at first and only started to worry the Chinese by late December, whereupon they informed the WHO.
I get the feeling that doesn't fit your narrative that it's all a Chinese conspiracy against the world. I'm not denying that the source was likely in China and that questionable eating habits could be responsible, but demonising the Chinese is pointless.
Don't hold your breath for a reputable source. Same people who called it a hoax when thousands around the world were dying from it. Same group who thought it would be faded to no cases by today. He'll have to find out where tRump heard it. Red State. Fox. The Federalist. One of those state mediums.
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I've never tried squirrel. We have your greys over here after they invaded and gave all our lovely red squirrels diseases. 😜

we got red ones all over...…...neighbor and I was shooting them last year like crazy....I still have a couple in the freezer.....gave him most of them...once a year he has a fish/squirrel cookout...not bad...…….but the main reason we shoot them.....he has 2 trucks same as me....but he lives close to the creek and seems to have more than me.....they got into the engine compartment of a truck he didn't drive very often......had to have it towed off they chewed up so much *******....I have 2 trucks one I drive...another I use to hunt with and pull a car trailer....I keep an eye on it...a while back I saw a million acorns and ******* on the motor......so that is why we started shooting them again
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