Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Just More from our "Blunder n Thief"

Analyzing the Patterns in Trump’s Falsehoods About Coronavirus
For months, the president has downplayed the severity of the pandemic, overstated the impact of his policies and potential treatments, blamed others and tried to rewrite the history of his response.

Hours after the United States became the nation with the largest number of reported coronavirus cases on Thursday, President Trump appeared on Fox News and expressed doubt about shortages of medical supplies, boasted about the country’s testing capacity, and criticized his predecessor’s response to an earlier outbreak of a different disease.

Pelosi: Trump's downplaying of coronavirus has cost American lives

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sharpened her criticism of President Trump’s early dismissal of the coronavirus, saying the delay cost American lives.

“His denial at the beginning was deadly,” said Pelosi to open her interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper.

“His delaying of getting equipment — it continues — his delaying of getting equipment to where it is needed is deadly, and now I think the best thing is to prevent more loss of life rather than open things up because we just don’t know. We have to have testing, testing, testing — that’s what we said from the start before we can evaluate the nature of it in some of these other regions as well.”

Later in the interview, Pelosi said: “As the president fiddles, people are dying.”

Trump has repeatedly attacked certain Democratic governors, including Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan and Jay Inslee of Washington, calling them ineffective and issuing insults. On Friday, Trump said at a White House briefing that he wanted governors to be “appreciative” of the federal response. “They don’t treat you right, I don’t call,” he said.

“Are you saying his downplaying ultimately cost American lives?” Tapper asked Pelosi.

“Yes, I am. I’m saying that,” said Pelosi. “The other day when he was signing the bill, he said, ‘Just think, 20 days ago everything was great.’ No, everything wasn’t great; we had nearly 500 cases and 17 deaths already, and in that 20 days because we weren’t prepared, we now have 2,000 deaths and 100,000 cases.”

“So again, we really want to work in a unifying way to get the job done here, but we cannot continue to allow him to continue to make these underestimates of what is actually happening here,” continued Pelosi. “This is such a tragedy, and we don’t even know the magnitude of it because we don’t even have the adequate testing.”

Lindsey Graham calls OUT Nancy Pelosi’s ‘shameful ...
14 hours ago · A fired-up Lindsey Graham using the phrase “shameful, disgusting” twice to describe Pelosi, who was out there saying Trump is “fiddling” while people are dying.
No actually they don't. In fact many of them can't agree with experts in the same organization. Sweden is one for sure, they didn't do 99% of these measures and their numbers are not worse and not what was promised by these 'expert'.

Many 'experts' have had many different theories and numbers that keep changing. Many of the 'experts' you are trusting had very high estimates based on one report from cover up China. And some are still using that data to make these claims. That is not science that is fear or promoting fear for gain. Many are taking their Que for the WHO for fear of being wrong.

Have you noted the media is always taking about what the 'experts' are estimating. When the peak will hit and how that keeps changing. Or how bad this could be. Yet we are four months into this 'outbreak' with the Chinese are saying 7 million travelers traveled from the infected zone in Jan alone. Yet we have:
4 months in:
136,785 US Cases per the report on Bing.
712,995 Worldwide Reported Cases
33,599 Worldwide Attributed Deaths
150,881 Worldwide Recoveries
7.5 Billion Population of the world
By all accounts the survival rate is 98% to 99%
With most only having mild symptoms.

The 'facts' they are reporting don't back the claims they are selling.

How many bankruptcies and business gone? How many lives economically destroyed?

But all you have to do is look at the numbers and the narratives with a skeptics mind. Then you should have a lot of questions.

I learned a long time ago when government experts and leaders along with the media are all selling panic they are trying something or using something to gain power. Especially, when the sales pitch is, "Do this for the children." Do this for someone else" Or, the one, from now, "Do this for someone's Grandma, you don't want to ******* some one you love or your neighbors Grandma."
You'll need to back up your assertion that experts don't agree with more substance. The example you give, Sweden, is not an example of experts at odds with other experts. Instead, it is an example of a country which hadn't felt the need to impose more 'draconian' measures as soon as other countries because its economic model and employee rights regime allows for extensive homeworking - a strategy that the Swedish government has been encouraging employers to implement. Up to 90% of businesses in the capital have managed to achieve staff home working. Added to this the fact that Swedes trust their public health system and are adhering voluntarily to guidelines designed to beat the epidemic. We're taking about a country very unlike the USA. In short.

It is disingenuous of you to suggest that they 'don't agree with experts'. They very much do. Speaking after banning public gatherings from today, the Swedish pm: "No one is alone in this crisis, but each person has a heavy responsibility." So, yes, Swedish experts and government are taking it seriously and in days to come out is likely that the measures they take will get more severe.

Of course, not all epidemiologists are in agreement regarding forecasting, but mainly because the data is incomplete and therefore the numbers that are put in the models are unreliable. For example, no country on earth is testing everyone. You can't trust China's results, but neither can you trust the UK's, USA's or German's. Not because they are 'cooking the books', but because the tests are in short supply and the effort is focused on treating the ill. The UK, from quite early on decided that measures to slow the spread were more important than testing everyone at that moment in time.

Add to this the fact that people have the virus and are asymptomatic so you might as well ignore all the stats apart from deaths? No, because different health systems attribute deaths in different ways. Not all hospitals and doctors are calling them covid19 deaths.

In short, the data is unreliable.

You cannot say, 'We are 4 months into this outbreak', because the outbreak is reaching different areas at different times. It is more advanced in London than it is in Wales and more advanced in NY than it is in Idaho. With good social distancing it may not ever get so bad in Idaho, but ignoring the advice from health professionals is just plain stupid and says more about the ignorer than the health professional.

So, Wuhan might be four months into the outbreak, but it hasn't even arrived in some areas yet.

The facts you quote over the recovery rates are not secret. Anyone with half a brain has been following the progress of this virus for months. I first read about it in the first week of January. Myself and others I know isolated our elderly a month ago. I haven't seen my dad for weeks as he has breathing problems. But the 99 - 98% recovery rate you quote makes this virus between 10 and 20 times more deadly than the flu. That's YOUR data.

The only reason we're not seeing millions dead is that it was reported to the WHO on December 31st by China and it was acted upon by governments across the world. USA was notably slow in responding. We were already effectively isolated voluntarily and were planning for a major healthcare crisis whilst the US president was calling it the flu and laughing it off. Pretty much every country on earth has imposed restrictions, unprecedented. But you feel that it is because they've been 'sold' something and are damaging their own economies because they're not as smart as you. You can see through the hoax can't you. You're like the president of Belarus, who thinks they can beat the virus with vodka and saunas.

Well, what's happened in the last 24 hours in the US? Well your numbers are up and suddenly you're not contemplating being opened for business by Easter. Remember that? No, now your looking at the END of April, AT LEAST. In fact, you're hoping for early June. It won't be early June. We'll be lucky if things are approaching normal by September.

You sound paranoid about the press. That's because your president doesn't trust the press and that's rubbed off on you. HE doesn't like the press, because he's thin skinned and narcissistic and hates being criticised. He's done a job on folks like you.

Darwinism will sort this out. Ignore the virus at your will. I just hope you don't ******* too many people with ignorance.
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How is it possible to not take ANY notice WHATSOEVER of what is going on in the world??!
How Odd...…..tests hard to get and etc...…...just had an add on tv here...……..testing anyone that wants......results in 3days...….250 dollars....and not covered by any insurance....you have to pay!

gov can not get them out to people who need them...….but for 250 dollars cash....you can get one here
How Odd...…..tests hard to get and etc...…...just had an add on tv here...……..testing anyone that wants......results in 3days...….250 dollars....and not covered by any insurance....you have to pay!

gov can not get them out to people who need them...….but for 250 dollars cash....you can get one here
That's disgusting. But someone will defend it. 'Nobody HAS to pay for it' etc. Not getting the point at all. Not seeing that Christ would certainly object to the rich shutting the poor out of good healthcare.
Of course he brags and over states stuff. I only like how he keeps all the Political class and the leftist media guessing and running around hyperventilating. I also love how he sets off you democrat acolytes. He has really shown the left for what it is. The left is far more dangerous to freedom then he is. Much of his policies and things he approves is to close to the Democrats. He is a little too Big Government for me.

Does he straight up lie like the left? No where close.
You have to see that even this is reaching gratuitously. You start off by saying "Of course he brags and over states stuff", and you end this by saying "Does he straight up lie like the left? No where close". So if he lies about things like you wish they were, it's an over statement, but he says things you don't agree with politically, then it's a straight up lie." This is the dishonesty of the Right. A lie is a lie, unless tRump is lying then it's not as bad as when Democrats do it.
Is it illegal to "over state" stuff in court under oath? Yes. It's called a lie, or perjury.
1- TSA does not run security at all Airports. San Francisco didn’t take the TSA and use a private company. They have quicker better passenger experience moving through security and pass all of the tests, while the TSA run point don’t

2- Most roads are already built by private contractors and most new roads are built by private developers. And tolls are the solution for governments who can’t manage money, so they create private public partnerships run by private and pay to public.

3- Schools- Or you could assign the money to the student and the student go to the best provider for his/her needs. You do know that the school model we use was develop in late 19th century to train women to be factory workers. Not to educate students.

4- There are private fire departments and they are paid by fee structure per property.

And with fire you don’t go everywhere. You go to your districts decided by government and paid for by ****** taxation of those residents and businesses. A private ******* couldn’t do that? And yes in history there were corrupt private forces as opposed to the current wasteful corrupt government services we have now. Except when private I can change service. I can’t do that with corrupt wasteful government.

The bottom line is you believe without government we can’t deliver services to citizens. The fact is we can. That fact is government has no competition and therefore they never get better or more efficient just more intrusive and controlling.
Pipe dreams. But then again, maybe you're just "over stating" to make a point.
Trump Calls Governor Whitmer ‘The Woman In Michigan’ During Coronavirus Press Conference

Trump said Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and others aren’t ‘appreciative’ of him
As states continue to sound the alarms about the lack of personal protective equipment and ventilators in their hospitals, Trump decided it would be a good time to threaten certain states with no help because they don’t “appreciate” him. He took particular aim at the state of Michigan and their governor, Gretchen Whitmer, who he referred to as “the woman in Michigan.”
During his press conference on Friday, Trump told reporters that he instructed Vice President Mike Pence to not call Whitmer or the Washington governor Jay Inslee (who he also did not refer to by name). Trump said that even though both states are pleading for federal government aid, they haven’t been “appreciative” enough of Trump’s coronavirus efforts thus far.

“I tell him — I mean I’m a different type of person — I say, ‘Mike, don’t call the governor in Washington, you’re wasting your time with him. Don’t call the woman in Michigan,’” Trump said. “If they don’t treat you right, I don’t call.”

As of this morning, the state of Michigan has over 3600 coronavirus cases and 92 deaths. Surgeon General Jerome Adams told CBS This Morning that Detroit “will have a worse week next week.”

Trump continued his rant, explaining that governors that criticize him and his administration’s response is unpatriotic and should somehow be punished because of it.“When they’re not appreciative to me, they’re not appreciative to the Army Corps, they’re not appreciative to FEMA,” Trump said. “It’s not right.”

During an interview with Fox New’s Sean Hannity on Thursday night, Trump also said the Michigan governor — whose name he forgot — is “not stepping up. I don’t know if she knows what’s going on. But all she does is sit there and blame the federal government.”

“Hi, my name is Gretchen Whitmer, and that governor is me,” Whitmer wrote in response on Twitter. “I’ve asked repeatedly and respectfully for help. We need it. No more political attacks, just PPEs, ventilators, N95 masks, test kits. You said you stand with Michigan — prove it.”

“What I’ve gotten back is that vendors with whom we’ve procured contracts — they’re being told not to send stuff to Michigan
,” she told WWJ 950. “It’s really concerning. I reached out to the White House last night and asked for a phone call with the president, ironically at the time this stuff was going on.”

Right now, we all need to be focused on fighting the virus, not each other. I’m willing to work with anyone as long as we get the personal protective equipment we need for the people of Michigan. https://t.co/sVZry3weUw

— Governor Gretchen Whitmer (@GovWhitmer) March 27, 2020

Whitmer then took to Twitter again, saying, “right now, we all need to be focused on fighting the virus, not each other. I’m willing to work with anyone as long as we get the personal protective equipment we need for the people of Michigan.”

What a shame that the president is putting his petty ego grievances above the health of an entire state of people.

What use to be below the Office of the Presidency is now A-OK because tRump is doing it to the opposition- or those who call him out on his bullshit like Romney.
I wrote two days ago that he is only hurting himself as Michigan delivered for him in 2016 but he's been under the numbers since then. This didn't help. He doesn't hurt these governors he hurts the people- and not just the ones in Detroit he doesn't give a fuck about. It hurts people in Western and Northern Michigan. Republicans.
You don't have the following:
Coast guard,
~22 Military bases,
Several offices of the Dept of Agriculture
Civil Engineers
Army Crop of Engineers
Immigration Offices
Immigration Enforcement/Border Patrol
Social Security Offices
Bureau of Prisons

I notice your list didn't show City and State Employees. How many are there of you city/state government employees? I bet there are more than 14.000. You do realize this is the list of the largest private employers. Didn't you?
Yep. A city of 2.7 million people can't operate on wishes and philosophy. Over 11,000 cops and about 5,000 firefighters alone. So, of all of those federal offices, which ones do you want to eliminate? Then STFU.

Let's clear the ground noise and check the signals. You began this by trying to conflate blue states with federal dependency over red states. I came back to show the numbers and list that what you wrote was a lie- or an "over statement", which it is.

So, then you went on a search and destroy mission to try and prove something financially negative about blue states over red states. Bottom line is, few people live in those red counties across the midwest, because there is no financial or educational advantage. So their children leave and start families in the blue counties or big city areas. Again- there is more economic opportunity in the areas that vote for Democrats.
Sad. You are so simple.
Sad your mental derangement won't let you realize just because I hate your death cult sociopathic ideology does not mean I support Trump's megalomania. I could be using Trump and his control over your mind to expose your ideology. ;)
Mental derangement??? You just said tRump over states the truth but he doesn't lie!!! Seriously!
You'll need to back up your assertion that experts don't agree with more substance. The example you give, Sweden, is not an example of experts at odds with other experts. Instead, it is an example of a country which hadn't felt the need to impose more 'draconian' measures as soon as other countries because its economic model and employee rights regime allows for extensive homeworking - a strategy that the Swedish government has been encouraging employers to implement. Up to 90% of businesses in the capital have managed to achieve staff home working. Added to this the fact that Swedes trust their public health system and are adhering voluntarily to guidelines designed to beat the epidemic. We're taking about a country very unlike the USA. In short.

It is disingenuous of you to suggest that they 'don't agree with experts'. They very much do. Speaking after banning public gatherings from today, the Swedish pm: "No one is alone in this crisis, but each person has a heavy responsibility." So, yes, Swedish experts and government are taking it seriously and in days to come out is likely that the measures they take will get more severe.

Of course, not all epidemiologists are in agreement regarding forecasting, but mainly because the data is incomplete and therefore the numbers that are put in the models are unreliable. For example, no country on earth is testing everyone. You can't trust China's results, but neither can you trust the UK's, USA's or German's. Not because they are 'cooking the books', but because the tests are in short supply and the effort is focused on treating the ill. The UK, from quite early on decided that measures to slow the spread were more important than testing everyone at that moment in time.

Add to this the fact that people have the virus and are asymptomatic so you might as well ignore all the stats apart from deaths? No, because different health systems attribute deaths in different ways. Not all hospitals and doctors are calling them covid19 deaths.

In short, the data is unreliable.

You cannot say, 'We are 4 months into this outbreak', because the outbreak is reaching different areas at different times. It is more advanced in London than it is in Wales and more advanced in NY than it is in Idaho. With good social distancing it may not ever get so bad in Idaho, but ignoring the advice from health professionals is just plain stupid and says more about the ignorer than the health professional.

So, Wuhan might be four months into the outbreak, but it hasn't even arrived in some areas yet.

The facts you quote over the recovery rates are not secret. Anyone with half a brain has been following the progress of this virus for months. I first read about it in the first week of January. Myself and others I know isolated our elderly a month ago. I haven't seen my dad for weeks as he has breathing problems. But the 99 - 98% recovery rate you quote makes this virus between 10 and 20 times more deadly than the flu. That's YOUR data.

The only reason we're not seeing millions dead is that it was reported to the WHO on December 31st by China and it was acted upon by governments across the world. USA was notably slow in responding. We were already effectively isolated voluntarily and were planning for a major healthcare crisis whilst the US president was calling it the flu and laughing it off. Pretty much every country on earth has imposed restrictions, unprecedented. But you feel that it is because they've been 'sold' something and are damaging their own economies because they're not as smart as you. You can see through the hoax can't you. You're like the president of Belarus, who thinks they can beat the virus with vodka and saunas.

Well, what's happened in the last 24 hours in the US? Well your numbers are up and suddenly you're not contemplating being opened for business by Easter. Remember that? No, now your looking at the END of April, AT LEAST. In fact, you're hoping for early June. It won't be early June. We'll be lucky if things are approaching normal by September.

You sound paranoid about the press. That's because your president doesn't trust the press and that's rubbed off on you. HE doesn't like the press, because he's thin skinned and narcissistic and hates being criticised. He's done a job on folks like you.

Darwinism will sort this out. Ignore the virus at your will. I just hope you don't ******* too many people with ignorance.
Excellent post!! Facts are lost on them. However, your dissection of his argument makes for a great model on how to completely expose their fraudulent position. Everything, EVERYTHING, is about protecting tRump and his ever changing positions. They will lie, conflate and distract. Stay focused. Great job.
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