Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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It is when it occurs repeatedly you have no problem with sub calling it a Republican disease and happy a fellow american contracting it
Well, those same Repubs are happy to lie to the American people about it, while they protect themselves and their money.
Ask yourself with some honesty- How the fuck did Rand Paul get tested if he wasn't showing any symptoms and the President had just said that day, testing is reserved for the sick. Clear instructions, if you suspect yourself of having it, or get sick, isolate yourself for a few days. Paul was able to get tested, and go about his business - including voting against funding for more test kits! He was the only one! How can you defend this privileged prick?
I think we should send his neighbor to go check on him.
Twist however you want this is China's fault we gave them a pass time and time again before enough is enough after this passes things will change .
Please read real reports. We were warned by our own intelligence agencies. tRump made every wrong move he could.
At this point after the Hong Kong Flu, SARS, Bird Flu, and two others came from China- NOBODY can deny that China- or even moreso Asia is where most viruses become problematic for humans beyond those borders. Several reasons, mostly to their terrible farming practices - chickens and pigs togethers a major no no (you have hogs ALL4, don't you?). So, calling it Chinese virus may not be specific enough- we already had that in 1958. Point is, we had a chance to stop it. Singapore should not be leading the way in how to prepare, stop and live when there is a pandemic going on.
Never ever trust the Chinese with news that affects the world negatively. They have ALWAYS lied about the pandemics that start there and the numbers that die. Using China as your sources is right up there with the World Daily News.
We've already gone over this. The poll of all legit polls show him at 43% approval. ABC is one of those polls and while they gave him 55%, they did a few things:
Small sample of people. 512 respondents.
Higher error rate of 5%
Done last week before a lot of information came out.
Poll of citizens, not necessarily voters. Registered or Frequent.
This is the kind of poll you do to please the boss. Not to get a clear lay of the land so you know where you need to improve. Knowing that, it lines right up to where Don the Con likes things.
Here's a poll of polls from Real Clear done one day after the ABC Poll. Looks like Biden beats Trump by 6 point. Still.
Polling Data
PollDateSampleMoEBiden (D)Trump (R)Spread
RCP Average2/13 - 3/19----51.243.8Biden +7.4
Emerson3/18 - 3/191100 RV2.95347Biden +6
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl3/11 - 3/13900 RV3.35243Biden +9
Economist/YouGov3/8 - 3/101191 RV2.94743Biden +4
CNN3/4 - 3/71084 RV3.55343Biden +10
Quinnipiac3/5 - 3/81261 RV2.85241Biden +11
Harvard-Harris2/26 - 2/282592 RV--5545Biden +10
IBD/TIPP2/20 - 2/29839 RV3.54946Biden +3
FOX News2/23 - 2/261000 RV3.04941Biden +8
ABC News/Wash Post2/14 - 2/17913 RV4.05245Biden +7
NPR/PBS/Marist2/13 - 2/161164 RV3.75044Biden +6
All General Election: Trump vs. Biden Polling Data
Read it, this screwed the people and helped out MAJOR corporations worst than the tax cuts. Dems are trying to get the money straight to people and provide some kind of cover from bills. Republicans don't want corporations to hurt too bad. Classic.
The top 20% and that includes the major corporations pay 80% or so of the USA's Government's Financial tax income each year. So in order to keep our country from failing, we can't cutoff the source of where the money comes from, it is not from our government because it is a non profit Corporation, they produce no cash making products.
We've already gone over this. The poll of all legit polls show him at 43% approval. ABC is one of those polls and while they gave him 55%, they did a few things:
You're trying to compare apples and oranges. All4s poll is specifically related to corona. It shows a 12 point swing in Trump's approval on his handling of corona in just one week 3/11-3/12 poll to the 3/18-3/19 poll. You're quoting numbers from the Real Clear poll of polls that are Trump vs Biden....not approval of Trump's handling of corona.

Done last week before a lot of information came out.
Interesting you would state this....since in your poll of polls, only one of the 10 polls you list is as recent as the poll All4 cited....hell half the data in your RealClear poll is from February for christ's sake!

Here's a poll of polls from Real Clear done one day after the ABC Poll.
Bullshit...your Real clear poll is dated 3/19. All4's ABC poll came out 3/20, with the most recent data coming from 3/19.

Of course if you start looking into the details of the sub-polls in your list, you'll find many oversample democrats vs republicans.

You've proven the old saying: figures don't lie by liars sure can figure
You're trying to compare apples and oranges. All4s poll is specifically related to corona. It shows a 12 point swing in Trump's approval on his handling of corona in just one week 3/11-3/12 poll to the 3/18-3/19 poll. You're quoting numbers from the Real Clear poll of polls that are Trump vs Biden....not approval of Trump's handling of corona.

Interesting you would state this....since in your poll of polls, only one of the 10 polls you list is as recent as the poll All4 cited....hell half the data in your RealClear poll is from February for christ's sake!

Bullshit...your Real clear poll is dated 3/19. All4's ABC poll came out 3/20, with the most recent data coming from 3/19.

Of course if you start looking into the details of the sub-polls in your list, you'll find many oversample democrats vs republicans.

You've proven the old saying: figures don't lie by liars sure can figure

as usual....yours are the only numbers that are right...…..proving that you can ******* the fans but you can't ******* the players....and with your holier than thou statements.....just shows you are still a fan and not a player.....bothers you that numbers don't support what YOU want them to say
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and this is where the right wants to give 500million dollars to...…..government freeloaders!...a lot moved overseas to save on labor and make more money.....when China shut down for a month they lost their ass...….trumps' worry about it...naturally it effected the stock market...so trump worries///////////fuck them...…..they move to china out of greed...and then want an American handout….bullshit

so any sympathy for these corporations is unfounded

60 Top Corporations Paid $0 Federal Taxes Under Trump Tax ...
The study found that 60 of some of the largest publicly held companies paid no taxes — compared with an average of about 30 each year from 2008 to 2015, before Trump and congressional Republicans passed the tax law that took effect in 2018. The measure heavily favors corporations and the wealthy.

These 60 Companies (Legally) Paid $0 In Taxes Last Year ...
According to new data, 60 members of the Fortune 500 that made a profit paid no taxes in 2018. Because so many loopholes were left when corporate tax rates dropped to …
and this is where the right wants to give 500million dollars to...…..government freeloaders!...a lot moved overseas to save on labor and make more money.....when China shut down for a month they lost their ass...….trumps' worry about it...naturally it effected the stock market...so trump worries///////////fuck them...…..they move to china out of greed...and then want an American handout….bullshit

so any sympathy for these corporations is unfounded

60 Top Corporations Paid $0 Federal Taxes Under Trump Tax ...
The study found that 60 of some of the largest publicly held companies paid no taxes — compared with an average of about 30 each year from 2008 to 2015, before Trump and congressional Republicans passed the tax law that took effect in 2018. The measure heavily favors corporations and the wealthy.

These 60 Companies (Legally) Paid $0 In Taxes Last Year ...
According to new data, 60 members of the Fortune 500 that made a profit paid no taxes in 2018. Because so many loopholes were left when corporate tax rates dropped to …
That federal tax they all paid state and property tax and all board and employees paid there own tax
Analysis: Trump struggles to adjust to crisis presidency

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump has never been known for his patience or long attention span.

Now, as the coronavirus crisis threatens his presidency, and upends his campaign for reelection, Trump is rapidly losing patience with the medical professionals who have made the case day after day that the only way to prevent a catastrophic loss of life is to essentially shut down the country — to minimize transmission and “flatten the curve” so hospitals aren't overwhelmed with critical patients.

what HE considers free speech.....that would be the lies to his minions....

Trump Says Only Trump Supporters Deserve Free Speech
Trump’s invocation of “free speech” is consistent: His entire goal is to promote supportive views and suppress hostile ones. And the willingness of virtually the entire conservative movement to...

How Trump Twists ‘Free Speech’ - POLITICO Magazine
May 16, 2019 · Trump doesn’t believe in free speech on social media any more than he believes in open borders or free trade. Jack Shafer is Politico’s senior media writer. Donald Trump’s unmatched facility at ******* sense and meaning from words and concepts until only a heap of husk and stalk remains reared up again this week.

awwwwww he doesn't want people on titter who oppose his views...or what he wants people to think

Donald Trump blocking Twitter users violates their right ...
May 24, 2018 · President Donald Trump may not legally block Twitter users because doing so violates their right to free speech, a federal judge in New York has ruled.

in other words he does not want to hear nor others to hear anyone else's opinion other than his
U.S. free-speech group sues Trump for blocking Twitter ...
Jul 11, 2017 · WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A free-speech group on Tuesday sued U.S. President Donald Trump for blocking Twitter users from his @realDonaldTrump account, arguing the practice violates the
anyone notice there was NO medical personnel in the briefing tonight except the gal from the white house......trump so worried about the economy and his re-election....he wants to end all this stay at home and get people back out and to work.....not going to stop the virus any....but he never really gave a ******* in the first place....that's why we are where we are...…..and now he wants to just move it on up the scale to something worse...………..doesn't give a rats ass about the people....it's all about the economy and his re-election

Trump signals openings: US not 'built to be shut down'

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You're trying to compare apples and oranges. All4s poll is specifically related to corona. It shows a 12 point swing in Trump's approval on his handling of corona in just one week 3/11-3/12 poll to the 3/18-3/19 poll. You're quoting numbers from the Real Clear poll of polls that are Trump vs Biden....not approval of Trump's handling of corona.

Interesting you would state this....since in your poll of polls, only one of the 10 polls you list is as recent as the poll All4 cited....hell half the data in your RealClear poll is from February for christ's sake!

Bullshit...your Real clear poll is dated 3/19. All4's ABC poll came out 3/20, with the most recent data coming from 3/19.

Of course if you start looking into the details of the sub-polls in your list, you'll find many oversample democrats vs republicans.

You've proven the old saying: figures don't lie by liars sure can figure

You must be new here. I will allow your ignorance to be paraded as confidence.
1. The poll of polls:Screen Shot 2020-03-23 at 7.15.47 PM.png
Relevant Dates:
Screen Shot 2020-03-23 at 7.18.02 PM.png

So, Mr Helper, you were talking about liars and statistics? You take that one outlier poll and bet the election on it why don't you? Oh, and back to the original attachments, Joe Biden kicks the crap out of him- even when your outlier poll.
Welcome to the discussion.
anyone notice there was NO medical personnel in the briefing tonight except the gal from the white house......trump so worried about the economy and his re-election....he wants to end all this stay at home and get people back out and to work.....not going to stop the virus any....but he never really gave a ******* in the first place....that's why we are where we are...…..and now he wants to just move it on up the scale to something worse...………..doesn't give a rats ass about the people....it's all about the economy and his re-election
HIS election is his first second and third priority. Dr Fauci, the most presidential voice in these times, has been removed from the briefing. Don the Con's feelings and ego couldn't stand someone smarter and more credible than himself up there, that's why he rolled out AG Barr.
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