Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Nope. In true tRump fashion, he pissed that approval rating away in less than a day. A true poll of the polls show he is slightly up at 43.2% Approval, and 52.1% Disapproval.
Enjoy that.
I was on this site before you, and posted on this thread well over a year before you showed up here....welcome to the party.

That is not the poll of polls you cited previously. You cited a Real Clear Politics poll of polls, and everything I said about is is true. Nothing in it was newer than the ABC poll All4 cited, contrary to your claim. It was a Trump vs Biden poll, not a Trump's handling of Corona poll.

You didn't cite this slightly newer 538 poll previously, but now slip it in as if that is what you meant.....liars sure can figure....

At least with the 538 poll you're getting slightly closer to the key metric in the ABC poll All4 cited. 538 is a general approval poll for Trump (not Trump vs Biden). But 538 isn't focused on Trump's handling of the corona virus. The specific question in All4's poll was: "Do you approve or disapprove of the way Donald Trump is handling the response to the coronavirus (COVID-19)?"

This isn't that complicated....are you really struggling to grasp or intentionally deceive?

As you can see, you jumped in a conversation that started on Sunday evening. So, sit down and try to follow:
According to ABC themselves:
During the two days in which the poll was conducted, the president signed an economic relief bill to help combat the coronavirus, ensuring free testing and paid leave for certain workers, governors and local leaders across the country have imposed more stringent restrictions on travel and day-to-day movements, trading on Wall Street was halted again after the stock market continued to plunge and the number of confirmed cases of the coronavirus hiked to over 9,000 across all 50 states.
45,000 cases.
Economic Relief Bill is not enough money alone
Free Testing??? Not yet.
Wall Street has erased ALL gains since he took office.
He's back benched Tony Fauci and other experts, and rolled out the very unpopular AG.

So, by the time this sinks in, another poll will be out and tRumpy will have pissed away any good will except with the hardcore supporters. Hell, his overall approval was at 43%
What is your point?
state I live in is a Republican state...…..so everything evolves around money and nothing else....saw someone posted that this state doing things to combat the virus...…...not true...…..they closed all the schools in the state...….for a simple reason...money and nothing else....been a fight for teacher wages here for several years....they push home schooling

because I have copd…...I wear a mask everywhere I go...…….but no matter wear I go I see no masks......if I do it is just 3 or 4 people....and yet no masks around....where are they...not being worn here....my neighbors...like me...retired...2 of them still go out to eat everynight…..either we are very lucky....or we are about to get hit bad

this whole thing is crazy...…………….S. Korea did it right and took care of it......but we don't have the kits to test.....they do more in one day than we have done all total since the start...….discover someone with it....they trace that persons every move back for several days....people here would not do that....

I saw this on the news this morning about Trump considering reopening the economy, which is a BAD idea! But, you know what, I hope Trump does that! Yes, please do that, Trump, so that more Americans can die from the coronavirus, which WILL happen because you ONLY care about money!

The United Kingdom prime minister has issued a stay-at-home order right now because he knows in order for the economy to BOUNCE back, you have to slow down the coronavirus, which will decrease the amount of deaths by a big margin! And, he also stated also that if the UK people do not abide by that order, the police officers can give them a citation for disobeying! Now, why isn't Trump doing that? Because it's ALL about making money with him! Fuck the American citizens! Increase the DEATH RATE in the U.S.! Trust me, when Trump opens back the economy, the DEATH rate from the coronavirus will INCREASE! *******, may even pass Italy! Wouldn't the Republicans LOVE THAT?
I saw this on the news this morning about Trump considering reopening the economy, which is a BAD idea! But, you know what, I hope Trump does that! Yes, please do that, Trump, so that more Americans can die from the coronavirus, which WILL happen because you ONLY care about money!

The United Kingdom prime minister has issued a stay-at-home order right now because he knows in order for the economy to BOUNCE back, you have to slow down the coronavirus, which will decrease the amount of deaths by a big margin! And, he also stated also that if the UK people do not abide by that order, the police officers can give them a citation for disobeying! Now, why isn't Trump doing that? Because it's ALL about making money with him! Fuck the American citizens! Increase the DEATH RATE in the U.S.!
Yesterday's nation wide death rate in 400's all pre existing conditions mostly 80s and 90s shouldn't those,people be at home any ways why not quarantine them
Yesterday's nation wide death rate in 400's all pre existing conditions mostly 80s and 90s shouldn't those,people be at home any ways why not quarantine them
Like I said in my previous post, when Trump opens up the economy because, AGAIN, he ONLY cares about MONEY! Trust me, the death rate in the U.S. will INCREASE! And, the DEATH rate might even pass Italy! So, yes, Trump, do that *******! Re-open the economy, so more Americans can die and it WILL HAPPEN! *******, talk about the death rate increasing NOW! It will be WORSE than that if Trump does re-open the economy since he doesn't WANT to listen to the HEALTH experts!
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