Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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The Republican Stimulus Bill Is Full of Holes

n Thursday afternoon, Mitch McConnell, the Senate Majority Leader, released a two-hundred-and-forty-seven-page spending bill designed to stabilize the economy during the great COVID-19 shutdown. It would provide financial assistance to individuals and businesses, including direct payments of up to twelve hundred dollars for Americans who earn less than a hundred thousand dollars a year. Although the bill didn’t come with an official price tag, analysts estimated the total cost of its proposals was roughly eight hundred billion dollars.

Despite the bill’s length, its publication is merely the opening bid in a set of negotiations that will begin on Friday. With McConnell seven short of the sixty votes necessary to pass the measure, he will have to engage in some horse-trading with Democrats. As the economic fallout from the coronavirus spreads, virtually everyone on Capitol Hill now agrees that a larger-scale fiscal package is necessary. (On Wednesday, the Senate passed an emergency spending bill worth about a hundred billion dollars.) But there is a lot less agreement on what the big package should contain. The McConnell bill is slanted toward helping small businesses and large corporations. Democrats want more money for people who are losing their jobs and for states that are fighting the virus.

The first is that the bill fails to expand paid sick leave, which was included in legislation that the Senate passed on Wednesday. Democrats had been pushing for a twelve-week eligibility period, but Republicans insisted on limiting it to two weeks with exemptions for businesses with more than five hundred employees. “If you stay home to look after a family member and at the end of two weeks you fall sick yourself, your sick leave will have run out, so you will have an incentive to return to work and infect people there,” Sperling pointed out.

That doesn’t make any sense. Neither does the fact that, under McConnell’s proposal, low-income people and the disabled would receive smaller cash payments than everybody else—as little as six hundred dollars. Sperling rightly described this feature as inexcusable. On Thursday night, even some Republicans, including Senator Josh Hawley, of Missouri, distanced themselves from the bill.

Trump Admin May Have Caused Coronavirus Outbreak in U.S ...
The Trump administration repatriated infected Americans over the objections of the CDC. HHS then sent federal workers to interact with the infected population without adequate training or protection — Chris Hayes (@chrislhayes) February 27, 2020

Trump’s error-laden ‘foreign virus’ speech has investors ...
11 days ago · Trump’s error-laden ‘foreign virus’ speech has investors spooked . ... US President Donald Trump speaks during a televised address in the Oval Office of …

Experts warn Trump’s misinformation about coronavirus is ...
Mixed messages and misinformation aren’t out of the ordinary in the Trump administration. But at a time when the U.S. faces a looming threat from a novel virus, public health experts warn that …

China says Trump trying to 'shift blame' for pandemic ...
3 days ago · Beijing (AFP) – Beijing accused US President Donald Trump on Friday of trying to “shift the blame” for the global coronavirus pandemic in an escalating row between the two powers. Trump charged Thursday that the world is “paying a big price” for China’s lack of transparency on the outbreak when it emerged in the central city of Wuhan late last year.

China is not to blame for America's COVID-19 mistakes

The situation of the coronavirus disease is intensifying in the United States. As of March 6 evening, over 265 cases have been confirmed in the country, with outbreaks starting to emerge across the West coast in California, Washington State, and Oregon. Despite this, the American government has been unprepared, with Vice President Mike Pence openly admitting that the country lacks a sufficient number of testing kits to keep up with the surge of suspected cases.

In tandem with this, President Trump has pursued an attitude towards the virus, which has largely been criticized as negligent or denialist, repeatedly playing down any potential impact and aiming to reassure the public to minimize economical damage.

As these problems have raised pressure on the administration, it is not a surprise that now its usual suspects are attempting to shovel the blame in Beijing's direction.

The interview marks yet another provocation in an endless series of bad mouthing comments about China from the country's top diplomat, irrespective of the context.

Is China really responsible for the situation in the United States? The claim is opportunistic and is designed to deflect blame from the administration's own failures, with Beijing being an easy scapegoat as a perceived enemy.

Instead, China's strident efforts to contain the spread of the virus have been overwhelmingly successful and thus it is illogical to blame them for the situation in the U.S., where early setbacks have been rooted in the authorities inability to prepare sufficiently both on a national and local level, as well as the overconfidence of the administration who perceived it was an opportunity rather than a threat combined with Trump's obsession with preserving the economy in the view to his election.

First of all, China had nothing to do with the outbreak's origin, which is linked to political failures
. When a new spike of cases began to emerge in Washington State and California, the first initial patients in both instances had no history of travel and no connections to China. The origin of the infections remains unclear.

However, the spread from hereafter was linked to several administrative failures. The California patient was reported to have waited an excessive amount of time for a test, which of course intensified the spread.

This has built into a wider scrutiny that the United States actually lacks sufficient testing kits for the virus, with a report by the Atlantic detailing only 1,895 people had been tested as of March 6, compared to over 10,000 a day for South Korea.

Secondly, political negligence is also part of the problem. The Trump administration has sought to play down the impact of the virus at every opportunity. The reason he is doing this is because unlike China, he does not want to sacrifice American economic growth by stoking public fear and precaution of the disease in the view to his own election prospects, already sensitive about a slowing economy.

This has led to poor leadership and exaggerated claims that the U.S. is containing the virus, a dismissal of criticism, as well as a complete reluctance to implement any top down special measures, bar a funding bill from congress.

Trump Warned of Coronavirus Threat in January, Did Nothing ...
9 days ago · Donald Trump was aware of the coronavirus threat in January and was pushed to start rolling out testing, but refused to do so because he thought it would hurt him politically.

Trump feared high coronavirus cases would dent reelection ...
Trump didn't push for more coronavirus testing because he was concerned that high infection numbers might dent his reelection chances, report says Tom Porter 2020-03-13T14:42:59Z

How We Know Trump Was Lying When He Said 'I Didn't Do It ...
9 days ago · All of which makes it obvious that Trump’s claim that he closed the borders to reduce the spread of the virus is false. He never did such a thing. The Trump administration did limit entry to the U.S. from non-Americans who had traveled to China, where the virus originated, but this is …

U.S. Intel Officials Throw Trump Under The Bus: He Knew ...
2 days ago · According to a new report published by The Washington Post Friday evening, U.S. intelligence agencies issued ominous, classified warnings in January and February about the global danger posed by the coronavirus while President Trump and GOP lawmakers played down the threat and failed to take action that might have slowed the spread of the pathogen.

Opinion | How Trump Is Worsening the Virus Now - The New ...
Mar 22, 2020 · Even as medical experts were warning about the lack of testing, Trump did nothing to fix the situation, and the United States fell badly behind other countries.

Trump Claims Coronavirus Is Democrats' 'New Hoax': They ...
Trump said he did not have affairs with Stormy or McDougel nor did he know of the NDA’s or payments, they dutifully attacked the women claiming they wanted media attention at Trump’s expense ...

'Defunded the CDC' to 'Build His Wall': Trump Scorched for ...
President Donald Trump and his White House have made clear he is unconcerned about the deadly coronavirus threat, except as it affects the markets, which he sees as his key to re-election. He reportedly was “furious” at the CDC for telling lawmakers and the American public the virus will spread into communities across the U.S. […]
Proposed trillion-dollar coronavirus stimulus bill blocked by Senate Democrats

The trillion-dollar coronavirus stimulus package that would help offset the devastating economic effects of the virus hit a roadblock Sunday night as Democrats blocked a procedural vote on the measure.

They argued the proposed aid package favored corporations over workers and health care providers, sending Republicans back to the negotiating table.

The procedural vote was deadlocked at 47, with five Republicans not in the chamber, including Sen. Rand Paul, who announced Sunday that he has the virus.

The tally was well short of the 60 votes needed to move forward.

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin had said that the bill — which has grown to as much as $1.8  trillion — includes direct-deposit checks to Americans and expanded unemployment benefits.

But Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer argued the draft package “significantly cut back our hospitals, our cities, our states, our medical workers and so many others needed in this crisis.”

Earlier Sunday, Schumer said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democrats would put their own bill forward.

Sen. Mitch McConnell, the Republican majority leader, said he was still hoping for a vote Monday on the proposal.

“It’s still some elbowing and maneuvering for room as you can imagine, but this is a pretty solidly bipartisan proposal agreed to by a lot of rank-and-file Democrats who were involved in drafting it,” the Kentucky Republican told reporters.

“At some point here, we’ll have to stop and that’ll be the bill we vote on and in my opinion, that’ll be tomorrow.”

Democrats Should Vote Down Trump’s Corrupt Stimulus Slush Fund

Three days ago, Senate Republicans unveiled their version of an economic-rescue bill, planning to secure quick bipartisan Senate approval followed by a pro forma approval in the House. Instead, Senate Democrats blocked it. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell summoned his moral indignation to accuse Democrats of indifference to the economic crisis. “At a time when the country is crying out for bipartisanship and cooperation … we have an obligation to the American people to deal with this emergency,” he proclaimed. “Hopefully some folks will show up on the other side of this room and understand the gravity of the situation.”

McConnell has pointed out, correctly, that his bill funds some Democratic priorities, like saving hospitals and state budgets from ruin — though the funding levels he has offered are a mild palliative. The central flash point concerns a $500 billion corporate bailout. Democrats are absolutely right to oppose that provision. And they have all the leverage they need to block it. They would be mad to vote for anything resembling what McConnell offered.

Democrats Should Vote Down Trump’s Corrupt Stimulus Slush Fund

Three days ago, Senate Republicans unveiled their version of an economic-rescue bill, planning to secure quick bipartisan Senate approval followed by a pro forma approval in the House. Instead, Senate Democrats blocked it. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell summoned his moral indignation to accuse Democrats of indifference to the economic crisis. “At a time when the country is crying out for bipartisanship and cooperation … we have an obligation to the American people to deal with this emergency,” he proclaimed. “Hopefully some folks will show up on the other side of this room and understand the gravity of the situation.”

McConnell has pointed out, correctly, that his bill funds some Democratic priorities, like saving hospitals and state budgets from ruin — though the funding levels he has offered are a mild palliative. The central flash point concerns a $500 billion corporate bailout. Democrats are absolutely right to oppose that provision. And they have all the leverage they need to block it. They would be mad to vote for anything resembling what McConnell offered.

Your right screw the people we can wait
to some corporations this Virus has been a god send to them....free bailout given by the right...…..

boeing who is in trouble over their fucked up 737 will now receive bailout money...….bullshit
these corps that moved to China for the cheaper labour and etc...….china shuts down everything......and now we give those corps bailout money....bullshit...…. let them get if from china...china won't do it?...then move back to the US

the money belongs to the people and biz that are here in the us....having problem created by the virus...…...not a reward for poor management from corps elsewhere
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