Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Biden says Trump, McConnell putting 'corporate bailouts ahead of families' in stimulus standoff

Joe Biden sided with Senate Democrats for scuttling Republican plans to pass a more than $2 trillion coronavirus economic relief package for the House to consider Monday.

"It's simple: President Trump and Mitch McConnell are trying to put corporate bailouts ahead of families. And it's simply wrong," Biden said in a statement late Sunday.

It's like P. Utin's trick of blaming foreigners to distract public opinion. It is a well known and often used tactic and it is below America and accomplishes nothing in my view.
When it is all over, THEN we all just need to insist that China ceases with the Bush meat sales, if that is in fact how it started. Nobody is 100% certain yet.
Nobody calls the flu pandemic of 2009 'The American Flu'.
Why was that? It started in America.

at that time the bucked stopped in the white house...he took care of the people.....this one does not take responsibility for anything....all he cares about is the stock market...and blaming others....and the right will go to any extreme to protect him

there have been a bunch of other virus's and America took care of it....not this time
It's like P. Utin's trick of blaming foreigners to distract public opinion. It is a well known and often used tactic and it is below America and accomplishes nothing in my view.
When it is all over, THEN we all just need to insist that China ceases with the Bush meat sales, if that is in fact how it started. Nobody is 100% certain yet.

trump took lessons from p.utin….his buddy....always blame others
Nobody calls the flu pandemic of 2009 'The American Flu'.
Why was that? It started in America.
There's some scientific debate as to which location was the source, but the 2009 flu pandemic did not start in America. It is believed to have started in either Asia or Mexico.

man my lucky day...….chasing brass fitting for the damned brake lines....go to this small town NAPA store....not only did they have every fitting I needed.....had a damned box of 50 masks for 12 bucks!
Trump Is Losing Approval Over Coronavirus Response
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Fumbling in the Face of Coronavirus Could Lose Trump the ...
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Donald Trump mocked: POTUS faces backlash after ranting ...
13 days ago · President Donald Trump has often been criticized for his handling of the coronavirus to the extent that he has resorted to Twitter rants to get rid of his frustration.
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