Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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You keep saying 2 Republicans .four senators were caught

I just posted the article where Fox was on the two.....I'm sure you have discovered some from the left

But I just post what I find...…..corruption run amuck…...

GOP Senator Caught Insider Trading After He Misled ...
7 hours ago · GOP Senator Caught Insider Trading After He Misled Americans About COVID-19; Inmate Release Amid COVID-19 Pandemic Exposes Tyranny of America’s For Profit Prisons “We Gotta Find Something” — Cops Fist Bump After Planting Weed on Innocent Man

Chris Collins: A list of congressional lawmakers indicted ...
Aug 08, 2018 · Rep. Chris Collins was arrested Wednesday after a federal grand jury indicted him on insider trading charges and lying to federal agents.. The New York Republican is only the latest sitting member ...

A Bunch Of GOP Lawmakers Just Got Caught In Insider ...
Jun 08, 2017 · According to a bombshell report, Rep. Chris Collins (R-N.Y.) was caught bragging about how much money he’s made for other GOP members of Congress by tipping them off to an Australia-based pharmaceutical company in which he is the largest stockholder. The revelation was made public by two GOP lawmakers who were present for the conversation, […]

Midterms 2018: the 4 Republican scandals that could tip ...
The Chris Collins insider trading scandal, briefly explained ... A number of Republican members of Congress, including Texas Reps. John Culberson and Mike Conaway, are also investors in the company.

Republican congressman charged with insider trading ...
Aug 09, 2018 · The Republican congressman and early backer of Donald Trump who has been charged with insider trading while picnicking on the White House lawn last …

GOP Congressman charged with insider trading, lying to FBI ...
GOP Congressman charged with insider trading, lying to FBI. By: Jamie Dupree Cox Washington ... Five teens accused of gunning down a 16-year-old girl during a botched marijuana robbery were caught on a doorbell camera arriving at and leaving the girl’s home, police and the victim’s family said. ... A member of parliament in Qom said there ...
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Mmmmmmm 2 -3 weeks and most states be completely out of supplies.....wonder where they will turn for answers

trump knew of this problem in January and did nothing!.....his comment...china's problems are china's problems....guess not....more of that lack of leadership
'He's an idiot': critics say Trump has failed the US in this test of reassurance

For Trump, who has spent years undermining experts, scientists, and trust in government, the pandemic has shown his weaknesses

It was just before 9am and the sky was overcast when a small group of reporters were suddenly ushered through the White House’s south portico. They gathered in the diplomatic reception room, once home to Franklin Roosevelt’s “fireside chats”, and stared at a desk with pen, documents and the presidential seal.

Donald Trump strode in, wearing a black bomber jacket and white shirt unbuttoned at the top, and settled down beneath a portrait of George Washington. He signed a congressional emergency spending bill to combat the coronavirus for $8.3bn – more than three times what the president himself had requested – and held it up to a chorus of clicking cameras.

“We’re doing very well,” he insisted. “But it’s an unforeseen problem. What a problem. Came out of nowhere, but we’re taking care of it.” He gazed around the oval-shaped room, wallpapered romantic American landscapes, and took questions. Someone asked: “How do you keep people from panicking?” Trump’s response in part: “Calm. You have to be calm. It’ll go away.”

It has not gone away.

A week later, coronavirus cases in the US have soared past 1,300, with at least 38 deaths. The stock market suffered its worst percentage drop since the 1987 Wall Street crash. On Wednesday night alone, Trump announced a travel ban on most of Europe during an Oval Office address, the National Basketball Association suspended its season and it emerged the Hollywood actor Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson had tested positive. The New York Post’s front page headline declared: A world turned upside down.

It is at such moments of peril that a nation looks to its leader for reassurance and direction. Trump, critics say, has failed the test in both words and deeds. Uniquely unqualified, he is the wrong man in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Elaine Kamarck, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution think tank in Washington, said: “He’s an idiot. He’s handled it horribly. When things are rough, you want somebody who can exude confidence and competence and Trump does not do that.

“We’ve been incredibly lucky. For the last three years, there was nothing big going on that had a real bearing on the lives of the ordinary American. This does.”

The coronavirus outbreak plays to the weaknesses of Trump, a germaphobe and gut instinct politician who prefers to slug it out with human foes on Twitter. He has spent years undermining experts, institutions, scientists, media outlets, global alliances and trust in government, all of which are now needed more than ever.

His first misstep came two years ago when he disbanded the global health security team on the National Security Council (NSC) that was responsible for preparing for a pandemic. The NSC’s global health security chief, Rear Admiral Tim Ziemer, was fired the day after an Ebola outbreak was declared in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Last year intelligence agencies warned that the US remained vulnerable to the next flu pandemic but Trump, it seems, hoped that his long streak of political luck would hold.

Distracted by impeachment in January, the president showed little urgency when the coronavirus exploded in China, apparently unwilling to sour his relationship with authoritarian leader Xi Jinping, whom he praised for having the outbreak “totally under control” even as it raced across that country and beyond.

The White House did impose a limited travel ban on China but that alone was not enough. Former US Food and ******* Administration commissioner David Kessler told the Politico website: “They needed and still need to be searching for where the cases are, instead of trusting that limited travel bans were keeping out a virus that was probably already on the march.”

Perhaps Trump’s greatest blunder was turning down the offer of a German-made diagnostic test approved by the World Health Organization and taken up by many countries. The US government’s own painfully slow progress led to a nationwide shortage of test kits at the most critical moment. It was reported that just 11,000 tests have been conducted in America so far, whereas South Korea is carrying out 10,000 tests per day.

Ashish Jha, director of the Harvard Global Health Institute, told the Bloomberg news agency: “This is an unmitigated disaster that the administration has brought upon the population, and I don’t say this lightly. We have had a much worse response than Iran, than Italy, than China and South Korea.”

It seems that Trump only began to take the issue seriously two weeks ago when he saw a 1,000-point drop on Wall Street
. Even then, he urged aides, including Kellyanne Conway and senior economic adviser Larry Kudlow, to go on television and preach confidence, according to five White House officials and Republicans interviewed by the Associated Press.

Trump himself constantly downplayed the threat and contradicted his own health officials, asserting that the virus was “very much under control” and infections were “going very substantially down, not up”. On 26 February, he confidently claimed that total cases will be “close to zero”.

He also accused Democrats of using the coronavirus as “their new hoax”, promised a vaccine much sooner than scientifically possible, prophesied that the virus will be killed off by warmer spring weather and kept comparing it to the common flu (though experts say coronavirus is 10 times more deadly). But the usual playbook of deny and distract proved futile against a nimble germ without an ego.

Robert Shrum, a Democratic strategist and political science professor at the University of Southern California, said: “Before it happened, he dismantled a lot of the preparedness that had been put in place under Obama and Ron Klain [Ebola czar] and Joe Biden, I suppose because they were things Obama had done so he wanted to get rid of them, like the Paris climate accords.

“And since then he has over and over again contradicted his own health people and at one point tried to muzzle them
. He called the coronavirus ‘a Democratic hoax’ and then they ran out to explain, ‘No, no, the hoax was that they were blaming Trump for not handling it well’. Well, I think almost universally people would say Trump has not handled this well.”

Even if Trump tried to dismiss the health statistics, he could not ignore the financial markets, an obsession he has made central to his reelection. He put vice-president Mike Pence in charge of a coronavirus task *******, demoting Health Secretary Alex Azar, but continued to get in the way of the message.

But on Monday the full horror of the economic implications dawned on Trump as he flew from Florida to Washington on Air ******* One
. In his on-board office, Fox News showed graphics illustrating the single worst day for markets since the financial crisis of 2008. Fellow passenger Matt Gaetz, a Republican congressman, had isolated himself in part of the plane after learning he had come into contact with an infected person.

Trump travelled to Capitol Hill for lunch with Senate Republicans on Tuesday. He promised: “We’re doing a great job with it. And it will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away.” A day later, Dr Anthony Fauci, one of the government’s top public health experts, testified: “Bottom line, it’s going to get worse.”

The president tried to provide further reassurance in only his second Oval Office address on Wednesday night. But it had the exact opposite effect. He blindsided European governments by announcing a 30-day travel ban to keep out the “foreign virus”. He also failed to explain how tests will become available and committed factual errors the White House was ****** to hastily correct.

Susan Rice, former national security adviser, tweeted simply: “OMG.”

Eight months from a presidential election, the virus has jeopardised Trump’s central reelection argument – a strong economy – just as Joe Biden, the candidate emerging from the Democratic field, seems poised to take advantage by offering stability and a safe pair of hands.

Michael Steele, former chairman of the Republican National Committee, said: “The most calming and reassuring presidential voice of the past 24 hours has been Joe Biden. As a Republican, this is hard for me to say but it’s true.”

Soon after signing the congressional funding bill last Friday, Trump donned a “Keep America great” campaign cap and visited the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta. In remarks that many found confounding and frightening, he described the governor of Washington state as a “snake”, praised his own expertise and falsely claimed that anyone who wants a coronavirus test can get one. Pence was later ****** to correct this.

The coronavirus pandemic is being described as a once-in-a-lifetime event. History remembers how presidents handle such crises – and to Trump, it seems unlikely to be kind. He may be regarded as a Nero, fiddling while Rome burned.

Moe Vela, a former senior adviser to Biden, said: “He is unable to express compassion and empathy; I don’t believe he possesses those two values. This was his chance to show that he could lead, to show that he was as tough as he said he was for three years. And then what does he do? He falls on his face.”

Vela, an LGBTQ and Latino activist and board director at TransparentBusiness, added: “We’re walking around in ghost towns. ******* aren’t going to school. Not enough people are getting tested. We have no clue what the reality of this pandemic is because information is being withheld and reaction from this administration was slow at best. It’s disgusting. It’s disconcerting. It’s scary as hell.”

America faces an epic choice...

... in the coming year, and the results will define the country for a generation. These are perilous times. Partisan politics are warping the conversation, getting in the way of public health and global security. This US administration is establishing new norms of behaviour. Truth is being chased away.

Rampant disinformation, partisan news sources and social media's tsunami of fake news is no basis on which to inform the American public in 2020.

we are in deep *******...…..incompetence….supported by the foolish.....the first time we have had a war in this country in 100years...….allowed in by our leader....supposedly the man that took an oath to protect the country
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and with the republicans in charge we will not get a handle on this recession...…...hopefully Honest Joe can get it straightened out

true they all agree on giving everyone 12 hundred dollars...and that is ok....but there are a lot of people out there who do not need that money....it should all go to unemployment so that it does go to those in need....naturally people like me will take the money...I will just buy car parts.....but that is not right when others will be struggling to get by...….and no I will not feel guilty taking it because I know there are so many others like me getting it...….also I agree that all these small biz having to close....restaurant and bars and etc ****** to close over this....need some help....and NOT a fucking low interest loan that they have to pay back.....now comes the part that really pisses me off …..with the right they are already seeing to it the big comp are getting big bucks.....bullshit....some of them are overseas and losing because of the shutdowns over there...fuckem!....they should not get a cent....they moved out of America for the money ...and now America money going to help them...….but they are the ones that fund all the republican re-elction campaigns so they will get the money
just shows how dangerous those trump supporters really are

White Supremacists Discussed Using Coronavirus As A ...
2 hours ago · Miriam Jackson March 21, 2020 WASHINGTON– White supremacists discussed strategies to weaponize coronavirus by means of “saliva,” a “spray bottle” or “laced items,” according to a regular knowledge short dispersed by a government police department onFeb 17.

White Supremacists Discussed Using Coronavirus As A Bioweapon
2 hours ago · White Supremacists Discussed Using Coronavirus As A Bioweapon Investigators appeared to monitor the white nationalists’ communications on Telegram, an encrypted messaging app.
Yeah what about all the Dems like Feinstein - you people are such tools.
Because if we get into the details your eyes will gloss over. Feinstein, sold stock in a biotech company that had repeated quarters of issues and losses (ironically enough, BUYING stock in biotech is the move now). Her case is not as open and shut as the others. She is insanely wealthy through her banker husband and this would be the first time anything shady has happened. People don't get crooked in their 80s.
I will concede that in the House there are a few Democrats and Democratic aides that made selfish insider moves but not nearly as big as the four Senators.
Burr had a meeting with the intelligence agencies and that very day made many moves in his stock portfolio to the tune of millions. And, if you are being honest with us, you will concede that Loeffler, as the wife of the Executive Director of the New York Stock Exchange, selling off airline and hotel stock and buying into teleconference services was absolutely trading on insider information and fucking us by telling us to remain normal and go about business as usual.
I’d say I hate to burst your bubble - but - I rather enjoy it.

ABC did a very recent poll about President Trump’s handling of the pandemic crisis and his approval is at 55% up 12% from last week.
Nope. In true tRump fashion, he pissed that approval rating away in less than a day. A true poll of the polls show he is slightly up at 43.2% Approval, and 52.1% Disapproval.
Enjoy that.
Nope. In true tRump fashion, he pissed that approval rating away in less than a day. A true poll of the polls show he is slightly up at 43.2% Approval, and 52.1% Disapproval.
Enjoy that.

about where he has been since taking (Russia appointing him to) office
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