Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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BLAH BLAH BLAH - everything is President Trump’s fault


WAH WAH WAH :cold:
Pandemic is all on President Trump

Racist for calling it Chinese Virus
WAH WAH WAH :cold:

Freaking cry baby Dems - only thing they’re good for is whining - taint good for doing anything cept criticizing them that are TRYING to do something - f’n LOSERS !!!!!!

music to my ears...…..want some cheese with that whine?

and then...….and then...…..and then along came Joe......slow walking.....non lyin ...honest Joe
well.......let's just take a look at how the republican stimulus package worked out.....who would have thought any different.....after all it is their job to protect corporate greed over the American people....party over country and all that....I don't have a problem helping biz that are hurting because of this...….but the people should be first.....instead of MORE TAX cuts.....which will be needed to pay for all this....but balancing the check book is not something the right has ever cared about

do you really think Chevron…...AT&T....and a few others need tax cuts because of this......and not to mention all the money Wal Mart will get for this

Senate Rescue Package Includes Corporate Tax Cuts and ...
Mar 19, 2020 · Republicans sought to put their imprint on an emerging economic stabilization package of $1 trillion, unveiling a bill that includes tax cuts and loans to businesses and would curtail paid leave.

Senate Republicans unveil $1 trillion economic stimulus package to address coronavirus fallout

Senate Republicans on Thursday formally rolled out a $1 trillion economic stimulus plan intended to deliver critical aid to US businesses and the American public.

It’s a move that sets the stage for negotiations to begin in earnest between Republicans and Democrats in an effort to reach a bipartisan deal to help an economy hit hard by the rapid spread of the novel coronavirus.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell called the plan “a bold legislative proposal” in remarks on the Senate floor, saying that he was “officially introducing the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act.”

The Kentucky Republican described the major contours of the proposal by saying that it will deliver “direct financial help for the American people,” as well as “rapid relief for small businesses and their employees
.” He said that the plan includes “significant steps to stabilize our economy and protect jobs” and “more support for the brave health care professionals and their patients who are fighting the coronavirus on the front lines.”

But in a sign that hard-fought negotiations are still to come, the Democratic leaders of the House and Senate released a brief statement Thursday night criticizing the plan.

“We are beginning to review Senator McConnell’s proposal and on first reading, it is not at all pro-worker and instead puts corporations way ahead of workers,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a California Democrat, and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, a New York Democrat, said in the statement.

Schumer had earlier expressed some criticism of the proposal after its introduction and the process by which Senate Republicans came up with it, saying that the plan had “virtually no input from Democrats” and warning against corporate industry bailouts.

The $1 trillion emergency economic aid proposal comes in response to the coronavirus pandemic and would include direct payments to Americans under a certain income threshold, $200 billion in loans to airlines and distressed industry sectors and $300 billion in forgivable bridge loans for small businesses.

The proposal, a draft of which was obtained by CNN, underscores the scale of the economic crisis facing individuals and businesses across the country amid the accelerating pandemic and bolsters health care resources, student loans and aid, business tax provisions and temporary authority.

well.......let's just take a look at how the republican stimulus package worked out.....who would have thought any different.....after all it is their job to protect corporate greed over the American people....party over country and all that....I don't have a problem helping biz that are hurting because of this...….but the people should be first.....instead of MORE TAX cuts.....which will be needed to pay for all this....but balancing the check book is not something the right has ever cared about

do you really think Chevron…...AT&T....and a few others need tax cuts because of this......and not to mention all the money Wal Mart will get for this

Senate Rescue Package Includes Corporate Tax Cuts and ...
Mar 19, 2020 · Republicans sought to put their imprint on an emerging economic stabilization package of $1 trillion, unveiling a bill that includes tax cuts and loans to businesses and would curtail paid leave.

Senate Republicans unveil $1 trillion economic stimulus package to address coronavirus fallout

Senate Republicans on Thursday formally rolled out a $1 trillion economic stimulus plan intended to deliver critical aid to US businesses and the American public.

It’s a move that sets the stage for negotiations to begin in earnest between Republicans and Democrats in an effort to reach a bipartisan deal to help an economy hit hard by the rapid spread of the novel coronavirus.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell called the plan “a bold legislative proposal” in remarks on the Senate floor, saying that he was “officially introducing the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act.”

The Kentucky Republican described the major contours of the proposal by saying that it will deliver “direct financial help for the American people,” as well as “rapid relief for small businesses and their employees
.” He said that the plan includes “significant steps to stabilize our economy and protect jobs” and “more support for the brave health care professionals and their patients who are fighting the coronavirus on the front lines.”

But in a sign that hard-fought negotiations are still to come, the Democratic leaders of the House and Senate released a brief statement Thursday night criticizing the plan.

“We are beginning to review Senator McConnell’s proposal and on first reading, it is not at all pro-worker and instead puts corporations way ahead of workers,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a California Democrat, and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, a New York Democrat, said in the statement.

Schumer had earlier expressed some criticism of the proposal after its introduction and the process by which Senate Republicans came up with it, saying that the plan had “virtually no input from Democrats” and warning against corporate industry bailouts.

The $1 trillion emergency economic aid proposal comes in response to the coronavirus pandemic and would include direct payments to Americans under a certain income threshold, $200 billion in loans to airlines and distressed industry sectors and $300 billion in forgivable bridge loans for small businesses.

The proposal, a draft of which was obtained by CNN, underscores the scale of the economic crisis facing individuals and businesses across the country amid the accelerating pandemic and bolsters health care resources, student loans and aid, business tax provisions and temporary authority.

I know the only one that matters is you
I know the only one that matters is you

if you want to think so....that's your prerogative....and being a Russian bot I know you like to stir the ******* as much as possible...…..but contrary to what you might think.....I don't think this will bother me at all except going out to get stuff...groceries or car parts...…...I do worry about the hourly people working paycheck to paycheck......the people whom you don't mind using and discarding

I did acquire 2 grocery disposals.....but raised them since birth so think I can still keep doing so with out any issues

besides in your twisted hate for the left...…..I did not say one word about small biz!......as for you......you still have your hogs

I really doubt you read any of the article....and are now checking all your right wing websites and Russia blogs for something anti democratic to post
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And to which former president are you implying was a former sex offender, Arranger? Bill Clinton, maybe?
My guess might be .... well let's read this article first:

The 25 Women Who Have Accused Trump of Sexual Misconduct!

if you want to think so....that's your prerogative....and being a Russian bot I know you like to stir the ******* as much as possible...…..but contrary to what you might think.....I don't think this will bother me at all except going out to get stuff...groceries or car parts...…...I do worry about the hourly people working paycheck to paycheck......the people whom you don't mind using and discarding

I did acquire 2 grocery disposals.....but raised them since birth so think I can still keep doing so with out any issues

besides in your twisted hate for the left...…..I did not say one word about small biz!......as for you......you still have your hogs

I really doubt you read any of the article....and are now checking all your right wing websites and Russia blogs for something anti democratic to post
All of my employees are still full pay and will remain so re are still working as usual. It would take a swat team to change. I still have pigs just sold 13 piglets kept 4. 2 sows and boar .
and just why do the republicans let trump get away with so much corruption?

hell it's in the whole party...…..nothing for country...all for personal greed

Sens. Richard Burr, Kelly Loeffler sold millions in stock ...
12 hours ago · Two Republican lawmakers are under intense scrutiny as reports show Sens. Richard Burr and Kelly Loeffler sold millions in stock before the …
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