Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Don't forget about dems they all do it

got a link for that...or is it just more of "you people do it also" type acusations

seems to me it was pretty rampant on the right...….even after a law was passed and it still went on......so John Boner hired a personal friendly republican lawyer to investigate...and nothing came of it....naturally....they passed that law a couple years ago just to close the loop holes congress was using...so no excuse now
got a link for that...or is it just more of "you people do it also" type acusations

seems to me it was pretty rampant on the right...….even after a law was passed and it still went on......so John Boner hired a personal friendly republican lawyer to investigate...and nothing came of it....naturally....they passed that law a couple years ago just to close the loop holes congress was using...so no excuse now

3 Republicans and 1 Democrat.
Only 1 in that group has what is truly a blind trust- the Democrat Diane Feinstein. If you don't know what a blind trust is then you shouldn't be discussing this at all. The other three had the opportunity to call their brokers or money managers and relay information in order to make those moves.

The disgusting thing here is that these three Republicans were publicly poo-poo'ing the virus pandemic, standing with the president when he tried to lie to us again about the seriousness of the virus, while behind the scenes getting rid of stock and telling donors how fucked up this really is. I smell another Bloomberg commercial this summer.

tRump crony and transition team leader, REPUBLICAN Congressman Chris Collins, pleaded guilty to the same damn thing and was sentenced to two years in prison. His New York seat is now open. Guess what party won't be getting it back? The one who allowed the now convicted felon to keep the seat. So, he won't be voting for your fantasy expungement.

No wonder tRump doesn't want anyone looking into his taxes. Can you imagine the moves his family has made since he's been president? Oh, we don't have to, we all see how they've been grifting us from Day 1.
3 Republicans and 1 Democrat.
Only 1 in that group has what is truly a blind trust- the Democrat Diane Feinstein. If you don't know what a blind trust is then you shouldn't be discussing this at all. The other three had the opportunity to call their brokers or money managers and relay information in order to make those moves.

The disgusting thing here is that these three Republicans were publicly poo-poo'ing the virus pandemic, standing with the president when he tried to lie to us again about the seriousness of the virus, while behind the scenes getting rid of stock and telling donors how fucked up this really is. I smell another Bloomberg commercial this summer.

tRump crony and transition team leader, REPUBLICAN Congressman Chris Collins, pleaded guilty to the same damn thing and was sentenced to two years in prison. His New York seat is now open. Guess what party won't be getting it back? The one who allowed the now convicted felon to keep the seat. So, he won't be voting for your fantasy expungement.

No wonder tRump doesn't want anyone looking into his taxes. Can you imagine the moves his family has made since he's been president? Oh, we don't have to, we all see how they've been grifting us from Day 1.

Those are the ones that got caught
and just why do the republicans let trump get away with so much corruption?

hell it's in the whole party...…..nothing for country...all for personal greed

Sens. Richard Burr, Kelly Loeffler sold millions in stock ...
12 hours ago · Two Republican lawmakers are under intense scrutiny as reports show Sens. Richard Burr and Kelly Loeffler sold millions in stock before the …

Yeah what about all the Dems like Feinstein - you people are such tools.

Boils down to nothing more than a lack of leadership......a problem we have had for about 3 years now....we need a president......comeback Obama comeback

Before Virus Outbreak, a Cascade of Warnings Went Unheeded

WASHINGTON — The outbreak of the respiratory virus began in China and was quickly spread around the world by air travelers, who ran high fevers. In the United States, it was first detected in Chicago, and 47 days later the World Health Organization declared a pandemic. By then it was too late: 110 million Americans were expected to become ill, leading to 7.7 million hospitalized and 586,000 dead.

That scenario, code-named “Crimson Contagion,” was simulated by the Trump administration’s Department of Health and Human Services in a series of exercises that ran from last January to August.

The simulation’s sobering results — contained in a draft report dated October 2019 that has not previously been reported — drove home just how underfunded, underprepared and uncoordinated the federal government would be for a life-or-death battle with a virus for which no treatment existed.

The draft report, marked “not to be disclosed,” laid out in stark detail repeated cases of “confusion” in the exercise. Federal agencies jockeyed over who was in charge. State officials and hospitals struggled to figure out what kind of equipment was stockpiled or available. Cities and states went their own way on school closings.

Many of the potentially deadly consequences of a failure to address the shortcomings are now playing out in all-too-real fashion across the country. And it was hardly the first warning for the nation’s leaders. Three times over the past four years the U.S. government, across two administrations, had grappled in depth with what a pandemic would look like, identifying likely shortcomings and in some cases recommending specific action.

In 2016 the Obama administration produced a comprehensive report on the lessons learned by the government from battling Ebola. In January 2017 outgoing Obama administration officials ran an extensive exercise on responding to a pandemic for incoming senior officials of the Trump administration.

The full story of the Trump administration’s response to the coronavirus is still playing out. Government officials, health professionals, journalists and historians will spend years looking back on the muddled messages and missed opportunities of the past three months, as President Donald Trump moved from dismissing the coronavirus as a few cases that would soon be “under control” to his revisionist announcement Monday that he had known all along that a pandemic was on the way.

Story continues

Facts are....he is in over his head......if it doesn't involve stealing money from the gov for his own personal use....he has no idea how to handle anything else...…….strictly a lack of leadership

Trump viciously attacks NBC News reporter in extended rant ...
Mar 20, 2020 · In an extraordinary exchange on Friday, President Donald Trump viciously attacked an NBC News reporter who asked what his message would be …

Trump viciously attacks NBC News reporter in extended rant after being asked for message to Americans worried about coronavirus
Glad I'm not the only one to see this.
Associate of mine, always against guns, always supports Socialism to "get his fair share".
Now he is suddenly a proud Glock 9 owner because "these nutty ass-holes out there aren't taking MY food".
Yeah, now he has a real sense that something might be taken from him he is all about self protection and keeping what is his. - Hypocrite

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Boils down to nothing more than a lack of leadership......a problem we have had for about 3 years now....we need a president......comeback Obama comeback

Before Virus Outbreak, a Cascade of Warnings Went Unheeded

WASHINGTON — The outbreak of the respiratory virus began in China and was quickly spread around the world by air travelers, who ran high fevers. In the United States, it was first detected in Chicago, and 47 days later the World Health Organization declared a pandemic. By then it was too late: 110 million Americans were expected to become ill, leading to 7.7 million hospitalized and 586,000 dead.

That scenario, code-named “Crimson Contagion,” was simulated by the Trump administration’s Department of Health and Human Services in a series of exercises that ran from last January to August.

The simulation’s sobering results — contained in a draft report dated October 2019 that has not previously been reported — drove home just how underfunded, underprepared and uncoordinated the federal government would be for a life-or-death battle with a virus for which no treatment existed.

The draft report, marked “not to be disclosed,” laid out in stark detail repeated cases of “confusion” in the exercise. Federal agencies jockeyed over who was in charge. State officials and hospitals struggled to figure out what kind of equipment was stockpiled or available. Cities and states went their own way on school closings.

Many of the potentially deadly consequences of a failure to address the shortcomings are now playing out in all-too-real fashion across the country. And it was hardly the first warning for the nation’s leaders. Three times over the past four years the U.S. government, across two administrations, had grappled in depth with what a pandemic would look like, identifying likely shortcomings and in some cases recommending specific action.

In 2016 the Obama administration produced a comprehensive report on the lessons learned by the government from battling Ebola. In January 2017 outgoing Obama administration officials ran an extensive exercise on responding to a pandemic for incoming senior officials of the Trump administration.

The full story of the Trump administration’s response to the coronavirus is still playing out. Government officials, health professionals, journalists and historians will spend years looking back on the muddled messages and missed opportunities of the past three months, as President Donald Trump moved from dismissing the coronavirus as a few cases that would soon be “under control” to his revisionist announcement Monday that he had known all along that a pandemic was on the way.

Story continues

I’d say I hate to burst your bubble - but - I rather enjoy it.

ABC did a very recent poll about President Trump’s handling of the pandemic crisis and his approval is at 55% up 12% from last week.
Dimbulb Dems don’t even see the people coming together - at the press conference today NBC and other hostile reporters tried to push a gotcha moment and President Trump trounced them - the public is getting sick of whining belligerent Dems mouthing off.
I’d say I hate to burst your bubble - but - I rather enjoy it.

ABC did a very recent poll about President Trump’s handling of the pandemic crisis and his approval is at 55% up 12% from last week.

if it did go up....that is because he quit talking....he was making himself just look even dumber...if that is possible...everytime he opened his mouth.....also see that same chanel has done an investigation into his incompetence in handling this since the beginning...he was warned a bunch of times
Dimbulb Dems don’t even see the people coming together - at the press conference today NBC and other hostile reporters tried to push a gotcha moment and President Trump trounced them - the public is getting sick of whining belligerent Dems mouthing off.

no wonder you haven't a clue as to the world around you......he asked a simple question.....typical trump....didn't have a clue what to say...….asked the same question to pence...he answered.....just shows that the dim wit n charge should just go back to the office...…..the question went something like..."do you have any words of encouragement for the American people"?

for trump that is a tough one
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