Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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nitpickers, huh? The man run on a huge bunch of campaign promises he didn't fulfill ... want that list AGAIN?
A much shorter list would be the ones he DID fulfill ... don't you think?
Why can't you admit your man is a habitual LIAR who has no intention of fulfilling anything other than his personal pockets!?
The one that's become a huge JOKE is his promise to pay down and off the Nat'l Debt ... hell, he's DOUBLED the deficit spending ... ain't no chance of his paying down or off a Nat'l Debt, dildo breath ... just passing more debt to the next generations to pay off. He's a piece of *******, blkdlaur. You know it, too!

Must be HARD being you - SOOOO much HATRED.
Really??? HMMM anyone with open eyes and at least a 100 IQ that has been watching the democratic parties response of pure hatred for over the last three years without Bias saw the definition of a real nightmare.

You're so damn conscientious .... almost! Why don't you take time out of your busy schedule and acquaint yourself with what Moscow Mitch and his Republican entourage enunciated as their priority after Obama took office! Moscow Mitch stated that their (Republican Party) #1 Priority was to ensure that Obama was a one (1) term president! I might also add, never hesitated to hide the truth when a good lie would do, albeit, from propagation of Obama's Birth Certificate Lie to numerous versions and queries into the, so called, Bengazi Affair! When one set of facts didn't suit their conclusions they sought another, ie., "alternative facts", which might match their desired conclusions!
So buying political power is your forte - all I can say doesn’t always work - Hillary spent over a billion dollars in 2016 - President Trump spent about 70 million

Russia has pretty deep pockets and a bot system designed to sow hate and discord.....look at allfor posts...…...ever see anything factual?

Russian troll farm indicted by Mueller had multi-million ...
Among the entities are the Internet Research Agency (IRA), a troll factory based in Russia that used bots to spread fake news and sow discord in the US. By September 2016, the IRA had a monthly budget of more than $1.25 million to carry out its influence campaign.
Must be HARD being you - SOOOO much HATRED.

The sociopath will always accuse YOU of what they are ...
Jun 08, 2013 · So, someone who is constantly accusing the cheater of cheating is not a deflection from themselves engaing in the same behavior just as someone accusing the liar of lying isn’t lying themselves…they are desperate to expose the truth…afterall, we’ve trusted that this person is faithful and genuine and when caught, we can choose to ignore it enabling the behavior or call it out causing …
If he thinks he use this to stay in office......don't think it will fly.....

Describing himself as a ‘wartime president,’ Trump invokes the Defense Production Act to marshal private sector against the coronavirus

BLAH BLAH BLAH - everything is President Trump’s fault


WAH WAH WAH :cold:
Pandemic is all on President Trump

Racist for calling it Chinese Virus
WAH WAH WAH :cold:

Freaking cry baby Dems - only thing they’re good for is whining - taint good for doing anything cept criticizing them that are TRYING to do something - f’n LOSERS !!!!!!
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typical of your right wing facist upbring

fascism | Definition, Characteristics, & History | Britannica
Fascists tended to capitalize on these economic anxieties by shifting the blame away from government or market forces. Jews, immigrants, leftists, and other groups became useful scapegoats. Redirecting popular anger toward these people would, in theory, rid a country of its ailments.
That is a ridicules statement, I never had any political upbringing. They are selfish Socialist Byproducts. Not all but the liberal left, their parents should be ashamed of allowing chi-dren they are suppose to be raising to be programmed instead of educated in schools today. What a boneheaded statement! Here are your facts.
short memory or just fucked up opinions?.....or is it that racist mind of yours just glad to have a white guy?

Hatred For Obama Wrecked The GOP | HuffPost
Oct 12, 2016 · Hatred For Obama Wrecked The GOP The ascension of Donald Trump to the top of the GOP ticket is a direct result of the vitriol Republicans have directed toward Obama. 10/10/2016 05:13 pm ET Updated Oct 12, 2016

Proof Republicans Are Racist Towards President Obama
Mar 15, 2016 · Proof positive that Republicans are racist when it comes to their treatment of President Obama, the first African-American president in history. There is no doubt that many Republicans are racist when it comes to President Obama. The president has been ****** to endure racism, hatred and malicious lies and rumors like no other American president.

The right wing's hideous crusade against Michelle Obama ...
Sep 03, 2015 · The right wing's hideous crusade against Michelle Obama has completely fallen apart For years, the likes of Rush Limbaugh have lobbed racist, sexist …

How Years Of The Right-Wing Media’s Obama Hatred Paved The ...
That hatred of President Obama, and the related scorched-earth efforts to ******* his agenda, prepared the way for Trump. Many Republican voters became, in the words of one conservative writer, “just increasingly divorced from reality” after spending years in the right-wing echo chamber.

Republicans had it in for Obama before Day 1 - The ...
Aug 10, 2012 · Show united and unyielding opposition to the president’s economic policies. (Eight days later, Minority Whip Cantor would hold the House Republicans to a unanimous No against Obama

Republicans Admit Everything They Said About Obama Was a Lie
Yet after Republicans won control of Congress on the shoulders of a tea party wave of debt hysteria in 2010, a conventional wisdom took hold that President Obama needed to get Republicans to make ...

You call me Racist one more time, we might just have a real problem. I have never spoke to you in that way.
You're so damn conscientious .... almost! Why don't you take time out of your busy schedule and acquaint yourself with what Moscow Mitch and his Republican entourage enunciated as their priority after Obama took office! Moscow Mitch stated that their (Republican Party) #1 Priority was to ensure that Obama was a one (1) term president! I might also add, never hesitated to hide the truth when a good lie would do, albeit, from propagation of Obama's Birth Certificate Lie to numerous versions and queries into the, so called, Bengazi Affair! When one set of facts didn't suit their conclusions they sought another, ie., "alternative facts", which might match their desired conclusions!
I have no idea about what Mitch or the Republicans did. I tuned out both Parties 2 years after Obama took office. I have always been an Independent.
You call me Racist one more time, we might just have a real problem. I have never spoke to you in that way.

let me guess it is the republican way....when losing a conversation...eliminate the competition......get him banned huh....doesn't change the facts....and up to your childish games of going back through and disliking all my posts.....you can only go so far you got them all last time you went on your 2year old tirade.....grow sometime....be a man and take responsibility for what you do and say...…..quit trying to mimick trump
let me guess it is the republican way....when losing a conversation...eliminate the competition......get him banned huh....doesn't change the facts....and up to your childish games of going back through and disliking all my posts.....you can only go so far you got them all last time you went on your 2year old tirade.....grow sometime....be a man and take responsibility for what you do and say...…..quit trying to mimick trump
I only disliked what I really disliked. To proper response of a real man what have been I'm sorry for calling you a Racist and earlier a White Supremacist. I am not the baby here. Getting anyone banned is not my way. This ends now on my part,
To proper response of a real man what have been I'm sorry for calling you a Racist and earlier a White Supremacist

well to make this simple and not go over your head....if a guy is a known racist.....the majority of the country thinks so...even some republicans...say he is....and you support the man.....so the conclusion with you supporting one only means one thing!

I am not the baby here

you only like conversation that goes your way...….and when things don't you back through all my posts and put a dislike.....seems pretty fucking childish to me

Getting anyone banned is not my way

several of you right wingers like to bring the mods in when the conversation is not to your liking....not the first time.....I have had it several times now...from you right wingers

This ends now on my part,

pretty sure you have said that before
I have no idea about what Mitch or the Republicans did. I tuned out both Parties 2 years after Obama took office.
You still vote ... and the only game in town is D or R ... Independent voting only helps the worst player out.
You're not having any idea as to what Mitch or Republicans have done since Trump took office is a great concern for those of us who have followed the politics ... you really have no clue, do you? That's really sad. Its one thing to simply be ignorant of one's job, its another thing, however, to be working WITH and taking the word OF our country's adversaries,rather than his advisers.
So buying political power is your forte - all I can say doesn’t always work - Hillary spent over a billion dollars in 2016 - President Trump spent about 70 million
All of the trolling you do, and you finally give a number- and it's wrong. How big is that ass you keep pulling ******* out of?
When the 2016 campaign came to a one on one contest between Hillary and tRump, Hillary had $121.4 million in the bank, while the Trump campaign had $96 million.
So it was just about even. And for the record, Bloomberg's spending is independent of Biden's budget.
And finally, if you don't like money in politics, you should have talked to your conservative friends and SCOTUS members who stand on the wrong side of the Citizens United ruling.
Just need to flip house and game over
Well, that won't change that Donald tRump is only the 3rd president out of 45 to be so bad at his job he was impeached.
And, can the partisan hunt bs. Same ******* was said about Johnson and Clinton. Yet, today, they are still impeached. Clinton still left office as one of the most popular presidents (until Obama), and Johnson, who really was terrible was elected to the House. tRump will either spend his KFC eating days complaining about his lack of legacy, or taen the funds he's fleeced us of while in office and move to Dubai or Moscow.
BLAH BLAH BLAH - everything is President Trump’s fault


WAH WAH WAH :cold:
Pandemic is all on President Trump

Racist for calling it Chinese Virus
WAH WAH WAH :cold:

Freaking cry baby Dems - only thing they’re good for is whining - taint good for doing anything cept criticizing them that are TRYING to do something - f’n LOSERS !!!!!!
Must be good for winning. That's what we've been doing since tRump became president. WAH WAH WAH We only won the senate by three seats. Blah Blah Blah they handcuffed tRump in the front instead of the back. Wah Wah Wah Ivanka and Jared moved to Israel and got asylum to escape justice.
I guess we should start looking on the bright side.
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