Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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From YOUR article:
Although in practical terms, expunging Trump of impeachment won’t necessarily serve a tangible purpose, it will help reinforce Republicans’ narrative that the president was unfairly targeted by Democrats. They no doubt hope that this will help offset some of the bad odor Democrats are hoping will cling to Trump and Republicans well into November. Even better, Republicans hope to be able to turn the tables in order to cast Democrats as attempting to remove the president through illegitimate means.

Ha! You're out of your expertise here cowboy, stay in your lane. There is no such thing as expungement for impeachment. Congress can't even reverse it. They explored it with Johnson years later, (after his term he served in the House of Representatives), and in 2007 the Democratic controlled Congress examined it for Clinton, instead of going after Bush for the lies that took us into Iraq. There is nothing that can be done.

In the 1830s Congress expunged President's Jackson's censure. But that's just a rebuke. That's the only time and it's nothing like impeachment. Only you, Hannity, Alan Dershowitz and Donald tRump thinks you can expunge an Impeachment.
So, your boy, will forever be known as an Impeached President who was a complete sideshow and in over his head. Like you, in this discussion.

Your idea of victory - SOOOOO LAME !!!!
That's a good one! The Democrits can think that all they want, when they all get voted out of office their slogan will read Guilty of Impeachment Frame Up, Trumps history, Falsely Impeached by Hateful Crybabies.
You make yourself the precise definition of a living nightmare! You're defined by the hypnotic transe that Dear Donald's idiocy has over you and your ilk !
Your idea of victory - SOOOOO LAME !!!!
Never said it was my idea of victory. I think the popular and electoral results for 2020 will follow the elections of 2018 and 2019 and the dems will continue to win. Never did matter who we elected, tRump has ******* the bed so much, he has/s the best turnout tool for Democrats, Independent and Moderates against him.
You know what's Lame? Claiming a win like 'no one has ever seen', when you loose the popular vote, and win the electoral college by scraping through three states at less than 1%. Actually, it is a win like no one has ever seen.
This is what Socialism in colleges is producing, the ME ME ME generation.
This is the straight result of the selfish Fuck Society/Community, It's About Me- attitude brought on by Republicans. They are doing exactly what Fox News, the President and Republicans told them to do. I don't want to hear what was said today- up until Monday, they were buying in the tRump's line of it being a Hoax and the Republicans saying it's overblown by the media. Or, maybe they were reading YOU and three other commenters right here saying the same *******.
Never said it was my idea of victory. I think the popular and electoral results for 2020 will follow the elections of 2018 and 2019 and the dems will continue to win. Never did matter who we elected, tRump has ******* the bed so much, he has/s the best turnout tool for Democrats, Independent and Moderates against him.
You know what's Lame? Claiming a win like 'no one has ever seen', when you loose the popular vote, and win the electoral college by scraping through three states at less than 1%. Actually, it is a win like no one has ever seen.

Win is a win - Dems are just sore LOSERS.
That's a good one! The Democrits can think that all they want, when they all get voted out of office their slogan will read Guilty of Impeachment Frame Up, Trumps history, Falsely Impeached by Hateful Crybabies.
What trends are you watching???? The Speaker is Nancy Pelosi for a reason. Moderates and Independents voted in Democrats in Republican districts. Hell, even Kentucky has a Democratic Governor voted in last year. Republicans have been losing at record numbers, tRump has never hit an approval over 50% and with him looking incompetent and unprepared daily and this virus gets worse, he is positioned to win or the Republicans are positions to regain the House or even hold on to the Senate??? 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
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