Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Wasn't that what Republicans did when Obama took over the presidency in 2009 from Bush? Started blaming HIM for the unemployment problems, and tried to stop the bailouts and no-interest government loans to the auto industry, etc? Blocked everything he did; said he was running UP the national debt ... the badgering was endless for eight solid years. Go back and read your history. Only thing, he was operating the country legally, whereas Trump requests then goes around his opposition. No mercy HERE ... I say NAIL HIM TO THE CROSS!

And do I recall correctly that Moscow Mitch stated, quote: "Our #1 priority is to ensure he's (Obama) is a one term president!" Poor Moscow Mitch and his clique failed in their endeavour and Obama was in fact a two term President!
Not even close 40 years of lying

a Russian would think that...

Republican Michigan mayor endorses Biden instead of ...
Mar 10, 2020 · Republican Michigan mayor endorses Biden instead of 'deranged' Trump Michael Taylor, mayor of Sterling Heights, says he’s voting for former vice-president as Biden

Opinion | ‘Never Trump’ Republicans Will Support Biden ...
Mar 09, 2020 · ‘Never Trump’ Republicans Will Support Biden, not Sanders Right-of-center voters are open to voting for a moderate Democrat. They have been helping one in the primaries.

Alienated Republicans endorsing Biden | News, Sports, Jobs ...
Alienated Republicans endorsing Biden NASHUA – Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden is racking up support from Republicans alienated by President Donald Trump ahead of New Hampshire’s first-in-the-nation (#FITN) primary, as former U.S. Sen. Gordon Humphrey and former first lady Dorothy Peterson are endorsing Biden.

Republicans For Biden 2020
Republicans For Biden 2020. Founder J.W. Verret Open Menu Close Menu. Founder J.W. Verret 10-15% Of We Republican Voters Support Trump’s Impeachment…Time For Us To Support Biden! Here is the Conservative Case for Why. Donate to Biden! We …

"Biden pointed out something that should be elementary to both sides. There is an independent group of voters in this nation looking for a functional government that can actually govern. For them, bipartisanship is a good thing and desirable. Their goals run deeper …

'Return decency to the White House': GOP figures cast ...
Mar 04, 2020 · "Biden is the most conservative candidate -- who can win," Lewis said. ... Conway has targeted Trump regularly on Twitter, but was a longtime Republican until changing to an Independent
So did every republican that was in office under W around 2005. That's when the country realized that 'trickle down' economics destroyed the social safety net. Tax cuts do not fund beloved programs. And, that's the dishonesty of the republicans. They love programs that support businesses but can't stand those that help individuals. They preach pure capitalism and deregulation but, run to socialism and government protection (the teat of gov't) when unregulated capitalism gets out of control.
Joe supported all avenues to save social security including some cuts. Bernie objected to it, but as usual, had no realistic plan to make iit solvent. Republicans wanted to privatize it and put it in the market.
Go President Donald John Trump we got your back. If anyone in this liberal world don't like it, The party should have stopped trying to eliminate the President since he was elected. No instead of honestly planning on 2020 what they have now is two useless candidates taking water pistols to a machine gun Fight.
What the hell! What party got onboard with Moscow Mitch wanting to ensure that Obama was a one term president?
Go President Donald John Trump we got your back. If anyone in this liberal world don't like it, The party should have stopped trying to eliminate the President since he was elected. No instead of honestly planning on 2020 what they have now is two useless candidates taking water pistols to a machine gun Fight.

does this mean you are gay?

seems to me even president carter said according to the facts...trump is not a legitament president

there goes that damned biased opinion again
Who the heck ever said Trump wasn't a "master of ...... !" ..... well ..... everything!
Do I recall him once saying: "Washington is broke and I'm the only one who can fix it!"
He seems to have fallen short .... by a "huge beautiful margin!" Lol


Trump's Office of Personnel Management Head Unexpectedly Resigns!

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