Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Impeachment by kangaroo court - you Dems have become so pathetic - should be expunged - now you’re trying to pull him down during a national crisis using a pandemic to beat him with - disgusting unpatriotic behavior in a time we should ALL be pulling together - you Dems SUCK !!!!!!
Impeachment by kangaroo court - you Dems have become so pathetic - should be expunged - now you’re trying to pull him down during a national crisis using a pandemic to beat him with - disgusting unpatriotic behavior in a time we should ALL be pulling together - you Dems SUCK !!!!!!

Awww ...want some cheese with that whine...…….music to my ears
no....they won't elect an impeached president!.....who endangered America's health...…..who can't control the economy...he's history...…..just keep your wagon hooked to that dead horse......and see where you go....posting all the Russian and anti biden ******* in the world can't save this guy!

Easy victory you hurt country out of spite reap what you sow.
Damn…...need a few things....and a wal mart not far from here is about the closest.....put on my mask...….some hand condoms.....and away I go......get there as usual the normal wal mart greeters...….this time 3 of them....all in their 70's...….and staring at me like i'm some kind of bank robber...….I go inside...a few people not a lot...….a bunch of people stocking empty shelves....could not find half of what I was looking for....gone...….but anyway.....all those workers....all those customers....not a soul with anything on their face or their hands.....several staring at me as I walked by...…..as I was leaving a young blk gal coming in...…..she had on a mask.....I joked with her about her and I the only 2 in the store
Damn…...need a few things....and a wal mart not far from here is about the closest.....put on my mask...….some hand condoms.....and away I go......get there as usual the normal wal mart greeters...….this time 3 of them....all in their 70's...….and staring at me like i'm some kind of bank robber...….I go inside...a few people not a lot...….a bunch of people stocking empty shelves....could not find half of what I was looking for....gone...….but anyway.....all those workers....all those customers....not a soul with anything on their face or their hands.....several staring at me as I walked by...…..as I was leaving a young blk gal coming in...…..she had on a mask.....I joked with her about her and I the only 2 in the store

Easy victory you hurt country out of spite reap what you sow.

well in your blind and stupid hate I'm sure you see it that way.....I will bet you are high on mom Russia list for being gullible…..the dems imported this virus....and told trump to cut funding so our cdc officials would quit and the agency have no money to do anything with....only dumb fucking red necks would buy into that *******!
well in your blind and stupid hate I'm sure you see it that way.....I will bet you are high on mom Russia list for being gullible…..the dems imported this virus....and told trump to cut funding so our cdc officials would quit and the agency have no money to do anything with....only dumb fucking red necks would buy into that *******!
You know anyone infected , know anyone that knows anyone infected. 100 deaths most in 90s rest had underlying ******* a cold would have killed.
Expungement coming. Get comfortable 4 more years
Ha! You're out of your expertise here cowboy, stay in your lane. There is no such thing as expungement for impeachment. Congress can't even reverse it. They explored it with Johnson years later, (after his term he served in the House of Representatives), and in 2007 the Democratic controlled Congress examined it for Clinton, instead of going after Bush for the lies that took us into Iraq. There is nothing that can be done.

In the 1830s Congress expunged President's Jackson's censure. But that's just a rebuke. That's the only time and it's nothing like impeachment. Only you, Hannity, Alan Dershowitz and Donald tRump thinks you can expunge an Impeachment.
So, your boy, will forever be known as an Impeached President who was a complete sideshow and in over his head. Like you, in this discussion.
Ha! You're out of your expertise here cowboy, stay in your lane. There is no such thing as expungement for impeachment. Congress can't even reverse it. They explored it with Johnson years later, (after his term he served in the House of Representatives), and in 2007 the Democratic controlled Congress examined it for Clinton, instead of going after Bush for the lies that took us into Iraq. There is nothing that can be done.

In the 1830s Congress expunged President's Jackson's censure. But that's just a rebuke. That's the only time and it's nothing like impeachment. Only you, Hannity, Alan Dershowitz and Donald tRump thinks you can expunge an Impeachment.
So, your boy, will forever be known as an Impeached President who was a complete sideshow and in over his head. Like you, in this discussion.

Impeachment by kangaroo court - you Dems have become so pathetic - should be expunged - now you’re trying to pull him down during a national crisis using a pandemic to beat him with - disgusting unpatriotic behavior in a time we should ALL be pulling together - you Dems SUCK !!!!!!
1. All three impeachments have been partisan majorities.
2. There is NO expungement for impeachment. However, FOX News disagrees with HISTORY and THE CONSTITUTION. The same ones who told you that Coronavirus was NOT a pandemic, and being overblown.
3. Good to see you are recognizing it as a pandemic now. tRump is responsible for dropping the ball on this in some major ways:
A. His disbanded the pandemic team that reported directly to the White House.
B. He ignored the warning from the Obama Administration that we need to be ready for a potential pandemic like Ebola or Sars
C. He slashed the CDC budget
D. He ignored the initial signs that this was serious back in October.
E. He publicly downplayed the seriousness of this just last month, called it a hoax. Encouraged people to live their lives.
F. He appointed cronies, not experts, that left us completely vulnerable as a nation.
G. He refused the initial offer from the WHO for test kits that S. Korea accepted
H. He continues to lie about the his own readiness and actions in this crisis
I. He is unable to tell the truth, thus injecting panic and uncertainty in the public and the markets

He is in over his head. He is a terrible leader of this nation. He offers no security alone and needs others to lend him credibility. He has proven to be a waste of space. He barely won last time around, and has not increased his support anywhere. As a matter of fact, he's lost support in the three states that he won by a total 70,000 votes out of millions thus delivering the Electoral College victory. In those districts, the went Democrat in 2018, and this year so far, the turnout has been high for the Dems in tRump districts. He has lost the suburbs and small manufacturing towns in the midwest. You're looking at the last months of this clown show.
1. All three impeachments have been partisan majorities.
2. There is NO expungement for impeachment. However, FOX News disagrees with HISTORY and THE CONSTITUTION. The same ones who told you that Coronavirus was NOT a pandemic, and being overblown.
3. Good to see you are recognizing it as a pandemic now. tRump is responsible for dropping the ball on this in some major ways:
A. His disbanded the pandemic team that reported directly to the White House.
B. He ignored the warning from the Obama Administration that we need to be ready for a potential pandemic like Ebola or Sars
C. He slashed the CDC budget
D. He ignored the initial signs that this was serious back in October.
E. He publicly downplayed the seriousness of this just last month, called it a hoax. Encouraged people to live their lives.
F. He appointed cronies, not experts, that left us completely vulnerable as a nation.
G. He refused the initial offer from the WHO for test kits that S. Korea accepted
H. He continues to lie about the his own readiness and actions in this crisis
I. He is unable to tell the truth, thus injecting panic and uncertainty in the public and the markets

He is in over his head. He is a terrible leader of this nation. He offers no security alone and needs others to lend him credibility. He has proven to be a waste of space. He barely won last time around, and has not increased his support anywhere. As a matter of fact, he's lost support in the three states that he won by a total 70,000 votes out of millions thus delivering the Electoral College victory. In those districts, the went Democrat in 2018, and this year so far, the turnout has been high for the Dems in tRump districts. He has lost the suburbs and small manufacturing towns in the midwest. You're looking at the last months of this clown show.
We will see in his next 4 years
From your article:
To the extent that reality matters, this is not a position to be taken seriously. As we've discussed, the evidence of Trump's guilt in the impeachment proceedings was obvious and overwhelming. Indeed, it was a point Senate Democrats, two Senate independents who caucus with Democrats, and a Senate Republican could all agree on.

But I wonder whether the president and his most loyal allies are thinking about a more long-term strategy. Perhaps someone told them about the fact that lawmakers censured Andrew Jackson in 1834, only to have his allies "expunge" the censure from the record in 1837 after control of the Senate switched party hands.

As I stated above- it was for a censure, not an impeachment. Republicans no doubt will try but, the SCOTUS will remind them of their limitations.
I want more people to see this though. They need to see the Republicans for what they are- President pardoning convicted felon cronies, the Dept of Justice giving cover to his behavior, and the Republicans not holding their president accountable. Corrupt to the core.
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From your article:
To the extent that reality matters, this is not a position to be taken seriously. As we've discussed, the evidence of Trump's guilt in the impeachment proceedings was obvious and overwhelming. Indeed, it was a point Senate Democrats, two Senate independents who caucus with Democrats, and a Senate Republican could all agree on.

But I wonder whether the president and his most loyal allies are thinking about a more long-term strategy. Perhaps someone told them about the fact that lawmakers censured Andrew Jackson in 1834, only to have his allies "expunge" the censure from the record in 1837 after control of the Senate switched party hands.

As I stated above- it was for a censure, not an impeachment. Republicans no doubt will try but, the SCOTUS will remind them of their limitations.
I want more people to see this though. They need to see the Republicans for what they are- President pardoning convicted felon cronies, the Dept of Justice giving cover to his behavior, and the Republicans not holding their president accountable. Corrupt to the core.

From YOUR article:
Although in practical terms, expunging Trump of impeachment won’t necessarily serve a tangible purpose, it will help reinforce Republicans’ narrative that the president was unfairly targeted by Democrats. They no doubt hope that this will help offset some of the bad odor Democrats are hoping will cling to Trump and Republicans well into November. Even better, Republicans hope to be able to turn the tables in order to cast Democrats as attempting to remove the president through illegitimate means.
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