Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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But you did your so fucked

" The core values of this nation… our standing in the world… our very democracy...everything that has made America -- America --is at stake....and then......and then......

The playbook that can land Joe Biden in the White House ...
Jul 31, 2019 · The playbook that can land Joe Biden in the White House ... that his decades of political experience are an asset in leading a party that has shifted to the left over the past four years. …

Riley: Vote for Joe Biden to restore character and ...
Joe Biden will bring an important and much needed craft for the leadership of our nation and that is building bridges. His Senate career could be described as the Senate's finest bridge builder.

133 foreign policy professionals endorse Joe Biden - The ...
Nov 12, 2019 · “No member of Congress was more helpful and more knowledgeable about foreign and defense policy than Joe Biden,” said Burns. “Joe Biden has the experience in the White House

Joe Biden profile: Third White House run for 'Middle Class ...
Mar 04, 2020 · Joe Biden profile: Third White House run for 'Middle Class Joe' ... and helped balance Mr Obama's comparative lack of political experience. The so-called "Middle Class Joe
This time, he entered the race as the de facto frontrunner, the most well-known and well-liked candidate in the field.

World leaders tell Biden: We need you - POLITICO
2020 Elections. World leaders tell Biden: We need you. The former vice president would bring deep relationships and heavyweight credentials to a 2020 Democratic field lacking in national security ...
Rabid hateful Dems seem to have forgotten this and will pay a price for their blatant enmity.
I think your problem might be that your memory is actually shorter than your dick ... you think? You need to pan back to 1996 and come forward a decade ... slowly if possible, and see exactly WHO were the ones who started the polarization of the parties. If you need help remembering, we'll drag out the archives AGAIN ... but something tells me you know but wish to deny. Anyone who can deny the illegalities of Trump thus far, are definitely in denial. Go to the archives.
I think your problem might be that your memory is actually shorter than your dick ... you think? You need to pan back to 1996 and come forward a decade ... slowly if possible, and see exactly WHO were the ones who started the polarization of the parties. If you need help remembering, we'll drag out the archives AGAIN ... but something tells me you know but wish to deny. Anyone who can deny the illegalities of Trump thus far, are definitely in denial. Go to the archives.

That's the media's version.
Russia hired 1,000 people to create anti-Clinton 'fake ...
Mar 30, 2017 · The Kremlin paid an army of more than 1,000 people to create fake anti-Hillary Clinton news stories targeting key swing states, the leading Democrat on the committee looking into alleged Russian ...

Nearly 700,000 Americans promoted Russian bots spreading ...
Jan 19, 2018 · The 677,775 Americans who followed, liked or retweeted the Russian bots have been notified via email, according to the social media giant.
That's the media's version.
Ahhh, more denying .... lol Thing is, since the mid-1990's there's videos to back up the BS the ReThuglicans did to Obama. You remember TARP ... $825 billion stimulus & bailout ... David Vittor - John McCain trying to cut $350 billion from TARP for god's sake. Tried stopping the "family planning" initiatives, and how in 2010 after the Tea Party took over the Republican party and tried to reverse "EVERYTHING" Obama had done the first two years in office? Hell, they even ADMITTED that it was THEIR PLAN .... ran on it during the campaigns. You don't recall that? Hell, it wasn't but 11 years ago. Of course you don't remember that, do you? You can use the same excuse as Republicans during the Russian investigation ... "I do not recall that?" .... isn't that what Republicans say these days?
Ahhh, more denying .... lol Thing is, since the mid-1990's there's videos to back up the BS the ReThuglicans did to Obama. You remember TARP ... $825 billion stimulus & bailout ... David Vittor - John McCain trying to cut $350 billion from TARP for god's sake. Tried stopping the "family planning" initiatives, and how in 2010 after the Tea Party took over the Republican party and tried to reverse "EVERYTHING" Obama had done the first two years in office? Of course you don't remember that, do you? You can use the same excuse as Republicans during the Russian investigation ... "I do not recall that?" .... isn't that what Republicans say these days?

You push fear for your profit terrorism 101
You push fear for your profit terrorism 101
LOL ... damn, now THAT's the pot calling the kettle black ... one of primary goals of Nazism is to discredit the media ... Trump kept one of Hitler's playbooks at his frik'n BEDSIDE, Allfor .... guess you deny that as well, huh? Admitted that he admired the "master propagandist" ... go read about it, sweetheart. Ivanna Trump is the one who initially brought it up. Marty Davis (according to Trump) is the one who gave him the book, "Mein Kampf".
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Biden has been on every side of every position for 40 years he is a happy idiot managed as VP easy target better luck next time bring a decent candidate you,really scraped the bottom of the barrel this time

well maybe we scraped the bottom of the barrel...…..but the barrel was trying to hide that snake you got from under the barrell

but hell your man is uniting the country in a way......they are all being buried in bi partisan graves
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