Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Says you - Hillary was light years more pathetic !!!!

key words there.....Says you

you will never know...….you voted for someone who is destroying things piece by piece....and lining his pockets while his friends pay him to milk the rest of the country...for trump it is a win win.....and the sheep just keep saying......Baaaa…….Yeaaaaaah Yeeeeesssss Baaaaa
where is my Kool Aid
Novel Coronavirus cases
PlacesCases Deaths Recovered
China 80,881 3,226 68,690
Italy 27,980 2,158 2,749
Iran 14,991 853 4,996
Spain 9,942 342 530
South Korea 8,320 81 1,401
Germany 7,272 17 67
France 6,633 148 12
United States 4,712 86 17 we are not doing to good once you get it....better than France...but not as good as Germany
Switzerland 2,353 18 4
United Kingdom 1,543 55 52
Netherlands 1,417240
Just saw thousands of people at beaches in Florida this weekend and it made think. Young idiots, and republicans have been ignoring the social distance and safety precautions until yesterday, maybe. We don't really know the numbers because we cannot test, 80% who get it, carry it with no symptoms but can pass it on. In 30 days, we will be in the millions for sure.
Just saw thousands of people at beaches in Florida this weekend and it made think. Young idiots, and republicans have been ignoring the social distance and safety precautions until yesterday, maybe. We don't really know the numbers because we cannot test, 80% who get it, carry it with no symptoms but can pass it on. In 30 days, we will be in the millions for sure.


that anything like the left start this virus to get back at trump.....seems to me someone from Fox got canned for saying that *******......and Bill O'Fucking riley....there is a reason he is out of work...…...and the publication realclear politics...…..they never had anything clear unless you are a right wing retard
Here Are 17 Ways the Trump Administration Bungled Its ...
Mar 03, 2020 · Here Are 17 Ways the Trump Administration Bungled Its Coronavirus Response This list doesn’t include Donald Trump Jr.’s claim that Democrats wanted the virus to …

Trump's coronavirus response is worse than incompetent
Now, Trump is responding to bad news about COVID-19 (WHO's more accurate name for coronavirus) in typical authoritarian fashion — with denial. In a tweet, he insisted the media was hyping the ...

What National Review nails about Trump's poor performance ...
7 days ago · In an op-ed posted on its website Wednesday morning, the conservative publication National Review zeroes in on what President Donald Trump is doing wrong amid the burgeoning coronavirus pandemic.

Schwab: Virus deadly enough without Trump’s botched response
4 days ago · Schwab: Virus deadly enough without Trump’s botched response Trump’s disdain for science and penchant for falsehoods have always been dangerous. Now they’re deadly.

and then.....and then.....along comes slow walking.....smooth talking...….non-lying.....honest Joe to show needed leadership
Here Are 17 Ways the Trump Administration Bungled Its ...
Mar 03, 2020 · Here Are 17 Ways the Trump Administration Bungled Its Coronavirus Response This list doesn’t include Donald Trump Jr.’s claim that Democrats wanted the virus to …

Trump's coronavirus response is worse than incompetent
Now, Trump is responding to bad news about COVID-19 (WHO's more accurate name for coronavirus) in typical authoritarian fashion — with denial. In a tweet, he insisted the media was hyping the ...

What National Review nails about Trump's poor performance ...
7 days ago · In an op-ed posted on its website Wednesday morning, the conservative publication National Review zeroes in on what President Donald Trump is doing wrong amid the burgeoning coronavirus pandemic.

Schwab: Virus deadly enough without Trump’s botched response
4 days ago · Schwab: Virus deadly enough without Trump’s botched response Trump’s disdain for science and penchant for falsehoods have always been dangerous. Now they’re deadly.

and then.....and then.....along comes slow walking.....smooth talking...….non-lying.....honest Joe to show needed leadership
Lies like a rug
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