Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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That's pretty appropriate timing, again ... Republicans are good at taking a growing economy and crashing it, then let the Democrats take over to correct it, and complain/obstruct/fault on the sideline to everything the Democrats do to fix it. They'll then spend ALL of 2001 and 2002 faulting the Democrats to try to recapture the seat majorities they're bound to lose in 2018 & 2000. And, of course, they'll accuse the Democrats of raising taxes and promise another huge "middle class tax cut" AGAIN ... yada, yada, yada. (yawnnnnnnn)

Yeah ... Lets not forget who crashed the market the last time that Bush tried to warn about and Obama bailed out.

So Dishonest subhub174014 contends the housing market is slowing down.

TwoBiFour says it is not.

And Dishonest subhub174014 cuts and pastes a link that agrees with TwoBiFour, and disagrees with the position he just took.

Some of the greatest entertainment in the world can be found right here folks.

LOL, again you compare apples to oranges. Big difference between "affordability" and a "strong market", your exact statement,
the housing market......and if you look...it is slowing down
It's not "slowing down" houses are simply becoming more expensive because the demand for housing is high. Surly you learned about supply and demand in basic economics class - right? The high cost for new constructions is due to the raising demand for homes. The reason for higher prices on a used home is again because of the demand for housing. That means the market is strong. If you are thinking about selling - now is the time to sell. 3 of my neighbors just sold and got MORE than their asking price.
Is The Housing Slowdown A Correction Or A Crisis?

The U.S. housing market is slowing down. As FreightWaves reported in the August economic roundup, housing data fell short of expectations from both supply and demand sides, as tight inventory and rising mortgage rates contributed. Homebuilders have struggled in recent months from labor shortages and rising materials costs, which has affected profitability. With the recent chatter of a housing crisis and the market possibly reaching a peak, we decided to take a closer look at what's going on right now.

It's taken the better part of a decade, but overall home values have rebounded. In fact, so much so that people who want to buy a new home are now finding themselves priced out of the market. There are too few homes, too many would-be buyers.

Business Insider calls it "an ugly detail," about the housing market. Residential investment, which includes construction and brokers' fees, shrank again in Q2 for a third quarter out of four. Business Insider also sources Lindsey Piegza, the chief economist at Stifel, saying the housing market "raises a large red flag" about economic growth in the second half of the year.

Why? Because "home sales help drive other parts of the economy, including consumer confidence and the pace of construction."

So, has the market peaked for the cycle, and if so, is it an economic indicator signaling a "crisis," such as NPR recently called it? No doubt, home construction per household is now at its lowest levels in nearly six decades, according to researchers at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. And it's also true that it's not just limited to SF in the west or NYC in the east, where home prices and rents have shot up. It is also a problem in mid-size, fast-growing cities like Des Moines, Durham, and Boise. In Boise, an analysis by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development showed there is a demand for more than 10 times the number of homes being built right now.

Jonathan Miller, CEO of the real-estate appraiser Miller Samuel, writes in a newsletter that "we have officially arrived at a moment in housing nationwide." According to Miller, sales in both the high and the low ends of housing were slowing for different reasons. Luxury-home sales in major markets including Manhattan, Los Angeles, and the Hamptons have cooled amid uncertainty about the effects of the new tax law. At the cheaper end, the market has "crossed an affordability threshold" after many years of increasing prices, low inventory, slow wage growth, and now, rising mortgage rates.

Economists often caution against drawing broad conclusions from monthly housing data because it's volatile and often revised, FreightWaves chief economist Ibrahiim Bayaan has pointed out. But for several months now, the trend of many key indicators has been downward.

Home prices in Washington state rose nearly 4 percent in Q1, the most in the nation, and more than 13 percent from one year ago. In light of that, FreightWaves reached out to Hakan Ekstrom, principal of Wood Resources International, based in Washington state. Esktrom sees it as a slowdown, not a crisis.

"Maybe we'll see some dramatic increases in the housing issue in the big cities, but that's not across the country," he says. "There'll be less demand in the lumber market as compared to what we've seen in the past."

It's taken the better part of a decade, but overall home values have rebounded. In fact, so much so that people who want to buy a new home are now finding themselves priced out of the market. There are too few homes, too many would-be buyers.
Business Insider calls it "an ugly detail," about the housing market. Residential investment, which includes construction and brokers' fees, shrank again in Q2 for a third quarter out of four. Business Insider also sources Lindsey Piegza, the chief economist at Stifel, saying the housing market "raises a large red flag" about economic growth in the second half of the year.

Why? Because "home sales help drive other parts of the economy, including consumer confidence and the pace of construction."
So, has the market peaked for the cycle, and if so, is it an economic indicator signaling a "crisis," such as NPR recently called it? No doubt, home construction per household is now at its lowest levels in nearly six decades, according to researchers at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. And it's also true that it's not just limited to SF in the west or NYC in the east, where home prices and rents have shot up. It is also a problem in mid-size, fast-growing cities like Des Moines, Durham, and Boise. In Boise, an analysis by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development showed there is a demand for more than 10 times the number of homes being built right now.

Jonathan Miller, CEO of the real-estate appraiser Miller Samuel, writes in a newsletter that "we have officially arrived at a moment in housing nationwide." According to Miller, sales in both the high and the low ends of housing were slowing for different reasons. Luxury-home sales in major markets including Manhattan, Los Angeles, and the Hamptons have cooled amid uncertainty about the effects of the new tax law. At the cheaper end, the market has "crossed an affordability threshold" after many years of increasing prices, low inventory, slow wage growth, and now, rising mortgage rates.

Economists often caution against drawing broad conclusions from monthly housing data because it's volatile and often revised, FreightWaves chief economist Ibrahiim Bayaan has pointed out. But for several months now, the trend of many key indicators has been downward.
Home prices in Washington state rose nearly 4 percent in Q1, the most in the nation, and more than 13 percent from one year ago. In light of that, FreightWaves reached out to Hakan Ekstrom, principal of Wood Resources International, based in Washington state. Esktrom sees it as a slowdown, not a crisis.

"Maybe we'll see some dramatic increases in the housing issue in the big cities, but that's not across the country," he says. "There'll be less demand in the lumber market as compared to what we've seen in the past."

© Provided by Accretive Capital LLC NASDAQ shows how the price of lumber has been dropping from its historic highs over June and July.
NASDAQ shows how the price of lumber has been dropping from its historic highs over June and July.

"The last two months housing starts have slowed down, and therefore demand for lumber has slowed. You've actually seen lumber demand soften after some super big increases. The supply scene has changed a little bit. The housing and construction sector has simply slowed."

"At some point you simply don't have enough people out there who can pay for these expensive houses. People are starting to be slightly less optimistic now that there are trade wars and higher interest rates and other high costs. And salaries aren't growing in parallel," says Ekstrom. "The inventory situation has started to change, actually. It depends on where you're talking about, but the construction is starting to catch up. There are bigger inventories in June and July. It's starting to spread. You're starting to see more inventory."

"Things are slowing because things just have to. The economy has been doing well now for about the past nine years," Ekstrom adds.

SONAR data tracking residential home building permits shows a sharp falloff for all of 2018's Q2.
Experts say the housing market is vulnerable to rising interest rates, job losses due to tariffs, and local policies against development. While we're not seeing job losses due to tariffs yet, we have seen falloffs for new building, and a continued saturated job market, in which construction workers are being paid excellent wages in an effort to keep up with demand.

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LOL, again you compare apples to oranges. Big difference between "affordability" and a "strong market", your exact statement,

It's not "slowing down" houses are simply becoming more expensive because the demand for housing is high. Surly you learned about supply and demand in basic economics class - right? The high cost for new constructions is due to the raising demand for homes. The reason for higher prices on a used home is again because of the demand for housing. That means the market is strong. If you are thinking about selling - now is the time to sell. 3 of my neighbors just sold and got MORE than their asking price.

the only part you got right is.....housing is to high!...the market is slowing down!
At least the last post doesn't contradict his stated position. All one month of his trend", conveniently cut and pasted, but likley not read, nor understood.


Also, leaving out resale data. But hey, it sounds somewhat "bad", and I can place the blame on Trump, so what the heck, I'll just post it.
You should trade on it. You're a pretty smart guy. Keep us posted. Based on your posts here, I'm sure it will work out well.
Well, if you could have some coherent thoughts, it would be helpful. As it is, making up stuff doesn't fly in the real world.
they say a good judge of the economy is the housing market......and if you look...it is slowing down

Same in every country.
what do you mean.....the last recession was under Bush!

or is this another of those switching topics?

Its what they do best sub. Notice how he claims he posts proof when most is the right 's propaganda BS . Then of course they go on a it was Obama, rant and restart about HC's e-mails. And how they tell others to do the research when they hardly bother themselves..... I call them the chuckle bunch.

They have me laughing each time they post!
Same in every country.

Its what they do best sub. Notice how he claims he posts proof when most is the right 's propaganda BS . Then of course they go on a it was Obama, rant and restart about HC's e-mails. And how they tell others to do the research when they hardly bother themselves..... I call them the chuckle bunch.

They have me laughing each time they post!
they are the chuckle bunch that's for sure....something about losing an argument and they just go banana's I wonder if any of them have actually won any arguments on here....not my knowledge....I know HH is 0 for in the wins......non-golfer posts so much non factual ******* and can't even keep his lies straight...….2bi when he starts losing switches things to a different subject and then asks what kool aid you are drinking....they are three of the craziest that's for sure
Yeah ... Lets not forget who crashed the market the last time that Bush tried to warn about and Obama bailed out.
.....Actually, according to testimony given under oath before a Senate Subcommittee in 2009, former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan places most of the blame on "deregulation" for both the housing and credit markets' implosion that began in 2004 and 2005 (according to National Public Radio broadcasts from those years) and the near fatal FINANCIAL SYSTEM MELTDOWN of 2007-2008.
"I was WRONG to believe that they [banksters, Wall Street, Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac, AIG] could or even WOULD self-regulate." said Greenspan, who repeated this again on NBC's "Meet The Press" a short while later.​
.....Republicans are the ones who peddle the dope of deregulation, using their Trojan-Horse chant of "less government" or "smaller government" that unleashes Pandora's box of GREED every single time the GOP succeeds in gaining power and then COLLUDING with greedy corporate leaders who want no oversight in place, no consumer protections, and no systems of checks and balances. Its the Republican's normal MOB. Its kinda hard to argue HISTORY. Now, tell me this AIN'T SO?
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.....Actually, according to testimony given under oath before a Senate Subcommittee in 2009, former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan places most of the blame on "deregulation" for both the housing and credit markets' implosion that began in 2004 and 2005 (according to National Public Radio broadcasts from those years) and the near fatal FINANCIAL SYSTEM MELTDOWN of 2007-2008.
"I was WRONG to believe that they [banksters, Wall Street, Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac, AIG] could or even WOULD self-regulate." said Greenspan, who repeated this again on NBC's "Meet The Press" a short while later.​
.....Republicans are the ones who peddle the dope of deregulation, using their Trojan-Horse chant of "less government" or "smaller government" that unleashes Pandora's box of GREED every single time the GOP succeeds in gaining power and then COLLUDING with greedy corporate leaders who want no oversight in place, no consumer protections, and no systems of checks and balances. Its the Republican's normal MOB. Its kinda hard to argue HISTORY. Now, tell me this AIN'T SO?
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We have been through all this before Mac, I suggest you read up on it. Bush was trying to regulate the big banks, it was the democrats that said we don't need to and blocked his efforts.

.....Actually, according to testimony given under oath before a Senate Subcommittee in 2009, former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan places most of the blame on "deregulation" for both the housing and credit markets' implosion that began in 2004 and 2005 (according to National Public Radio broadcasts from those years) and the near fatal FINANCIAL SYSTEM MELTDOWN of 2007-2008.
"I was WRONG to believe that they [banksters, Wall Street, Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac, AIG] could or even WOULD self-regulate." said Greenspan, who repeated this again on NBC's "Meet The Press" a short while later.​
.....Republicans are the ones who peddle the dope of deregulation, using their Trojan-Horse chant of "less government" or "smaller government" that unleashes Pandora's box of GREED every single time the GOP succeeds in gaining power and then COLLUDING with greedy corporate leaders who want no oversight in place, no consumer protections, and no systems of checks and balances. Its the Republican's normal MOB. Its kinda hard to argue HISTORY. Now, tell me this AIN'T SO?
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how could he be wrong Mac......he got it right off Fox news....and we know how accurate they are
but then do you really think the right is going to take blame for any of their messes
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