Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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HEY - chill out man - your typing like ole Uncle Joe talks :|
Never worry my friend, where I am right now it's minus 34 Celsius (minus 42 with the windchill) so I have no need to chill out! I must admit however, Trump, his antics and minions consistently bring my ******* to a boil even in this cold weather! We'll be back in Florida early next week so things, like the weather at least, will be much more amicable! LOL
You have a great day!
I have no opinion about Bloomberg ... but DEFINATELY don't agree with your comments attributable to him!
Just to refocus, isn't this thread about that Trump character????????
I was referring to him and him alone, not Bloombeg, or anyone else for that matter!

As expected, same type of deflection. The thing is if you are upset about someone lying to the people, then you should be upset about ANYONE lying to the people - whether they "matter" or not is irrelevant. You and Mac have made it quit apparent that as long as it's the left doing the lying - it's OK. As you both fail to condemn the comments of someone that was running for the ticket simply because they "don't matter". Or even condemn the lies from those who are in office today.

When ever I ask people about the lies told by a politician from the left I get the same BS EVERY TIME. Excuses - It's not relevant - excuses - It's not the same thing - excuses - it wasn't that bad - excuses excuses excuses. But someone on the right lie, holy hell breaks loose. You all the same, just spew leftist talking points and no real thought of your own, your like drones in a corn field and the DNC is the director.
As expected, same type of deflection. The thing is if you are upset about someone lying to the people, then you should be upset about ANYONE lying to the people - whether they "matter" or not is irrelevant. You and Mac have made it quit apparent that as long as it's the left doing the lying - it's OK. As you both fail to condemn the comments of someone that was running for the ticket simply because they "don't matter". Or even condemn the lies from those who are in office today.

When ever I ask people about the lies told by a politician from the left I get the same BS EVERY TIME. Excuses - It's not relevant - excuses - It's not the same thing - excuses - it wasn't that bad - excuses excuses excuses. But someone on the right lie, holy hell breaks loose. You all the same, just spew leftist talking points and no real thought of your own, your like drones in a corn field and the DNC is the director.

well since the majority of people do not like being talked down to.....I just can't picture you having a conversation with anyone....unless they were ****** to listen to you....or it would be people in your own circle of people who are nothing more than republican bobble heads standing near you and overhead your crazy comments
When ever I ask people about the lies told by a politician from the left I get the same BS EVERY TIME. Excuses - It's not relevant - excuses - It's not the same thing - excuses - it wasn't that bad - excuses excuses excuses. But someone on the right lie, holy hell breaks loose. You all the same, just spew leftist talking points and no real thought of your own, your like drones in a corn field and the DNC is the director.
Unlike you idiots, who love dwelling on Obama, Hillary, Clinton when the discussion isn't even about past politicians, but then thats ALL YOU FOLKS have, isn't it. You surely can't support the current LiarNChief, can you? We don't keep bringing up George Bush or Cheney or others long gone from the political scene. Its useless to discuss ... the NOW & PRESENT is what matters.
If we bring up a comment charging a current Republican when it was a Democrat, feel free to set us straight, but for god's sake get off the Clintons & Obamas when having REAL TIME conversations. Time to move the fuck on man ... you've got a frik'n disaster of a sitting president and every friki'n one of you lie your asses off for that ******* of a bitch.
Enough is enough!
Already Trump is trying to start another rumor if Biden's cognitive health ... PROVE IT, you morons. This coming from a sitting Idiot-N-Chief that had wrote his OWN MEDICAL REVIEW to run for the Presidency and had his idiot doctor, Harold Bornstein to sign the fucking thing. How many links of THAT do you wish us to paste into this forum thread to see how devious this idiot you voted in actually IS?
Bunch of fools!
well since the majority of people do not like being talked down to.....I just can't picture you having a conversation with anyone....unless they were ****** to listen to you....or it would be people in your own circle of people who are nothing more than republican bobble heads standing near you and overhead your crazy comments

Why do people feel the need to demean others to feel ...
Nov 11, 2018 · Some people feel the need to demean others for their own self esteem because they like to believe that they are superior to others, and that they can always 'get one over' on the other person. The person may have low self esteem themselves, thus they attempt to demean other's self value to raise their own self standards.
Unlike you idiots, who love dwelling on Obama, Hillary, Clinton when the discussion isn't even about past politicians, but then thats ALL YOU FOLKS have, isn't it. You surely can't support the current LiarNChief, can you? We don't keep bringing up George Bush or Cheney or others long gone from the political scene. Its useless to discuss ... the NOW & PRESENT is what matters.
If we bring up a comment charging a current Republican when it was a Democrat, feel free to set us straight, but for god's sake get off the Clintons & Obamas when having REAL TIME conversations. Time to move the fuck on man ... you've got a frik'n disaster of a sitting president and every friki'n one of you lie your asses off for that ******* of a bitch.
Enough is enough!
Already Trump is trying to start another rumor if Biden's cognitive health ... PROVE IT, you morons. This coming from a sitting Idiot-N-Chief that had wrote his OWN MEDICAL REVIEW to run for the Presidency and had his idiot doctor, Harold Bornstein to sign the fucking thing. How many links of THAT do you wish us to paste into this forum thread to see how devious this idiot you voted in actually IS?
Bunch of fools!

If they could not bring up the Clintons or Obama...….they would have no way of diverting things away from another fucking mess they are creating...…………………..and it just bothers the hell out of them that the 2 most beloved presidents in the country....are dems Clinton and Obama
We don't keep bringing up George Bush or Cheney or others long gone from the political scene. Its useless to discuss ... the NOW & PRESENT is what matters.
Oh yeah, you don't bring up the long gone republican past like Cheney....welll except when you do....like oh say a whopping TWO weeks ago
And who do you suppose provided him that false information? Come on now ... starts with C and ends in Y ... and lets not forget Donald Rumsfeld's part in all that. He and Cheney were "butthole buddies" ... remember?
That's because George W wasn't REALLY the President, Dick Chaney was! He was the one who would inform the President of what he NEEDED TO KNOW, remember? He started the Iraq was with WMD's, not George. Yes, I hated Chaney, and still do.
If it weren't for double standards Mac, you'd have no standards at all. Makes you perfect for a career as a dumascrap politician....you really should put in for the ISOTUS.
As expected, same type of deflection. The thing is if you are upset about someone lying to the people, then you should be upset about ANYONE lying to the people - whether they "matter" or not is irrelevant. You and Mac have made it quit apparent that as long as it's the left doing the lying - it's OK. As you both fail to condemn the comments of someone that was running for the ticket simply because they "don't matter". Or even condemn the lies from those who are in office today.

When ever I ask people about the lies told by a politician from the left I get the same BS EVERY TIME. Excuses - It's not relevant - excuses - It's not the same thing - excuses - it wasn't that bad - excuses excuses excuses. But someone on the right lie, holy hell breaks loose. You all the same, just spew leftist talking points and no real thought of your own, your like drones in a corn field and the DNC is the director.

Because you say "I don't care or get upset about someone lying to the people" is solely "your perception" and your alternative fact! I damn well "do care" that anyone, regardless of status in life, politician or preacher, who would lie to the public is abhhorant and disgusting and I despise them regardless of whom they may be! I do not need anyone to speak as to what might or not be on my mind!! I categorically despise every liar!

The fact that the person holding the highest and most influential office in the land is internationally recognized as a "persistent & consistent liar" is something every person in the country should be concerned about! He's a disgrace to his country, the world and humanity! I must admit that I'm being generous at this moment and won't comment on his lack of honesty, integrity or empathy! Enough said! Why is it that you cannot see the forest for the trees!
Unlike you idiots, who love dwelling on Obama, Hillary, Clinton when the discussion isn't even about past politicians, but then thats ALL YOU FOLKS have, isn't it. You surely can't support the current LiarNChief, can you? We don't keep bringing up George Bush or Cheney or others long gone from the political scene. Its useless to discuss ... the NOW & PRESENT is what matters.
If we bring up a comment charging a current Republican when it was a Democrat, feel free to set us straight, but for god's sake get off the Clintons & Obamas when having REAL TIME conversations. Time to move the fuck on man ... you've got a frik'n disaster of a sitting president and every friki'n one of you lie your asses off for that ******* of a bitch.
Enough is enough!
Already Trump is trying to start another rumor if Biden's cognitive health ... PROVE IT, you morons. This coming from a sitting Idiot-N-Chief that had wrote his OWN MEDICAL REVIEW to run for the Presidency and had his idiot doctor, Harold Bornstein to sign the fucking thing. How many links of THAT do you wish us to paste into this forum thread to see how devious this idiot you voted in actually IS?
Bunch of fools!

The difference here Mac-n-lies, I don't try to justify Trumps BS.
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