Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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What? no love for the flu?

COVID-19: Approximately 3,460 deaths reported worldwide; 14 deaths in the U.S., as of Mar. 6, 2020.

Flu: 291,000 to 646,000 deaths worldwide; 12,000 to 61,000 deaths in the U.S. per year.

Ole MacnLies conveniently ignores the $8.3 billion in funding Trump just signed specifically for fighting Covid-19
So, just curious, are you equally upset about Bloomberg making the statement that "farming is easy, I can teach anyone how to farm"?
Oh, and lets not forget Bloomberg making the statement that if you can't stop the burglar in 3 shoots you deserve to get robbed.
Oh gee, even though Bloomberg pulled out of the Presidential race, you're saying his opinions (regardless how poorly thought out) are still pertinent to the upcoming Presidential Election in November? Hummmm ... so, if past remarks by Democrat individuals, that are NOT running for President, are pertinent, I guess that makes ALL remarks made by ANY politician viable to the 2020 election, huh? Is that what you are saying or implying?
Oh crap, I'm going to need a major computer to collate all the careless & stupid remarks Trump & his minions in his Administration have made since Trump made himself President.
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Ole MacnLies conveniently ignores the $8.3 billion in funding Trump just signed specifically for fighting Covid-19
Oh I didn't ignore it, twathead ... its for sure he wouldn't have made that $8.3 funding IF everyone hadn't jumped at his stupid prediction (pulled freshly from his ASS, i might add) saying it was going to suddenly BLOW OVER AND SUDDENLY GO AWAY ... 'cause up to THAT POINT, he'd done NOTHING.
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After this flash in pan of corona virus blows by I hope media is held responsible for screaming fire in the theater
Its the President who's bumbled this. Telling people to go to work, having no real plan for this, lying to the American people about the numbers and availability of testing, acting like a bafoonish clown talking about how doctors are amazed that HE knows so much about this, lying about the preparedness of the United States, lying about how it's been contained and stopped, Like the petty hack he is he went after the sitting governor of Washington that is facing an outbreak, called him a snake, a terrible person and not to trust him. Yet, not a word about the Americans there in the state with the highest number of affected. He is the President of all, especially in a crisis, but can't see past his political dick.

That is one example why he is going to loose the election. He has failed to expand on that base of support at 35%. He doesn't care about all Americans, only those who follow him. Usually you can count on the opposite candidate to push some support back but in this case, it's anybody but tRump. He is excellent at fucking himself when he should be silent.
true...he cleaned up the mess Bush put us in

The trump Economy vs the Obama Economy - No Contest

Here are a couple of charts that illustrate the trump Economy vs the Obama Economy. And includes some comparisons across past Presidents.

I am using the S&P 500 stock market index as a simple indicator of the economy. Dividends are not included, so the charts do not accurately reflect total return, although dividends plays a minor role.

The first chart shows the S&P 500 Index change across Presidential terms since Reagan. Things to note -

  • Clinton and Obama stand out against the rest.
  • The market had a negative return during George Bush’s presidency.

The chart below shows the same data as above for the first 2 years of the presidency. What stands out is -

  • The wide gap between the Obama vs trump S&P 500 Index values.
  • At this point, the stock market has lost most of the gains during the trump presidency.
  • The stock market return is negative so far for 2018 (-10%).
  • Across the entire 2 year period, the trump economy is nowhere close to the Obama economy, even though trump has been boasting/lying every day about the stock market under his presidency.
  • Even if we ignore the recent sharp drop in markets, Obama did better than trump across the board, except during the first few months, when the economy was tanking when Obama first took office.
  • Obama started in a deep hole (thanks to the great recession caused under the George Bush presidency) while trump had a booming economy to start with (thanks Obama).
  • Obama was saddled with a Republican Congress whose primary mission was to make Obama fail, damn the economy and the country.
  • trump and the GOP provided a massive tax break to corporations for 2018 onwards. In spite of that, the S&P 500 is down 10% for the year. Corporate after-tax profits are up, the 1% got big bonuses while the middle class saw their next eggs shrink and the Federal deficit has ballooned to close to a trillion dollars.

The chart below shows the S&P 500 Index value change since 1981. Of note -

  • The stock market did exceedingly well under Democratic Presidents — Clinton and Obama.
  • Under Republican Presidents, not so much.

Facts are Greek to them. And if they are greek, then it's ancient Sumerian to tRumplicans.
What? no love for the flu?

COVID-19: Approximately 3,460 deaths reported worldwide; 14 deaths in the U.S., as of Mar. 6, 2020.

Flu: 291,000 to 646,000 deaths worldwide; 12,000 to 61,000 deaths in the U.S. per year.

We addressed this earlier in this thread and even the tRumpsters had to admit that it's more deadly that the flu. But once again:

The Flu is contracted by more people- so more people die but in percentages of mortality rate it's on 0.005% We are clear on how people get it, and how to address it and our bodies have built up some natural immunity, that's why the very low death rate.

Coronavirus is more contagious than the flu. It's more deadly than the flu with a death rate of 3.4% (it was 2% a few days ago). We cannot properly test for more accuracy so the numbers are no doubt higher. We have no cure, no natural immunity, no research on how it spreads (some reports are saying that it lives on a surface for 24 hours- every door handle, stair railing, gas pump, starbucks cup etc has the potential to temporarily host the virus.

That's why we don't need the partisan *******. How the fuck is a liberal thing to address the problem, and a tRump supporter thing to push for ignoring it? That's just illogical. But, the tRump movement has become cult like. He fucks up, everyone of you scramble to cover his ass by attacking anyone who doesn't march in line with him. Doesn't matter if he is lying and people are dying. That's what it's come down to. He'll fuck this up like Puerto RIco, which I'm sure you think he deserves a medal for.
Its the President who's bumbled this. Telling people to go to work, having no real plan for this, lying to the American people about the numbers and availability of testing, acting like a bafoonish clown talking about how doctors are amazed that HE knows so much about this, lying about the preparedness of the United States, lying about how it's been contained and stopped, Like the petty hack he is he went after the sitting governor of Washington that is facing an outbreak, called him a snake, a terrible person and not to trust him. Yet, not a word about the Americans there in the state with the highest number of affected. He is the President of all, especially in a crisis, but can't see past his political dick.

That is one example why he is going to loose the election. He has failed to expand on that base of support at 35%. He doesn't care about all Americans, only those who follow him. Usually you can count on the opposite candidate to push some support back but in this case, it's anybody but tRump. He is excellent at fucking himself when he should be silent.
This the media making a mountain out of an ant Hill . compare numbers to ******* driving or obesity
This the media making a mountain out of an ant Hill . compare numbers to ******* driving or obesity
Two things most of the time, you bring upon yourself.
The death rate is climbing because we are not sure how it spreads, lives and how to ******* it once contracted. 91 countries and 26 states. When do you think we should start to address this?
We government agencies to address pandemics. The government thought many years ago that it's their responsibility to protect the American people from disease. Not the media.
The media is doing their job and asking, why aren't they doing their job. You blame the media because it's makes the President look incompetent and ignorant. However, the media does not put words in his mouth or on his Twitter.
Two things most of the time, you bring upon yourself.
The death rate is climbing because we are not sure how it spreads, lives and how to ******* it once contracted. 91 countries and 26 states. When do you think we should start to address this?
We government agencies to address pandemics. The government thought many years ago that it's their responsibility to protect the American people from disease. Not the media.
The media is doing their job and asking, why aren't they doing their job. You blame the media because it's makes the President look incompetent and ignorant. However, the media does not put words in his mouth or on his Twitter.
It would seem that numbers are off due to only really sick going to hospital to be treated thus being documented. I think it will mysteriously go away after November
Oh I didn't ignore it, twathead ... its for sure he wouldn't have made that $8.3 funding IF everyone hadn't jumped at his stupid prediction (pulled freshly from his ASS, i might add) saying it was going to suddenly BLOW OVER AND SUDDENLY GO AWAY ... 'cause up to THAT POINT, he'd done NOTHING.
Well if you didn't ignore it, show us where you mentioned it in your post whining about Trump's proposed HHS budget cuts. Your post is quoted right below here......you SURE did a good job hiding it in here...maybe you used invisible pixels from your Little Macky 007 spy kit?

Aren't we so lucky to have a President that makes cuts to the EPA and CDC during a potential pandemic? Every other country knows the results IF the coronavirus suddenly goes viral and gets into the general population. But, NOT Trump, he doesn't wish to spend money on a virus that might suddenly dissipate at any minute, or so he said. Afterall, building that great WALL is way more important, as it will be HIS MEMORIAL once he's no longer President. I'm just surprised he didn't want to model his fence after the Great Wall Of China .... maybe THAT'S how the Mexicans would build the wall for Trump ... I can see them cutting and dragging those stones across a couple thousand miles of US terrain.

On top of now having yet another documented lie from you regarding your ignoring Trump's $8.3 billion in emergency funding....you do realize Trump's budget proposal you referenced isn't the actual budget...don't you??? Only the House of Representatives can actually initiate a budget bill. What you cited was a proposal that will be dead on arrival in the dumascrap controlled House. Even if it were the actual budget.....any cuts or added money wouldn't even be in effect until October when the new Federal fiscal year starts.
Oh gee, even though Bloomberg pulled out of the Presidential race, you're saying his opinions (regardless how poorly thought out) are still pertinent to the upcoming Presidential Election in November? Hummmm ... so, if past remarks by Democrat individuals, that are NOT running for President, are pertinent, I guess that makes ALL remarks made by ANY politician viable to the 2020 election, huh? Is that what you are saying or implying?
Oh crap, I'm going to need a major computer to collate all the careless & stupid remarks Trump & his minions in his Administration have made since Trump made himself President.
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Didn't say anything about them being "pertinent" to this election - and it's far from the point.
What I want to know is if you think Bloomberg is just as much as an idiot for such remarks. No need for deflection their Mac, it's a simple question.
Are you just as upset about the ignorance of the left as you are about the right. But I have my answer - so ignorant comments from the Right are unacceptable, but ignorant comments from the Left like AOC, Pelosi, Biden etc are justifiable in your eyes. (y)
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It would seem that numbers are off due to only really sick going to hospital to be treated thus being documented. I think it will mysteriously go away after November
You are mocking that we don't know the true numbers because of incompetence and the way the President has bumbled this? We've known about this since November, and are just now trying to do something and it will take over a year to get to a solution for this virus. You think it will magically disappear? And the people dying? That's your answer for them? Your government gives no shits about you, only about reelection in November? Crass, ignorant and unAmerican.
What I want to know is if you think Bloomberg is just as much as an idiot for such remarks. No need for deflection their Mac, it's a simple question.
Are you just as upset about the ignorance of the left as you are about the right.
Whether it was or not, TwoBi, the fact is Bloomberg's comments are no longer important ... he's gone. He failed to BUY the election as Trump has. It seems the voters have learned a lesson with Trump; this country isn't for SALE to anyone. And when the election comes around in November, Trump will be made to realize that as well, I feel sure.
Why not bring up some Hillary stuff, now ... I know she's not in the election this year BUT you folks sure love bashing Hillary, just as I use to love bashing Sarah Palin.
Hey, if they're NOT IN THE BIG GAME ... they no longer matter. Oh but wait, maybe Bloomberg might have been serious about Trump and will donate $100 million or more to the Biden campaign ... bet that would set you folks off.
Here's a question for you ... how many times do you think Trump will agree to debate Biden? Do you think he'll fulfill all the debates scheduled OR renige after the first or second debate? I don't think he'll go past two ... and then refuse to debate further.
You are mocking that we don't know the true numbers because of incompetence and the way the President has bumbled this? We've known about this since November, and are just now trying to do something and it will take over a year to get to a solution for this virus. You think it will magically disappear? And the people dying? That's your answer for them? Your government gives no shits about you, only about reelection in November? Crass, ignorant and unAmerican.

It's just another thing going around this year drummed out to insight fear and control the masses if you choose to be a sheep keep buying the bullshit. The government is not supposed to be your savoir.
Whether it was or not, TwoBi, the fact is Bloomberg's comments are no longer important ... he's gone. He failed to BUY the election as Trump has. It seems the voters have learned a lesson with Trump; this country isn't for SALE to anyone. And when the election comes around in November, Trump will be made to realize that as well, I feel sure.
Why not bring up some Hillary stuff, now ... I know she's not in the election this year BUT you folks sure love bashing Hillary, just as I use to love bashing Sarah Palin.
Hey, if they're NOT IN THE BIG GAME ... they no longer matter. Oh but wait, maybe Bloomberg might have been serious about Trump and will donate $100 million or more to the Biden campaign ... bet that would set you folks off.
Here's a question for you ... how many times do you think Trump will agree to debate Biden? Do you think he'll fulfill all the debates scheduled OR renige after the first or second debate? I don't think he'll go past two ... and then refuse to debate further.

If biden remember to show or who he is his dementia is getting bad
Here's a question for you ... how many times do you think Trump will agree to debate Biden? Do you think he'll fulfill all the debates scheduled OR renige after the first or second debate? I don't think he'll go past two ... and then refuse to debate further.
Oh not this BS again. :rolleyes: We went through this 4 years ago. First you claimed Trump would never debate Shrillary.....then it was Trump will quit after the first debate....then after the second. Of course in the end,Trump did all the debates just as he will this time around. Whether Joe will stay awake through all the debates....or be able to resist his urge to nibble on Melania's ear may be in question.

Here's an oldie but a goodie from your Trump/Shrillary debate derangement days:
Trump will be required to come up with "substance" which he won't have. Politifacts is salivating at the thoughts of the upcoming debate, as is the media. Trump will be revealed for the true phony he is. I don't think there'll be but ONE debate but I expect it to be entertaining.
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