Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I may have mentioned it before......and posted a couple articles on it......but the right has nothing to run on if it comes down to merit......so they have to cheat!

Twitter Flags Video Of Biden That Was Retweeted By Trump ...
Mar 09, 2020 · Trump and White House social media director Dan Scavino were caught tweeting a video meant to twist the meaning of Biden's words. For the first time, Twitter has branded a political video shared by President Donald Trump as “manipulated media.” The video

Twitter flags video retweeted by Trump as ‘manipulated ...
3 hours ago · Twitter flags video retweeted by Trump as ‘manipulated media’ Sun., March 8, 2020. This June 27, 2019, photo of President Donald Trump’s Twitter feed is …
just keeps pushing hate and divide......in his petty little mind to many against him......probably true....but he could be a man about it...or try and correct some of it by doing something for the country

Trump to skip St. Patrick’s Day Hill luncheon, blames Pelosi
Mar 08, 2020 · The House speaker traditionally hosts the luncheon. Trump instead will celebrate with Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar at the White House on Thursday – five days

Trump to Skip St. Patrick's Day Hill Luncheon, Blames ...
14 hours ago · The House speaker traditionally hosts the luncheon. Trump instead will celebrate with Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar at the White House on Thursday — five days
Have you ever heard the phrase "an ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure" ... ??
Even though Trumptards are still in denial as more and more states and people are now infected & dying with the coronavirus, we seem to be one of the few nations ignoring the possibility of/and severity of a pandemic ... once it reaches that stage, we simply have to ride our way through it with many, many more people being infected, and many more dying. Trump has Alan Kudlow parroting his non-severity comments of this virus, but setting Kudlow up to be the "fall guy" if Trump's prediction of this virus isn't correct. I guess you RightTards have been noticing that, right? Trump will NEVER take the blame for ANYTHING. It'll always be someone else's fault but at OUR expense, never Trump's.
Interesting, too, that Trump has the cruise ships with the virus on board, banned from docking ... he knows if the ships dock, they become part of the US virus number statistics ... wise Trump. This is YOUR MAN! Could be YOUR FAMILY on these cruise ships; bet you'd sing a different tune if it was true.
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Have you ever heard the phrase "an ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure" ... ??
Even though Trumptards are in denial that more and more states and people are now infected with the coronavirus, we seem to be one of the few nations ignoring the possibility of/and severity of a pandemic ... once it reaches that stage, we simply have to ride our way through it with many many more people being infected, and many more dying. Trump has Alan Kudlow parroting his non-severity comments of this virus, but setting Kudlow up to be the "fall guy" if Trump's prediction of this virus isn't correct. I guess you RightTards have been noticing that, right? Trump will NEVER take the blame for ANYTHING. It'll always be someone else's fault but at OUR expense, never Trump's.
Bet it disappears after election
Bet it disappears after election
It'll disappear when WARM WEATHER gets here, probably, as viruses normally do. How much you know about viruses?
Stop and think .... why is the REST of the world taking precautions .... and the US isn't being as aggressive? Probably because of the same reason that the US is not a believer of climate change with the rest of the world? Could that common denominator be because of the Orange Man?
It'll disappear when WARM WEATHER gets here, probably, as viruses normally do. How much you know about viruses?
Stop and think .... why is the REST of the world taking precautions .... and the US isn't being as aggressive? Probably because of the same reason that the US is not a believer of climate change with the rest of the world? Could that common denominator be because of the Orange Man?
Think about who is taking precautions and how
Well since Bloomberg lies don't matter - how about the lies and stories from Biden? Does he matter?

First they are going to claim I don't have my own opinion because I posted a video. It's not enough to agree with the video, I must put the entire video in my own words - as if posting news article after news article is "using your own words".

Then they will try to discredit the source.

Then the hypocrites here will claim he just "miss spoke" and these aren't "real" lies, their not that bad - the lie is irrelevant etc etc. Because you know, the left NEVER lies. Follwed up by a bunch of insults and derogatory remarks because their ears are on fire.

This is going to be fun,
3 ...2 ....1 and go!
Well since Bloomberg lies don't matter - how about the lies and stories from Biden? Does he matter?
Comedy Central ... the MUG CLUB? And you use THIS as some kind of PROOF POSITIVE that Biden has dementia? A talk show comic? LOL
First of all, you have a huge set of brass balls to be calling Democrats "hypocrites" as you continue taking defense and making excuses for Trump.
Maybe there IS some dementia with Joe Biden, maybe NOT ... the man is in his 70s for Christ sake. His occasional inability to recall events or names does NOT indicate he has dementia OR is dishonest, however. If so, what in the hell can you say for Donald Trump?
But, lets just say, for the sake of YOUR argument that he DOES ... soooooo? Ronald Reagan had dementia in his second term. Early on-set of dementia is very controllable. Second, Joe Biden will have a full physical which will declare him fit to run as President. I'm betting he'll have a REAL PHYSICAL by a REAL DOCTOR and we'll know his health status; can Trump say the same thing? His fake doctor ... Harold Bornstein ... remember? Simply wrote Trump's health statement as Trump "dictated it" in Trump's limo ... remember?
Let's face it, TwoBi .... Trump and Republicans only have RUMORS and FALSE ACCUSATIONS to run on ... they have NO ACCOMPLISHMENTS for the USA in the past decade ... none what so ever. I think the ones with dementia are the Trumptard followers.
It only seems natural that the NEXT rumor fueled by the ReThuglicans is that they've obtain the opinions of several doctors declaring Biden unfit to run as President and that he has dementia. Afterall, playing fairly & with integrity hasn't been their repertoire in a long, long time.
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