Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I agree, the government is not our savior but damn man, we fund them to do certain big things that the private cannot. Fighting off an epidemic and fighting off terrorists. If a group of terrorists breached the border and killed some Americans- we would be up in arms. Just one death.
One day I would be playing cribbage with a friend, the next day his mind was gone someplace else. I would feel worse for Joe but he has been a phony making out that he is such a nice guy while being nothing but a crook.
Joe was consistently the poorest Senator in the Senate, and now he is a crook? Good thing he's running against a guy who stole money from his own charity, regularly stiffed low level contractors after the work was done, bilked suckers out of millions for a fake university, was too shady to get a loan from any American bank and is just is a bumbling lying bundle of 'what the fuck'?
I'll take my chances with Joe. Grandpa Simpson over Mayor Quimby any day.
So, just curious, are you equally upset about Bloomberg making the statement that "farming is easy, I can teach anyone how to farm"?
Oh, and lets not forget Bloomberg making the statement that if you can't stop the burglar in 3 shoots you deserve to get robbed.
I have no opinion about Bloomberg ... but DEFINATELY don't agree with your comments attributable to him!
Just to refocus, isn't this thread about that Trump character????????
I was referring to him and him alone, not Bloombeg, or anyone else for that matter!
Dems just weaponizing the next thing to come along to beat our President with.

Trouble is they have Bolshevik Bernie and Blitzed Brain Biden for a choice to try and defeat him - no wonder they’re so frantic and fearful - poor ole Dems ;)
And your friend Mr. Trump has to relay on friends like Valdimir Putin and, unfortunately, his Trumpian Idiots to get elected!
Trump impeachment witness: U.S. still ‘vulnerable' after Russian meddling
The interview is Fiona Hill's first since testifying before House impeachment investigators in November.

A former National Security Council official who testified during President Donald Trump’s impeachment hearings contends Russian President Vladimir Putin has the U.S. “exactly where he wants us.”

Putin has “got us feeling vulnerable, he’s got us feeling on edge and he’s got us questioning the legitimacy of our own systems,” Fiona Hill told CBS’s Lesley Stahl during an upcoming “60 Minutes” interview that will be her first since testifying before House impeachment investigators in November.

The former top Russia aide’s testimony included details of Trump and his allies' efforts to pressure the Ukrainian government to investigate the president's political rivals.

When asked by Stahl whether the U.S.’s current political polarization could be attributed to Russia, Hill argued divisions existed long before the country’s meddling in the 2016 election.
“The Russians didn’t invent partisan divides. The Russians haven’t invented racism in the United States,” Hill said.

But the Russians understand a lot of those divisions, and they understand how to exploit them.”

Hill’s comments echo testimony she gave to the House Intelligence Committee when she stated the nation was “being torn apart” as a result of Russia’s actions and urged Americans to come together in 2020 to prevent another effort to meddle in an election.

Hill, who now serves as a senior fellow in the Brookings Institution’s Center on the United States and Europe after leaving the Trump administration over the summer, went on to say that she doesn’t believe the U.S. is in a second Cold War with Russia, stating that there’s no longer an ideological struggle between the two nations.

“The Cold War were two systems against each other,” Hill said. “In a sense, we’re in the same system. We’re competitors.”
who says Watergate is gone...…..trump using every corrupt system he can to stay in power....just no limit to the corruption this guy is involved in and uses to benefit himself...……..and just more of the right doing whatever they can to win!

Erik Prince, Blackwater founder and Betsy DeVos’ brother, recruits ex-spies to infiltrate liberal groups — including campaigns and unions

Erik Prince, the security contractor with close ties to the Trump administration, has in recent years helped recruit former American and British spies for secretive intelligence-gathering operations that included infiltrating Democratic congressional campaigns, labor organizations and other groups considered hostile to the Trump agenda, according to interviews and documents.

One of the former spies, an ex-MI6 officer named Richard Seddon, helped run a 2017 operation to copy files and record conversations in a Michigan office of the American Federation of Teachers, one of the largest teachers’ unions in the nation. Seddon directed an undercover operative to secretly tape the union’s local leaders and try to gather information that could be made public to damage the organization, documents show.

Using a different alias the next year, the same undercover operative infiltrated the congressional campaign of Abigail Spanberger, then a former CIA officer who went on to win an important House seat in Virginia as a Democrat. The campaign discovered the operative and fired her.

Both operations were run by Project Veritas, a conservative group that has gained attention using hidden cameras and microphones for sting operations on news organizations, Democratic politicians and liberal advocacy groups. Seddon’s role in the teachers’ union operation — detailed in internal Project Veritas emails that have emerged from the discovery process of a court battle between the group and the union — has not previously been reported, nor has Prince’s role in recruiting Seddon for the group’s activities.

Both Project Veritas and Prince have ties to President Donald Trump’s aides and family. Whether any Trump administration officials or advisers to the president were involved in the operations, even tacitly, is unclear. But the effort is a glimpse of a vigorous private campaign to try to undermine political groups or individuals perceived to be in opposition to Trump’s agenda.

[Most read] Trump’s CDC visit turns into scattershot defense on coronavirus response: Falsely claims tests are fully available, calls Wash. governor ‘a snake’ »
Prince, the former head of Blackwater Worldwide and the brother of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, has at times served as an informal adviser to Trump administration officials. He worked with the former national security adviser Michael Flynn during the presidential transition. In 2017, he met with White House and Pentagon officials to pitch a plan to privatize the Afghan war using contractors in lieu of American troops. Jim Mattis, then the defense secretary, rejected the idea.

Prince appears to have become interested in using former spies to train Project Veritas operatives in espionage tactics sometime during the 2016 presidential campaign. Reaching out to several intelligence veterans — and occasionally using Seddon to make the pitch — Prince said he wanted the Project Veritas employees to learn skills like how to recruit sources and how to conduct clandestine recordings, among other surveillance techniques.

James O’Keefe, the head of Project Veritas, declined to answer detailed questions about Prince, Seddon and other topics, but he called his group a “proud independent news organization” that is involved in dozens of investigations. He said that numerous sources were coming to the group “providing confidential documents, insights into internal processes and wearing hidden cameras to expose corruption and misconduct.”

“No one tells Project Veritas who or what to investigate,” he said.

A spokesman for Prince declined to comment. Emails sent to Seddon went unanswered.

Prince is under investigation by the Justice Department over whether he lied to a congressional committee examining Russian interference in the 2016 election, and for possible violations of American export laws. Last year, the House Intelligence Committee made a criminal referral to the Justice Department about Prince, saying he lied about the circumstances of his meeting with a Russian banker in the Seychelles in January 2017.

Once a small operation running on a shoestring budget, Project Veritas in recent years has had a surge in donations from both private donors and conservative foundations. According to its latest publicly available tax filing, Project Veritas received $8.6 million in contributions and grants in 2018. O’Keefe earned about $387,000.

Last year, the group received a $1 million contribution made through the law firm Alston & Bird, a financial document obtained by The New York Times showed. A spokesman for the firm said that Alston & Bird “has never contributed to Project Veritas on its own behalf, nor is it a client of ours.” The spokesman declined to say on whose behalf the contribution was made.

The financial document also listed the names of others who gave much smaller amounts to Project Veritas last year. Several of them confirmed their donations.

The group has also become intertwined with the political activities of Trump and his family. The Trump Foundation gave $20,000 to Project Veritas in 2015, the year that Trump began his bid for the presidency. The next year, during a presidential debate with Hillary Clinton, Trump claimed without substantiation that videos released by O’Keefe showed that Clinton and President Barack Obama had paid people to incite violence at rallies for Trump.

In a book published in 2018, O’Keefe wrote that Trump years earlier had encouraged him to infiltrate Columbia University and obtain Obama’s records.

Last month, Project Veritas made public secretly recorded video of a longtime ABC News correspondent who was critical of the network’s political coverage and its emphasis on business considerations over journalism. Many conservatives have gleefully pounded on Project Veritas disclosures, including one particularly influential voice: Donald Trump Jr., the president’s eldest *******.
The website for O’Keefe’s coming wedding listed Donald Trump Jr. as an invited guest.

Prince invited Project Veritas operatives — including O’Keefe — to his family’s Wyoming ranch for training in 2017, The Intercept reported last year. O’Keefe and others shared social media photos of taking target practice with guns at the ranch, including one post from O’Keefe saying that with the training, Project Veritas will be “the next great intelligence agency.” Prince had hired a former MI6 officer to help train the Project Veritas operatives, The Intercept wrote, but it did not identify the officer.

Seddon regularly updated O’Keefe about the operation against the Michigan teachers’ union, according to internal Project Veritas emails, where the language of the group’s leaders is marbled with spy jargon.

They used a code name — LibertyU — for their operative inside the organization, Marisa Jorge, who graduated from Liberty University in Virginia, one of the nation’s largest Christian colleges. Seddon wrote that Jorge “copied a great many documents from the file room,” and O’Keefe bragged that the group would be able to get “a ton more access agents inside the educational establishment.”

The emails refer to other operations, including weekly case updates, along with training activities that involved “operational targeting.” Project Veritas redacted specifics about those operations from the messages.

In August 2017, Jorge wrote to Seddon that she had managed to record a local union leader talking about DeVos and other topics.
“Good stuff,” Seddon wrote back. “Did you receive the spare camera yet?”

As education secretary, DeVos has been a vocal critic of teachers’ unions, saying in 2018 that they have a “stranglehold” over politicians at the federal and state levels. She and Prince grew up in Michigan, where their ******* made a fortune in the auto parts business.

AFT Michigan sued Project Veritas in federal court, alleging trespassing, eavesdropping and other offenses. The teachers’ union is asking for more than $3 million in damages, accusing the group of being a “vigilante organization which claims to be dedicated to exposing corruption. It is, instead, an entity dedicated to a specific political agenda.”

Project Veritas has said its activities are legal and protected by the First Amendment, and the case is scheduled to go to trial in the fall.
Other Project Veritas employees on the emails include Joe Halderman, an award-winning former television producer who in 2010 pleaded guilty to trying to extort $2 million from the comedian David Letterman. Halderman was copied on several messages providing updates about the Michigan operation, and in one message, he gave instructions to Jorge. Project Veritas tax filings list Halderman as a “project manager.”

Two other employees, Gaz Thomas and Samuel Chamberlain, were also identified in emails and appeared to play important roles in the Michigan operation. Efforts to locate Thomas were unsuccessful. A man named Samuel Chamberlain who matched the description of the one employed by O’Keefe denied he worked for Project Veritas. He did not respond to follow-up phone messages or an email.

Last year, Project Veritas submitted a proposed list of witnesses for the trial over the lawsuit. Chamberlain and Thomas were on the list. Seddon was not.

Jorge, 23, did not respond to email addresses associated with her Liberty University account. In an archived version of her LinkedIn page, Jorge wrote she had a deep interest in the conservative movement and hoped one day to serve on the Supreme Court after attending law school.

In a YouTube video, O’Keefe described the lawsuit as “frivolous” and pointed to a portion of the deposition in which David Hecker, president of AFT Michigan, said that one of the goals of the lawsuit was to “stop Project Veritas from doing the kind of work that it does.”
Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers, said in a statement: “Let’s be clear who the wrongdoer is here: Project Veritas used a fake intern to lie her way into our Michigan office, to steal documents and to spy — and they got caught. We’re just trying to hold them accountable for this industrial espionage.”

In 2018, Jorge infiltrated the congressional campaign of Spanberger, posing as a campaign volunteer. At the time, Spanberger was running to unseat a sitting Republican congressman in a race both parties considered important for control of the House. Jorge was eventually exposed and kicked out of the campaign office.

It was unclear whether Seddon was involved in planning that operation.

Seddon was a longtime British intelligence officer who served around the world, including in Washington in the years after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. He is married to an American diplomat, Alice Seddon, who is serving in the U.S. consulate in Lagos, Nigeria.

O’Keefe and his group have taken aim at targets over the years including Planned Parenthood, The New York Times, The Washington Post and Democracy Partners, a group that consults with liberal and progressive electoral causes. In 2016, a Project Veritas operative infiltrated Democracy Partners using a fake name and fabricated resume and made secret recordings of the staff. The year after the sting, Democracy Partners sued Project Veritas, and its lawyers have since deposed O’Keefe.

In that deposition, O’Keefe defended the group’s undercover tactics, saying they were part of a long tradition of investigative journalism going back to muckraking reporters like Upton Sinclair. “I’m not ashamed of the methods that we use or the recordings that we use,” he said.

He was asked whether he had provided any of the group’s secret recordings of Democracy Partners to the Republican National Committee or any member of the Trump family. He said that he did not think so.

In 2010, O’ Keefe and three others pleaded guilty to a federal misdemeanor after admitting they entered a government building in New Orleans under false pretenses as part of a sting.
And your friend Mr. Trump has to relay on friends like Valdimir Poroshenko and, unfortunately, his Trumpian Idiots to get elected!

HEY - chill out man - your typing like ole Uncle Joe talks :|

strange to hear trump supporters talk about someone unfit for office

The Trump of Imperfections (#18) - geta-blog.com
Trump prefers living in the alternative reality of ‘Trump perfection’ that doesn’t exist. In fact the opposite may be closer to the truth, he lives a larger than life – life of great accomplishments, but a life of even greater imperfections.

The steep price of Trump’s incoherent nihilism - The ...
And Trump’s affection for dictatorships is squandering the high ground our country has historically been able to occupy, even in the face of our imperfections and inconsistencies. Championing ...

Why Trump Is Mentally Unfit to Be President: Pathology of ...
Apr 05, 2017 · Trump’s Mental Health: Is Pathological Narcissism the Key to Trump’s Behavior? ... and they can’t tolerate the idea that they have any flaws or imperfections or …

Is Something Neurologically Wrong With Donald Trump?
Is Something Neurologically Wrong With Donald Trump? It is best not to diagnose the president from afar, which is why the federal government needs a system to evaluate him up close.

Opinion | What Trump’s Speech Says About His Mental ...
Feb 06, 2018 · As part of the discussion about Donald Trump’s lack of fitness for the presidency, some have argued that his linguistic capacities have worsened, suggesting significant cognitive decline. In interviews in the 1980s and 1990s, Mr. Trump speaks in complete sentences, using mature vocabulary and expressions.

Mental health professionals warn Trump is incapable of ...
Mental health professionals warn Trump is incapable of being president. The 35 mental health professionals said Mr Trump’s “words and behaviour suggest a profound inability to empathise”. The President’s tendency to “distort reality” to fit his “personal myth of greatness” and attack those who challenge him with facts was likely to increase in a position of power, they added.

6 Reasons Donald Trump Isn’t Fit To Be President - Townhall
Apr 26, 2016 · 6 Reasons Donald Trump Isn’t Fit To Be President. Couple that with Trump and his henchman Roger Stone’s subtle threats of violence if he loses at the convention and it’s no wonder that you’re seeing assaults at his rallies and regular death threats against people who oppose him. Among many others, Liz Mair, Erick Erickson, Sierra Marlee,...

Why I Think Donald Trump Is Unfit to Be President ...
Mar 10, 2017 · Why I Think Donald Trump Is Unfit to Be President Instances where Trump's perspective, insight, and judgment appear impaired. Posted Mar 10, 2017

Donald Trump has 'dangerous mental illness', say ...
Apr 21, 2017 · Donald Trump has 'dangerous mental illness', say psychiatry experts at Yale conference. Dr Gartner, who is also a founding member of Duty to Warn, an organisation of several dozen mental health professionals who think Mr Trump is mentally unfit to be president, said the President's statement about having the largest crowd at an inauguration was just one of many that served as warnings of a …

Giuliani ****** to defend Trump as ‘mentally’ capable of ...
May 25, 2019 · President Donald Trump's television defense attorney, Rudy Giuliani, had to defend the president's mental fitness after a week of public hysterics from the commander-in-chief.

Trump, Defending His Mental Fitness, Says He’s a ‘Very ...
Jan 06, 2018 · Trump, Defending His Mental Fitness, Says He’s a ‘Very Stable Genius’Trump, Defending His Mental Fitness, Says He’s a ‘Very Stable Genius’. After the president boasted that his “nuclear button” was bigger than Kim Jong-un’s in North Korea, Richard W. Painter, a former adviser to President George W. Bush, described the claim as proof that Mr. Trump is “psychologically unfit” …

Mental health expert: Donald Trump is dangerously mentally ...
Mental health expert: Donald Trump is dangerously mentally ill and temperamentally incapable of being president. “Donald Trump is dangerously mentally ill and temperamentally incapable of being president,” says Gartner, author of “In Search of Bill Clinton: A Psychological Biography.” Trump, Gartner says, has “malignant narcissism,” which is different from narcissistic personality disorder and …

Opinion | Is It Time to Call Trump Mentally Ill? - The New ...
Feb 17, 2017 · So the nation doesn’t need a shrink to help it to decide whether President Trump is fit to serve, mentally or otherwise. Presidents should be judged on the merits of their actions, statements and, I suppose, their tweets. No experts are needed for that — just common sense.

Is Donald Trumpa mentally stable president, or couldhe ...
No, he is not a mentally stable president. But that doesn’t seem to matter to anyone. His debilitated judgement, sexual perversion, and self aggrandizing agenda has been acknowledged by politicians and psychologists alike, yet still the corruption in this country runs so deep, he sits in the oval office.

Is The President Mentally And Emotionally Stable?” New ...
Aug 22, 2017 · As of today, Trump’s opponents are now actively pursuing this strategy. Asking whether the President has early stage dementia, or whether he is “mentally and emotionally stable,” Congressional Representative Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) introduced legislation that would ******* the President to submit to a psychological evaluation.

Boris Johnson once called Donald Trump 'unfit' for office ...
Boris Johnson once said Trump's comments about Muslim immigration showed 'stupefying ignorance' and called him 'unfit' for office. ... even going as far to say that Trump was "unfit" for office. …

Trump mentally unfit for office - Las Vegas Sun Newspaper
Archive for August 3, 2019 lasvegassun.com
There is something terribly wrong in the White House. The president should be put through a no-holds-barred mental evaluation, as no sane individual working in our government would display …

Is Trump Unfit for Office? The Constitution Says Yes
Is Trump Unfit for Office? The Constitution Says Yes. Robert Dallek On 12/16/17 at 6:00 AM EST A woman holds up a copy of the U.S. Constitution. ... Medicine aside, it is clear Trump is unfit to …

so many articles....can they all be wrong?
and yet the trumptards support this moron and have remarks against his opponent...just more republican bullshit!
Obama leaving ended recession

An answer to a question in which I researched about the 2008 Wall Street Bailout.

There are many excuses for the market of 2008, Many blame Fanny May, which is partly true. The real blame lies in the Democratic Party, and the stupidity and ignorance, and the belief to this day that the Democrats can run anything they involve themselves in successfully. The Democratic Party of then and today have been the principal reason we no longer pass a budget., Only a quick agreement to keep Government open, The theory that we can never spend enough. and how much of a kickback can the democrat party get from business. This is the background of what happened.
Senators Frank, Dodd, AKA the Country wide boys, And every ones champion of the people Liz Warren maybe the dumbest, most incompetent, and biggest phony in the Senate, Set upon a campaign against banks who did not invest in sections of the Cities were low income people did not get a house mortgage. Banks never lend to people with bad credit, not making enough to make a payment, or just in general not credit worthy.
The three bozos above threaten the banks with new and ******* reparations unless they lend low income money for mortgages they can not afford. Enter the Dodd, Frank, banking oversight heads of the House and Senate. After many talks, the Banks agree to loosen up lending guides, and in return they sell of these bad mortgages too Fanny Ma, Fannie May has a new Senator, who heads the oversight committee, Liz Warren, Who owes Barney Frank for his help and money getting her elected. They sell Warren on Fannie May accepting Carte Blanch all Mortgages from Banks who have granted Mortgages to low income people. So the banks who are by far the more educated in Mortgages than anyone of these three idiots ever will be, sign on and remove the Government off their backs. Everyone starts selling balloon mortgages.
They put people in homes they can never afford, with no money down interest only payments for the first five years, then the Balance is due, or they can refinance for the going rate five years down the road, Many of these payments were between 250 - 600 dollars for five years, They had to make three payments to the bank and then the banks sell this worthless paper to Fannie Mae. Which of course has to take them under Warrens new rules. Now mortgage lenders could not get in on this deal Enter, to the rescue, The Country Wide Boys Frank and Dodd. They passed a bill opening this scam to all mortgage lenders.The biggest was Country Wide Mortgage. Who then proceeded to give sweetheart fixed mortgages too Frank, Dodd, and Warren and their Families and friends.

When 2008 came around and most all these mortgages went to default, The house of cards built by Frank Dodd, and Warren fell, and Left the American Taxpayers with the bill. As does most all Ideas passed by the wonderful idiots of fraud, deceit, and lies. The ever popular Democrat Party. Hope this gives you the insight you were seeking.
strange how in 2016....the right claimed Hillary was to unhealthy for office.....the right and the lies they puch and the deceit they practice

Did a Physician Confirm Hillary Clinton Has Parkinson's ...
Sep 09, 2016 · Let’s move on to consider the “evidence” Dr. Ted Noel uses to support his claim that Hillary Clinton has Parkinson’s disease. The Secret Service whistleblower

Too Sick for the Presidency? Book Claims Clinton Battling ...
From Radar Online: Could Hillary Clinton be too sick to win the presidency? A bombshell new tell-all claims she’s battling a host of serious medical ailments behind the scenes — and RadarOnline.com has the disturbing details.

and some I'm sure are right here on this site....after all they pose as normal people....trying to put out......lies and deceit...

Russia hired 1,000 people to create anti-Clinton 'fake ...
Mar 30, 2017 · Russia hired 1,000 people to create anti-Clinton 'fake news' in key US states during election, Trump-Russia hearings leader reveals. Senate Intelligence Committee's Mark Warner claims

and now this.....

PRESIDENT TRUMP: I'm Young And Joe Biden Is Old - YouTube


Apr 26, 2019 · Joe Biden Is Making Donald Trump Nervous - Duration: 8:00. The Late Show with Stephen Colbert 2,365,491 views
  • Author: FOX 10 Phoenix
  • Views: 199K
An answer to a question in which I researched about the 2008 Wall Street Bailout.

There are many excuses for the market of 2008, Many blame Fanny May, which is partly true. The real blame lies in the Democratic Party, and the stupidity and ignorance, and the belief to this day that the Democrats can run anything they involve themselves in successfully. The Democratic Party of then and today have been the principal reason we no longer pass a budget., Only a quick agreement to keep Government open, The theory that we can never spend enough. and how much of a kickback can the democrat party get from business. This is the background of what happened.
Senators Frank, Dodd, AKA the Country wide boys, And every ones champion of the people Liz Warren maybe the dumbest, most incompetent, and biggest phony in the Senate, Set upon a campaign against banks who did not invest in sections of the Cities were low income people did not get a house mortgage. Banks never lend to people with bad credit, not making enough to make a payment, or just in general not credit worthy.
The three bozos above threaten the banks with new and ******* reparations unless they lend low income money for mortgages they can not afford. Enter the Dodd, Frank, banking oversight heads of the House and Senate. After many talks, the Banks agree to loosen up lending guides, and in return they sell of these bad mortgages too Fanny Ma, Fannie May has a new Senator, who heads the oversight committee, Liz Warren, Who owes Barney Frank for his help and money getting her elected. They sell Warren on Fannie May accepting Carte Blanch all Mortgages from Banks who have granted Mortgages to low income people. So the banks who are by far the more educated in Mortgages than anyone of these three idiots ever will be, sign on and remove the Government off their backs. Everyone starts selling balloon mortgages.
They put people in homes they can never afford, with no money down interest only payments for the first five years, then the Balance is due, or they can refinance for the going rate five years down the road, Many of these payments were between 250 - 600 dollars for five years, They had to make three payments to the bank and then the banks sell this worthless paper to Fannie Mae. Which of course has to take them under Warrens new rules. Now mortgage lenders could not get in on this deal Enter, to the rescue, The Country Wide Boys Frank and Dodd. They passed a bill opening this scam to all mortgage lenders.The biggest was Country Wide Mortgage. Who then proceeded to give sweetheart fixed mortgages too Frank, Dodd, and Warren and their Families and friends.

When 2008 came around and most all these mortgages went to default, The house of cards built by Frank Dodd, and Warren fell, and Left the American Taxpayers with the bill. As does most all Ideas passed by the wonderful idiots of fraud, deceit, and lies. The ever popular Democrat Party. Hope this gives you the insight you were seeking.

No link...….looks like right out of the RNC....some fucking research!.....any reliable source...to include gov agencies......and even president Busch will tell you other wise...

CNN Official Interview: George W. Bush reflects on economy ...
Nov 14, 2010 · Former President George W. Bush discusses the financial downturn that struck near the end of his presidency. ... Watch Queue Queue. Watch Queue Queue. ... George W. Bush reflects on economy CNN ...

and hell there are a lot of republicunts that will tell you Clinton was a bad pres also...……...funny how the right likes to shift the blame when the country knows other wise

Republicans Admit Everything They Said About Obama Was a Lie
The debt hysteria was manufactured to cover a different agenda. Republicans wanted to ******* Obama to reduce popular domestic spending programs so they could cut taxes for the affluent.

The GOP's no-compromise pledge - POLITICO
Oct 28, 2010 · Voters were split however when asked if they wanted to see Republicans work with Obama and congressional Democrats. Forty-six percent want to see Republicans work with Democrats, while 45 percent ...

The Republicans’ Unprecedented Obstructionism By The ...
From the GOP's record-setting use of the filibuster and its united front against Obama's legislative agenda to blocking judicial nominees and its admitted hostage-taking of the U.S. debt ceiling, the Republican Party has broken new ground in its perpetual quest to ensure that Barack Obama will be a one-term president.

did george voinovich say he had orders to block Obama ...
Jul 06, 2015 · It reveals some of my reporting on the Republican plot to obstruct President Obama before he even took office, including secret meetings led by House GOP whip Eric Cantor (in December 2008) and Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell (in early January 2009) in which they laid out their daring (though cynical and political) no-honeymoon strategy of all-out resistance to a popular President-elect …

GOP Specifically Stated They Wanted Obama To Fail And ...
Sep 02, 2012 · Republicans want Obama to fail more than they want America to succeed. Obama does better when America does better, so Republican politicians have been sabotaging our recovery since day one. That's like setting fire to the house, keeping your foot on the water hose, and telling everyone the firefighters did it.

The Victory of ‘No’ - POLITICO Magazine
Even though the economy was in free fall, not one House Republican had voted for the effort to revive it, prompting a wave of punditry about a failed party refusing to help clean up its own mess ...
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Republicans Keep Admitting Everything They Said About Obama Was a Lie

White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, appearing on Fox News Sunday, repeated the official administration line that Democrats had to choose between legislation and investigation. Chris Wallace reminded Mulvaney that he had supported a Republican Congress that had engaged in continuous investigations of the White House, reopening probes to chase conspiracy theories even after they had been conclusively debunked.

This prompted Mulvaney to make an interesting confession. The Republican Congress never wanted to pass laws in the first place:

WALLACE: You were there, of what the Republicans did to Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton on Benghazi, on Fast and Furious. And they got some things done despite the fact that these were aggressive partisan investigations.

MULVANEY: Well, we didn’t get very much done. Listen, I’ll be the first to admit that when the tea party wave, of which I was one, got here in 2011, the last thing we were interested in was giving President Obama legislative successes.

When somebody says “I’ll be the first to admit,” it’s usually an idiom, suggesting they are not trying to hide a fact that is widely known and frequently confessed. But in this case the sentence construction makes more sense if read literally. Mulvaney may actually be the first person to admit that congressional Republicans did not want to give Obama any legislative successes at all.

Mitch McConnell boasted that he pressured Republicans to refuse to compromise with any of the Obama administration’s priorities in his first two years (“We worked very hard to keep our fingerprints off of these proposals. Because we thought — correctly, I think — that the only way the American people would know that a great debate was going on was if the measures were not bipartisan.”).

Yet after Republicans won control of Congress on the shoulders of a tea party wave of debt hysteria in 2010, a conventional wisdom took hold that President Obama needed to get Republicans to make a deal. Most outside observers conceded that the congressional GOP might not be the easiest negotiating counterparty. Still, Obama was widely held to bear a share of the blame for his inability to get Republicans to make a deal. He didn’t play enough golf with them, or ******* enough with them, or “lead.” The idea that Obama could and should ******* Republicans to make deals with him was pure conventional wisdom for years on end.

As a high-profile link between the Obama-era Republican Congress and the Trump administration, Mulvaney has retrospectively clarified a lot of points people refused to understand at the time. Mulvaney casually confessed last week that nobody cares about the deficit. Mulvaney of course spent the Obama era claiming to care about the deficit a lot — so much, indeed, that he was willing to shut down the government or even default on the national debt in order to reduce it. The debt hysteria was manufactured to cover a different agenda. Republicans wanted to ******* Obama to reduce popular domestic spending programs so they could cut taxes for the affluent. But since neither cutting retirement programs nor reducing taxes for the rich are popular goals, Republicans framed their policy as “deficit reduction,” and the debt-scold community and most of the mainstream news media took this framing at face value.

That’s one reason why Obama couldn’t make a deficit deal with Republicans: They didn’t care about the deficit. Also, as Mulvaney now casually concedes, they didn’t want to give him any accomplishments at all, so even if Obama offered a deal they could live with, they would have opposed it rather than allow him to claim legislative success.

The Republican Party of the last quarter century regularly toggles between methodological extremes. When they gain the presidency, they dismiss congressional oversight and fiscal responsibility alike as totally unnecessary. When they relinquish it, they pursue both to fanatical extremes. Either they are blowing up the deficit and covering up wild crime sprees, or they are demanding senseless austerity and conducting permanent, redundant investigations of phantasmal Fox News–generated nonevents.

Typically, they roll out a new cast of characters to justify the stance of the moment and allow the old ones to fade into the sunset. The Clinton-era inquisitors of Capitol Hill were gone from the scene when the Bush administration was escaping oversight and rolling up debt. The Bushies faded into the background when Obama-era Republicans waxed hysterical about debt and scandal. Now a new reversal is upon us. Unfortunately for Trump’s party, Mulvaney is still with us to answer for the past.

Republicans Keep Admitting Everything They Said About Obama Was a Lie
White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney confesses the GOP Congress refused to give Obama any successes.
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