Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Obama fucked this up like the rest

like I said Bush started it....well he signed it.....but wall street was on the verge of collapse and people were worried about their investments....retirements ...savings and etc.....so both parties putting a push to do something to protect the countries interst…..so Bush just gave them the money...with bi-partisan support....when Obama came in....things were still on shaky ground so he left it....but passed the Dodd-Frank law among other things....to prevent it from happening again....but in his second term and the right had control...he wanted to stop the bail out especially when he found out most of it was just going for bonus's....and the right said no...….and now with trump....he just did away with Dodd-Frank...so now no protection...and they are already getting billions...what next if they get in trouble again?

serious trouble!
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Trump on Gutting Dodd-Frank: “Friends of Mine Can’t Borrow ...
President Trump has acknowledged that his plans to dismantle the Dodd-Frank financial reforms are inspired, in part, by a desire to help his banking friends.

Here’s what’s at stake as Trump moves to unravel Dodd-Frank

President Trump signed an executive order Friday that calls for his administration to review the landmark Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act, with an eye toward revising or eliminating parts of the 2010 law.

An administration official told reporters that the law “in many respects was a piece of massive government overreach” and that some of the rules within the law, passed in the wake of last decade’s financial crisis, “may have even been unconstitutional.”

So, what’s in Dodd-Frank, and what parts might the Trump administration be looking to revise? The answer to both is: a lot. Here are some big-ticket items.

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
The administration official who previewed Friday’s executive order said the law had, among other things, created “new agencies that don’t actually protect consumers.” That’s a not-so-subtle swipe at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, an agency created by the Dodd-Frank act that has been a strict enforcer of consumer protection laws and that has crafted a bevy of new rules that apply to mortgage lenders, banks, credit card companies and other financial firms.

The bureau’s rules have made it less attractive — though not illegal — for mortgage lenders to make some types of risky loans that went bad and sparked last decade’s financial crisis. The bureau also been working on rules that would prevent banks and other financial firms from blocking class-action lawsuits by consumers and would require payday lenders to do more underwriting.

Proprietary trading
Dodd-Frank put limits on the kind of bets banks can make on their own behalf — also called proprietary trading

‘Systemically important’ institutions
Dodd-Frank created a new group of regulators, the Financial Stability Oversight Council, tasked with overseeing all finance firms — not just banks — whose failure could provoke a financial crisis.

Living wills
In a rule aimed at preventing a repeat of crisis-era bank bailouts, Dodd-Frank calls for the nation’s largest banks to write “living wills”

like I said Bush started it....well he signed it.....but wall street was on the verge of collapse and people were worried about their investments....retirements ...savings and etc.....so both parties putting a push to do something to protect the countries interst…..so Bush just gave them the money...with bi-partisan support....when Obama came in....things were still on shaky ground so he left it....but passed the Dodd-Frank law among other things....to prevent it from happening again....but in his second term and the right had control...he wanted to stop the bail out especially when he found out most of it was just going for bonus's....and the right said no...….and now with trump....he just did away with Dodd-Frank...so now no protection...and they are already getting billions...what next if they get in trouble again?

serious trouble!
There is no end game why can't you see Obama wasn't perfect no politician is .
There is no end game why can't you see Obama wasn't perfect no politician is .

I am not saying Obama was perfect....you are right no politician is......but Obama did make attempts to try to help the country....even Obama as a Senator agreed with Bush on the original bail outs.....but when president and saw most of it was just going to exec bonus's he wanted to stop it....and the party of NO wouldn't go for it....so he went with the Dodd- Frank law.....if I remember right Dodd was a republican.....they put restrictions on wall street to prevent it from happening again.....trump just removed those....and made it easier than it was before the crash last time

Obama had a lot of flaws.....but like I have said several times....for me it is the lesser of 2 evils
I am not saying Obama was perfect....you are right no politician is......but Obama did make attempts to try to help the country....even Obama as a Senator agreed with Bush on the original bail outs.....but when president and saw most of it was just going to exec bonus's he wanted to stop it....and the party of NO wouldn't go for it....so he went with the Dodd- Frank law.....if I remember right Dodd was a republican.....they put restrictions on wall street to prevent it from happening again.....trump just removed those....and made it easier than it was before the crash last time

Obama had a lot of flaws.....but like I have said several times....for me it is the lesser of 2 evils
He could have put an end game in place if he really wanted to. Taking off fees and restrictions is not paying them money . they should have tied that to phasing out loans . it would ******* self policing. The government should not be so involved .
He could have put an end game in place if he really wanted to. Taking off fees and restrictions is not paying them money . they should have tied that to phasing out loans . it would ******* self policing. The government should not be so involved .

you forget....and probably want to.....the party of NO...wanted him to be a one term pres and would not back him on anything!
republicans win at all costs....taking away one of America's most valuable rights......if I was them I would quite paying taxes!
this country was founded on "no taxation without representation"

Judge orders 234,000 purged from Wisconsin voter rolls
You make excuses. I am biased I'm pro America

wrong....you have been trying to put blame on Obama for about anything you can think of …….you might be pro American.....but I don't see how when you are locked onto being a republican.....about as un-American as you can get....definitely party over country and showed during Obama's term.....and showing it now....you could care less what he is doing to the country or how he is changing politics forever ...catering to our enemy....destroying foreign policy.....he is making you money

in your false indignation with wall street getting all that bail out money...…..and yet you havrn't a cae in the world about the money he is flat fucking the taxpayers out of....so your crocodile tears for wall street pales in comparison

Have U.S. taxpayers spent $72 million on Trump’s golf ...
Jul 27, 2018 · It concluded the total cost was just under $14 million, for an average cost of $3.4 million per trip. Given that Trump has made 19 trips, Bump concluded the government has spent more than $64 ...

Here Are the Ways Trump Cashes In on Being President
    1. Trump’s hotels. Trump hotel income jumped from $33.8 million in 2016 to $60.5 million in …
    2. Trump campaign events at Trump properties. Various Trump properties banked at least …
    3. Golf club memberships. After Trump was elected, Mar-a-Lago doubled member fees to …
    4. Trump’s own golf trips. Secret Service golf-cart rentals alone cost taxpayers $137,000 in …
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The policies are better for the country under Trump then Obama. Pick someone decent to run in 2024 .

you want to believe that.....to bad the majority of the country does not think so.....like any other republican.....you only care about the money you make....country be damned.....if P.utin was to march in here and take over.....you would be fine with it as long as your bottom line improved....there is only so much you can fuck your employees out of so the rest you need in handouts from the gov....that's the way the right works.....and your a prime example of what is wrong with America.....greed......party over country....trickle down economics that stops with you!
cry your fucking eyes out trump lover!....again spout your *******...….but they don't match the facts

Historians Are Already Ranking Obama As One Of The Best Presidents In History

Barack Obama is the best president we've had in nearly three decades, according to a recent poll of historians.

CNet asked 91 presidential experts to rate all the U.S. presidents on ten qualities, scaled from 1-10. Obama came in 12th. The most recent president to best him was Ronald Reagan, who ranked ninth.

Howard University history professor Edna Greene Medford said in a press release that she expected Obama to fare better, given his approval ratings, which RealClearPolitics estimates were around 63% when he took office and 57% when he left. But the rankings aren't set in stone, she said. "Historians prefer to view the past from a distance, and only time will reveal his legacy."

Douglas Brinkley, a history professor at Rice University, said it was "impressive" for a president to come in 12th immediately after their presidency.

The most popular presidents of all time among historians were (in order) Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt, and Dwight D. Eisenhower. The last favored was James Buchanan.

While Obama ranked 39th for "Relations with Congress" and 24th for "International Relations," he came in seventh for "Moral Authority" and third for "Pursued Equal Justice For All."

Obama Tops Public’s List of Best President in Their ...

  • Generations’ Views of The Best President
  • Changing Views of The Best President
  • Partisan Differences in Views of Best President

  • People’s views of the best president of their lifetimes are partly tied to their ages. Millennials, who are currently ages 22 to 37, are far more likely than older generations to name Obama as one of the best presidents in their lifetimes: About six-in-ten Millennials (62%) view Obama as one of the top two, with nearly half, 46%, naming him the best president.Older generations are much more likely than Millennials to name Reagan as o
you want to believe that.....to bad the majority of the country does not think so.....like any other republican.....you only care about the money you make....country be damned.....if P.utin was to march in here and take over.....you would be fine with it as long as your bottom line improved....there is only so much you can fuck your employees out of so the rest you need in handouts from the gov....that's the way the right works.....and your a prime example of what is wrong with America.....greed......party over country....trickle down economics that stops with you!
We will see election day. where you amazed when w won. I won't rub it in I'm always a humble winner as long as you're not another sore loser
cry your fucking eyes out trump lover!....again spout your *******...….but they don't match the facts

Historians Are Already Ranking Obama As One Of The Best Presidents In History

Barack Obama is the best president we've had in nearly three decades, according to a recent poll of historians.

CNet asked 91 presidential experts to rate all the U.S. presidents on ten qualities, scaled from 1-10. Obama came in 12th. The most recent president to best him was Ronald Reagan, who ranked ninth.

Howard University history professor Edna Greene Medford said in a press release that she expected Obama to fare better, given his approval ratings, which RealClearPolitics estimates were around 63% when he took office and 57% when he left. But the rankings aren't set in stone, she said. "Historians prefer to view the past from a distance, and only time will reveal his legacy."

Douglas Brinkley, a history professor at Rice University, said it was "impressive" for a president to come in 12th immediately after their presidency.

The most popular presidents of all time among historians were (in order) Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt, and Dwight D. Eisenhower. The last favored was James Buchanan.

While Obama ranked 39th for "Relations with Congress" and 24th for "International Relations," he came in seventh for "Moral Authority" and third for "Pursued Equal Justice For All."

Obama Tops Public’s List of Best President in Their ...

  • Generations’ Views of The Best President
  • Changing Views of The Best President
  • Partisan Differences in Views of Best President

  • People’s views of the best president of their lifetimes are partly tied to their ages. Millennials, who are currently ages 22 to 37, are far more likely than older generations to name Obama as one of the best presidents in their lifetimes: About six-in-ten Millennials (62%) view Obama as one of the top two, with nearly half, 46%, naming him the best president.Older generations are much more likely than Millennials to name Reagan as o
People will write whatever you pay them to
People will write whatever you pay them to

check the numbers on a government site...…..you still won't like it.....trump is sucking "hinnie' on about every stat there is...to include popularity.....Bush was the least popular because of the war and what he did to the economy......all trump has to do is be himself and he is disliked
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