Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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John Brennan: Trump Is '******* On Power' — And Dangerous
Mary Papenfuss,HuffPost

Former CIA director John Brennan spoke for the first time on TV after Donald Trump yanked his security clearance to tell Rachel Maddow Friday that the president is “******* on power” — and capable of triggering a disaster.
“The fact that he’s using a security clearance of a former CIA director as a pawn in his public relations strategy I think is so reflective of somebody who is ******* on power. I think he’s abusing the powers of that office,” Brennan said on MSNBC.
Brennan said he believes the nation is “in a crisis in terms of what Mr. Trump has done and is liable to do.” He noted earlier: “These are very frightening times.”
He asked: “Are the Republicans on the Hill who have given him a pass — are they going to wait for a disaster to happen before they actually find their backbones and spines to speak up against somebody who clearly, clearly, is not carrying out his responsibilities with any sense of purpose and common sense from the standpoint of national security?”
Brennan talked extensively about Trump and Russia. He warned that Russia’s alleged interference in the U.S. presidential election “did not stop with election day.” He said there was something “disconcerting” about Trump’s “obsequiousness” to Russia.

An emotional Brennan also bashed Trump for “trashing the reputation of the country worldwide.” He criticized the president’s shocking “divisiveness, the incitement, the fueling of hatred and polarization. This is not what this country is about,” he added.
Trump stripped Brennan’s security clearance on Wednesday because Brennan allegedly exhibited “erratic conduct,” said White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders. The Washington Post reported that Trump took action this week against Brennan to distract attention away from the bombshell claims against the president from former White House aide Omarosa Manigault Newman. Brennan wondered if Trump might one day launch an unnecessary military action to draw attention away from some other political problem.
Watch the rest of Brennan’s interview in the video above. He has a lot to say.

So, you're saying the onl;y plan you have access to is the Bronze type plans?
Yep...hello, I've told you that several times now.
I'd say it is really hard for an employer to take employees from a Cadillac plan to a stripped down bronze plan with only a high deductible, and still save face as an employer.
Nope, not hard at all. Just the stroke of an electronic pen. Most people aren't going leave a high paying job just because their medical benefits were reduced.
Maybe your employer is simply not wanting to pay for health insurance any longer, OR, maybe you ... as you usually are, just trying to be argumenative for the sake of belittling & discrediting me.
Of course the company is trying to reduce its health insurance costs. That's part of being competitive. Belittling & discrediting you is a nice side benefit to all this though ;)
As far as my not knowing the plans ... you believe what makes your nuts tight, how's that, chappo ... you're simply choosing to pretend not what I'm saying to continue being argumenative.
What I believe doesn't matter. The proof is in black and white for all here to see. You claimed time and again sore throat visits had to be covered and I proved you were wrong. You also claimed all ACA plans are HDHPs and I proved you were wrong.....not just with opinions and hyperbole as is so often the case with your posts. I provided proof right off the Obummercrap website.

I tend to call you a liar when you say NONE of your options include paid doctors visits ... I've certainly never seen that situation
Well here's the extent of our options straight from the company website:
The condiment for this Obummercrap Shitburger is my insurance premiums have gone UP 75% over what I paid for my "Cadillac plan"
Intellectual dishonesty, and dishonesty is no way to go through life.
you don't think 37% is a pretty big fucking number?...that is over a quarter of the country in case your math is also as screwy as your thinking

if that s not that big a number how about the top 37% pay more into health care so the bottom 37% stand a better chance of even getting some
Sure, it's a large number. Now back out part time employees, employees under 18, or in school, and employees who don't have this considered part of their main household wages.

You're dishonest. Just like stating you quoted that quote I posted. Go ahead and search your posts in this thread. I'm not sure if you do it on purpose, but it doesn't matter, you are dishonest. It's disappointing. But you'll get your own consequences, as I get my own consequences. Keeping in mind, consequences are both positive and negative.
Sure, it's a large number. Now back out part time employees, employees under 18, or in school, and employees who don't have this considered part of their main household wages.

You're dishonest. Just like stating you quoted that quote I posted. Go ahead and search your posts in this thread. I'm not sure if you do it on purpose, but it doesn't matter, you are dishonest. It's disappointing. But you'll get your own consequences, as I get my own consequences. Keeping in mind, consequences are both positive and negative.

who is being dishonest?

how and why did so many part time employees come about in the first place?
let me answer that for you since you will not give an honest answer...….it was to cut benefits!

under18 and in school...same thing and usually they are at home and covered under their parents program. If they have one

now who is being dishonest....go push your bullshit someplace else!
When did part ime employment first explode? When was the secnd explosion? What piece of legislation was passed that ignited the second explosion?

You are dishonest.
Part-Time Workers Are Paid Less, Have Less Access to Benefits—and Two-Thirds Are Women

Nearly 28 million employees—almost one in five—work part time. Part-time employees are especially likely to be female and earn low wages. Millions of those in part-time jobs work part time not because they want to, but because they cannot get full-time work. Others have to work part time to accommodate school or family obligations. Part-time employees frequently make less per hour for the same work, lack access to important workplace benefits, are denied promotion opportunities, and are subject to abusive scheduling practices.
Who Are Part-Time Workers?
Women are especially likely to work part time.
• 27.6 million people work part time—nearly one in five workers (18.9 percent).
• Nearly two-thirds (64.2 percent) of those who work part time are women.
• Women are twice as likely to work part time as men: 25.8 percent of all female workers are part time as compared to 12.7 percent of all male workers.
• One in five part-time workers (20.2 percent) are women of color, compared to 16.2 percent of all workers. Part-time workers are especially likely to be in low-wage jobs and be poor.
• Part-time workers are more than three times as likely as full-time workers to hold low-wage jobs that typically pay $10.50 per hour or less (35.5 percent of part-time workers, compared to 10.9 percent of full-time workers). Nearly three-quarters (71.6 percent) of part-time workers in low-wage jobs are women.
• Nearly one in seven (14.6 percent) part-time workers lives in poverty, compared to 3.8 percent of full-time workers. Poverty rates for female workers are similar at 14.0 percent for female part-time workers and 3.8 percent for female full-time workers.

The majority of part-time workers are age 25 and older.
• Seven in ten (69.8 percent) part-time workers are age 25 and older, and only 12.1 percent are teens age 16-19.
• More than four in ten (43.9 percent) part-time workers are age 25 to 54—that is, prime working age. More than seven in ten (71.5 percent) part-time prime-aged workers are women.
• One-quarter (25.8 percent) of part-time workers are age 55 and over. Over six in ten (61.1 percent) of these older part-time workers are women. Many part-time workers are supporting families.
• One-quarter (25.6 percent) of part-time workers have children under 18. Over eight in ten (82.1 percent) of these parents working part time are women.
• Almost three in ten (28.7 percent) mothers working part time are single mothers.

Workers with a disability are more likely to work part time.
• One-third (32.7 percent) of workers with a disability work part time, while only 18.4 percent of workers without a disability work part time.
• More than one-third (34.2 percent) of working women with a disability work part time, compared to one-quarter (24.7 percent) of working women without a disability.

Why Do People Work Part Time?
Millions of part-time employees work part time because the full-time work they are seeking is not available.
• One in five part-time employees (20.7 percent) work part time *******—7.2 million people.
• Half (50.9 percent) of employees who work part time ******* are women.
• Women who work part time ******* are more than twice as likely to be poor as women who work part time for other reasons, and five times as likely to be poor as women who work full time: 25.1 percent of women who work part time ******* are poor, compared to 11.1 percent of women who work part time for other reasons and 5.0 percent of women who work full time.About three-quarters of workers who work part time do so for other reasons, including school or family obligations.
• Nearly three-quarters (73.2 percent) of people who work part time did so for reasons other than the unavailability of full-time work—reasons that the Bureau of Labor Statistics terms “noneconomic reasons.” Women are two-thirds (67.0 percent) of these workers.
• Employees who work part time for noneconomic reasons do not seek full-time work for a variety of reasons:
o Five million workers who are part time for noneconomic reasons (25.5 percent) report working part time because of baby care problems or other family or personal obligations. Women are seven times more likely than men to cite “baby care problems” and nearly four times more likely than men to cite “other family/personal obligations” as reasons for working part time. While some of these workers may prefer to work part time, for others the “choice” of part-time work is ****** by high baby care costs, low wages, or inflexible and unpredictable work schedules.
o More than 5.7 million part-time workers (29.4 percent) report working part time because they are in school or training.
o Nearly 2.4 million part-time workers (12.1 percent) report working part time because they are retired or working to supplement Social Security benefits.

What Are Key Concerns For Part-Time Workers?
Pay and access to benefits are major concerns for those who work part time.
• Part-time workers were paid significantly less per hour than full-time workers in more than half (56 percent) of 324 occupations and earned more in less than four percent of these occupations, according to a 2007 study.
• Part-time workers are far less likely to have access to employer-sponsored benefits. Just 22 percent of part-time workers have access to medical care
benefits through their employer, compared to 88 percent of full-time workers. Full-time workers are more than twice as likely to have access to retirement benefits than part-time workers (80 percent of full-time workers, compared to 38 percent of part-time workers). Full-time workers are also more than three times as likely to have access to paid sick leave than part-time workers (78 percent of full-time workers, compared to 26 percent of part-time workers).
• Women who work full time are more likely to be promoted than those working part time. A study of women across their careers shows that full-time workers are consistently more likely to be promoted than part-time workers.
• Part-time workers are more likely to have volatile schedules than full-time workers. Being part-time more than doubles the likelihood of having work hours that vary weekly. And among early career employees (age 26 to 32), part-time workers are more likely than full-time workers to receive their work schedule one week or less in advance: 48 percent of part-time early career employees receive their schedules with such short notice, compared to 35 percent of full-time employees.
• Part-time workers who lose their jobs face specific barriers to qualifying for unemployment insurance in many states, even if they have sufficient earnings to otherwise qualify for benefits. Jobless workers who are only available for part-time work are ineligible for unemployment insurance in 21 states; another 20 states permit eligibility for workers who are only available for part-time work only if those workers have a history of part-time work.
20.7% of 37% = 7.66%

Right from your own post, using your own cited, and cut and pasted, source.

You are dishonest.

Here is your post history:


Dishonest again.

Here is a search for the quote that is incorrectly quoted, and does not exist:


Dishonest again.

The actaul, and correct quote, was posted by myslef, attributing the correct author. You incorrectly used another author.

You are very dishonest.
Just follow the links, and there is no other conclusion. You are dishonest. The links are irrefutable as they prove your claims in posts to be made up.

It is what it is. You live with the consequences of your behavior. There is no sense in further debate, or denial, anyone who reads your claims, and then fact checks, comes to the same conclusion if they are intellectually honest.

You are dishonest.
No. My ******* told me a long time ago to listen to those that took successful action, and ignore others that just talked. He also told me I had two ears, and two eyes.

I follow this advice, and attempt to profit when possible. It has served me well, and I have developed pretty good instinct.

In your case, I have observed, and am making an observation / conclusion based on hard evidence. Hard evidence that I didn't need to search for, but that you voluntarily provided with your own, verifiable, dishonest and inaccurate posts.

Nothing more than that. It wasn't that difficult.
No. My ******* told me a long time ago to listen to those that took successful action, and ignore others that just talked. He also told me I had two ears, and two eyes.

I follow this advice, and attempt to profit when possible. It has served me well, and I have developed pretty good instinct.

In your case, I have observed, and am making an observation / conclusion based on hard evidence. Hard evidence that I didn't need to search for, but that you voluntarily provided with your own, verifiable, dishonest and inaccurate posts.

Nothing more than that. It wasn't that difficult.

your petty whinnying is very unbecoming
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