Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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way to go republicans...…...writing checks my grand ******* will be paying for

Federal deficit increases 26% to $984 billion for 2019 ...
The U.S. Treasury on Friday said that the federal deficit for fiscal 2019 was $984 billion, a 26% increase from 2018 but still short of the $1 trillion mark. The U.S. government also collected nearly $71 billion in customs duties, or tariffs, a 70% increase compared to the year-ago period.

Federal deficit grew 77 percent in the first four months ...
Mar 05, 2019 · The federal budget deficit ballooned rapidly in the first four months of the fiscal year amid falling tax revenue and higher spending, the Treasury Department said Tuesday, posing a …

Deficit to top $1 trillion per year by 2020, CBO says ...
Apr 09, 2018 · America’s deficit is rising sharply and will surpass $1 trillion per year by 2020, a gap that has grown since Congress cut taxes and increased spending, the Congressional Budget Office reported ...
The Republican Party Is A Deficit Fraud - Forbes
Oct 08, 2017 · Let it be shouted from every mountaintop in the United States: Today's Republican Party is a federal budget deficit and national debt fraud. Yes, I used the "f" word. The Merriam-Webster ...

Here's how the deficit performed under Republican and ...
Claim: "Reagan took the deficit from $70 billion to $175 billion. Bush 41 took it to $300 billion. Clinton got it to zero. Bush 43 took it from zero to $1.2 trillion. Obama halved it to $600 billion. Trump’s got it back t…

Thursday’s budget deal proves once again Republicans never cared about the deficit
reddit.com/r/politics · Aug 1, 2019 · Article from: www.vox.com

Republicans Find Someone to Blame for Deficit Mess
Feb 12, 2018 · The story is an echo of the Republican Party’s own response to the evident failure of its fiscal program, which is doubling the budget deficit during peace and prosperity.
I'm just saying you can't keep writing checks with no money in the bank....sooner or later it catches up....what happens when companies and etc won't honor a gov check anymore?

Correct me if I am wrong and I’m sure that you will - but didn’t the National Debt go up under Obama more than all the other presidents combined - I have heard that many times.
Correct me if I am wrong and I’m sure that you will - but didn’t the National Debt go up under Obama more than all the other presidents combined - I have heard that many times.

yup you are wrong....Obama couldn't get it down because we were in a recession and he needed money for his "bailout"....but he did pay on the debt and help it at pretty much what it was....no major increase

even trump himself said 10-15 years ago...….the country seems to run better under a dem!

Trump Is Right About One Thing: 'The Economy Does Better ...
Nov 07, 2016 · Trump Is Right About One Thing: 'The Economy Does Better Under The Democrats' Capital Flows Contributor Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own.
Trump frustrated as White House effort to defy impeachment inquiry fails to halt witness testimony, advisers say

After weeks of dismissing the impeachment inquiry as a hollow partisan attack, President Trump and his closest advisers now recognize that the snowballing probe poses a serious threat to the president — and that they have little power to block it, according to multiple aides and advisers.

The dawning realization comes as Democrats rapidly gather evidence from witness after witness testifying about the pressure put on Ukraine to investigate Trump’s political rivals. The president is increasingly frustrated that his efforts to stop people from cooperating with the probe have so far collapsed under the weight of legally powerful congressional subpoenas, advisers said.

The Democratic strategy got a boost Friday from a federal judge, who ruled that the House impeachment inquiry is legal. In the coming week, House investigators are scheduled to hear testimony from five more witnesses, including on Saturday from an acting assistant secretary of state for Europe, who is expected to testify about the efforts to oust the previous U.S. ambassador.

In a sign of the growing realization of his potential jeopardy, Trump has brought back Jane and Marty Raskin, criminal defense attorneys who were part of his legal team during the Mueller investigation, to help him navigate the impeachment inquiry, along with his attorney Jay Sekulow and White House lawyers. Their return is a late acknowledgment, some White House advisers say, that the facts coming out are bad for the president and that both his White House and personal attorneys need to try to get in front of what else may emerge.

The president’s reconstituted legal team is racing to master details about the administration’s dealings with Ukraine, along with the efforts of their longtime co-counsel, Rudolph W. Giuliani, to push Ukraine officials to investigate Trump’s Democratic rivals.

Meanwhile, White House officials have begun holding regular impeachment strategy meetings, often in the Situation Room. Some advisers are discussing bringing in a veteran lawyer with impeachment experience and actively seeking a communications strategist, according to advisers and officials.

The White House did not respond to requests for comment. Sekulow and the Raskins declined to comment.

Well, here we go again, you know we could discuss all of this in a civil manner. Most of the information posted on here as facts has a bias spin on it.
I may fail in my attempts to correctly voice my realistic opinions, but anyone attempting to explain the actions of the United States government has no option but to rely on the honesty of someone else to discover the true facts, or we must stand back and study our world around us. Donald Trump has become president at a time when it appears that our whole world is on the edge of collapsing. Here in the United States if anyone thinks that there is not huge corruption that has been happening for a long time in both The Democratic and Republican Parties, we the people are the only source we have to turn the direction back toward successful stability in our lives. Common sense is the only defense we have, we are all being played like puppets, turning on each other on a massive scale is playing right into the hands of the unseen One World Government Leadership and their steady mission of complete power and total control of everyone on earth. Being a Christian, which I am, I have been aware that prophecy is being fulfilled at an incredible pace, I won't go further on this because understanding that other people have their own free will to believe differently. One fact that I believe without wavering is that God placed Donald Trump in office at this exact period in time and his election has thrown a monkey wrench in the battle of Good Vs Evil and President Trump, an imperfect man, will not be removed from office unless it is the will of God.
well.....will agree with most of that....I have never said I loved the democratic party......I am anti-republican though....I go with the lesser of two evils

have you ever seen a politician go to Washington....and not come out wealthy?

and to me that was/is one of trumps major disappointments....he may or may not have had good intentions when he was running.....don't know if he was going to do what he said or all a scam...…..we all know the lobbyist pay our politicians to vote how they want...instead of how we wanted them to vote....he was going to do away with that.....instead the number of them has almost tripled while he has been there
he was going to drain the swamp....instead he filled it up.....just about every one of his cabinet members have been involved in some sort of scandal involving corruption...and he lets it go on until it is an issue in the press then he does something
he was going to bring jobs back home.....instead they are going overseas at the highest rate in a long time
I could go on.....had he lived up to some of those promises I think a lot of the other may have been over looked....so in my opinion he just personifies a republican...to the extreme....

as for the deficit numbers those are all facts.....even trumps comments about the economy....jobs are always up more under a Dem.....deficit improves more under a Dem....to me....I just can not understand why anyone would vote for a republican.....

If you look back in this thread I posted......21 lies the right has told to get into office and their predictions about what would happen if you voted for a dem....I'm sure people can remember some...and they are whoppers...all lies...…..I also posted on this thread 70 years worth of FACTS on why the Dems are better than the republicans for this country...but as usual most of you already have your OPINIONS....and are not interested in facts....but here is this....

Democrats vs. Republicans: Which Is Better for the Economy?


Democrats gear their economic policies to benefit low-income and middle-income families, holding the belief that reducing income inequality is the best way to foster economic growth. This is based on the idea that low-income families tend to spend extra money on necessities, which directly increases demand. Democrats also support a Keynesian economic theory, which says that the government should spend its way out of a recession.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt first outlined the Economic Bill of Rights in his 1944 State of the Union address, which included a realistic tax law, a cost of food law, and a continuation of the law for the renegotiation of war contracts.1
Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum. "1944 State of the Union Address: FDR's Second Bill of Rights or Economic Bill of Rights Speech," Accessed Sept. 30, 2019.

President Harry Truman's 1949 Fair Deal proposed specific legislation to support this expanded vision of the American Dream.2 In 2010, the Democrats expanded the dream to include health care with the Affordable Care Act.

Republicans support economic policies that benefit businesses and investors, following supply-side economics, which states that tax cuts on businesses allow them to hire more workers, in turn increasing demand and growth. It's similar to trickle-down economics, which says that the expansion generated by tax cuts is enough to broaden the tax base. In theory, the increased revenue from a stronger economy offsets the initial revenue loss over time.

One aspect of the Republican American Dream is the right to pursue prosperity without government interference, which—they argue—is achieved by self-discipline, enterprise, saving, and investing. This business-friendly approach leads most people to believe Republicans are better for the economy. However, a closer look reveals that Democrats are, in many respects, much better.

Job Creation

Republicans say that tax cuts are the best way to create jobs, where Democrats advocate for government spending, but the economic stimulus act, sponsored by President Barack Obama, used both. President Bill Clinton created more jobs than any other president. The most, percentage-wise, was Roosevelt who increased jobs by 21.5%. But that was during three terms. If you only count two terms, President Ronald Reagan was the largest percentage-wise; He increased jobs by 16.5%.3
Bureau of Labor Statistics. Employment Database. "Labor ******* Statistics from the Current Population Survey, Top Picks, Employment Level, from 1948 to 2019," December data. Accessed Sept. 30, 2019.

Minimum Wage

Democrats argue that the minimum wage should allow a living wage. FDR created the minimum wage to protect workers during the Great Depression. During that time, it was $0.25 an hour, which translates to just under $5.00 in today's economy. The Democratic Congress raised it in 2007 and set a schedule to raise it to $7.25 an hour in 2009, where it is today. Democrats support raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour and then indexing it to inflation.4

Republicans argue that raising the minimum wage could ******* small businesses to lay off workers
; this is partially true. A 2014 Congressional Budget Office report said that raising the minimum wage would take 900,000 families out of poverty, but cost 500,000 workers their jobs.5

Republicans favor regressive taxation that assesses a lower rate on businesses, investments, and high-income earners. The following includes several tax initiatives taken by the republican party:

  • In 2018, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act cut the top income tax rate to 37% and lowered the corporate tax rate to 21%6
  • The Bush tax cuts fought the 2001 recession
  • The Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act mailed rebate checks to households in August 2001
  • In 2004, the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act cut taxes for businesses
  • In 2010, the Tea Party in Congress extended the cuts to fight the Great Recession

Democrats believe in progressive taxation, demanding higher taxes on investments, big businesses, and high-income families.

  • Clinton's Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act raised the top income and corporate tax rates to 36%7
  • In 2009, the Obama economic stimulus plan cut taxes to fight the Great Recession
  • In 2010, Obamacare raised taxes on high incomes and investments

Immigrants have driven two-thirds of U.S. economic growth since 2011. They founded 30% of U.S. firms, including more than 50% of startups valued at over $1 billion.8 But many believe that immigrants take jobs from workers who lack college degrees, especially in agriculture and construction. For example, in 2014, immigrants held 43% of agricultural jobs, but only 20% were documented.

Democrats perceive America to be comprised of immigrants and demonstrate that they want to welcome asylum seekers and refugees. Obama created the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, also known as DACA, which the Trump administration has since fought to take down.9 It protected from deportation people who were brought to the United States as children. But Obama also deported more immigrants than any other president. Total deportations under Obama hit a high in 2012 with 409,849 removals, then dropped below 250,000. Trump has deported between 220,000 and 285,000 a year since 2017.10

Republican immigration policies seek to protect American workers and industries, and Trump's immigration policies follow economic nationalism. For example, he wants to complete the border wall with Mexico. He has threatened to deport immigrants protected under DACA. He separated immigrant children from their parents before ending the policy due to popular outcry. He recently came under fire for housing them in unsafe and unsanitary migrant camps.11
Health Care

Republicans argue against universal health care, calling it socialism. They prefer the current system based on private health insurance. Instead of Medicaid, they would give the states block grants to use as they need. Many of these policies are reflected in Trump's plans to change health care.12

Democrats believe the federal government should make health care affordable. Clinton's Hillarycare program would have controlled medical costs, but she couldn't get it passed by a Republican Congress. However, the Clintons achieved two other health care reform measures. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 allows employees to keep their company-sponsored health insurance plan for 18 months after they've lost their jobs.13 The Children's Health Insurance Program provides subsidized health insurance for children in families that earn too much to qualify for Medicaid.14 Obama’s 2010 Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act sought to lower the cost of health care. It covers preventive care to prevent patients from using the emergency room as their primary care physician.15
Democrats for Senate. "The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act," Accessed Sept. 30, 2019.

Climate Change
Role of Government

The Debt

Republicans advocate fiscal responsibility, but they are almost as guilty as Democrats in increasing the debt. Obama increased the debt the most dollar-wise, adding $8.6 trillion. President George W. Bush was second, adding $5.8 trillion.
FDR increased the debt the most, percentage-wise, by 1,048%, while deploying efforts to fight the Great Depression and World War II. President Wilson incurred the second-largest, percentage-wise, thanks to World War I.
On the other hand, Clinton created a $63 billion budget surplus with the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993. Every Republican president since Calvin Coolidge has added to the debt.27
Treasury Direct. "U.S. Treasury, Debt to the Penny," Accessed Sept. 30, 2019.
National Security

The Party That's Best for the Economy

There are many analyses that look at which party is best for the economy. LPL Financial Research found that, since 1950, the stock market did better under a Democratic president with a Republican Congress.35 The next best is a Democrat president with a split Congress, and then a Republican president with a split Congress. When the same party controls the executive and legislative branches, the stock market still fares better under Democrats.

A study from the National Bureau of Economic Research found that Democratic presidents since World War II have performed much better than Republicans. On average, Democratic presidents grew the economy 4.4% each year versus 2.5% for Republicans.36 A Hudson Institute study found that the six years with the best growth were evenly split between Republican and Democrat presidents.37

Most of these evaluations measure growth during the president's term in office. But no president has control over the growth added during his first year. The budget for that fiscal year was already set by the previous president, so you should compare the gross domestic product at the end of the president's last budget to the end of his predecessor's last budget.

For Obama, that would be the fiscal year from October 1, 2009, to September 30, 2018. That's FY 2010 through FY 2017. During that time, GDP increased from $15.6 trillion to $17.7 trillion or by 13%. That's 1.6% a year.38

The chart below ranks the presidents since 1929 on the average annual increase in GDP.38
U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. "National Income and Product Accounts Tables," Accessed Sept. 30, 2019.

PresidentFY BudgetGDP (in Billions)Added to GDP% IncreaseAve Annual
GW Bush2009$15,605$2,47419%2.4%
GHW Bush1993$9,685$8189%2.3%
The next table calculates the average annual growth for Democrats versus Republicans. Because of the Depression, Democrats grew the economy 5.2% annually, while Republicans only grew it 1.4%.

GW Bush2.4%
GHW Bush2.3%
Ave. Annual5.2%1.4%
Since the Depression was an outlier to this dataset, it makes sense to remove both FDR's and Hoover's results. In that event, it's almost a wash. Democrats gained 3.5% on average while Republicans gained 3.2%.

Another way to look at it is by considering what the president had to deal with during his term. A president will have better growth if he had no recession. That's one reason why the Democrats did slightly better. Presidents Johnson, Jimmy Carter, and Clinton didn't have recessions. The only Republican president who can say that is Trump. All other presidents had to contend with the worst recessions in U.S. history.

Wars and post-war periods also disrupt the economy. They can sometimes spur growth if they occur during an economic contraction, but they also distract a president from the economy and can sap needed resources. Presidents Carter and Clinton were Democrats that avoided war, and Republican Presidents Ford and Reagan can make the same claim.

The chart below indicates economic turmoil during the presidents' terms.

Hoover1929-1933Crash, Depression
Roosevelt1933-1945Depression, WWII
Truman1945-1953WWII, Recession
Eisenhower1953-1961Korean War, Recession
JFK1961-1963Vietnam War, Recession
LBJ1963-1969Vietnam War
Nixon1969-1974Vietnam War, Stagflation, Recessions
Reagan1981-1989Recession, Black Monday
GHW Bush1989-1993Recession, Gulf War, S&L Crisis
Clinton1993-2001Growth, LTCM Crisis
GW Bush2001-20099/11, Recessions, Wars
Obama2009-2017Recession, Wars
Bottom Line

The data reveals that economic growth performs better, overall, under Democratic presidents. But there are many factors that make it difficult to determine whether Republican or Democratic presidents responsible for that performance. Both have to deal with recessions, wars, and prior presidents' policies.
That doesn't mean it doesn't matter. The two parties have very different economic philosophies. Vote for the party that best reflects your values. An involved and educated electorate is the only way a democracy can survive.

Don't Blame Obama For Doubling The Federal Debt
Jan 15, 2018 · President Obama’s debt actually grew at a slower annual rate than any of the Republican presidents even though there were events that negatively impacted the deficit that started before he ...
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It's always about the money.....and he will gradually lose support among republicans until they go ahead with impeachment!

UPDATE 1-U.S. says talks progressing with Saudi on possible nuclear programme

DUBAI, Oct 26 (Reuters) - U.S. Energy Secretary Rick Perry said on Saturday that conversations with Saudi Arabia on a nuclear programme are going forward.

The worlds top oil exporter had said it wanted to use nuclear power to diversify its energy mix. It wants to go ahead with a full-cycle nuclear programme, including the production and enrichment of uranium for atomic fuel.

In order for U.S. companies to compete for Saudi Arabias project, Riyadh would normally need to sign an accord on the peaceful use of nuclear technology with Washington.

U.S. senators urge Trump administration to end nuclear ...
Sep 18, 2019 · U.S. Energy Secretary Rick Perry told reporters on Tuesday at a nuclear power conference in Vienna the United States would only provide Saudi Arabia with nuclear power technology if

US-Saudi Nuclear Talks: A Middle East Barometer?
Jan 10, 2018 · EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Talks aimed at transferring US nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia serve as an indicator of where the Saudi-Iranian rivalry is heading as well as the strength of the informal Saudi-Israeli alliance against Iran. The possible transfer could spark a new arms race in the Middle East and constitutes one explanation why Saudi responses to President Donald J. Trump’s …

Middle east a powder Keg anyway...…...and trump wants to add a few "nukes" into the mix....but he and cuckner both have money interests in Saudi...…..so it's ok.....give them what they want
Guess we will going back in there again....we stuck our nose in and created a huge mess now...….Saddam was so bad we had to get rid of him.....and yet how many other dictators do we just turn our head away on?...….Saddam kept Iran from growing....we remove Saddam..and now new gov wants to partner up with Iran

Iraq protests death toll hits 60 as protesters hit with ...
1 hour ago · Eight others were killed in Baghdad, most after being struck by tear gas canisters. On Friday, demonstrators focused their anger on politicians and Iranian-backed
We cannot focus on the rest of the world. Okay maybe we can some. Our country is a ticking time bomb. you and I are both old enough to look back and say, what is going on? You like Hillary Clinton, why I have no idea, Barack Obama did not turn our country around after George Bush was the biggest joke on all comedy performances was useless. Our government in both parties are equally guilty of horrible corruption, Donald Trump is an outsider that neither parties really wanted, he is hated by the 90% of our government, he is a man that has the ability to turn people off unless they believe that he is just the kind of crude, direct, egotistically, stubborn man needed at this time to shake up the status quo in Washington. You have to admit that he has rocked the boat, upset the apple cart, cause hate and discontent among the lifelong politicians, taking away their comfort zone.
We cannot focus on the rest of the world. Okay maybe we can some.

wrong.....we have stuck our nose in to many times....we are ****** to now to protect our own interests....and naturally to stop the spread of communism….example...we let Russia have Syria and Iran has their nose in also...they take Iraq (which they are working on)...now they are pretty big and just take what they want.....wonder what the price of oil will be

Our country is a ticking time bomb

yes our country not doing well and hasn't been since Gingrich and his contract with America....and no sign of the parties working together.....maybe with all the corruption the right will get voted out of power...and on a good start for that...but the right still stifles the vote...gerrymanders...all kinds of things to keep the corruption going.....so I don't see them ever giving up control...…..the only way things will straighten out....going to take something harsh!....big recession...war...something to unite again....other wise we just keep going until we self destruct....and some of the rich don't really care...makes them richer while the rest of the country suffers...…..remember a few years ago trumps comments about the economy...if it goes bad just better for him...most people that have money just seems to make them richer because the rest of us have less!

You like Hillary Clinton, why I have no idea

Hillary got a lot of bad press from this Russian and trump thing......the right has spent years trying to make her look bad.....McCarthy even admitted that one time...Bengahzi was all about taking Hillary down in the polls....so a lot of the Hillary thing was the right just kept smearing her for years...Bitter over Bill....and Bill turned the economy around after the fucked it up...and the right just could not handle that....when the right wants in they will lie cheat and do anything to get there....do nothing after they get there....and try and block anything the left does while they are in there....look at all the ******* Gingrich pulled...shutting down the gov...blocking different bills and etc...and Clinton still had one of the best economies around....if you look at what Hillary has done her whole life...about *******..health care and on and on....nothing to warrant all the ******* the right has piled on here......they just could not stand to have another Clinton in and turn the country around!....not saying she was the best candidate.....but she was certainly far more qualified than most....I could go on about how all the right fucked over the Clintons....most of it untrue!

Barack Obama did not turn our country around

wrong again...did you read the charts above....auto industry folding econmy in the tank...losing thousands of jobs a month...banks foreclosing because people couldn't pay...others in trouble over bad loans and credit cards....the right complained about the bailout and the deficit......but the auto industry was saved..AND paid the money back...wall street got the money to make up for all their bad loans..AND never paid it back...with money floating around the ecomoy people started hiring again......he stopped the ******* and started the economic growth...BUT people mad about all the growth and yet they are seeing nothing in their pocket..(good old American greed)….so by that standard Obama was terrible....you look at all of his numbers...he was a huge success

George Bush was the biggest joke on all comedy performances was useless

Bush did 2 things wrong......he listened to the right economists that pushed the trickle down economics....and it has never worked....he gave all those tax breaks to the wealthy they just moved it overseas...nothing trickled down

2nd...he let Cheney talk him into this Iraq war.....money we didn't have....so he drained social security to pay for it!...all in all literally tanked the economy!

Our government in both parties are equally guilty of horrible corruption

that has pretty much been a way of life anymore and keeps getting worse....and we have no one to blame but ourselves...every election we know about all the ******* going on..."but our guy is ok...it's all those other ones".....so nothing changes

Donald Trump is an outsider that neither parties really wanted, he is hated by the 90% of our government, he is a man that has the ability to turn people off unless they believe that he is just the kind of crude, direct, egotistically, stubborn man needed at this time to shake up the status quo in Washington.

wrong...he may have said the right things at the start....well he did actually....weather he had any intention of keeping those promises no one knows....think he started seeing all that campaign money and his biz man kicked in....fuck the country this is my chance to make billions...and he has....he has filled none of his promises...profiting off the office....bad enough he isn't just fucking our country he is using his position to make money in other countries......when prior to the election he could not get a loan....all of his money came from Russia..….through money laundering and land deals.....he owes far more than he has...and relies on Russia.....now trying to makw a mint off selling his DC Hotel...the guy is just plain corrupt....maybe started with good intentions...….but has not shown any of that since being in...if he had maybe there would be less people against him

You have to admit that he has rocked the boat

he has that...but are we going to sink because of it starting to look like it...our allies hate us and dictators love us...not how it is supposed to be

cause hate and discontent among the lifelong politicians, taking away their comfort zone.

he has promoted hate and discontent through out the country...a lot of hate anymore....as for the hate in wash....that has been there since Gingrich and just gets worse as time goes on...he did very little there....except make others a little wealthier

want any links or documentation on any of that would be more than happy to post it...any of the above
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wrong.....we have stuck our nose in to many times....we are ****** to now to protect our own interests....and naturally to stop the spread of communism….example...we let Russia have Syria and Iran has their nose in also...they take Iraq (which they are working on)...now they are pretty big and just take what they want.....wonder what the price of oil will be

yes our country not doing well and hasn't been since Gingrich and his contract with America....and no sign of the parties working together.....maybe with all the corruption the right will get voted out of power...and on a good start for that...but the right still stifles the vote...gerrymanders...all kinds of things to keep the corruption going.....so I don't see them ever giving up control...…..the only way things will straighten out....going to take something harsh!....big recession...war...something to unite again....other wise we just keep going until we self destruct....and some of the rich don't really care...makes them richer while the rest of the country suffers...…..remember a few years ago trumps comments about the economy...if it goes bad just better for him...most people that have money just seems to make them richer because the rest of us have less!

Hillary got a lot of bad press from this Russian and trump thing......the right has spent years trying to make her look bad.....McCarthy even admitted that one time...Bengahzi was all about taking Hillary down in the polls....so a lot of the Hillary thing was the right just kept smearing her for years...Bitter over Bill....and Bill turned the economy around after the fucked it up...and the right just could not handle that....when the right wants in they will lie cheat and do anything to get there....do nothing after they get there....and try and block anything the left does while they are in there....look at all the ******* Gingrich pulled...shutting down the gov...blocking different bills and etc...and Clinton still had one of the best economies around....if you look at what Hillary has done her whole life...about *******..health care and on and on....nothing to warrant all the ******* the right has piled on here......they just could not stand to have another Clinton in and turn the country around!....not saying she was the best candidate.....but she was certainly far more qualified than most....I could go on about how all the right fucked over the Clintons....most of it untrue!

wrong again...did you read the charts above....auto industry folding econmy in the tank...losing thousands of jobs a month...banks foreclosing because people couldn't pay...others in trouble over bad loans and credit cards....the right complained about the bailout and the deficit......but the auto industry was saved..AND paid the money back...wall street got the money to make up for all their bad loans..AND never paid it back...with money floating around the ecomoy people started hiring again......he stopped the ******* and started the economic growth...BUT people mad about all the growth and yet they are seeing nothing in their pocket..(good old American greed)….so by that standard Obama was terrible....you look at all of his numbers...he was a huge success

Bush did 2 things wrong......he listened to the right economists that pushed the trickle down economics....and it has never worked....he gave all those tax breaks to the wealthy they just moved it overseas...nothing trickled down

2nd...he let Cheney talk him into this Iraq war.....money we didn't have....so he drained social security to pay for it!...all in all literally tanked the economy!

that has pretty much been a way of life anymore and keeps getting worse....and we have no one to blame but ourselves...every election we know about all the ******* going on..."but our guy is ok...it's all those other ones".....so nothing changes

wrong...he may have said the right things at the start....well he did actually....weather he had any intention of keeping those promises no one knows....think he started seeing all that campaign money and his biz man kicked in....fuck the country this is my chance to make billions...and he has....he has filled none of his promises...profiting off the office....bad enough he isn't just fucking our country he is using his position to make money in other countries......when prior to the election he could not get a loan....all of his money came from Russia..….through money laundering and land deals.....he owes far more than he has...and relies on Russia.....now trying to makw a mint off selling his DC Hotel...the guy is just plain corrupt....maybe started with good intentions...….but has not shown any of that since being in...if he had maybe there would be less people against him

he has that...but are we going to sink because of it starting to look like it...our allies hate us and dictators love us...not how it is supposed to be

he has promoted hate and discontent through out the country...a lot of hate anymore....as for the hate in wash....that has been there since Gingrich and just gets worse as time goes on...he did very little there....except make others a little wealthier

want any links or documentation on any of that would be more than happy to post it...any of the above
I do like the fact that you actually considered what I wrote. Why when you don't agree automatically tell us that we are WRONG, How about Okay I don't agree, this is what I believe, Not, your a ______ and you are wrong. I am not I man that has gone though life being totally close minded, stubborn or set in my ways, guilty. Understand that you have not been beating on a republican, I hate all corruption in our government. You will never get me to support Socialistic programs, so the Democratic Candidates that are pushing these programs I view as they are out of their minds. I wouldn't call our communications today as a debate, but a discussion on different understanding. Home many American people pay any attention to politics today ? Most people base their whole opinions on emotions, if they even bother to vote, this is why the government is so corrupt, they bank on the people not caring.
the wrong thing....just habit I guess...used to and still do like opening my remarks with blkdlaur with WRONG....

I am not for socialism either....not in favor of all the giveaways BUT I do think we are entitled to some sort of health care the samwe as any other major country....they all have a system that works and has for a long time....and we have had years to come up with something and there is a reason for that!

Top 25 lobbyists by spending: Who spent on healthcare issues in 2016
Despite lower overall spending, organizations from the healthcare industry accounted for the greatest share of spending by any industry in 2016. About 16 percent of total lobbying spending — or more than $509 million — was paid for by healthcare organizations last year, according to CRP. This is roughly on par with spending by healthcare organizations in 2015, when they shelled out $513 million.

we used to lead the world in quality education....but now with so many tax cuts...education has taken a dive
Was the USA ever No. 1 in education? - HistoryNet
Was the United States of America ever number one in world rankings in education? If so, when did the ranking begin to change? As recently as 20 years ago, the United States was ranked No.1 in high school and college education. Much of the boom in American education during the second half of the ...

and jobs paying a living wage instead of just going into companies pockets

Income inequality in U.S. is at a five-decade high, Census ...
Sep 26, 2019 · Income inequality in the United States has hit its highest level since the Census Bureau started tracking it more than five decades ago, according …

those libbers that are pushing the giveaways are not doing so well in the polls....but there are a few level headed candidates...Biden....Kloberknocker? and the Mayor are 3 that don't have a bunch of giveaways....besides voting for more of the same is not the answer!

true... a lot of americans pay very little attention yo politics....most just know what they have been told by others in their little group of friends..or got from the church which is part of the reason for the shrinking church population...but some do...not many!...My nephew grew up in a working family...got an education ...went to college...and now in management and all of a sudden let slip a while back he was a republican......it is all in who you run with and listen to

and I already told you that (my Opinion) that all the corruption in politics is our fault for letting it happen....it is never the one representing us...it's all the other guys.....our guy came here and made such a nice talk and he is trying.....but when he goes back to wash just like all the rest he puts on his party coat and votes party lines!

there is an old joke in politics....the voter has a very short memory...…..everything that is in the news now...unless it effected you personally will all be forgotten come election time....just like Syria...…..right now a lot of people upset about how we treated our allies.....and yet next election how many will really remember anything about it....only the commercials they see on tv at the time will be what use to judge a candidate to vote on
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Yup lot a lawyering up going on - that’s what happens when ya try to undo an election!!!!!!
What's really sad is that YOU and many like you THINK it is about undoing an election. Its way, way past that now, blkdlaur. If that's what you prefer thinking in that empty shell on your shoulders just keep on believing.
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