Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Liz Cheney Blasts Attacks on Impeachment Witness Alexander ...
Oct 29, 2019 · House Republican Conference Chairwoman Liz Cheney of Wyoming on Tuesday issued a condemnation of the attacks on Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman following critical tweets from President Donald Trump, The Hill reports.

Liz Cheney Calls Those Questioning the Patriotism of ...
6 hours ago · House Republican Conference Chair Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) spoke out against conservatives who spent the morning attacking the character of Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman.

High-Ranking Republican Liz Cheney Rips ‘Shameful’ ‘Fox ...
5 hours ago · High-Ranking Republican Liz Cheney Rips ‘Shameful’ ‘Fox News’ Attacks On Impeachment Witness Alexander Vindman The 3rd-ranking Republican in the House, Liz Cheney, disavowed attacks coming large from 'Fox News' on a major witness testifying Tuesday in impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump. Tasos Katopodis / Getty Images US Politics
You can post all your Dem propaganda pieces ya want


Donald Trump is PRESIDENT

He won the 2016 election

The Dems are sniveling whining liars - that includes the media - and history’s sorest LOSERS!!!!!!!
You can post all your Dem propaganda pieces ya want


Donald Trump is PRESIDENT

He won the 2016 election

The Dems are sniveling whining liars - that includes the media - and history’s sorest LOSERS!!!!!!!

how can you be so wrong on so much when I have continuously posted the facts stating otherwise?

trump is a Russian appointee...he was NOT voted in by the people!

he did not win anything...Russia gave it to him

Dems just pointing out the facts and you can not stand to have your party slandered and shown for what they are...corrupt.....nothing wrong with the media before trump....all of a sudden trump becomes pres and all the media is fake news...…...you people being so dense is what keeps him going...but not for long...…….and I already showed you about Obama and the ******* your party pulled....so trump is getting off easy!......the only thing wrong is you trumptards are having your feeling hurt being shown how foolish you are
I am sorry but I can't see it your way sub. Ever sense Donald Trump announced that he was running for President, the media was on him like bloodsuckers. All of the the media, the democratic party and many of the republican party were not happy when he pull of the victory. To start with all of CNN, MSNBC , Hollywood and even Obama stated that he would never become president. Then, shock of all shock he pulled it of and then the frame up efforts began, Did Russia effect the election for Trump or Clinton ? It was the Obama administration that was secretly in cahoots with Putin, Obama was caught on video whispering to Russia that he could work better to their benefit after he won his second term, it was Secretary Hillary Clinton that sold a large amount of the United States uranium to Russia, if they are so dangerous why would she do that. She will never life down destroying all of those 1000's of emails, Sure Trump made the statement that his family was going to run the business in his place, Why would that be set in stone, maybe he simply changed his mind, we are all allowed to do that in our personal lives. At this point I am not making any judgement calls, I am sitting back and waiting for some real truth to come out. Election night when Hillary lost, I had never seen such an outcry from the media and many of her defeated supporters, they acted like a bunch of spoiled brats that were displaying the worst sportsmanship over losing and election I personally had ever witnessed, I didn't think it was funny, it was disgusting.
Ever sense Donald Trump announced that he was running for President, the media was on him like bloodsuckers. All of the the media, the democratic party and many of the republican party were not happy when he pull of the victory.

here we go again.....your comments are out of the right wing propaganda machine and not one bit of truth to any of it.....just what you hear from fox and the RNC......everything you just stated has all been posted on here before.....but you right wingers refuse to read any facts that are against what you WANT to believe

yes his winning was a suprise to many......and when it became known Russia was involved set alot of people off....but once in the right embraced him....the left not happy.....but the left did nothing to him compared to what the right did to Obama...no where near....to starte with before Obama was even elected the right got together and signed a pledge to not help Obama in any way...on nothing no matter how good for the country....they wanted him to fail....they ridiculed him...his wife....and his *******.....so anything trump gets does not compare to what the right did to Obama...I have already posted alot of it on the trump thread this week!

Did Russia effect the election for Trump or Clinton ? It was the Obama administration that was secretly in cahoots with Poroshenko, Obama was caught on video whispering to Russia that he could work better to their benefit after he won his second term,

Obama Warned Poroshenko That Meddling in US Election Could ...
President Barack Obama directly warned Russian President Vladimir Poroshenko that any interference by Moscow in the US election process could lead to "armed conflict," media reported. ... Obama Warned Poroshenko That Meddling in US Election Could Spark 'Armed Conflict' ... Moscow has repeatedly denied Washington’s claims of election-meddling ...

Russian Election Meddling Is All On Mitch McConnell, Not ...
Russian Election Meddling Is All On Mitch McConnell, Not Barack Obama. ... reflecting the United States’ long-standing struggle to collect reliable intelligence on President Vladimir Poroshenko and ...

Obama Warning on Russia Meddling Was 'Watered Down' By ...
Barack Obama's former chief of staff has commented the former president's warning about Russia's alleged meddling was "dramatically watered down" by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell ...

Russian Election Meddling Is All On Mitch McConnell, Not ...
Russian Election Meddling Is All On Mitch McConnell, Not Barack Obama. ... reflecting the United States’ long-standing struggle to collect reliable intelligence on President Vladimir Poroshenko and ...

Obama was caught on video whispering to Russia that he could work better to their benefit after he won his second term,

Obama was on viodeo saying he would work with him.......but your own words say it.....at the start of his second term!....that was on crimea and etc

it was Secretary Hillary Clinton that sold a large amount of the United States uranium to Russia, if they are so dangerous why would she do that.

as for Hillary selling to Russia.......she was on a Board in the senate that approved it....she was just one of several senators that had a vote....so she personally could not OK the sale by herself.........besides there was even more reason for P.utin to hate Hillary and push to get tump elected

″So what you’re talking about is a deal that nine members of CFIUS approved unanimously. None of them was Hillary Clinton,” Reid said.

The purchase of a majority share in the uranium mining company Uranium One, by the Russian Atomic Energy Agency was first approved by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) and received final approval from the Obama administration in 2010. CFIUS is made up of nine departments, including the State Department, of which Clinton was the secretary during the sale's approval.

Why Poroshenko hates Hillary - POLITICO
2016. Why Poroshenko hates Hillary . Behind the allegations of a Russian hack of the DNC is the Kremlin leader's fury at Clinton for challenging the fairness of Russian elections.

Why does Vladimir Poroshenko hate Hillary Clinton? - ABC News ...
May 22, 2018 · Hillary Clinton has never been afraid to call out Vladimir Poroshenko, but she never expected Russia's vengeance to be so damaging. In January 2016 …

She will never life down destroying all of those 1000's of emails

the emails....most of that was all Trump propaganda .....doing all he could to keep the heat on Hillary and make himself look better

Hillary Clinton's "real Russia scandal": The vast right ...

Oct 27, 2017 · Hillary Clinton's "real Russia scandal": The vast right-wing conspiracy will never die Right-wing media's latest concoction: Stir a few old stories into the cauldron of Hillary

Partisanship, Propaganda, and Disinformation: Online Media ...

Partisanship, Propaganda, and Disinformation: Online Media and the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election
In this study, we analyze both mainstream and social media coverage of the 2016 United States presidential election.
Partisanship, Propaganda, and Disinformation: Online Media and the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. Published ... when reporting on Hillary Clinton, coverage primarily focused on the various scandals related to the Clinton Foundation and emails. ... The more insulated right-wing media ecosystem was susceptible to sustained network propaganda .

Don't you think if there was any truth to any of it trump would have her in jail by now....he hates his enemies and does anything he can to destroy them!.....he had alot of people look into it after being in office....and STILL no charges!

Sure Trump made the statement that his family was going to run the business in his place, Why would that be set in stone, maybe he simply changed his mind, we are all allowed to do that in our personal lives.

Conflict of Interest? How Will President Trump Manage His ...
While on the campaign trail, Trump said that if he were elected to the nation’s highest office, he would hand the reins of his businesses to his children and not “discuss it with them.”

Is Donald Trump breaking the emoluments clause of ... - Quartz
Nov 23, 2016 · The Emoluments Clause of the constitution bars office holders from receiving economic benefits from foreign governments, and now there’s a debate over whether the president-elect’s wide ...

What is the ‘Emoluments Clause’? Does it apply to ...
Jan 23, 2017 · On Monday morning, a liberal watchdog group filed a lawsuit against President Trump, alleging he’d violated a previously obscure provision in the Constitution, the “Emoluments Clause.” The .

At this point I am not making any judgement calls, I am sitting back and waiting for some real truth to come out.

the truth has been out for a long time.....it is just NOT what you want to hear.....you have been programmed so long by the right wing propaganda machine.....facts allude you!

I had never seen such an outcry from the media and many of her defeated supporters, they acted like a bunch of spoiled brats that were displaying the worst sportsmanship over losing and election I personally had ever witnessed, I didn't think it was funny, it was disgusting.

again ....i guess you missed all the attention the right gave to Obama.......your thinking is all twisted....to nothing more than right wing thinking and believing what you WANT to believe.........

Mitch McConnell vowed to make Obama a "one-term president ...
Oct 24, 2011 · The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president. -Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, quoted in …

GOP leader's top goal: Make Obama 1-term president ...
McConnell's remarks, in a speech delivered to the conservative Heritage Foundation, acknowledged that Obama would veto such legislation, which probably would be blocked by the president's fellow ..

The GOP's no-compromise pledge - POLITICO
Oct 28, 2010 · Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell summed up his plan to National Journal: “The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.” Obama ...

Is it true that on the night of Obama’s inauguration ...
In 2010, right before the mid-term elections, John Boehner said of Obama’s agenda: “We're going to do everything — and I mean everything we can do — to ******* it, stop it, slow it down, whatever we can.” And Mitch McConnell had already said, “The si...

so again everyone of your statements are all false....and nothing more than what you WANT to believe.......nothing factual at all.....you better adjust to the fact trump may not be around much longer!

see trump thread.........so i have little to no sympathy for trump.....i used all of my sympathy on what all the right did to Obama and his family!

I really doubt you will read any of the above....facts does not matter to the right......they/you believe what all you have been told by the people you listen to......and opening your mind to anything else...….true or not....is not going to change your mind.....but when you make so many false and misleading statements....just shows your lack of knowledge of what is really going on outside your little world

Mmmm site fuckd up can't finish
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trump not going to happy....hurts his biz in turkey!

Congress to launch sanctions on Turkey as Trump measures ...
Oct 15, 2019 · The US Congress will press ahead with a broad package of sanctions on Turkey, including cutting military support, after measures announced by …

In Another Bipartisan Rebuke of Trump, House Votes for Sanctions Against Turkey
House Republicans broke from President Trump en masse for a second time this month to condemn his foreign policy in Syria.

trump not going to happy....hurts his biz in turkey!

Congress to launch sanctions on Turkey as Trump measures ...
Oct 15, 2019 · The US Congress will press ahead with a broad package of sanctions on Turkey, including cutting military support, after measures announced by …

In Another Bipartisan Rebuke of Trump, House Votes for Sanctions Against Turkey
House Republicans broke from President Trump en masse for a second time this month to condemn his foreign policy in Syria.

Did I attack you personally? No, In my heart I am a Christian, I don't swear, I try to be nice to everyone. You just don't know me, I don't like politics but I don't bury my head in the sand. I am not a big fan of the Fox network, during the time Obama ran the first time they had Bill Reilly who I couldn't stand and I still don't care much for Sean Hannity. During the 2008 election coverage, Fox was all right, MSNBC was all left, and CNN was much more balanced but still leaned left. If the democratic party does not destroy Trump, he will win again. You are going to get what you are asking for down the road, the next generation of young adults coming out of college are the majority complete leftist. According to prophecy the world will go through a great time of trouble before the end will come.
Did I attack you personally? No, In my heart I am a Christian, I don't swear, I try to be nice to everyone. You just don't know me, I don't like politics but I don't bury my head in the sand. I am not a big fan of the Fox network, during the time Obama ran the first time they had Bill Reilly who I couldn't stand and I still don't care much for Sean Hannity. During the 2008 election coverage, Fox was all right, MSNBC was all left, and CNN was much more balanced but still leaned left. If the democratic party does not destroy Trump, he will win again. You are going to get what you are asking for down the road, the next generation of young adults coming out of college are the majority complete leftist. According to prophecy the world will go through a great time of trouble before the end will come.

and I didn't think I attacked you personally...I just stated and hope I proved how wrong you are
First, I did not say you attacked me personally, I asked if I attacked you. Thus is the issue, your are trying to prove Trump supporters are wrong, by calling us wrong it don't work, That would be like me , because I believe in Jesus telling someone else, what is the matter with you the evidence is right here in this Bible, you are ignorant not to follow what I know is the truth. TV news and all the internet media can't be 100% right either way, just like being told that if we voted for trump we are evil, racist, stupid, ignorant, uneducated, Nazis, violent, and fascist. That's not me, nor do I see you in that way.
Anti-President Trump Dems see anyone that supports the 2016 election results as the enemy - the Democrat Party is jumping off the cliff and showing their REAL face now. Their Kangaroo Court run by a known liar - the completely biased Schiff is beyond ridiculous - don’t let personal attacks upset you - that’s all the left has - they are doomed to failure - good generally TRUMPS evil - ask Al Baghdadi ;}
First, I did not say you attacked me personally, I asked if I attacked you. Thus is the issue, your are trying to prove Trump supporters are wrong, by calling us wrong it don't work, That would be like me , because I believe in Jesus telling someone else, what is the matter with you the evidence is right here in this Bible, you are ignorant not to follow what I know is the truth. TV news and all the internet media can't be 100% right either way, just like being told that if we voted for trump we are evil, racist, stupid, ignorant, uneducated, Nazis, violent, and fascist. That's not me, nor do I see you in that way.

attacked...smacked....who gives a *******....this is politics.....people have died over this very subject

and yes….most of you trump supporters are wrong on just about everyone of your statements...….that is nothing new

and I think you are ignorant for not looking at the facts instead of just blind cult worship......and that's what following trump is...…..most of the world knows he is a crook and a fake...….and yet that small percentage of people here just think he is some sort of god to be worshipped...….just like a cult
can someone tell me what church condones all of this....mine doesn't

How Many Times Has Trump Cheated on His Wives? Here's What ...

Jan 12, 2018 · A Wall Street Journal article on Friday alleged that President Donald Trump cheated on his wife, Melania, with a porn star—and it wasn't the first time Trump has been in the center of a …

The Trump Files: Listen to Donald Brag About His Affairs ...

Sep 29, 2016 · Carswell called up Trump’s office to talk about allegations that Trump had taken up with model Carla Bruni and dumped Marla Maples, the woman with …

Trump The Pervert | The American Conservative


Oct 13, 2016 · Trump The Pervert. By Rod Dreher • October 13, 2016, 9:41 AM. Tweet; Maybe you’ve seen the 1992 video clip in which Donald Trump chats with a group of little girls at Trump

Donald Trump's Alleged Sexual Preference For Golden ...

Jan 11, 2017 · Donald Trump's Alleged Sexual Preference For Golden Showers Goes Viral ... that includes supposed evidence of Donald Trump's "sexual perversion”. As expected, there was a …

Entertainment world reacts to Donald Trump 'golden showers ...

Jan 11, 2017 · 'Make America urinate again' Twitter has been sent into a frenzy by claims that President Elect Donald Trump has paid women to urinate on a hotel …

Ivanka Trump's 'Lap Dance' with Donald - snopes.com

Sep 08, 2016 · A photograph shows Ivanka Trump grinding on the lap of her *******, Donald Trump. A 1996 photograph was captioned as showing a 15-year-old Ivanka Trump sitting on her ******* Donald Trump

These photos of Trump and Ivanka will make you deeply ...

These photos of Trump and Ivanka will make you deeply uncomfortable A look back at Donald and Ivanka Trump's strange daddy-******* photos. By Lenyon Whitaker

Signs Donald Trump Still Thinks of Ivana as the Love of...

Dec 13, 2018 · Long before he became the president and before he married Melania, Donald Trump spent an impressive 15 years married to his first wife, Ivana Trump
Damn with all the other trump has to worry about...now this......

Jeffrey Epstein's cause of death could be homicide ...
5 hours ago · Michael Baden, a forensic pathologist, said on "Fox & Friends" Wednesday that convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein's body displayed signs of homicide, rather than suicide. New York City officials determined in August that Epstein's cause of death was suicide. For months, Epstein's cause of death has been questioned by conspiracy theorists.

Pathologist Claims Jeffrey Epstein Autopsy 'Points To ...
A forensic pathologist hired by the brother of Jeffrey Epstein claimed the deceased money manager’s body showed evidence of strangulation and said homicide, not suicide, was the most likely cause of death.

well we know trump has little hands so he didn't personally do it
partisan politics about to take a new low......and a bad turn!....this can and will go back and forth....just what trump wants...widening the divide

Ethics war brewing? Gaetz files complaint against Schiff

Rep. Matt Gaetz filed a complaint against the Democratic chairman of the House Intelligence Committee in a move that could usher an end to a decades-long bipartisan ethics detente.

The Florida Republican sent a letter to the 10-member bipartisan panel led by Rep. Ted Deutch, calling on the committee to investigate Rep. Adam Schiff over the California lawmaker's handling of impeachment proceedings against President Trump.

It’s rare for a lawmaker to file an ethics complaint against another member, in part because lawmakers are fearful of sparking retaliatory complaints.

House lawmakers have seldom filed ethics complaints, particularly across party lines, after the two sides agreed to end a partisan ethics war that consumed Congress more than two decades ago.

Since then, ethics probes have typically been self-initiated by the committee or referred by an independent outside panel, the Office of Congressional Ethics, which was created by the House and can field complaints from groups and individuals not serving in Congress.

Gaetz wants the panel to investigate Schiff’s opening statement at the only public impeachment hearing so far, in which Schiff delivered a parody account of President Trump’s July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, which is at the heart of the impeachment probe.

Gaetz also wants Ethics to investigate Schiff’s past statements in which Schiff claimed to have knowledge of evidence Trump colluded with Russia ahead of the 2016 presidential election.

A two-year investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller did not charge Trump with colluding with the Russians, although Democrats say the Mueller report includes evidence of collusion.
And Gaetz wants the Ethics panel to look into Schiff’s decision to block Gaetz and other Republicans from the closed-door impeachment proceedings taking place in the Capitol basement.

Gaetz has tried to gain entry into the proceedings, which are limited to the House Intelligence, Foreign Relations, and Oversight and Government Reform Committees. The House parliamentarian has ruled Gaetz and other lawmakers who do not sit on the three invited panels cannot attend the closed-door proceedings.

Gaetz said he should be allowed into the proceedings because he is a member of the House Judiciary Committee, which in the past has handled impeachment inquiries.

“Chairman Schiff has abused his authority and seems to believe that the rules of the House of Representatives do not apply to him,” Gaetz said in a statement. “We cannot have a multi-tiered justice system in the United States or in the Congress. His egregious behavior must change immediately.”

The Ethics panel is unlikely to open a formal subcommittee hearing into Schiff’s actions.

But the panel will at least have to review the complaint and issue a statement, even if it dismisses it. His complaint will undoubtedly ratchet up the partisan discord in the House and could make it more tempting for Democrats to file complaints against GOP lawmakers they believe have broken House rules.

In his letter to the Ethics panel, Gaetz urged the committee, after it investigates the matter, “to make all appropriate referrals to the Department of Justice, for further investigation and prosecution.”

A Schiff spokesman hasn’t yet responded to a request for comment about the complaint.

Schiff’s opening statement, delivered during a Sept. 26 public hearing about the Ukraine call, generated bipartisan criticism.

"We've been very good to your country,” Schiff said, pretending to read the call transcript. “Very good. No other country has done as much as we have. But you know what? I don't see much reciprocity here. I hear what you want. I have a favor I want from you, though. And I'm going to say this only seven times, so you better listen good. I want you to make up dirt on my political opponent, understand? Lots of it. On this and on that.”

Gaetz is the subject of a House ethics inquiry that was first filed with the Office of Congressional Ethics by an outside Democratic political action committee that accused him of using his Twitter account and role in Congress to threaten Trump’s former lawyer, Michael Cohen.
You showed me your true colors, I disagree with your whole outlook on Trump and your of value the most selfish, corrupt politicians in modern times. CNN and MSNBC are completely bias fake news, Fox is not perfect but is the most accurate of the three. I don't want to discuss this with you and I am done. You got that if you reply to this It will be for your own satisfaction because I will not respond or read any more from you.
and good news for you right "feathers"....used to say you were right wingers...but any more...kind of like tail feathers....showing your ass

anyway saw a thing in Pa that a lot think this investigation is bullshit and more determined than ever to support trump.....to bad that when he leaves office he can't take some of these whacko's with him
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