Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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In Iowa, Nancy Pelosi Hints Of How She Baited Trump In White House

If there’s one thing we’ve learned from watching this year’s new Democratic House majority, it’s that Speaker Nancy Pelosi can really get under President Donald Trump’s skin. A lot. Powerful women seem to have that affect on him.

And Pelosi, today in Iowa, seemed to drop little hints that she knows exactly how to press those buttons, and does so when the opportunity arises.

The first question asked of Pelosi at today’s Polk County Democrats event was about that infamous White House meeting last week that produced the iconic photo of the Speaker and President Donald Trump facing off over a table of top officials.

Addressing close to 700 Democrats and college students in Drake University’s Sheslow Auditorium, the Speaker relayed as much information as she could about how the White House gathering went so off the rails. Trump was described by many in attendance to have had a “meltdown.”

“He basically says, ‘I don’t even want to have this meeting, I don’t know who called this meeting,
'” Pelsoi recalled the President saying at the outset. “We’re sitting there, we do not seek opportunities to be in the same room … That’s kind of how it went downhill from the start.”

The conference between the nation’s top Republicans and Democrats was ostensibly to discuss Trump’s much-criticized strategy in Syria, which has led to the Kurds, recent American allies, being attacked and losing large swaths of their territory. Pelosi said she started off by informing Trump what the House thought about it.

“As Speaker of the House, just before we came here, I’m reporting to you that the House voted 354 to 60 to oppose your decision on Syria,” Pelosi said. “That meant that by two to one, the Republicans had voted against the President’s decision in Syria.”

Pelosi added in a brief aside, “He knew that already, but it didn’t put him in a better mood.”

Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer tried to talk about it some more, asking simply to know more about what the Syria strategy was. Pelosi said Schumer mentioned former Defense Secretary James Mattis, which quickly set Trump off.

At that moment, the President interjected his view that General Mattis was one of the most over-rated secretaries of state,” Pelosi recalled.
“It was not very respectful,” she added of the entire discourse. “The time had come for us to go. You could put that to music. So, I stood up, and he, I think he called me a ‘third-grade politician.'”

At that point is presumably when the photo of Pelosi standing across the table and pointing at a recalcitrant Trump happened.

“Mr President, we’re very concerned,” Pelosi said she stated. “This latest decision gives Russia a strong foothold in the Middle East, and that is what they want. You’ve just given it to Russia. Your decision to withhold military assistance to Ukraine, that was to benefit Putin. All roads seem to lead to Putin.”

Again, Pelosi noted how her pointed words set off the President.

“All roads lead to Putin. He didn’t like that,” she said. “You’ve undermined our national security. You’ve undermined your oath of office to protect and defend the constitution, and you’ve jeopardized the integrity of our elections.”

It was almost as if, at multiple points in her story, Pelosi was subtly relishing how easily she can send Trump off the deep end. The reporting of the tumultuous meeting was certainly a coup for Democrats — it once again portrayed Trump as an erratic, unhinged president.

Of course, there are also things that bother the Speaker, which she also hinted at throughout the day’s conversation. Pelosi, who has served in the House since 1987, mentioned the separation of powers throughout her remarks and often and returned to Trump’s comments on his own constitutional powers.

“The current occupant of the White House has said, ‘Article II says I can do whatever I want.’ It doesn’t. It doesn’t,” Pelosi said. “And just that statement, again, is a violation of the oath of office.”

Pelosi emphasized often as she talked about the impeachment process that she only agreed to it after considerable thought and after new, even worse potential crimes came to light. She spoke solemnly about the House’s duty to hold the President accountable.

“Nobody comes to Congress to impeach the president,” the Speaker said. “But we do take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution. That is under threat. We cannot ignore it.”

Outside of Trump, Pelosi also talked about the trade war, Iowa agriculture, the passing of Maryland Congressman Elijah Cummings, the prescription ******* bill and biofuels.

“One of the fights we’ve been having is the Renewable Fuel Standard, which we’ve all been advocating for,” Pelosi said. “That’s a fight that Abby Finkenauer and Cindy Axne and Dave Loebsack have been fighting … So many jobs have been lost because of their not honoring the Renewable Fuel Standard.”

Republicans in Iowa and beyond have repeatedly pressed Pelosi and House Democrats on the passage of the United States Mexica Canada Agreement (USMCA). What Pelosi said on the topic may not satisfy them, if anything could.

We are right now trying to pass the U.S.-Mexico-Canada free trade agreement. I feel pretty confident about the path we are on. We are on a path to yes. But we want it to be real,” Pelosi said. “I want whatever the new NAFTA is to not just be a PR thing to say we changed it, but to be really enforceable.”

This was Pelosi’s second visit to Iowa for a Polk County Democrats event in as many years. She traveled to Des Moines last year for the county party’s spring dinner in 2018, during which Pelosi also made a stop to a local farm to talk about the trade war and climate change.

Early on in her remarks, Pelosi highlighted the work of Iowa Democrats in the party’s majority in the House, and praised first-term Reps. Cindy Axne and Abby Finkenauer.

“These two have made a tremendous difference right from the star,” Pelosi said. “Iowa has been very important in taking back the House.”

and here is how the right puts it version out...….

243 Angry Passengers Grounded In Iowa After Nancy Pelosi’s ...
Nancy Pelosi is ******* again, but this time she can’t simply go home. First, she caused such a disturbance on a commercial flight from Denver to Southern California that the pilots had to divert and land in Iowa. Then, she managed to get herself lost.
I believe without wavering is that God placed Donald Trump in office at this exact period in time and his election has thrown a monkey wrench in the battle of Good Vs Evil and President Trump, an imperfect man, will not be removed from office unless it is the will of God.

words_OHMYGOD2.jpg... another Teabagger! Hottobe, ever think its the devil's work, not God's? God doesn't tempt you to be bad. Surely you don't believe what you just posted.
Democrats have become disgusting - soon IG Horowitz’s report will be out and John Durham has begun a criminal investigation - we’ll soon see that the Deep State formed under the Obama Administration has systematically tried to subvert the candidate Trump and then shifted to the “insurance policy” to subvert President Trump. When the truth comes out your precious impeachment will be shown to be the travesty that it is. Americans will be outraged.
Democrats have become disgusting - soon IG Horowitz’s report will be out and John Durham has begun a criminal investigation - we’ll soon see that the Deep State formed under the Obama Administration has systematically tried to subvert the candidate Trump and then shifted to the “insurance policy” to subvert President Trump. When the truth comes out your precious impeachment will be shown to be the travesty that it is. Americans will be outraged.

Most americans are outraged at your thinking.....did you fall and hit your head?
you seem to be off your fucking rocker
View attachment 2936435... another Teabagger! Hottobe, ever think its the devil's work, not God's? God doesn't tempt you to be bad. Surely you don't believe what you just posted.
You can keep your little add-ons to yourself. I'm not impressed. I am not a Teabagger in any sense, God sets up Kings and God brings Kings down, of course God placed Donald Trump in office for this very time in history. You need not respond to my portion of this discussion, I am done on my end, I choose not to debate my belief in God other then to say it is my understanding of His word that influences my views.
I would love to see if any liberal would like to have a court case of theirs... let’s say even something minor... held behind closed doors without their participation to defend themselves against anything that is said about them or the incident, be it true or false.

if you are TRYING to refer to the impeachment hearings.....there are members of both parties already there...…..the info the right would like people to believe is false.....all of the committees are made up of both parties!
Ex-CIA Director Critiques Trump for Claiming Baghdadi Was 'Bigger' Than Bin Laden: 'There Wasn't a Competition'

Former acting CIA Director Michael Morell said President Donald Trump's assertion that Islamic State (ISIS) leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's death was "bigger" than the killing of Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was not how the situation should be viewed.

Bin Laden was big, but this was bigger," Trump argued on Sunday during a press conference. Trump announced to reporters and the world that Baghdadi was dead after Saturday's U.S. military operation, which was first reported by Newsweek.

The president said that Baghdadi was "the biggest there is" and "the worst ever." Although he said "Osama bin Laden was very big," he insisted that Baghdadi "is a man who built a whole, as he would like to call it, a country, a caliphate, and was trying to do it again."

Interviewing Morell on CBS This Morning on Monday about the military operation, host Gayle King asserted, "I think most people weren't even aware there was a competition," referring to the president's remarks.

"Yeah, so there wasn't a competition," Morell responded with a smile, visibly amused. "Both operations were very significant, significant setbacks for Al-Qaeda in bin Laden's case and ISIS in Baghdadi's case," he explained.

Morell did speak positively about Baghdadi being taken out. "History has shown us, Gayle, that when you take a terrorist leader off the battlefield, it takes a while for the replacement to find their way, to learn the job, so that's a setback."

He added that the ISIS leadership would now be "worrying more about their own security" than "running their group and thinking about operations."

Newsweekreported on Sunday that ISIS already has a new leader to take over following Baghdadi's death. Abdullah Qardash, sometimes spelled Kardesh and also known as Hajji Abdullah al-Afari, has taken over command of the militant group, a regional intelligence official, who asked not to be identified by name or nation, told Newsweek. Qardash previously served as an Iraqi military officer in the regime of Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, who was overthrown and captured by the U.S.

(Thank you George bush!)

Trump's argument that Baghdadi's death was bigger than the killing of bin Laden in 2011 was viewed as bizarre by many. The Al-Qaeda leader was killed after a U.S. operation in Pakistan, which was carried out under President Barack Obama. Bin Laden was the mastermind behind the September 11, 200, attacks in the U.S., which left nearly 3,000 people dead and more than 6,000 injured.

The president has long tried to discredit Obama's administration for taking out bin Laden, a target that had eluded President George W. Bush, who led the country during the 9/11 attacks, and went on to launch the "war on terror." In 2012, Trump tweeted: "Stop congratulating Obama for killing Bin Laden. The Navy Seals killed Bin Laden."

(well then who killed Bagdadi?)

The president also falsely claimed during his Sunday press conference that he had predicted bin Laden would carry out the attacks, describing the deceased militant leader as "tall" and "very handsome
Does anyone realize just how much this impeachment is saving the country?

Trump’s Golf Costs: $102 Million And Counting, With ...
May 22, 2019 · Trump promised never to golf. Instead, he's spent more than twice as many days golfing as Obama at the same point, costing taxpayers over three times as much. Donald Trump’s golf habit has already cost taxpayers at least $102 million in …

hasn't been golfing since it started
Dems sorest LOSERS in history !!!!!!!


we already covered that....have your head in the …"sand"

he is not getting anywhere near all the ******* Obama got...NO where near....you guys whine.....nut check the facts....hell they even made fun of his wife and *******

Fox News Readers Bash Obama's ******* With Racial Slurs ...
May 03, 2016 · Fox News disabled the comments section of an article by the Associated Press about President Barack Obama’s 17-year-old *******, Malia Obama, after readers flooded the post with racist comments, calling her a racial slur, an “ape,” a “monkey” and accusing her of …

Let Malia Obama Live: The Right-Wing’s Persecution of the ...
Apr 03, 2017 · NO MAS Let Malia Obama Live: The Right-Wing’s Persecution of the Former First *******. The pro-Trump Daily Mail reports on her every move around New York City and right

President Obama’s 16-Year-Old ******* Malia Confirmed ...
Nov 28, 2014 · President Obama’s 16-Year-Old ******* Malia Confirmed Pregnant. Posted on November 28, ... Like 0. WASHINGTON, D.C. – In what promises to be the biggest White House scandal since intern fellatio, President Barack Obama’s *******, 16-year-old Malia, has confirmed that she is pregnant. ... Mom was probably right though. The dad already ...

GOP staffer to resign after slamming Obama girls | MSNBC
Last year, following President Obama‘s statement that he would support the selling of Plan B, a birth control product, to girls as young as 15, Fox News host Andrea Tantaros speculated about the ...

Racist Attacks on the Obama Children: New Lows for the ...
Jul 12, 2009 · Racist Attacks on the Obama Children: New Lows for the Racist Right? (UPDATED) ... President Obama’s eldest ******* brought Woodstock chic to Rome yesterday as she toured the Eternal City wearing a T-shirt that bore the peace emblem of the ban-the-bomb movement. ... something like 100 racist and gendered racist comments like these after the ...

so NO I have no time for crying about this ******* head being picked on
you guys are just going to have to face the fact that his reign of terror is about over.....he would be gone now except for the right protecting him.....but little by little they are starting to turn on him

saw on Tv the one female republican speak out against calling the vet a non loyalist…...right behind her Kevin McCarthy the republican leader of the house...someone who sits in on the hearings and should know what is going on!

also along that line......the one republican making fun of the left and their closed door meetings.....he was SUPPOSED to be on that committee and had not attended one hearing!

that wall is starting to crumble

the right...….supposed to be big on military and yet if you say something they don't like they question your patriotism......and they are always big on law enforcement...…..as long as you are not investigating them...then you are corrupt....and then if you don't support their man....who has several lawsuits against him for making money in office......you are un American.....makes it kind of hard to understand why anyone would want to be a republican...unless you have your hand in the till

but hell now days the republicans won't even release the name of the dog that got bagdadi…..afraid he will talk!
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guess the things this country was founded on do not apply unless you vote republican...…..what happened to no taxation without representation?

Georgia plans to cancel over 300,000 voter registrations

Georgia could soon cancel roughly 315,000 voter registrations in the state, the secretary of state's office confirmed Tuesday.

wonder just what the percentage of those voters are black
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