Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I sincerely hope John Durham is NO Robert Mueller - course Mueller had NOTHING to find and Durham SURE does. He’s warming up the grand jury now :}

Clapper and Brennan are lawyering up - now the shoe is on the other foot :}

John Durham is a no one except in your own mind...……..lot of people lawyering up here lately...even lawyers....like RudyG...may even go as far as Barr
Yup lot a lawyering up going on - that’s what happens when ya try to undo an election!!!!!!

true......Russia should never have tried to appoint someone that wasn't qualified...most people spotted it right away....and then Mueller confirmed it....he might have got by...but now after more investigations......who know how many will go to jail
true......Russia should never have tried to appoint someone that wasn't qualified...most people spotted it right away....and then Mueller confirmed it....he might have got by...but now after more investigations......who know how many will go to jail
Sub, come on, so we disagree, we are all just imperfect people, I am jealous of the relationship you and your wonderful wife have. I never liked Donald Trump as a reality show performer, I watched it one time and knew it wasn't for me. You consider yourself to be a democrat and that is fine, like I said I am an independent thinker and voter, I always have been. I am sick of all about Russia, Mueller, Schiff, Pelosi, and I am tired of all the lies, government corruption and the media. Trump don't fit into political correctness, that is not in his nature, he loves to brag about himself and he tends to repeat the same accolades over and over to entertain at his rallies. He works day and night, but loves golf as the choice of his relaxation. I honestly believe that in his own business like way, he wants to help the American people.
I am an independent thinker and voter, I always have been.
another of these independents that support trump with every post...…????

I am sick of all about Russia, Mueller, Schiff, Pelosi

better get used to that...it will be in the news everyday until they have a vote...and...you really are not going to like my next post then

tired of all the lies, government corruption and the media

you know if he hadn't tried to lie so much maybe the media would not have been on him so bad.....and government corruption has been around a while ,,,but right now it is at an all time high.....media is and always has been around the pres and it's candidates...always has been...you screw up they are on you like stink on *******.....Remember gary hart.....promising young dem...the next JFK...someone got a pic of him and a girl on a boat...doing nothing...but just the pic of the two together cost him any chance of running....my how things have changed trump brags about groping.....he has literally degraded the office with just about everything he does....I know you and others just don't want to see it.....but can so many media outlets...law enforcement agencies....all be wrong?

his nature is not what people look up yo in that office...highest office in the land...leader of the free world...and supposedly and example for all to follow...not someone most would look up to

ok we will forget the Russian thing for right now....lets just look at his dishonesty right from the start...
his ******* going to run the biz...not happeneing……
to busy to play golf....not happening…..
drain the swamp...more corruption than ever
eliminate lobbyist...almost 2 times more now than ever before
no ties to Russia....and all the while trying to cut a deal

I dislike the republican party because of the corruption...and with trump I think they have taken it to all new levels!
this would be the non Barr altered one

Judge rules DOJ must turn over Mueller grand jury material to House Democrats

A federal judge on Friday ruled that the Justice Department must turn over former special counsel Robert Mueller's grand jury evidence to the House Judiciary Committee, a groundbreaking victory for Democrats in their effort to investigate whether President Donald Trump should be impeached for obstructing the long-running Russia probe.

In a double victory for Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Judge Beryl Howell — the chief federal judge in Washington — ruled that the impeachment inquiry Democrats have launched is valid even though the House hasn't taken a formal vote on it. The decision rejects arguments by DOJ and congressional Republicans that a formal vote is necessary to launch impeachment proceedings.

Even in cases of presidential impeachment, a House resolution has never, in fact, been required to begin an impeachment inquiry," Howell determined, dismissing GOP arguments as unsupported.

Republicans had claimed that the House Judiciary Committee cannot begin impeachment proceedings without a formal vote of the House — and that even if it could, Pelosi is not empowered to simply grant that authority to the Judiciary Committee. But Howell rejected the arguments out of hand.

In her ruling, Howell ordered the DOJ to provide by Oct. 30 "[a]ll portions of Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s Report on the Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election that were redacted pursuant to" grand jury restrictions.

The order also requires the Justice Department to provide "any underlying transcripts or exhibits referenced in the portions of the Mueller Report that were redacted" pursuant to those restrictions.


Giuliani butt-dials NBC reporter, heard discussing need for cash and trashing Bidens

Late in the evening on Oct. 16, Rudy Giuliani made a phone call to this reporter.

The fact that Giuliani was reaching out wasn’t remarkable. He and the reporter had spoken earlier that night for a story about his ties to a fringe Iranian opposition group.

But this call, it would soon become clear, wasn’t a typical case of a source following up with a reporter.

The call came in at 11:07 p.m. and went to voicemail; the reporter was asleep.
The next morning, a message exactly three minutes long was sitting in his voicemail. In the recording, the words tumbling out of Giuliani’s mouth were not directed at the reporter. He was speaking to someone else, someone in the same room.

Giuliani can be heard discussing overseas dealings and lamenting the need for cash, though it's difficult to discern the full context of the conversation.

The call appeared to be one of the most unfortunate of faux pas: what is known, in casual parlance, as a butt dial.

And it wasn’t the first time it had happened.

“You know,” Giuliani says at the start of the recording. “Charles would have a hard time with a fraud case ‘cause he didn’t do any due diligence.”

It wasn’t clear who Charles is, or who may have been implicated in a fraud. In fact, much of the message’s first minute is difficult to comprehend, in part because the voice of the other man in the conversation is muffled and barely intelligible.

Let's get back to business."
He goes on.

"I gotta get you to get on Bahrain."

Giuliani is well-connected in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

Last December, he visited the Persian Gulf nation and had a one-on-one meeting with King Hamad Bin Isa al-Khalifa in the royal palace. “King receives high-level U.S. delegation,” read the headline of the state-run Bahrain News Agency blurb about the visit.

Giuliani runs a security consulting company, but it’s not clear why he would have a meeting with Bahrain’s king. Was he acting in his capacity as a consultant? As Trump’s lawyer? Or as an international fixer running a shadow foreign policy for the president?

In May, Giuliani told the Daily Beast his firm had signed a deal with Bahrain to advise its police ******* on counter-terrorism measures. But the Bahrain News Agency account of the meeting suggested Giuliani was viewed more like an ambassador than a security consultant. “HM the King praised the longstanding Bahraini-U.S. relations, noting keenness of the two countries to constantly develop them,” it said.

The voicemail yielded no details about the meeting. But Giuliani can be heard telling the man that he’s “got to call Robert again tomorrow.”

“Is Robert around?” Giuliani asks.

“He’s in Turkey,” the man responds.

Giuliani replies instantly. “The problem is we need some money.”

The two men then go silent. Nine seconds pass. No word is spoken. Then Giuliani chimes in again.

“We need a few hundred thousand,” he says.

It’s unclear what the two men were talking about. But Giuliani is known to have worked closely with a Robert who has ties to Turkey.

His name is Robert Mangas, and he’s a lawyer at the firm Greenberg Traurig LLP, as well as a registered agent of the Turkish government.

Giuliani himself was employed by Greenberg Traurig until about May 2018.

Mangas’s name appears in court documents related to the case of Reza Zarrab, a Turkish gold trader charged in the U.S. with laundering Iranian money in a scheme to evade American sanctions.

Giuliani was brought on to assist Zarrab in 2017. He traveled to Turkey with his former law partner Michael Mukasey and attempted to strike a deal with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to secure the release of their jailed client, alarming the federal prosecutor leading the case.

Giuliani and Mangas were both employed by Greenberg Traurig at the time. The firm and Mangas had registered with the Justice Department to lobby the U.S. government on behalf of Turkey, according to an affidavit from Mangas.

Mangas did not return a request for comment.

Giuliani’s conversation partner can be heard responding to the $20,000 comment. But it’s possible to make out only the beginning of his answer, and even that is somewhat garbled.

“I’d say even if Bahrain could get, I’m not sure how good [unintelligible words] with his people,” the man says.

“Yeah, okay,” Giuliani says.

“You want options? I got options,” the man says.

“Yeah give me options,” Giuliani replies.

The exchange took place at the 2:20 mark in the voicemail message. The other man does most of the talking in the remaining 40 seconds, and it’s difficult to piece together what he says.

Not the first time
By the time of that call, it was already clear that Giuliani butt dials don’t only happen after 11 p.m.

The late-night Giuliani butt dial came 18 days after a mid-afternoon Giuliani butt dial.

The first one happened when the NBC News reporter was at a fifth-birthday party for an extended family member in central New Jersey

Something is going to break open that is for sure but what, and who will come out of it the victor? Corruption is in the government on both sides of the aisle, we will have to wait to find out, even then we will be told only what they want us the American Bosses (LOL) to hear.
Something is going to break open that is for sure but what, and who will come out of it the victor? Corruption is in the government on both sides of the aisle, we will have to wait to find out, even then we will be told only what they want us the American Bosses (LOL) to hear.

true...….but when...….going on since the last supper....and probably go on until Frosty has heat stroke
Please FORGIVE me - I forgot you are the only one that knows anything ;} at least in your own mind.

I do however have an opinion and it happens to fairly well coincide with Hottobe’s.

wellllll just don't forget it....I haven't been wrong since moby dick was a minnow...…...

did you ask for the opinion....or was it given to you.....I would suggest you check to see if a different one is available....there are several out there.....and what makes you think hottobe's opinion is the right one....it could be defucktive
I’m bettin it’s more on your side gonna be in the klink after all is said and done.

what?.....trump already has what....4 in jail right now.....and a couple others under indictment...and I am betting RudyG will soon find himself in deep *******!.....real deep *******!
that was funny...him sitting on his phone and it dialing a reporters number....while he was trying to corrupt!....Don Knots would envy that play!
wellllll just don't forget it....I haven't been wrong since moby dick was a minnow...…...

did you ask for the opinion....or was it given to you.....I would suggest you check to see if a different one is available....there are several out there.....and what makes you think hottobe's opinion is the right one....it could be defucktive
My opinion could be what.
wellllll just don't forget it....I haven't been wrong since moby dick was a minnow...…...

did you ask for the opinion....or was it given to you.....I would suggest you check to see if a different one is available....there are several out there.....and what makes you think hottobe's opinion is the right one....it could be defucktive

I just happen to agree with his - I believe yours is quite defucktive however :}
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