Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I know you will attack the source of this link because its not one of your favorite left wing sources, but...
I'm not attacking it; I worked from 6AM-5PM today as I'm too tired. I'll do the same tomorrow. I'll just say the same thing you right tards always say ... "fake news".

You can't seriously believe that Monica was the only one and Bill was pure as the driven snow.
Is THAT what I said? Read it again, correctly. Don't waste my time responding with your intentional misinterpretations.

It proves how blind you are as to what is actually going on. Everything is the Rights fault and the left do no wrong. That is some pretty strong blind devotion you have. You are unable to see the whole picture.
Again, you intentionally misinterpret to create confrontational discussions. Don't waste my time on your intentional, stupid remarks. The Left have plenty of issues, BUT protecting a well established LIAR, to protect the party over the rights of the people when they know he's a liar, isn't one.
Your comments don't even warrant my acknowledgement. Why not do something useful; help h-h find a job.
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more movies....you guys trashed the political thread turning it into the movie channel...so it doesn't get half the traffic...now you want to post that ******* here
That's because THAT is what Rightards do ... take things that aren't fucked up and then "fuck 'em up". Started with Reagan ... got much worse under GW Bush. They'd fuck up an anvil if they had one.
That's because THAT is what Rightards do ... take things that aren't fucked up and then "fuck 'em up". Started with Reagan ... got much worse under GW Bush. They'd fuck up an anvil if they had one.

they lack the ability to speak on their own and have to rely on paid actors......if they do speak on their own...they get caught in lies and falsehoods....it's the lesser of two evils' for them.....can't speak intelligently....so they have to rely on paid actors which is someone else speaking for them...lose both ways
That's because THAT is what Rightards do ... take things that aren't fucked up and then "fuck 'em up". Started with Reagan ... got much worse under GW Bush. They'd fuck up an anvil if they had one.
I'm not attacking it; I worked from 6AM-5PM today as I'm too tired. I'll do the same tomorrow. I'll just say the same thing you right tards always say ... "fake news".

Is THAT what I said? Read it again, correctly. Don't waste my time responding with your intentional misinterpretations.

Again, you intentionally misinterpret to create confrontational discussions. Don't waste my time on your intentional, stupid remarks. The Left have plenty of issues, BUT protecting a well established LIAR, to protect the party over the rights of the people when they know he's a liar, isn't one.
Your comments don't even warrant my acknowledgement. Why not do something useful; help h-h find a job.

"I'll just say the same thing you right tards always say ... "fake news"." This statement proves how woefully uninformed you are. And that you are a delusional ideologue. You just won't face the fact that Bill, was at the least, guilty of sexual misconduct and workplace harassments of at least 3 women. Even your left wing media report this. Lester Holt, I believe, just confronted Slick Willie on this in the last 12 months. It was an interview on his new book. His zietiguist nick name is Slick Willie.
they lack the ability to speak on their own and have to rely on paid actors......if they do speak on their own...they get caught in lies and falsehoods....it's the lesser of two evils' for them.....can't speak intelligently....so they have to rely on paid actors which is someone else speaking for them...lose both ways

says the guy who uses abrivated telegram sentences, circular thinking and "……… "in every post.
Open your eyes and ears to see and hear that every thing she said is 100% true. Pure Evil and you Democrats are opening up your arms to complete immoral programs.

sometimes you come up with some of the craziest *******.....go back and read that article I post where Dems are better than republicans....data from the last 70 years...…..not one thing has the right done that benefitted America...just the select few!

The Black And White Numbers – Democrats Are Better Than ...
Jun 02, 2012 · The Black And White Numbers – Democrats Are Better Than Republicans Lets just get real. Let us not waste a minute anymore and take data from up to last 70 years and see what have the Democrats and Republicans done for us economically based on sheer numbers, which speak louder than anything else. I have created a report for you.
and another one for you hotobe….although several of you should read....but won't....kind of funny looking back at some of the ******* they predicted if you voted Dem...…...and things have not changed much

21 Truths That Prove Republicans Have Been Wrong About ...

Mar 17, 2019 · If Republicans always know they are right, how did they miss that Viet Nam was a no win situation? Republicans have been so wrong on so many occasions and always they refuse to take responsibility. Their CEO-like attitudes that they can make decisions and never be wrong is why they are today's most hated people in this country.

It's no secret that politicians tend to use exaggerated political rhetoric to get people to vote for them. In recent decades, Republicans have repeatedly made very ominous predictions about the horrors that will result from Democratic policies while painting a rosy picture of what will result from Republican policies.

Now, we have the luxury of looking back over the years to examine those predictions and policies.

some of those I forgot about....they are pretty good....the ******* the right tells it's people to get the vote!
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Is THAT what I said?

Because you stated the article is "Fake news" and it is NOT - Then yes that is EXACTLY what you said.

BUT protecting a well established LIAR,

And you in turn protect a "well established LIAR" - "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
The left is no better - wake up.
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Pompeo Gets Drawn Deeper—Way Deeper—Into the Ukraine Scandal

Whatever hope Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had of staying in the background of the House Democratic impeachment inquiry evaporated under the heat of Amb. William Taylor’s damning deposition. House Democrats are now redoubling their efforts at pulling Pompeo deeper into an impeachment inquiry the secretary has met with defiance.

Republicans Grind Impeachment Inquiry to Halt as Picture Darkens for Trump

WASHINGTON — House Republicans ground the impeachment inquiry to a halt for hours on Wednesday, staging an attention-grabbing protest at the Capitol that sowed chaos and delayed a crucial deposition as they sought to insulate President Trump against mounting evidence of misconduct.

The day after the most damning testimony yet about Mr. Trump’s pressure campaign to enlist Ukraine to smear his political rivals, House Republicans stormed into the secure office suite where impeachment investigators have been conducting private interviews that have painted a damaging picture of the president’s behavior — and refused to leave.

Chanting “Let us in! Let us in!” about two dozen Republican lawmakers — most of whom are not on the committees conducting the inquiry and are therefore not entitled to attend their hearings — pushed past Capitol Police officers to enter the secure rooms of the House Intelligence Committee, which is leading the investigation. Republicans who are on the committees have been in on the hearings from the start and have had the chance to hear from all the witnesses.

After several contentious hours marked by shouting matches between Republican and Democratic lawmakers and an appearance by the sergeant-at-arms, the top law enforcement official in the Capitol, Wednesday’s witness began testifying. Laura K. Cooper, the deputy assistant secretary of defense for Russia, Ukraine and Eurasia, answered questions for more than three hours before the panel wrapped up its work for the day.

It's not a witch hunt, when you have actual witches. Pelosi did everything she could to not move to these hearings but, the dumb motherfucker continues to go on tv and lie, and contradict his own story, or his own words. It's doesn't matter if the who the whistleblower is, and it doesn't matter if the Dems are made up of reject baby actors of the 70's- the president himself goes out and blabs on himself, Giuliani talked himself into being investigated by the very office he used to run like real boss, Pence, Pompeo and Mulvaney get caught lying for the President, because once again, the President can't shut the fuck up. Rudy and tRump had reputations that were straight up gangster tough and business savvy, now they look like a couple of bumbling fumbling idiots who are in way over their heads, and abilities.
Ridicule and name call the Democrats all you want, everyday the President and White House presents the American public with more proof of the criminal activity, incompetent leadership and self serving corruption. We don't need the Democrats to show us.
Doesn't matter to trump who he hurts or kicks out of the country.....total ass!

U.S. Marine veteran Jose Segovia Benitez of Long Beach is ...
15 hours ago · U.S. Marine veteran Jose Segovia Benitez was deported Tuesday night to El Salvador to the surprise of his lawyers who were told they had more time to fight for him. “They snuck him out in the middle of the night,” said Texas attorney Tom Sanchez, who recently joined efforts to help keep the Long Beach resident from being deported.

US Marine combat veteran Jose Segovia Benitez is deported ...
U.S. Marine combat veteran Jose Segovia Benitez was deported Tuesday night to El Salvador to the surprise of his lawyers who were told they had more time to fight for him. “They snuck him out in the middle of the night,” said Texas attorney Tom Sanchez, who recently joined efforts to help keep the Long Beach resident from being deported.

with trump we will have trouble getting people to join the military for a long time
nothing new here....just more of that trickle down economics in action......

Jamaican citizens sue Yellowstone Club over wages
1 day ago · Jamaican citizens sue Yellowstone Club over wages. By amy beth hanson ... weeks after Yellowstone Club bars agreed to pay $370,000 to the state …

Jamaican citizens sue exclusive Yellowstone Club over wages
17 hours ago · HELENA — Five Jamaican citizens who were recruited to work at a Montana ski resort for the ultra-rich just north of Yellowstone National Park say they and more than 100

Jamaican citizens sue Yellowstone Club over wages | The State
1 day ago · Five Jamaican citizens who were recruited to work at a ski resort for the ultra-rich just are suing the Yellowstone Club and a hospitality staffing agency alleging they were paid less than other ...
Obama, Clintons, Pelosi to speak at late congressman ...
3 hours ago · Representative Cummings’ office released a list late Wednesday of the 10 pallbearers and 15 speakers slated for the funeral Friday at the New Psalmist Baptist Church in Cummings

Barack Obama speaks on the passing of Elijah Cummings ...
6 days ago · Former President Barack Obama on the passing of iconic Maryland congressman, Rep. Elijah Cummings. “Michelle (Obama) and I are heartbroken over the passing of our friend, Elijah Cummings. As chairman of the House Oversight Committee, he showed us …
Nope - Hillary twas the worst candidate in my lifetime - there really was no choice.

you just bought into all the propaganda the right put out for the last couple of years...….and everything those Russian "bots" put out....like the basement of a NY pizza house having a c.hild porn ring run by Bill......gunman goes in and takes people hostage demanding to see the basement.....there was no c,hild porn ring....nor even a basement....he is now serving time....so many different and crazy stories out....and someone bought at least one...and everyone bought one....that's enough to muddy the waters

history will show her and Bill have both done what they could to serve their country....while the right being so corrupt....

everything comes to light sooner or later
The whole world and almost all prominent scientists, including those at NASA etc agree that we have a major global warming problem, so what does your glorious leader do? He further isolates America and gives the rest of the world the finger by pulling out of the Paris accord on climate change.
Thing is, most of you lot don't give a damn because you are poorly informed and brainwashed by these halfwits on you tube that you post on here.
America is fast becoming one of the world's biggest problems but few of you can see it.
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