Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Yeah TwoBi, Mac says plenty of substantively ignorant things on here, like his claim that there was no way I'd have to meet my calendar year deductible before my insurance would cover a sore throat visit. There's really no need to tease him about his "crappie" English ;)
Quite a bit of difference between a deductible and a co-pay, h-h. Are you sure you know the difference between co-pays, co-insurance, and calendar year deductibles? That sore throat you whimper about .... are you sure you had to pay a co-insurance or deductible to see your doctor about that?

More proof that some of the increasing health insurance rates have been caused by Trump decisions ....


ps ... have you SEEN the new Trump "individual health plans" that Trump promised that the article speaks of? .... nooooo? Yet another promise NOT MET, maybe?
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But as usual, the left condemns him for doing what the left does on a daily basis. And just because he is brash, isn't grounds to remove him from office.

wrong again there old trump cum breath!
thought that was funny!

who started the insults?
remember Obama making a speech in front of congress and one of your guys calling him a Liar?
probably not...but it used to be that office was held in high esteem no matter who had it
your man has taken it to new lows!

and just who started the smearing and lies during the campaigns?
remember Dukakis? John Kerry? and on and on...AFTER the election there is some half assed apology but doesn't change the election results!
even with JFK...the right claimed with him being catholic the church would be running the white house

the right has always used lies and deception to win...it's all you have!

I won't even go into the republican primary and all the ******* trump said about different people

even after Sanders went into the DNC and got the names of all of Hillary's donors...and was trying to steal her staff at different cities...she never once made a public statement about it

there is class...and no-class....and the right fits right into that no-class category
I won't even go into the rest of your remarks as you said more than a mouthful there!
and just who started the smearing and lies during the campaigns?
It was Newt Gingrich that set the stage of slandering and false statements. Its funny that Gingrich was ragging Clinton during his last 4 years about adultery etc ... while old Newt himself was carrying on an affair at the very same time. But it was Gingrich's secret meeting the same day of Obama's first inauguration that they formed the Party Of No ... and began their "fake facts" campaign that's lasted through Obama's second term and Hillary Clinton campaign. Newt was determined NOT to allow another Clinton in the White House ... and LOOK at what we got in her place.
changed my mind...to many asinine statements to let slide

left using derogatory remarks or calling someone <insert insult here>.
you guys are so sold on only your opinions we need to get your attention...and sometimes even that doesn't work!...you guys use more than enough insults...think I pointed out one the other day...but it must have slipped your mind....you are just a little more subtle in giving them.....where as I believe you call a turd a turd if it fits!

Can anyone say ANTIFA?
more of your diversion ?

And you are the worst of them, Insult after insult. You are completely wrong on so many levels
opinion.....they are like assholes...everyone has one!

Again you spout your feelings but no evidence to back it up
if we talk opinions...like you guys do...there are no facts to back up opinions......but when it comes to facts I think I post a link EVERYTIME!

All you do is parrot the news media based on head lines alone
I cut and paste things I think effect the working people of the country.....but you are on a different side of the fence so none of that interests you and actually are against most of it!

You don't even read the articles - the head line sounds good so you post it.

wrong again......if there are not to many pop-ups I will post the whole article.....if it is loaded with pop-ups I read what I can until it says click her for page 2 or etc...I finish!

Have some more kool-aid.
you like to use that term a lot......but since you seem to have a lack of facts on most of what you post and your posts don't fit in with what most agree on ….I would guess it is you in the Kool-Aid....try another expression...I think maybe you need a midol!

I have asked for links numinous times on different topics and crickets - Instead I am told the left don't need to prove any claim.

again...that is YOUR Kool-Aid talking and just plain bullshit!

The left complained about Trump calling "Fake News" and now embrace it and claim everything the right presents as "fake news".

Mmmm...don't like your own medicine turned back on you.....typical of the right

You guys argue like Flat Earthers do, I would not be surprised if most on the left are flat earthers

no...I think you just get surprised by facts and irritated that you don't have supporting your wild claims! and your undying love for a Russian plant!

From now on you all will be preaching to the choir. It is obvious non of you are interested in a civil discussion about fa

well we have a hard time discussing anything with the right because of their undying love for the right with nothing to back anything up.....and it disturbs you that we can and will use a search engine to show you are full of *******!

you just want to project your but-hurt feelings and kick and scream until you get your way.

no...just want what is good for America and it's people......where as you only want what benefits you!
you stand for greed....we stand for improvements to life in general
I posted something about all the things the left has done for the good of the country....can you name just ONE the right has done....and trickle down is not one of them!
We wouldn't have had to, dumbass, you'd have done it for us! ..... is there even a shred of "logic" with you conservatives these days?

Not going to engage in school playground banter Mac, the claim was 27 doctors found him mentally ill. Where is the link? Can't get more logical that that. What isn't logical is believing that claim simply because some liberal said so.
Well it appears that someone got struck right between the eyes with a 6 foot 2X4 and got knocked totally senseless !!
I'm an ardent fly-fisherman and as such learned early on as to why I'm usually successful when I go fishing! I take advantage of the fact that the darn fish cannot keep their mouth shut! Likewise when searching for a few know-nothing jackasses all I need do is cast them a few nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs and adjectives and they'll bite every time! There's a guy occupying a desk in the White House who suffers from this problem, sort of like hoof and mouth disease, only more consequential !!
I fly fish. Usually on the way to Florida, I stop in the Appalachians.

In any event, I see you live in Canada. American Presidents don't have any jurisdiction in Canada, so possibly you'd be happier if you concentrated on Justin Pierre James Trudeau PC MP?

Just a suggestion.
I fly fish. Usually on the way to Florida, I stop in the Appalachians.

In any event, I see you live in Canada. American Presidents don't have any jurisdiction in Canada, so possibly you'd be happier if you concentrated on Justin Pierre James Trudeau PC MP?

Just a suggestion.

I see you are a republican...what's your point?
your suggestion sucks!
your man in the white house seems to have us at war with what used to be our allies!
Well, I did read the original book on the Non--Elected Presidents Mental Health, but now that book has been updated, 35 doctors offer their combined and individual assessments! Clearly, whether one wishes to acknowledge this fact or not, this man is undeniably off the rails!
Well, I did read the original book on the Non--Elected Presidents Mental Health, but now that book has been updated, 35 doctors offer their combined and individual assessments! Clearly, whether one wishes to acknowledge this fact or not, this man is undeniably off the rails!
View attachment 2040767

Not denying he is off the rails, But knowing he is and proving he is to get him removed are 2 entirely different things.

"35 doctors offer their combined and individual assessments" Based on what criteria? You don't think that this just might be a little bit biased? Do you trust doctors that make an assessment based on observation alone? Did these doctors examine Trump as they would a normal patient? Did he take their test and exam's?

Yes I agree, Trump is a bit "unhinged" but I really don't make judgement based on someones assumption. Think of it this way. If 35 scientist came out and said that based on their observations the earth will explode in 48 hours - would you believe it? I'm betting you would not. However, but if it DID explode within 48 hours those 35 scientist would be able to say - "See, I told you so." Are these 35 doctors world renown or obscurely known doctors, are they out to just make a name for themselves.? i.e. are the doctors credible.

Things like this are published to get people excited. I have faith that there are safeguards in place to prevent him from doing anything too stupid. Most presidents are simply puppets for the puppet master - this time they have one that is a bit hard to control. In a way, that is a good thing - just look at all what it has exposed within our own government.
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I've posted the names and actions of some of our foreign "allies". Allies don't normally do things like this to each other. So what came first, the names and actions I mentioned, or Trump's response? They are both time and date stamped, and matters of public record. Although some aren't very widely reported. But we keep learning more every day.

I'm sorry you didn't care for my suggestion. I do think you ought to try it. AS an example, I don't waste any energy concerning myself with poeple of no consequence like Justin Pierre James Trudeau PC MP. Because he has no jurisdiction here.
Not denying he is off the rails, But knowing he is and proving he is to get him removed are 2 entirely different things.
TRUE …...BUT....several people who have known him over the years are even stating that!

if nothing else look at who he supported for a long time...mostly the Dems...to included Hillary Clinton...and was a dem himself for many years...if I remember right his ******* could not vote for him in the primary because they were registered Dems...and had to switch later on

after his election some thought it may not be to bad because of his history as a dem

somewhere along the line he has made some drastic changes....and I THINK it has a lot to do with him not being as popular as Obama...and hurts his ego!

prior to his running he used to call into CNN all the time and talk to different people about current events...now look...HATES CNN

he went fucking bonkers somewhere along the line!
he went fucking bonkers somewhere along the line!

If you face attack on a daily basis, wouldn't you? Obama only had to deal with the GOP right out of the gate, Trump had to deal with not only the left and the press, but about 50% of the American people that hang on every word the press and celebrities say because they are to much of a drone to think for themselves. Most people when asked, can't tell you why they hate Trump. The usual answer is "because - feelings".

I give Dave Chappelle a lot of respect. Right after the election he was on SNL and asked America to give Trump a chance (which he later regretted). If the media had done that it's quite possible Trump would not be so bad today. I think the media made him even more bitter and vengeful. CNN talked about how he drinks water for 3 days straight for Pete's sake! You don't think that would wear on your nerves after a while? The more the press grill him the worse he gets. Not saying Trump would have done any better, but the day to day might have been a bit easier to handle. I have stopped watching all late night shows, most sit-coms, and all talk shows, SNL, all of them. When it's nothing but Trump bash - It gets OLD!

Regardless of what you think, I don't like Trump. He is doing a good job for my business, and that's good. But I do feel sorry for the guy. That kind of relentless abuse and attack would drive any sane man crazy and Trump was half way there to begin with, and because of that, I half to give him props.
(and I do still think he was better choice than Killery)
If you face attack on a daily basis, wouldn't you? Obama only had to deal with the GOP right out of the gate, Trump had to deal with not only the left and the press, but about 50% of the American people that hang on every word the press and celebrities say because they are to much of a drone to think for themselves. Most people when asked, can't tell you why they hate Trump. The usual answer is "because - feelings".

every president is under the microscope...always has been...with the left...the more that came out about the Russian thing the stronger that got....his lies..naturally the press is going to feed on that...so most of his problems are self created......unlike Obama....with the GOP meeting ahead of time to try and block his everymove
had trump not lied...and been honest with the American people really doubt this would have went near as far as it had
one of your GOP senators stated the obvious....if you are innocent act like it
I think most could give a good reason for not liking him...I have several!

If the media had done that it's quite possible Trump would not be so bad today.

I think his lies and false facts put him in bad light with the media.....you know no matter what politician says what...someone will fact check it...he made himself an easy mark!

I think the media made him even more bitter and vengeful

I will agree with that....but he created the situation...had he gone to one of the white house events with the media and tried to repair the damage...maybe be a little different....but he NEVER apologizes for anything...another one of his big mistakes

CNN talked about how he drinks water for 3 days straight for Pete's sake!
I remember Obama having a problem with the press and they made a big issue of hi kicking the door open leaving the press room.....the press was on Obama......just not as bad...he didn't do that much in the way of mistakes to open that door......Even Bush hated the press and made a few statements about it...but never pushed the envelope...

The more the press grill him the worse he gets

that's because by now it certainly looks like he has something to hide...and he has lied so much I really doubt if he knows what the truth is...I think he is even starting to believe all his lies

I have stopped watching all late night shows, most sit-coms, and all talk shows, SNL, all of them. When it's nothing but Trump bash - It gets OLD!

never been much of a tv person anyway except for college sports...when I was working and still do some....I have the tv on (CBS) most of the morning.....but don't really watch it just listen as I play on here a lot...I switch over to CNN when the price is right comes on...but you watch an hour of CNN and you have seen all they have to say for the day!

Regardless of what you think, I don't like Trump
I know...but you defend him a lot!

He is doing a good job for my business, and that's good
but there are a lot of others not so well blessed...and the actual numbers on work/wages/etc...are no where near what he claims...we are losing more to overseas than we have in years.....and with the tariffs even more!
so consider your self lucky!

But I do feel sorry for the guy

I don't....he made his own bed...I think he knew about the Russian meeting BEFORE it happened and that's collusion.....he has lied so much....and the firing of all the people that have given so much to the country...starting with the first he fired sally yelts?...just because she stated she came to see him 3 times to warn him about his chief of staff...she was a career DOJ...he flat screwed her for telling the truth...comey and the latest one...they came over as a team and told him....fired comey...and now taking the security clearance from the other...firing the FBI agent because he liked Hillary...on and on...….isn't that what hitler did when someone spoke against him

That kind of relentless abuse and attack would drive any sane man crazy and Trump was half way there to begin with
wouldn't bother me to see the house keeper finding him hanging from the chandelier....

and I do still think he was better choice than Killery)

wrong...….most of what people hated her for was put out by Russian facebook to people who bought it....and the right doing all they could to smear her....funny Gowdy got caught by the feds altering her emails to make her look bad.....never heard much about that did you?
I wasn't a Hillary lover...although I think she was by far the better choice of the 2!

I don't like graham...but really thought he was going to be the next pres....I don't care for most republicans...but still didn't like the way he treated the others in the field...that should have been a preview of things to come but most thought all that was funny...even jeb was a quality candidate...don't think he stood a chance...but didn't deserve the ******* he got either
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TRUE …...BUT....several people who have known him over the years are even stating that!

if nothing else look at who he supported for a long time...mostly the Dems...to included Hillary Clinton...and was a dem himself for many years...if I remember right his ******* could not vote for him in the primary because they were registered Dems...and had to switch later on

after his election some thought it may not be to bad because of his history as a dem

somewhere along the line he has made some drastic changes....and I THINK it has a lot to do with him not being as popular as Obama...and hurts his ego!

prior to his running he used to call into CNN all the time and talk to different people about current events...now look...HATES CNN

he went fucking bonkers somewhere along the line!

The bottom line! If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck you'd have to be a fool to believe that it's not a duck!
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