Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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All I can say is thank God for the electoral college, Hillary Clinton as the first bull dyke president of the United States, anyone who did vote for that person , either are completely ignorant, have stayed with the democratic party no matter what, or are first, second and third generations as welfare dependent, non-workers. Democrats need to stop winning about the popular vote, this has happened a total of five times now.
It was once written, and I quote, "No country is destroyed from without unless it is first destroyed from within!"
I can only suggest, "Wake up! Take time out to smell the roses! Please recognize what's going on around you!"

I really don't want to bemoan the obvious but the credibility of the United States has obviously reached an all
time low, at least it's obvious to most people around this world! Neither am I taking political sides in the current
debate, I'm past that point, however what's currently going on within your borders affects everyone living outside
your borders! Unfortunately that affect is all negative! Sadly, when all is said and done, it's the United States that
will eventually suffer the most! Your current leader(s) is/are determined to attack and isolate your closest friends
and allies as they snuggle up to those dictators around the world who would like to see your country denigrated
to less than a third world poverty stricken isolationist piece of real estate!

I'll close by saying, especially for those Ostriches who may be capable of reading but not understanding, "burying
your head in the sand is no longer an option", the situation is past that, just look at the happenings of this past
week! (week ending July 20/18). I won't denigrate myself by including defamatory adjectives to the "one" person
hell bent on destroying any and all influence, good will and integrity the U.S. had enjoyed, so hard won and
justifiably earned through the supreme sacrifices of its many military! Unfortunately this demise is being perpetuated
and led by someone who had refused to serve! THINK ABOUT IT! PLEASE! BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!

P.S. I have family and friends who have served in the U.S. Military, several of whom have paid the Supreme Price, so
if it's your intent to throw stones and ignore the facts, please make sure you're not living in a glass house, because you are! Whether you want to believe it or not is another matter.
The very definition of a Dem DRONE - I take nothing you say seriously - almost entirely propaganda and Dem talking points - laced liberally with biased media back up for your precious FACTS. If you were correct with all your previous horseshite then Mueller woulda been President Trump’s downfall - you said so for over 2 years - just like the media - you so closely follow and quote and use for FACTS - never admit it was all bullshit - but it was - just like the biased media you move on to the next Dem talking points and attacks.

WHO could possibly take you seriously?????

expectations are low for you having any comprehension

Are Donald Trump’s supporters idiots? | The New Republic

Thankfully, we have actual data on Trump’s supporters. Far from being idiots, they are people who would normally be considered functioning and successful. Trump’s supporters are better educated and wealthier than the American average. Rather than characterizing them as losers who are easily fooled,...
All I can say is thank God for the electoral college, Hillary Clinton as the first bull dyke president of the United States, anyone who did vote for that person , either are completely ignorant, have stayed with the democratic party no matter what, or are first, second and third generations as welfare dependent, non-workers. Democrats need to stop winning about the popular vote, this has happened a total of five times now.

I can see why.....trump proved they can be bought off....but doing it twice?
All of it America is sick of the bullshit

and yet you keep posting go trump......what kind of deal is that?

you are supporting a bullshit artist...

The unbearable stench of Trump’s B.S. - The Washington Post
Aug 04, 2016 · Hence the familiar notion of the ‘bullshit artist.’ This has been Trump’s mode all his life. He boasts — and boasts and boasts — about his business, his buildings, his books, his wives.

Donald Trump isn’t just a liar, he’s a BS artist | Miami ...
Donald Trump is not just a liar, a word that connotes strategic untruths told for expedience or advantage. No, he is a BS artist, a man who speaks most forcefully where he knows the least, and...

Trump is a Bullshit Artist - YouTube
Nov 07, 2016 · Mark Cuban Takes The Gloves Off: Donald Trump Edition - Duration: 3:04. The Late Show with Stephen Colbert 1,171,498 views
and yet you keep posting go trump......what kind of deal is that?

you are supporting a bullshit artist...

The unbearable stench of Trump’s B.S. - The Washington Post
Aug 04, 2016 · Hence the familiar notion of the ‘bullshit artist.’ This has been Trump’s mode all his life. He boasts — and boasts and boasts — about his business, his buildings, his books, his wives.

Donald Trump isn’t just a liar, he’s a BS artist | Miami ...
Donald Trump is not just a liar, a word that connotes strategic untruths told for expedience or advantage. No, he is a BS artist, a man who speaks most forcefully where he knows the least, and...

Trump is a Bullshit Artist - YouTube
Nov 07, 2016 · Mark Cuban Takes The Gloves Off: Donald Trump Edition - Duration: 3:04. The Late Show with Stephen Colbert 1,171,498 views
GO Trump
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