Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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learned in elementary school to stay out of other people's business he's our president promote opponent but dont taLk ******* tell me how the others are better
"...... how others are better", Unquote? Well consider (if you're capable) the following:
They, "almost all" in both parties, don't have the same propensity to LIE like Mr. Trump does!
They don't cater to dictators like Trump does!
They don't distrust their closest allies the way Trump does!
They are not "totally" into politics for their own personal gain the way Trump & his awful offspring are!
They all don't crucify the English language the way Trump does!
They don't consider themselves smarter than all the best brains in the world in every field of human endeavour the way Trump does!
They never seek outside help to defame their opponents the way Trump does!
They never seek foreign help to get involved in U.S. elections the way Trump has done, "openly" I hasten to add!
Most, if not all, from both parties have forgotten more than Trump could ever hope to know!
Should I go on? Oh, I will!
They don't practice the art of deceit & deception as well as Trump does!
They don't show benevolence to the dictators of the world as Trump does!
They don't shame the United States around the world as Trump does!
They don't have the propensity to go bankrupt as often as Trump has!
They haven't been refused to do business with by almost all major banks the way Trump has been!
Wake up my friend, wake up! The world is passing you by and you're too ill witted to recognize it!
Enjoy your day!
Do you have anything to do with your own politic or you just point at others i know you don't like trump but im pretty sure you know nothing about the other candidates but that doesn't matter
they all lie there politicians hell Biden a polished politician over 70 years

for years...and long before trumps latest attempt to smear Biden.....he was known as Honest Joe
and your man now has "feelers" out looking for something on Warren

and you forget.....Biden was a senator for a long time and was known to work across the isle....and lot of senators on both sides like Biden.....and I understand his picking on Biden has eroded his support....republicans more and more are starting to hint their displeasure with trump

guy can not win on his own....and he knows it....he didn't win last time...it was given to him.....he knows people here will be watching closer this time...and Russia has already working on hacking and have been caught already....and you know trump has said nothing about it.....his only hope is to smear his opponents….but then that has been the republican way for a while now.....I posted an article this week where 35% of people under 30 consider them selves DEMS...….while 20% consider them selves republicans....17% independent....point is....people with some education see through the ******* the right does and how corrupt they are....who knows...20 years from now the republicans may be non-existant
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just more proof this guy cares nothing about the security of the country....and republicans support him!

Trump Orders Cut to National Security Staff After Whistle ...
19 hours ago · (Bloomberg) -- President Donald Trump has ordered a substantial reduction in the staff of the National Security Council, according to five people familiar with the plans, as the White House...

Trump Slashes National Security Staff After Whistleblower ...
10 hours ago · President Donald Trump has ordered a substantial reduction in the staff of the National Security Council, according to five people familiar with the plans, as the White House confronts an...

Trump orders new national security adviser to cut staff ...
8 hours ago · President Trump has instructed his new National Security Adviser to make substantial staffing cuts to the 300-member National Security Council, …
for years...and long before trumps latest attempt to smear Biden.....he was known as Honest Joe
and your man now has "feelers" out looking for something on Warren

and you forget.....Biden was a senator for a long time and was known to work across the isle....and lot of senators on both sides like Biden.....and I understand his picking on Biden has eroded his support....republicans more and more are starting to hint their displeasure with trump

guy can not win on his own....and he knows it....he didn't win last time...it was given to him.....he knows people here will be watching closer this time...and Russia has already working on hacking and have been caught already....and you know trump has said nothing about it.....his only hope is to smear his opponents….but then that has been the republican way for a while now.....I posted an article this week where 35% of people under 30 consider them selves DEMS...….while 20% consider them selves republicans....17% independent....point is....people with some education see through the ******* the right does and how corrupt they are....who knows...20 years from now the republicans may be non-existant
you mean creepy joe
"...... how others are better", Unquote? Well consider (if you're capable) the following:
They, "almost all" in both parties, don't have the same propensity to LIE like Mr. Trump does!
They don't cater to dictators like Trump does!
They don't distrust their closest allies the way Trump does!
They are not "totally" into politics for their own personal gain the way Trump & his awful offspring are!
They all don't crucify the English language the way Trump does!
They don't consider themselves smarter than all the best brains in the world in every field of human endeavour the way Trump does!
They never seek outside help to defame their opponents the way Trump does!
They never seek foreign help to get involved in U.S. elections the way Trump has done, "openly" I hasten to add!
Most, if not all, from both parties have forgotten more than Trump could ever hope to know!
Should I go on? Oh, I will!
They don't practice the art of deceit & deception as well as Trump does!
They don't show benevolence to the dictators of the world as Trump does!
They don't shame the United States around the world as Trump does!
They don't have the propensity to go bankrupt as often as Trump has!
They haven't been refused to do business with by almost all major banks the way Trump has been!
Wake up my friend, wake up! The world is passing you by and you're too ill witted to recognize it!
Enjoy your day!

All the lying I see comes from the Dems and the Main Street Media - by far and away!!!
it's always about the money.....they don't call him Moscow Mitch for nothing

McConnell ad cashes in on impeachment - wave3.com
1 day ago · LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WAVE) - A new online campaign ad from Sen. Mitch McConnell appears to be capitalizing on the issue of impeachment. In the social media ad, McConnell asks for donations, saying a Senate majority under his leadership is the best way to stop impeachment
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All the lying I see comes from the Dems and the Main Street Media - by far and away!!!

funny I seem to remember another saying "I am not a crook"...….and "the press is the enemy"....maybe crooks have things in common don't you think

Richard M. Nixon quote: Never forget, the press is the ...
Quotes › Authors › R › Richard M. NixonNever forget, the press is the... Never forget, the press is the enemy. The establishment is the enemy. The professors are the enemy.

When Richard Nixon Declared War on the Media - longreads.com
Nov 08, 2018 · But Nixon felt that the media had forever turned against him when he previously was a representative and then senator from California, and he could never shake that sense of enmity. In December 1972, he told Kissinger, Never forget, the press is the enemy, the press is the enemy…write that on the blackboard 100 times.
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