Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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just shows you what we are dealing with!
trumptards haven't a brain in their head nor care a lick about the country....it's all about the money!

Yeah - RIGHT - all about the money - you are
CORRECT sir - Biden like the Clintons before him - using his position as the VP to enrich his family (Hunter) and prolly himself thru Hunter by leveraging Ukraine and China - the money trail is clear - you’d have to be a Democrat not to see the connections and money trail. All the other people in the country see it though - CLEARLY !!!!!!
Yeah - RIGHT - all about the money - you are
CORRECT sir - Biden like the Clintons before him - using his position as the VP to enrich his family (Hunter) and prolly himself thru Hunter by leveraging Ukraine and China - the money trail is clear - you’d have to be a Democrat not to see the connections and money trail. All the other people in the country see it though - CLEARLY !!!!!!

and i'm sure with all these rash statements you have a link supporting this.....and NOT your crazy right wing talk show host!

just listening to him has lowered your IQ buy 30 points
There are plenty of documents - a money trail - it’ll all come out now - Hillary not winning threw a real wrench in all the inner workings of corruption - none of this would have ever been know - now a lot of truth will be uncovered - all the dirty tricks the Dems have pulled will be coming out shortly - can’t wait :}
There are plenty of documents - a money trail - it’ll all come out now - Hillary not winning threw a real wrench in all the inner workings of corruption - none of this would have ever been know - now a lot of truth will be uncovered - all the dirty tricks the Dems have pulled will be coming out shortly - can’t wait :}

oh yeah……...sure thing......it will all come out.....sure it will and trump going down!

you have a serious case of head n ass disease
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We’ll soon see whose head is up their ass - your party is a disgusting gaggle of lying hypocrites - I seriously feel bad for you being sooooooooooo myopic.
Trump calls on China to join effort to tar Bidens
Oct 03, 2019 · Trump has also raised accusations of corruption over Hunter Biden’s partnership with a Chinese private equity fund, exaggerating the scale of China’s investment from $4.2 million to …

Trump now says both China and Ukraine should investigate ...
Oct 03, 2019 · President Donald Trump said Thursday he wants both Ukraine and China to investigate Joe Biden and his ******* after failing to answer a similar question on the topic the day before.

Donald Trump says China should investigate Democrat Joe ...
17 hours ago · Some critics noted that Trump's call for China to investigate Biden came less than a week before American and Chinese negotiators meet to try and revive a proposed bilateral trade agreement. The...

Trump’s false claims about Hunter Biden’s China dealings ...
Claim: “Ask how his ******* made millions of dollars from Ukraine, made millions of dollars from China, even though he had no expertise whatsoever.”
Four Pinocchios
Fact checked by washingtonpost.com
View attachment 2889247
..... and yet ANOTHER Trump cabinet appointee "BITES THE DUST" for illegal acts while in office as Secty of Energy resigns.

Sorry to burst your bubble yet again, but Rick Perry is still very much the Secretary of State. Your "proof" of his resignation was a 5 year old video regarding his resignation from the Governorship of Texas. Might help your comprehension if you read articles and watched videos rather than just parroting headlines.

Since you dredged up this history, you should know the charges he was indicted on were thrown out of court having been found unconstitutional. Perry had asked for a District Attorney to resign after being convicted of ******* driving. Democrats backing the (democrat) ******* driver indicted Perry, claiming it was an abuse of his power to ask for her resignation. The other very politically motivated indictment was for abuse of power due to his threat to veto $7.5 million in funding....something clearly within his constitutional power as governor. The courts promptly flushed both charges down the toilet..right where the democrap BS belonged.

You could educate yourself here, but it will be challenging given your Vox.com legal education.

PS: Rick Perry (who is 69 now) has been planning to retire from the Secretary of State job for quite some time. This isn't exactly news (to anyone paying attention). He hasn't announced a firm date, but the rumors of this November have been floating around for many months now. For example, from back in April:

Energy Secretary Rick Perry is planning to leave the Trump administration and is finalizing the terms and timing of his departure, according to two people familiar with his plans.
While Perry’s exit isn’t imminent and one person familiar with the matter said the former Texas governor still hasn’t fully made up his mind, three people said he has been seriously considering his departure for weeks. All of the people spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss private deliberations.
one more tidbit.....trump complained that it looked like China had tried to interfere with the 2018 elections......and now he is asking for China to interfere with the 2020 elections...how does that work?
He's like a whore plying her trade in Venice .... like Trump .... drowned midstream while working both sides of the channel!
nope all me i hate when people with there own problems ******* on us

he has done nothing to us...on the trade deal he tried to protect his own farmers.....something our president has done nothing for except give hand outs of tax payer money....and a lot of the farm biz he gave away may never come back....he may have some issues...…..none as bad as trump.....but for the most part took care of his country
he has done nothing to us...on the trade deal he tried to protect his own farmers.....something our president has done nothing for except give hand outs of tax payer money....and a lot of the farm biz he gave away may never come back....he may have some issues...…..none as bad as trump.....but for the most part took care of his country
didn't they still buy pur soybeans and pork
didn't they still buy pur soybeans and pork

very limited because of the tarriffs

that first batch of money we gave the farmers was 12 billion.....then he increased tariffs again and we gave them another batch of money.…...but most Farmers say what he gave will not pay the bills....they have some pretty expensive equip...the farm it's self...etc....saw where some were not going to make it...….also saw some interviews with farmers....mad at trump...asked if they would vote Dem...NO....asked if they would vote trump again...NO
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