Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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yeah that pretty much is the jist of it...…….same here as with our FBI and intelligence agencies...and all the press.....decided to all get together and pick on this innocent president......just trying to make a buck or million

whoops almost forgot to give you the thumbs up...blkdlaur started that on these threads....now no one can make a comment without every comment having them.....getting old...found myself going back and looking at threads I didn't post and giving them a thumb of some kind
wondered how long before this was going to happen....and how long before he gets charged as an accomplish in some of these shootings

Judge: Trump Must Give Deposition in Protesters' Lawsuit ...
7 hours ago · Six protesters of Mexican origin who claimed they were assaulted sued Trump, the Trump Organization, his presidential campaign and security personnel. The judge wrote that Trump's testimony is "indispensable," given his relationship to the other defendants, who are described in court papers as either employees or under contract.
Now we find out Trump has been withholding Aid money to Ukraine after congress approved the money months ago until they open an investigation into Biden's *******

Whistleblower: Trump Urged Ukraine to Investigate Biden ...
11 hours ago · Trump, in that call, urged Zelenskiy to probe the activities of potential Democratic rival Biden’s ******* Hunter, who worked for a Ukrainian gas company, according to one …

WSJ: Trump Asked Ukraine President '8 Times' to Probe ...
Sep 20, 2019 · President Donald Trump asked Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky "about eight times" in a July telephone call to work with personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani to investigate Joe Biden's *******, according to news reports Friday."He told him that he should work with [Giuliani] on...

Report: Trump Pressed Ukraine President To Investigate ...
12 hours ago · In a July 25 phone call, President Donald Trump pressed Ukraine’s president at least eight times to investigate Joe Biden’s *******. The call is said to be central to a whistleblower complaint against Trump.

would this be more of trump's policy of win at all costs?
No just more of the left’s get Trump at all costs.
blkdlaur, how could you call this latest issue with Trump "left's get Trump at all cost"? Rudy Giuliani has already admitted his involvement with the President to dig up dirt on Al Biden's ******* ... ADMITTED IT ... and the President, when asked, didn't deny it, just said it was irrelevant.
Do you even know what LAW has been broken here?​
Do you not see the precedents Trump is setting for future Presidents of the US?​
He once said he could ******* someone on 5th Avenue and get away with it .... do you think it would be RIGHT to let him get away with ******* if he did, in fact, openingly ******* someone while President?​
What, exactly, would it take for you to finally say "ENOUGH" with this President, because he's just about done everything there is in breaking the laws and constitution since he's been President.
K - Mac

How come it was all right for Joe Biden when VP under Obama to extort the firing of a prosecutor investigating a company that was making MASSIVE payments to Hunter Biden.
Believe it was $50,000 a month. There is video of Biden bragging about getting the ******* of bitch fired and giving Ukraine 6 hours to do it or losing a billion dollar loan guarantee.

I see NOTHING wrong with President Trump trying to get to the bottom of that.

I do see something wrong with the vermin left over from Obama that do everything they can to subvert him.

The Deep State proves it’s existence over and over.

The left is BLIND to anything corrupt they do - but fall all over themselves when our President does anything.

Don’t blame him for calling Ukraine - our agencies from his point of view are untrustworthy - as proven by this bogus Whistleblower claim that will backfire and should bite Biden in the arse.
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You lefties should learn a lesson - but ya won’t.

The ******* the Republicans pulled on Bill Clinton sucked - NOBODY liked it and it helped him politically.

Average fair-minded Americans are totally fed up with the Left’s endless investigations and whining - and - the fact that’s all they are interested in and mostly all that they are doing. Those unable to learn from history are doomed to repeat it ;}

Get over being such sore losers - NOBODY likes whining sore losers - NOBODY !!!!
well finally complete sentences followed by your usual brain washed comments

before you make the rash statements you might want to check your facts ……..just like your little comment on the vid...….the right pulled the only part of that conversation that would make Biden look bad...….but then hell they have been doctoring vid and comments for 20 years now.....Biden and several OTHER countries were on Ukraine for corruption....they had an individual...not unlike many in the trump white house.....that was taking foreign aid money and "recycling" it.....Biden one of several to go over to investigate.....and provided facts to their own version of our congress...…...they voted by a large majority to fire the guy...not Biden...he just showed them the "money trail" so to speak....it was their own people who pulled the trigger!

quit buying that right wing whacko bullshit....I'm sure you have the capability to check for your self instead of just blindly buying what you god tells you

your man caught trying to ******* a foreign gov to interfere in our elections to benefit himself...even his lawyer admitted it.....and you don't think he did the same last time with Russia?

had there been anything to it don't you think Ukraine would have come forward right after Biden no longer in power?....they didn't...….and your man dangling a foreign aid check to get them to do his dirty work....and effort to ******* them to lie for trump....just like he does with everyone who works for him

hell this guy wouldn't even make it as weather forecaster when the facts are given to him
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So typical - pot calling the kettle . . .

Left only sees what it wants to.

Truth shall be revealed - you don’t see Hunter Biden’s getting $50,000 a month from Burisma as a problem when his ******* threatens to ******* billion dollar loan guarantee if prosecutor investigating that company is not fired. Gee - I see that clearly as extortion - lefty media gives it a pass - naturally - but goes relentlessly after our President for wanting to get to the bottom of it.

I swear you people are deaf , dumb and blind to anything untoward your side pulls.
blkdlaur, on top of everything ELSE that Trump has been accused of, he's now being blamed for EXTORTION ... do you understand what that is? And he's not EVEN DENYING IT. Trump has convinced himself he's above the law as long as he's President, and he's NOT. Enough Republicans are going to find their moral compass soon, and Congress is going to send this fool packing. Hopefully he'll be removed from the benefits REAL Presidents get when no longer Presidents ... bodyguards, income & penions, etc. All should be stripped from his benefits.

Trump is what he is ... a very dishonest and crooked President. He'll ultimately receive his just dues; I'm just hoping its before he even gets to run for his second term. He's very dangerous to this country.
So Trump is guilty of extortion but Biden is NOT - of course if you’re a lefty. Clearly anything a Dem does is correct even if it flies in the face of all reason. A President has unlimited leverage when dealing with a foreign power - a VP - not so much - in the video referenced Biden tells the Ukraine to make the call to the then President - Obama - to get a definitive answer on his extorting the ******* of a bitch ( the prosecutor) to get him fired from investigating Burisma which was paying his ******* $50,000 a month when Hunter Biden had NO experience in the gas industry - hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ?
Trump using Presidential leverage to get to the bottom of that mostly covered up scandal is extortion though - do you even realize how ridiculous you look making that assumption???
A President has unlimited leverage when dealing with a foreign power - a VP - not so much - in the video referenced Biden tells the Ukraine to make the call to the then President - Obama - to get a definitive answer on his extorting the ******* of a bitch ( the prosecutor) to get him fired from investigating Burisma which was paying his ******* $50,000 a month when Hunter Biden had NO experience in the gas industry -
No, you dimwit, if anything, Biden might be guilty of collusion and maybe obstruction. Hell, you surely know what those mean, right? Your President has been guilty of those, on multiple counts, since the day he took office.
Extortion is when you put or imply a condition on someone .... as Trump supposedly was to cut off arms supply to Ukraine UNLESS the Ukraine President found smut on Joe Biden Jr ... comprende'?

extortion (noun )
1. the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through ******* or threats.​
The maximum penalty for an Extortion Crime (or Blackmail) is life imprisonment, and the minimum penalty is five (5) years in prison if a firearm is used.​

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So Biden’s threat to ******* a billion dollar loan guarantee to Ukraine if they didn’t fire the prosecutor investigating the company paying his ******* $50,000 a month is NOT extortion????

Explain how that doesn’t fit your definition - EXACTLY !!!!
So Biden’s threat to ******* a billion dollar loan guarantee to Ukraine if they didn’t fire the prosecutor investigating the company paying his ******* $50,000 a month is NOT extortion????
Explain how that doesn’t fit your definition - EXACTLY !!!!
Well, its for sure you STILL don't have a grip on the word extortion. Might also wish to brush up on fraud and embezzlement as well.
blkdlaur, you're trying to tie Joe Biden to a possible fraudulent deal which Peter Schweizer wrote about in his book "Secret Empires" that involved Archer Kerry & Hunter Biden being appointed to the Burisma Holdings as Board Of Directors. I believe there was a question as to what happened to $1.8 billion of the $3 billion that was given in aid to the Ukraine government and you're saying both Hunter Biden AND Joe Biden were involved in the disappearance of that money? Of course all you have as "proof" is that book of Peter Schweizer. Or were there witnesses who have testified or records of large off shore deposits of funds.? And lets just say it did happen, are you saying Joe Biden was involved in that in any way? And what proof do you have to that? Surely not that Peter Schweizer book, right?
This is the same Peter Schweizer who also wrote a "timely" book called "Clinton Cash: The Untold Story" just as Hillary was running for President.
Just wondering #1 if Peter Schweizer's books are meant to tarnish the images of those liberals who he loves to write about, and #2 what proof and documentation, if any, of this involving Joe Biden running for the Presidency?
You might also wish to read about how the Ukraine government is one of the most corrupt countries in THE WORLD.
Peter Schweizer says Hunter Biden worked in Ukraine despite lacking credentials and quoted as saying: 'What is he being paid for?'
Well DAMN, practically EVERYONE has been asking the same question about the President, Vice President, and his Cabinet appointees, etc .... EVERYONE of them.
I believe Peter's latest book is based on coincidences and innuendos, not documented facts. Also note that his book deliberately avoids talking about Trump's administration, the most corrupt Presidential administration in US History.

So, who IS this guy, Peter Schweizer?
Peter Schweizer (journalist): A American investigative journalist, novelist, author, and political consultant. He is the president of the Government Accountability Institute and senior editor-at-large of far-right media organization Breitbart News, and a former William J. Casey Research Fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution.​
My opinion: The guy lives on Fox News, of course ... and this is just another Trump ploy to draw media attention AWAY from himself.​
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A Republic!!! He never said Democracy... totally different government
look I am not going to argue about semantics with you: In a republic, laws are made by representatives chosen the people and must comply with a constitution which specifically protects the rights of the minority from the will of the majority. The United States, while basically a republic, is best described as a “representative democracy.”Jul 3, 2019
The point of my posting is about rather we are going to allow hate to tear the country apart.
Well, its for sure you STILL don't have a grip on the word extortion. Might also wish to brush up on fraud and embezzlement as well.
blkdlaur, you're trying to tie Joe Biden to a possible fraudulent deal which Peter Schweizer wrote about in his book "Secret Empires" that involved Archer Kerry & Hunter Biden being appointed to the Burisma Holdings as Board Of Directors. I believe there was a question as to what happened to $1.8 billion of the $3 billion that was given in aid to the Ukraine government and you're saying both Hunter Biden AND Joe Biden were involved in the disappearance of that money? Of course all you have as "proof" is that book of Peter Schweizer. Or were there witnesses who have testified or records of large off shore deposits of funds.? And lets just say it did happen, are you saying Joe Biden was involved in that in any way? And what proof do you have to that? Surely not that Peter Schweizer book, right?
This is the same Peter Schweizer who also wrote a "timely" book called "Clinton Cash: The Untold Story" just as Hillary was running for President.
Just wondering #1 if Peter Schweizer's books are meant to tarnish the images of those liberals who he loves to write about, and #2 what proof and documentation, if any, of this involving Joe Biden running for the Presidency?
You might also wish to read about how the Ukraine government is one of the most corrupt countries in THE WORLD.
Peter Schweizer says Hunter Biden worked in Ukraine despite lacking credentials and quoted as saying: 'What is he being paid for?'
Well DAMN, practically EVERYONE has been asking the same question about the President, Vice President, and his Cabinet appointees, etc .... EVERYONE of them.
I believe Peter's latest book is based on coincidences and innuendos, not documented facts. Also note that his book deliberately avoids talking about Trump's administration, the most corrupt Presidential administration in US History.

So, who IS this guy, Peter Schweizer?
Peter Schweizer (journalist): A American investigative journalist, novelist, author, and political consultant. He is the president of the Government Accountability Institute and senior editor-at-large of far-right media organization Breitbart News, and a former William J. Casey Research Fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution.​
My opinion: The guy lives on Fox News, of course ... and this is just another Trump ploy to draw media attention AWAY from himself.​

he lost his grip alooooong time ago
look I am not going to argue about semantics with you: In a republic, laws are made by representatives chosen the people and must comply with a constitution which specifically protects the rights of the minority from the will of the majority. The United States, while basically a republic, is best described as a “representative democracy.”Jul 3, 2019
The point of my posting is about rather we are going to allow hate to tear the country apart.

not only are we allowing it...…..it is being pushed as a normalcy in this country.....look at all those on this board that help push it....hard to understand
Trump using Presidential leverage to get to the bottom of that mostly covered up scandal is extortion though - do you even realize how ridiculous you look making that assumption???

Now who is talking out their ass...….after Biden left office and had no power....you don't think they could have said or done something.....but they didn't....even said they found no wrong doing on Bidens part.....Biden was one of several countries that exposed the corruption of a "trump like" individual pocketing money and aid.........but now that he is running against trump....Guliani has to run over there and talk *******....trump gets caught on the phone trying to blackmail them.....and do you realize how stupid you look making your assumption
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