Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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View attachment 2816621Are you talking about the Andrew Stein that was convicted of a federal felony for running a Ponzi scheme in 2010? You sure know how to pick character references, don't you .... read on:..........

Well, Stiff ... did you read this article? Only friends Alt-President Trump knows are people who are dishonest snakes just like him. Did you read the part about Stein not trying to save a woman from drowning because he didn't want to get his toupee' wet? Wasn't that a hoot?!
You know, Stiff, its become quite apparent you know nothing about Donald Trump except what Donald Trump and his friends tell you. Geesh!

wasting your time with him mac.....a normal conversation is a thing of the past....rank him right up there with Hottobe cucked....completely irrational.....his feelings got hurt because we/I picked on his hero...one of the things I pointed out was trump is a racist one of many things I pointed out......he can't defend the rest...….so he posts one new trump supporter that says trump is not a racist every few days....been going on for a couple weeks now.....guess he will keep this up until he has hit all 38% of the country that doesn't think trump is a racist....and when he finds one it is always 3 or 4 thousand words about it....and sometimes with a movies....like that changes things
Apologies @MacNfries as I forgot to reference that and seeing you need examples check out what I already quoted here as I told our pal @subhub174014 below:

I guess these acts of selfless generosity from then Mr Trump before he became POTUS illustrates how "racist" he is @subhub174014 even going back to the 1980s !?

Donald Trump's no racist, as past acts and presidential record prove

Donald Trump is no racist. I have known him since 1973 and have never seen any indication or any form of racism. In fact, quite the contrary.

When I was Manhattan Borough president and president of the New York City Council, I asked him numerous times to help black or Hispanic groups, and he always came through, many times without publicity. When a hurricane ravished Puerto Rico in the mid 1980s, I asked many big companies to give various forms of assistance — but the problem was how to get all of this aid down to Puerto Rico. I called Donald Trump, and he provided us with a 727 jet to take all of the donated material down to the island, and he didn’t ask for any publicity for that generous act.

My friend, Rev. Floyd Flake, the minister of the largest black church in Queens, asked for some help for his senior center. Again, I called Donald Trump and he wrote a big check.

One day I met an African American woman on the street with her two adorable young *******. She was homeless, and I gave her some money — and then asked Donald to get her into some low-income housing in Queens. He came through, and did so without any fanfare.

When President Trump recently attacked Congressman Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), he was not doing so because Rep. Cummings is black but because the president is a counter-puncher. And he is right that Cummings has been a congressman for 22 years and that Baltimore, part of which is in his congressional district, is a mess. The city has gotten worse during his tenure: more poverty, more ******* and more crime.

The president is honest and doesn’t parse his words, like most politicians, and that drives the media crazy. But his honesty is refreshing, and he is usually right, if not always diplomatic.

African American and Hispanic unemployment under his presidency is the lowest it has been in 60 years. The president pushed through criminal justice reform and has created empowerment zones that help economically distressed communities — and their poorer residents — through tax incentives and grants. In short, he has done more for minorities in three years than President Obama did in eight, and he deserves credit instead of rebuke.

I truly do not believe that Barack Obama is a racist — but some of his actions during his presidency could make people wonder.

Obama listened to Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s vile sermons every Sunday for years; Rev. Wright frequently and viciously attacked whites, Jews and America itself.

Barack Obama had many meetings in Chicago with Rev. Louis Farrakhan and said many nice things about the Nation of Islam leader. He attended many of Farrakhan’s rallies, where Farrakhan set a new low for anti-Semitic attacks, calling Jews a “gutter religion” and white people “devils.”

In addition, President Obama had Rev. Al Sharpton, one of the country’s highest-profile race-baiters, as a guest in the White House dozens of times.

In order to protect President Obama, the media largely ignored these and many other questionable things — but these things happened, and they are far worse than anything President Trump has done.

The point is that President Obama was not a racist but he did things that could be construed as racially divisive — and yet, he was never widely criticized for it, nor was he publicly condemned as a racist. President Trump is not a racist, either — and yet, he is being condemned as one by his critics on the left, and by much of the mainstream media.

Race should not play a part in our politics. For too long, it has been a scar on our country. We should focus instead on the issues, and on what’s going to help make America strong for everyone.

Andrew J. Stein is a former president of the New York City Council and a former president of Manhattan Borough.

from https://thehill.com/opinion/white-h...st-as-past-acts-and-presidential-record-prove

I don't know what makes you so stupid, but it really works.

I'll remember this when I catch you next oversight as well. ;)

I’m busy now. Can I ignore you some other time?

what you fail to understand...….it is a given that he is a racist....the majority of the country thinks so.....but people here.....could give a ******* less......they/we are more worried about his last fuck-up or his next lie.....or how he is going to fuck the country next......racism.....way down on the list......might be up there on the racism thread but not here
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wasting your time with him mac.....a normal conversation is a thing of the past....rank him right up there with Hottobe cucked....completely irrational.....his feelings got hurt because we/I picked on his hero...one of the things I pointed out was trump is a racist one of many things I pointed out......he can't defend the rest...….so he posts one new trump supporter that says trump is not a racist every few days....been going on for a couple weeks now.....guess he will keep this up until he has hit all 38% of the country that doesn't think trump is a racist....and when he finds one it is always 3 or 4 thousand words about it....and sometimes with a movies....like that changes things
For someone accustomed to reading from multiple news sources and attempting to trash any positive narratives of Donald Trump I understand your fear of challenging your beliefs @subhub174014 . I give @MacNfries credit because he discovered something about a source that I missed though!
I’m busy now. Can I ignore you some other time?

what you fail to understand...….it is a given that he is a racist....the majority of the country thinks so.....but people here.....could give a ******* less......they/we are more worried about his last fuck-up or his next lie.....or how he is going to fuck the country next......racism.....way down on the list......might be up there on the racism thread but not here
Nice you found time to respond as I was going to do something else @subhub174014 . You might be able to dismiss a few of my arguments but the sheer weight of all of the other people that support Donald Trump that I mentioned over all these years can not be all incorrect? As there should be some shred of decency that you continually overlook.

I mention Rabbi Cahn went much further than I do in saying how Donald Trump fulfilled various Hebrew prophecies in his newly released book "The Oracle" but to spare you from buying that book I did share a link to some of his arguments here:
( https://www.blacktowhite.net/threads/go-trump.160047/post-2533527 )

Also Franklin Graham, the ******* of Billy Graham, also had beneficial things to say about Donald Trump here:

Because that website is in French I ran it through Google Translate, as you can verify, for you to read here:

"Franklin Graham: 'God put his hand on Donald Trump to be the next President of the United States. '
November 13, 2016

For Franklin Graham, there is no doubt that God has put his hand on the election of Donald Trump to be the next President of the United States.

'What you see is what you have. Politicians are good at smiling in public but as soon as the doors are closed they are different. Donald Trump is the same in private and in public. He is not as polite as politicians. It is a little rough. But he thinks what he says. '

Discovering a study showing that 35 million evangelical Christians did not vote in 2012, Franklin Graham undertook to visit the 50 states to hold prayer meetings and encourage Christians to vote.

'I did not tell them who to vote for but I told them to pray before voting and God would tell them who to vote for. '

Franklin Graham knew Donald Trump 8 years ago and has witnessed a change in him in recent years. He's been a 'changed man' since he made those horrible comments about women 11 years ago. From Theologian Wayne Grudem to Pastor Bill Johnson, many figures from the American evangelical world have rallied behind Donald Trump.

'I know that many pastors have had a good influence on Donald Trump's life. People change with time. I think Donald Trump has changed. I think he really thinks what he's saying and when he says he's going to do something he's really doing it. Donald Trump is surrounded by strong evangelical Christians. I have known Ben Carson for years. He is a wonderful man of God. Mi[c]ke Huckabee and Mike Pence are authentic Evangelical Christians.'

For Franklin Graham this is something really encouraging. Barack Obama is also Christian but there is no Christian in the White House. There was no evangelical Christian engaged in Hillary Clinton's campaign. It is true that only God knows the heart of a person. However, Donald Trump's Christian entourage shows that his faith is not just a superficial façade.


Source: Christian Today

© Christian Info - Short partial reproduction allowed followed by a link 'Read more' to this page."
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'What you see is what you have. Politicians are good at smiling in public but as soon as the doors are closed they are different. Donald Trump is the same in private and in public. He is not as polite as politicians. It is a little rough. But he thinks what he says. '
Now, just what the hell is THAT suppose to mean ... "he thinks what he says" ?????? Of course he THINKS it before he SAYS it ... that's kind of dumb to say. What WE want him to do is DO what he SAYS.
☼ Tax Cuts for the Middleclass​
☼ Wall that Mexico will pay for.​
☼ Paying OFF the National Debt in 10 years​
☼ De-nuclearizing N Korea and Iran​
☼ National Health Care that's lower in cost and better in benefits than Obamacare​
☼ Show his Tax Returns for the past 5 years​
☼ Restrict military style rifles from the public​
Think he could hop onto some of these before the end of the year? I doubt it!
Now, just what the hell is THAT suppose to mean ... "he thinks what he says" ?????? Of course he THINKS it before he SAYS it ... that's kind of dumb to say. What WE want him to do is DO what he SAYS.
☼ Tax Cuts for the Middleclass​
☼ Wall that Mexico will pay for.​
☼ Paying OFF the National Debt in 10 years​
☼ De-nuclearizing N Korea and Iran​
☼ National Health Care that's lower in cost and better in benefits than Obamacare​
☼ Show his Tax Returns for the past 5 years​
☼ Restrict military style rifles from the public​
Think he could hop onto some of these before the end of the year? I doubt it!
That could have been an inaccuracy @MacNfries via Google Translate as the article was originally in French.
Would you have any references or proof of that story @MacNfries ?
Which story? Why don't you just give me your frik'n telephone # and I'll call you and READ the fucking things to you, how's THAT?
I swear, I READ the Washington Post and I don't pay for their service. Plus, not ALL of those links are from the Washington Post. I guess you can't read those either, huh?
I'm certainly not going to copy/paste full articles in this thread ... for Christ sake! I'm NOT going to do it! How's THAT?
Just drop the subject!
Which one?
Real common sense makes great bedfellows. The only reason I ignore anyone is because of name calling and rude vulgar immoral comments. Their parents must be proud. I have never been called stupid in the real world so I take it at it's source, keyboard geniuses, and we blame ******* for online bullying. Global warming is a farce.
Real common sense makes great bedfellows. The only reason I ignore anyone is because of name calling and rude vulgar immoral comments. Their parents must be proud. I have never been called stupid in the real world so I take it at it's source, keyboard geniuses, and we blame ******* for online bullying. Global warming is a farce.

I don't know what your problem is, but I'll bet it's hard to pronounce.
Which story? Why don't you just give me your frik'n telephone # and I'll call you and READ the fucking things to you, how's THAT?
I swear, I READ the Washington Post and I don't pay for their service. Plus, not ALL of those links are from the Washington Post. I guess you can't read those either, huh?
I'm certainly not going to copy/paste full articles in this thread ... for Christ sake! I'm NOT going to do it! How's THAT?
Just drop the subject!
The story that you cited from the base of your post here @MacNfries :

Where Trump looted the cash from the dead man's coffin? You neglected referencing any evidence of that unless it was just a joke?
Which story? Why don't you just give me your frik'n telephone # and I'll call you and READ the fucking things to you, how's THAT?
I swear, I READ the Washington Post and I don't pay for their service. Plus, not ALL of those links are from the Washington Post. I guess you can't read those either, huh?
I'm certainly not going to copy/paste full articles in this thread ... for Christ sake! I'm NOT going to do it! How's THAT?
Just drop the subject!
The only "farce" I see are the 33%ers that believe and follow Trump ...the biggest BULLY of them all. The man continually gets caught in exaggerations and lies "daily" ... and you folks run along behind him sniffing his ass. Jesus!
A man believing in the Bible using Jesus's name in vain? Oh @MacNfries !!!

Which story? Why don't you just give me your frik'n telephone # and I'll call you and READ the fucking things to you, how's THAT?
I swear, I READ the Washington Post and I don't pay for their service. Plus, not ALL of those links are from the Washington Post. I guess you can't read those either, huh?
I'm certainly not going to copy/paste full articles in this thread ... for Christ sake! I'm NOT going to do it! How's THAT?
Just drop the subject!
With regard to the Washington Post I suspect they allow only enough free views through their website outside America. I seemed to have exhausted it through their website so now without subscribing I can only freely observe articles through the Washington Post only through my public library's website.
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