Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Good video of Bernie trying to go toe to toe with Trump...

In case you missed it...the top 5 dems are ahead of Attila the None

but of course you missed it...it would not have been on Fox news....I see even Benito Trumpawienie is even calling fox news fake news now....what will the world ever come to.....must be getting close to hitlers downfall when even his own TV goes against him
You need to wake up! All politicians are being paid off to sale out the country. Both parties. Stop eating the cheese.
At least Trump is worried about his name. You can't pay off a guy worth around 10 billion. I wrote a article on Bush Sr giving China trade to our markets at The University of Texas in 1992. 21 Trillion later of secured debt and around 200 trillion or unsecured debt is the result. China trade policy is a real problem and has to be corrected. Every time a politician says something extreme, people donate money to there cause. Its a joke. Look at this guy Beto from a El Paso Texas. The guy stands on a bar stool and yells crazy stuff and his go fund me account goes crazy with donations. He is not to crazy after all. He has raised around 60 million in 3 years and the money is tax free. Try to have some fun in your life before something bad happens to your health and then you have a real problem. If you are really upset, we live in a free country and you can move to a nice Island somewhere and enjoy a nice pinacolada. This article is just my 5 cents worth and that is all it is.
Nice post @stacycuck but watch out for @subhub174014 as he believes the Democrats are perfect.
they are...….any doubts you may have I can clarify!
Why did Hitler ban the German left-wing parties and ally ...
Jun 02, 2011 · Hitler banned the Communist Party after he blamed them for the Reichtag fire. He banned the left-wing Social Democrat party after it was the only part to vote against Hitler's Enabling Act. That act gave Hitler dictator like powers. The right-wing German Nationalist and Catholic Centre party voted with the nazis and Hitler had those parties merged with his.

similar to what trump does....Mmmm go figure

The Nazi Party 1919-1929 - GCSE Modern World History
The Nazis grew out of a small right-wing party, which Hitler took over after 1919. He developed a Twenty-Five Point Programme based on hatred, and built up a paramilitary group (the SA) to defend his meetings and attack other parties.
you got it the other way around...we are just like the iceberg after the titanic (you guys) hit it
Hmmm let's see how perfect the Democrats are nowadays. Hear the latest about Ilhan Omar @subhub174014 ?

The wife of a Democrat consultant alleges her husband engaged in an extramarital affair with freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) in recent months, according to a report.
The New York Post, citing divorce filings obtained by the newspaper, reports Dr. Beth Jordan Mynett said her husband Tim Mynett admitted to having an affair with Omar in April. Dr. Mynett also alleges her spouse dropped a “shocking declaration of love” for the far-left lawmaker and dumped her soon after, state filings submitted to the Superior Court of the District of Columbia on Tuesday.

“The parties physically separated on or about April 7, 2019, when Defendant told Plaintiff that he was romantically involved with and in love with another woman, Ilhan Omar,” the documents read.

Despite her husband’s alleged actions, Dr. Mynett says she told him she was “willing to fight for the marriage,” but she claims the political consultant told her their relationship was done. The couple married in 2012 and have a 13-year-old ******* together.

Omar has dished out roughly $230,000 in campaign funds in consulting fees and travel expenses to Mynett’s E Street Group since 2018.

The development comes after a Daily Mail report stating Omar is no longer living with her husband, Ahmed Hirsi, who she fired as a policy advisor. Before Hirsi, the Minnesota Democrat was married to Ahmed Nur Said Elmi. Omar has faced scrutiny stemming from a joint tax return she filed with Hirsi in 2014 and 2015 — before they were actually married and while Omar was legally wed to another man.

Omar has claimed that she married Hirsi, who then went by Ahmed Aden, in an Islamic ceremony in 2002, though never married legally. The pair split up 2008 and she married Elmi, legally, the next year. Even though the lawmaker split from Elmi in 2011, she remained married to him while she filed tax returns with Hirsi. Records show she divorced Elmi before marrying Hirsi. Elmi has faced allegations that he is Omar’s brother, a claim that Omar has denied.



who are you trying to kid......people are getting pissed at him already...he is pulling trump type ******* and not going over well!

and in case you haven't looked....the top 5 dems are now leading trump for re-election......people not happy with our economy.....as for the rest of your rash statement I have asked you several times to tell me one positive thing trump has done for this country and you can't

as for a kiss ass president are you talking about trumps treatment of p.utin?....and how he stood up to him on election hacking?

you need to go back and read what I posted on the mueller report...knew you wouldn't though you like posting stupid ******* that most of us knows is nothing but bullshit!

Gimme a break - me and plenty of others have enumerated President Trumps accomplishments over and over - you just chose to ignore or discredit them. You are completely blind to anything but left wing propaganda so why at this point would anyone conceivably try to answer that challenge.
You have only proven us wrong in your own left wing propaganda besotted mind !!!!!
All the internet crap they have posted proves absolutely nothing ooooooo nada, as you say propaganda, trash. I have tried to be nice and respectful, no more you know it all's are taking a knife to a gun fight. a butter Knife at that. We are Trump Tards are we? Much better then what the left is showing themselves to be.
Hmmm let's see how perfect the Democrats are nowadays. Hear the latest about Ilhan Omar @subhub174014 ?

The wife of a Democrat consultant alleges her husband engaged in an extramarital affair with freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) in recent months, according to a report.
The New York Post, citing divorce filings obtained by the newspaper, reports Dr. Beth Jordan Mynett said her husband Tim Mynett admitted to having an affair with Omar in April. Dr. Mynett also alleges her spouse dropped a “shocking declaration of love” for the far-left lawmaker and dumped her soon after, state filings submitted to the Superior Court of the District of Columbia on Tuesday.

“The parties physically separated on or about April 7, 2019, when Defendant told Plaintiff that he was romantically involved with and in love with another woman, Ilhan Omar,” the documents read.

Despite her husband’s alleged actions, Dr. Mynett says she told him she was “willing to fight for the marriage,” but she claims the political consultant told her their relationship was done. The couple married in 2012 and have a 13-year-old ******* together.

Omar has dished out roughly $230,000 in campaign funds in consulting fees and travel expenses to Mynett’s E Street Group since 2018.

The development comes after a Daily Mail report stating Omar is no longer living with her husband, Ahmed Hirsi, who she fired as a policy advisor. Before Hirsi, the Minnesota Democrat was married to Ahmed Nur Said Elmi. Omar has faced scrutiny stemming from a joint tax return she filed with Hirsi in 2014 and 2015 — before they were actually married and while Omar was legally wed to another man.

Omar has claimed that she married Hirsi, who then went by Ahmed Aden, in an Islamic ceremony in 2002, though never married legally. The pair split up 2008 and she married Elmi, legally, the next year. Even though the lawmaker split from Elmi in 2011, she remained married to him while she filed tax returns with Hirsi. Records show she divorced Elmi before marrying Hirsi. Elmi has faced allegations that he is Omar’s brother, a claim that Omar has denied.




what? you want to start comparing indiscretions now......I don't think you want to go there....even if you took trump out of the picture...the right still has the former leader of the house serving 10 years for c.hild abuse...and it goes on and on......hell the leader of the OKl republican party arrested this spring for luring them to motels...and there are 2 more of those this year...all from the right
All the internet crap they have posted proves absolutely nothing ooooooo nada, as you say propaganda, trash. I have tried to be nice and respectful, no more you know it all's are taking a knife to a gun fight. a butter Knife at that. We are Trump Tards are we? Much better then what the left is showing themselves to be.

anything against what you want to believe or want to hear them say is fake news...

Donald Trump Supporters Mostly Uneducated, New Poll Finds


Dec 04, 2015 · Donald Trump Supporters Mostly Uneducated, New Poll Finds. US Politics. Aric Mitchell. Donald Trump supporters did not have a very flattering picture painted of them by a new CNN/ORC poll. Take it for what it’s worth, but respondents in the poll of Republican voters were found to be largely less college-educated. ... finding that Donald Trump

Trump Won Because Voters Are Ignorant, Literally – Foreign ...


Nov 10, 2016 · Trump supporters might be upset to learn that this method reveals that high-information voters (regardless of their income, race, employment status, gender, or where they live) tend to …

Why do Republicans always deny the truth when you show a ...
Aug 26, 2011 · Best Answer: They vote for a party that claims to be fiscally responsible, but has outspent the Dem party every time they've been in power. They claim to support the Constitution, but flat out don't believe in the 1st, the 4th, the 14th or 16th amendments to the Constitution. Who knows why they do what they ...
Gimme a break - me and plenty of others have enumerated President Trumps accomplishments over and over - you just chose to ignore or discredit them. You are completely blind to anything but left wing propaganda so why at this point would anyone conceivably try to answer that challenge.
told you how many times now...name one...you haven't yet....if there have been so many one shouldn't be that hard to come up with
Hmmm let's see how perfect the Democrats are nowadays. Hear the latest about Ilhan Omar @subhub174014 ?

The wife of a Democrat consultant alleges her husband engaged in an extramarital affair with freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) in recent months, according to a report.
The New York Post, citing divorce filings obtained by the newspaper, reports Dr. Beth Jordan Mynett said her husband Tim Mynett admitted to having an affair with Omar in April. Dr. Mynett also alleges her spouse dropped a “shocking declaration of love” for the far-left lawmaker and dumped her soon after, state filings submitted to the Superior Court of the District of Columbia on Tuesday.

“The parties physically separated on or about April 7, 2019, when Defendant told Plaintiff that he was romantically involved with and in love with another woman, Ilhan Omar,” the documents read.

Despite her husband’s alleged actions, Dr. Mynett says she told him she was “willing to fight for the marriage,” but she claims the political consultant told her their relationship was done. The couple married in 2012 and have a 13-year-old ******* together.

Omar has dished out roughly $230,000 in campaign funds in consulting fees and travel expenses to Mynett’s E Street Group since 2018.

The development comes after a Daily Mail report stating Omar is no longer living with her husband, Ahmed Hirsi, who she fired as a policy advisor. Before Hirsi, the Minnesota Democrat was married to Ahmed Nur Said Elmi. Omar has faced scrutiny stemming from a joint tax return she filed with Hirsi in 2014 and 2015 — before they were actually married and while Omar was legally wed to another man.

Omar has claimed that she married Hirsi, who then went by Ahmed Aden, in an Islamic ceremony in 2002, though never married legally. The pair split up 2008 and she married Elmi, legally, the next year. Even though the lawmaker split from Elmi in 2011, she remained married to him while she filed tax returns with Hirsi. Records show she divorced Elmi before marrying Hirsi. Elmi has faced allegations that he is Omar’s brother, a claim that Omar has denied.




are you still mad because I more than proved trump is a racist?
even though I see you found another ONE....you do know trump is a publicity hound.....don't care who or what you are if you have followers he wants to be your friend hoping some of them will like him......as for anyone else.....more than stated a bunch of times he doesn't like minorities

your facts are like...…. I didn't rob the bank....go ahead and ask my wife....she will tell you I didn't.....same thing
are you still mad because I more than proved trump is a racist?
even though I see you found another ONE....you do know trump is a publicity hound.....don't care who or what you are if you have followers he wants to be your friend hoping some of them will like him......as for anyone else.....more than stated a bunch of times he doesn't like minorities

your facts are like...…. I didn't rob the bank....go ahead and ask my wife....she will tell you I didn't.....same thing
Not angry just busy on my end and how about trying to defend the Democrats actions without bringing up Trump? Or any misdoings of any Republicans @subhub174014 ?
Not angry just busy on my end and how about trying to defend the Democrats actions without bringing up Trump? Or any misdoings of any Republicans @subhub174014 ?

I don't have to defend the dems remember they are perfect...besides trump just has to many flaws to let slide...just hitting one a day would still leave probably another 99....hell today alone he pulled a little conspiracy...a impeachable offense...and then said he was joking....the guy needs adult supervision
I don't have to defend the dems remember they are perfect...besides trump just has to many flaws to let slide...just hitting one a day would still leave probably another 99....hell today alone he pulled a little conspiracy...a impeachable offense...and then said he was joking....the guy needs adult supervision
Again the Dems are not so perfect if you already forgot Ilhan Omar's recent indiscretion @subhub174014 here:

It seems like your traditional strategy to defend your side is picking on Trump all the time? Sad! See you later! ;)
Again the Dems are not so perfect if you already forgot Ilhan Omar's recent indiscretion @subhub174014 here:

It seems like your traditional strategy to defend your side is picking on Trump all the time? Sad! See you later! ;)

Sad is....defending someone most of the world hates and thinks is corrupt

The Dems need very little defending they don't pull half the ******* the right does...…..face it....just like with blkdlaur….you have not one thing positive he has done

Will Donald Trump be impeached or resign? Betting markets ...
Betting markets put the odds of a Trump impeachment or resignation at around 48%. Other sites put his shot at winning reelection in 2020 around 35%. Then again, Paddy Power gives 40% odds that Trump will not complete his first term in office (though the reasons aren’t specified, the possibilities include impeachment, resignation, and death). Eight years ago, the site gave Barack Obama only an …

but the real key here is...you go out of your way to defend him....it is so easy for me to find twice that against him....and that is what really pisses you off isn't it?
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