Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Don’t you lefties have an original thought???

Seems like all you guys do is turn around what I say - guess it’s a compliment of sorts.
Don’t you lefties have an original thought???

Seems like all you guys do is turn around what I say - guess it’s a compliment of sorts.
Sssshhhh! Don't tell anybody I told this little well known secret .... you guessed wrong ....
it isn't a compliment of any sorts! Just thought you'd like to know!
Don’t you lefties have an original thought???

Seems like all you guys do is turn around what I say - guess it’s a compliment of sorts.

don't you retards ever think on your own...of course not

Trump Won Because Voters Are Ignorant, Literally – Foreign ...

Your opinion of what is stupid is totally irrelevant as I have never witnessed a display of more stupidity than what you post daily.
If you can’t recognize that - you have no business talking about stupid.
Your opinion of what is stupid is totally irrelevant as I have never witnessed a display of more stupidity than what you post daily.
If you can’t recognize that - you have no business talking about stupid.

what are you talking about?...….I am a caring guy and feel everyone should have my opinion...just because you don't cherish it as you should....that doesn't say much for you

irrelevant. SYNONYMS irrelevant, extraneous, immaterial, blkdlaur statements,impertinent. These adjectives mean not pertinent to the subject under consideration: an irrelevant comment; a question extraneous to the discussion; an objection that is immaterial; mentioned several impertinent facts. i.e. blkdlaur has an education. ANTONYM relevant.
no flaws in my arguments...the KKK and white supremist supported him and he knows it...he got famous with the over the birther issue...they helped him a lot and he knows it....several things he has done lately has pleased them and he knows it......but I'll give you the hint one more time Ellis...and Rosa Parks
As a Black male I generally do not have access to the KKK, but after seeing BlackkKlansman
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BlacKkKlansman )

it details the true story of how a Black man, Ron Stallworth, infiltrated the KKK, oops I mean "The Organization", in the 1970s with the aid of his fellow Jewish police officer!!!???

Being a movie that was made by Spike Lee who agrees with you about Trump @subhub174014 he foreshadows a future president in the movie that "The Organization" would support but being accurate to the film a young Donald Trump was nowhere to be seen in the movie, not even Donald Trump's Dad who did have ties to "The Organization".

At any rate just to show you that I did my homework @subhub174014 I did look up your clue and I naturally discovered the fact that Donald Trump earned many awards from this site:
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_honors_and_awards_received_by_Donald_Trump )

One of which was the Ellis Island Medal Of Honor
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ellis_Island_Medal_of_Honor )

where Donald Trump naturally exhibits his "mission to share with those less fortunate, their wealth of knowledge, indomitable courage, boundless compassion, unique talents and selfless generosity."

And that Donald Trump won the same award that Rosa Parks did being the brave Black woman who refused to surrender her seat on a bus to a white bus passenger on December 1st, 1955, in Montgomery, Alabama, thereby becoming the matriarch of the Civil Rights Movement
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosa_Parks ).

That would illustrate the irony of having a "racist" win the same award that Rosa Parks did. But if you look at the other awards Trump won from this site seen here once more?
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_honors_and_awards_received_by_Donald_Trump )

Donald Trump won the "Muhammad Ali Entrepreneur Award" in 2007. If Donald Trump were a true racist it is incredibly ironic having him win an award named by an individual who fought against racism all his life.

And you know what @subhub174014 observe this article that also was something that I discovered in my search called "Donald Trump Reflects on His Relationship With Muhammad Ali" from the New York Times. If Donald Trump has such a long history of racism why did that article state that:

"The two men had been friendly for many years, dating back at least to the 1980s. Ali attended Mr. Trump’s 2005 wedding to Melania Knauss in Palm Beach, Fla., and Mr. Trump appeared at Ali’s charity events."??????
( https://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/05/us/politics/donald-trump-muhammad-ali.html )

Again it just goes to show that Donald Trump is NOT a racist.
what are you posting this on everythread….again you find ONE more person....ONE when the majority of the country thinks he is

Is Donald Trump racist? Most Americans think so, according ...
Mar 01, 2018 · In all, 57 percent of adults — including 8 in 10 blacks, three-quarters of Hispanics and almost half of all whites — say the nation’s leader is a racist, according to the poll. About 85 percent of Democrats say Trump is a racist, while 21 percent of Republicans say the same, according to the poll, which surveyed 1,337 adults from Feb. 15 to 19.

Quinnipiac Poll: Majority of Americans Say Trump Is a Racist
Just over half of all Americans think Donald Trump is racist, according to a Quinnipiac University poll, including a majority of people identifying as Independents. ... 56 percent called Trump ...
Johnson & Johnson spends millions to lobby congress for favorable laws....and now they lose in court where congress can not protect them yet!.....have to pay out millions on the opioid epidemic...they are going to want protection from these law suits....because now that Okl won...you think other states won't follow suit!
White House announced that more people witnessed the event than ever witnessed any Obama event .... by far!
Melania Trump's moment with Trudeau at the G7 summit!

Apparently Trump didn't want to be there and did not appreciate it, as evidenced by his
facial expression! New tensions between the United States and Canada are anticipated!
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Well I seem to remember America fighting alongside Brits to destroy a right wing racist not that long ago. Come to think about it, there were two right wing racists - Hitler and Mussolini.
And to think you've forgotten the thousands of allies buried all over Europe due to the fight against right wing racists.

Sickening really.

Check your history - they were both LEFT wing.

So was the French revolution, you know the one that beheaded thousands - anyone who didn't agree with them.
what are you posting this on everythread….again you find ONE more person....ONE when the majority of the country thinks he is

Is Donald Trump racist? Most Americans think so, according ...
Mar 01, 2018 · In all, 57 percent of adults — including 8 in 10 blacks, three-quarters of Hispanics and almost half of all whites — say the nation’s leader is a racist, according to the poll. About 85 percent of Democrats say Trump is a racist, while 21 percent of Republicans say the same, according to the poll, which surveyed 1,337 adults from Feb. 15 to 19.

Quinnipiac Poll: Majority of Americans Say Trump Is a Racist
Just over half of all Americans think Donald Trump is racist, according to a Quinnipiac University poll, including a majority of people identifying as Independents. ... 56 percent called Trump ...

Again with the polls - media based polls - taken by media hopelessly biased against President Trump - election night 2016 clearly remember on CNN poll cited that Hillary had a 97% chance of winning as talking head gloated - keep believing the media / and their polls - see what happens - another BIG surprise : }

lot plays into that...but health care is up there.....we are out of the top 10 in shorter life expectancy...but since the right took control of most things for a while now....we have been slipping in a lot of catagories...wages ...education...hours worked....******* deaths plays a big part in it....Texas being a good example.....women stand a better chance of getting good health care in a third world country..( the elimination of planned parenthood major reason )…..all the ******* deaths really bring the numbers down

U.S. Has The Worst Rate of Maternal Deaths In The ...
May 12, 2017 · U.S. Has The Worst Rate of Maternal Deaths In The Developed World More American women are dying of pregnancy-related complications and that rate is rising.
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Again with the polls - media based polls - taken by media hopelessly biased against President Trump - election night 2016 clearly remember on CNN poll cited that Hillary had a 97% chance of winning as talking head gloated - keep believing the media / and their polls - see what happens - another BIG surprise : }

whaaaa booo hooo sob snif whaaaa
These hypocritical Far left liberals on here may think they are most intelligent human beings on earth, just being a follower of the left blows that right out of the water. Donald Trump isn't perfect, neither is anyone else in politics today. Lets name a few things Democrats are pushing as truth right now. Antifa, I would be real proud to be associated with a band puppets of that have brains that can fit in a thimble, they mostly are a herd of cowards that cover their faces, don't say anything that makes sense, and are violent lowlifes. Open borders, that's just special, the Democrats were all for better immigration control and many wanted a wall until Trump was determined to build one, abortion murders millions of unborn babies and they complain about the poor children of immigrant families, most of which are illegals. Free health care for all Americans and those same illegals, the new green deal, putting young people through college for free and paying or erasing all student loans, might as well offer to erase their maxed out credit card balances as well. In our capitalistic society big corporations and Financial Organizations are what makes this country operate, we are blind if we think they will accept the government stealing big money from them, the pressing of a few computer keys and a trillion dollars could be transferred to other safe locations in the world. Where would they get the money to run a Socialistic government then?
These hypocritical Far left liberals on here may think they are most intelligent human beings on earth, just being a follower of the left blows that right out of the water. Donald Trump isn't perfect, neither is anyone else in politics today. Lets name a few things Democrats are pushing as truth right now. Antifa, I would be real proud to be associated with a band puppets of that have brains that can fit in a thimble, they mostly are a herd of cowards that cover their faces, don't say anything that makes sense, and are violent lowlifes. Open borders, that's just special, the Democrats were all for better immigration control and many wanted a wall until Trump was determined to build one, abortion murders millions of unborn babies and they complain about the poor children of immigrant families, most of which are illegals. Free health care for all Americans and those same illegals, the new green deal, putting young people through college for free and paying or erasing all student loans, might as well offer to erase their maxed out credit card balances as well. In our capitalistic society big corporations and Financial Organizations are what makes this country operate, we are blind if we think they will accept the government stealing big money from them, the pressing of a few computer keys and a trillion dollars could be transferred to other safe locations in the world. Where would they get the money to run a Socialistic government then?

well we seem to be far smarter than you...as we make intelligent statements and provide facts for those statements rather that just talking out your ass....not even going in to whatever else you have to say as it is just opinions....and opinions are just like assholes...everyone has one.....well I think there are a few right wingers on here that has two..one at each end....you would fit into that catagory
These hypocritical Far left liberals on here may think they are most intelligent human beings on earth, just being a follower of the left blows that right out of the water. Donald Trump isn't perfect, neither is anyone else in politics today. Lets name a few things Democrats are pushing as truth right now. Antifa, I would be real proud to be associated with a band puppets of that have brains that can fit in a thimble, they mostly are a herd of cowards that cover their faces, don't say anything that makes sense, and are violent lowlifes. Open borders, that's just special, the Democrats were all for better immigration control and many wanted a wall until Trump was determined to build one, abortion murders millions of unborn babies and they complain about the poor children of immigrant families, most of which are illegals. Free health care for all Americans and those same illegals, the new green deal, putting young people through college for free and paying or erasing all student loans, might as well offer to erase their maxed out credit card balances as well. In our capitalistic society big corporations and Financial Organizations are what makes this country operate, we are blind if we think they will accept the government stealing big money from them, the pressing of a few computer keys and a trillion dollars could be transferred to other safe locations in the world. Where would they get the money to run a Socialistic government then?

If bullshit were gold you'd be wealthy beyond belief!
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