Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Great post thank you. One thing Hitler studied the United States Democratic party to pattern hit regime. That is a fact.
Unlike Trump, Hitler did read a little but didn't finish high school. There is nothing, absolutely nothing in written history that states Hitler studied, read or even referred to the United States Democratic Party to pattern his regime! What is "Fact" is that your claim aforementioned is nothing more than Trumpism, in other words a figment of your imagination, a Kelly-Ann alternative fact, a D. Trump lie (he's only made a few thousand of those, eh!) in short, absolute horse *******! The level of your knowledge is second only to your ignorance of truth! You have a good day.
Just to show you how bad the hate and discontent in this country is...on TV saw they were talking to this farmer...family farm been in family for over 70 years.....soybeans rotting in the field because china not buying them anymore..he and his wife and oldest ******* all working jobs trying to save the family farm...….asked if he would vote for trump again....."no way"....asked if he would vote for a dem.…...again a "no way"....just shows the hate between the two parties anymore......and trump hasn't helped that any!
James Mattis takes aim at Trump in new essay: "A ...
11 hours ago · James Mattis takes aim at Trump in new essay: "A polemicist’s role is not sufficient for a leader" "We all know that we’re better than our current politics. Tribalism must not be allowed to ...

James Mattis takes aim at Trump’s leadership in scathing ...
13 hours ago · James Mattis takes aim at Trump’s leadership in scathing new essay: ‘A polemicist is not sufficient for a leader’

James Mattis says he 'did as well as I could for as long ...
Aug 28, 2019 · Former Defense Secretary James Mattis, who resigned last year citing irreconcilable policy differences with President Donald Trump, on Wednesday rejected …

James Mattis Just Bashed Trump For Being A Horrible Leader ...
7 hours ago · Donald Trump’s former Secretary of Defense James Mattis released excerpts from his upcoming book “Call Sign Chaos: Learning to Lead” where he pointed out the horrendous leadership skills that Trump possesses. Mattis shared the excerpt with the Wall Street Journal, which published an essay based on those writings that explain his decision to accept Trump’s […]
You wouldn't say that to me face to face, You Democrats are educated idiots, blind and ignorant.

in World NewsD’Souza Traces Roots of Democratic Party to Hitler’s Nazi Party
Author ties Soros-funded Antifa anarchists to Hitler Brownshirts of 1930s
Jerome Corsi
Dinesh D’Souza’s most recent book, The Big Lie, Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left is truly an extension of his previous book published during the 2016 election campaign, Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party.

In Hillary’s America, D’Souza successfully undertook the challenge of establishing the Democratic Party was truly the party of racial division, tracing the history of the Democratic Party through its support for slavery in the South during the Civil War, its support for racial segregation through the walkout of the Dixicrats led by Strom Thurman from the Democratic National Convention of G1948, through the Democrats opposition to civil rights legislation first proposed by President Eisenhower and the Republicans in Congress in the 1950s.

Now, in The Big Lie, D’Souza sets out to prove the hard-left of Saul Alinsky socialists, from which both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama derive, trace back to the National Socialist movement on the left in Weimar Republic Germany of the 1930s that gave rise to Adolph Hitler and the Nazis.

Once again, D’Souza succeeds, proving now that the Democratic Party is the ideological descendant not only of slavery, the Reconstruction Era, and racial segregation, but also of fascism, understood properly as a movement on the political left.

In achieving this feat, D’Souza joins Jacob Goldberg’s 2008 classic, Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left from Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning, in establishing correctly that fascism arose not as a right-wing movement in the 1930s, but as a leftist ideology that sought to compete on the left with communism.

Where both fascism and communism are leftist cousins, as Goldberg and D’Souza correctly argue, the Nazis embraced the idea government should control international global business conglomerates in the production of their social welfare utopia, while the communists rejected all private property, arguing the means of business should be collectively owned, managed, and operated.

Thus, while the mainstream media portrays the Soros-funded Antifa disrupters as “heroic resisters trying to block the rise of Nazism in America,” D’Souza points out that George Soros funds Antifa precisely because the Antifa movement is an anarchist Brownshirt-like violent hard-left group the Nazis in the 1930 would have understood to be one of their own.

Still, D’Souza acknowledges the mainstream media in the United States is uncritical of the Democratic Party’s insistence that Antifa anarchists view themselves with waging an anti-fascist struggle, with the standard Antifa radicals’ depiction of President Trump is to portray him with a Hitler mustache.

D’Souza identifies the “big lie” as the decision after World War II to portray Mussolini and Hitler as “right-wingers” and the people who supposedly brought them to power as “conservatives” – a reversal of the truth that allowed the political left in post-World War II America to portray themselves as “the glorious resisters of fascism and Nazism.”

D’Souza warns that we are experiencing “a fascist coup” in the Democratic Party’s refusal to accept the legitimacy of the Trump presidency.

“By a fascist coup I mean the exertion of power by the unelected arms of the Left—mainly the media Left—to overturn the outcome and the mandate of a free election,” D’Souza writes.

“If the coup succeeds, America will effectively cease to be a democracy,” he warns.

“The fascists—dressed in anti-fascist garb—will have proved that they are fully capable of canceling the will of the electorate,” D’Souza explains. “In a sense, there will be no point in even holding elections anymore because the Left would have established veto power over the results.”

D’Souza points out he wrote The Big Lie in order to unmask the hypocrisy of the political left and the Democratic Party in the United States today.

“The Left’s efforts to oust Trump by any means necessary should be recognized for what it is: an attempted fascist coup,” he warns.

D’Souza calls for an aggressive conservative agenda that he sees as necessary if we are to turn back the attempted fascist coup against Trump – an agenda that involves both appointing more conservatives/libertarians to the federal courts and building conservative/libertarian universities to counter the left’s takeover of academic institutions across the nation.

In the end, D’Souza makes an appeal for a Trump Justice Department to have the moral courage to investigate and prosecute the Democrats for their abuse of power and repeated violations of law.

“While leftists will scream political vendetta—the only vendettas they want to see are from their own side—in reality we’re doing nothing more than holding Obama, Holder, Lynch, Hillary, and Lerner accountable for their actions,” he advises.

“In sum, to crush the fascism of the Left, we don’t need to fight lawlessness with lawlessness,” D’Souza concludes. Rather, we can fight lawlessness with lawfulness. But we have to be firm about it, recognizing the kind of people we’re dealing with.”

D’Souza is confident we are up to the task.

“Are we conservatives and Republicans up for the task ahead?” he asks. “Yes, I believe so. Look at our history. We’re the party that fought a great war to end slavery, fought lynching and segregation, shut down the Ku Klux Klan, opposed eugenics and ****** sterilization, and resisted the incipient fascism of the street thugs in the 1960s.”

He ends by noting that Republicans and conservatives have for a century and a half, combated the fascism of the political left.

“We’ve won before, and we can win again,” D’Souza insists. “We have the power now to stop them. We just have to do it. In the words of that slogan from the 1960s, ‘If not now, when? If not us, who?’”
You wouldn't say that to me face to face, You Democrats are educated idiots, blind and ignorant

be hard to do with your head in your ass.....that article has been posted before and been debunked....don't think he might be alittle biased do you....hitler and the left......Hillary's America,,,,,both books out there just a little...that is one guy's version of ..who knows....that's like saying Steve Bannon is an independent...…...I posted several different sources of the net.......care to try again
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Sad is....defending someone most of the world hates and thinks is corrupt

The Dems need very little defending they don't pull half the ******* the right does...…..face it....just like with blkdlaur….you have not one thing positive he has done

Will Donald Trump be impeached or resign? Betting markets ...
Betting markets put the odds of a Trump impeachment or resignation at around 48%. Other sites put his shot at winning reelection in 2020 around 35%. Then again, Paddy Power gives 40% odds that Trump will not complete his first term in office (though the reasons aren’t specified, the possibilities include impeachment, resignation, and death). Eight years ago, the site gave Barack Obama only an …

but the real key here is...you go out of your way to defend him....it is so easy for me to find twice that against him....and that is what really pisses you off isn't it?
It is amazing how you deflect @subhub174014 ? I was initially talking about Ilhan Omar and you get back to Trump? If a Democrat committed various crimes and french kissed MrPutin I know somehow, someway you would find some reason why Trump made him/her do that? And perhaps another day we can talk about AOC, provided you don't go off on tangents and connect it to Trump?
It is amazing how you deflect @subhub174014 ? I was initially talking about Ilhan Omar and you get back to Trump? If a Democrat committed various crimes and french kissed MrPutin I know somehow, someway you would find some reason why Trump made him/her do that? And perhaps another day we can talk about AOC, provided you don't go off on tangents and connect it to Trump?

Deflect?...let me get this straight......you want me to defend someone on sex charges.....on a porn site? do you realize how stupid that is?…..I am not going to defend someone on sex charges when the right leads the country on that anyway.....from the white house on down to former leader of the house serving time down to several state and local official's on the right and the sex charges……...but you want to talk it on one democrat....and ignore all those in the republican party...…..no wonder you like trump....you think just like him
You wouldn't say that to me face to face, You Democrats are educated idiots, blind and ignorant.

in World NewsD’Souza Traces Roots of Democratic Party to Hitler’s Nazi Party
Author ties Soros-funded Antifa anarchists to Hitler Brownshirts of 1930s
Jerome Corsi
Dinesh D’Souza’s most recent book, The Big Lie, Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left is truly an extension of his previous book published during the 2016 election campaign, Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party.

In Hillary’s America, D’Souza successfully undertook the challenge of establishing the Democratic Party was truly the party of racial division, tracing the history of the Democratic Party through its support for slavery in the South during the Civil War, its support for racial segregation through the walkout of the Dixicrats led by Strom Thurman from the Democratic National Convention of G1948, through the Democrats opposition to civil rights legislation first proposed by President Eisenhower and the Republicans in Congress in the 1950s.

Now, in The Big Lie, D’Souza sets out to prove the hard-left of Saul Alinsky socialists, from which both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama derive, trace back to the National Socialist movement on the left in Weimar Republic Germany of the 1930s that gave rise to Adolph Hitler and the Nazis.

Once again, D’Souza succeeds, proving now that the Democratic Party is the ideological descendant not only of slavery, the Reconstruction Era, and racial segregation, but also of fascism, understood properly as a movement on the political left.

In achieving this feat, D’Souza joins Jacob Goldberg’s 2008 classic, Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left from Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning, in establishing correctly that fascism arose not as a right-wing movement in the 1930s, but as a leftist ideology that sought to compete on the left with communism.

Where both fascism and communism are leftist cousins, as Goldberg and D’Souza correctly argue, the Nazis embraced the idea government should control international global business conglomerates in the production of their social welfare utopia, while the communists rejected all private property, arguing the means of business should be collectively owned, managed, and operated.

Thus, while the mainstream media portrays the Soros-funded Antifa disrupters as “heroic resisters trying to block the rise of Nazism in America,” D’Souza points out that George Soros funds Antifa precisely because the Antifa movement is an anarchist Brownshirt-like violent hard-left group the Nazis in the 1930 would have understood to be one of their own.

Still, D’Souza acknowledges the mainstream media in the United States is uncritical of the Democratic Party’s insistence that Antifa anarchists view themselves with waging an anti-fascist struggle, with the standard Antifa radicals’ depiction of President Trump is to portray him with a Hitler mustache.

D’Souza identifies the “big lie” as the decision after World War II to portray Mussolini and Hitler as “right-wingers” and the people who supposedly brought them to power as “conservatives” – a reversal of the truth that allowed the political left in post-World War II America to portray themselves as “the glorious resisters of fascism and Nazism.”

D’Souza warns that we are experiencing “a fascist coup” in the Democratic Party’s refusal to accept the legitimacy of the Trump presidency.

“By a fascist coup I mean the exertion of power by the unelected arms of the Left—mainly the media Left—to overturn the outcome and the mandate of a free election,” D’Souza writes.

“If the coup succeeds, America will effectively cease to be a democracy,” he warns.

“The fascists—dressed in anti-fascist garb—will have proved that they are fully capable of canceling the will of the electorate,” D’Souza explains. “In a sense, there will be no point in even holding elections anymore because the Left would have established veto power over the results.”

D’Souza points out he wrote The Big Lie in order to unmask the hypocrisy of the political left and the Democratic Party in the United States today.

“The Left’s efforts to oust Trump by any means necessary should be recognized for what it is: an attempted fascist coup,” he warns.

D’Souza calls for an aggressive conservative agenda that he sees as necessary if we are to turn back the attempted fascist coup against Trump – an agenda that involves both appointing more conservatives/libertarians to the federal courts and building conservative/libertarian universities to counter the left’s takeover of academic institutions across the nation.

In the end, D’Souza makes an appeal for a Trump Justice Department to have the moral courage to investigate and prosecute the Democrats for their abuse of power and repeated violations of law.

“While leftists will scream political vendetta—the only vendettas they want to see are from their own side—in reality we’re doing nothing more than holding Obama, Holder, Lynch, Hillary, and Lerner accountable for their actions,” he advises.

“In sum, to crush the fascism of the Left, we don’t need to fight lawlessness with lawlessness,” D’Souza concludes. Rather, we can fight lawlessness with lawfulness. But we have to be firm about it, recognizing the kind of people we’re dealing with.”

D’Souza is confident we are up to the task.

“Are we conservatives and Republicans up for the task ahead?” he asks. “Yes, I believe so. Look at our history. We’re the party that fought a great war to end slavery, fought lynching and segregation, shut down the Ku Klux Klan, opposed eugenics and ****** sterilization, and resisted the incipient fascism of the street thugs in the 1960s.”

He ends by noting that Republicans and conservatives have for a century and a half, combated the fascism of the political left.

“We’ve won before, and we can win again,” D’Souza insists. “We have the power now to stop them. We just have to do it. In the words of that slogan from the 1960s, ‘If not now, when? If not us, who?’”

Your dissertation just proves that any claim you might have had to "intelligent self-thinking logic" is absolutely and totally disseminated in the murky world of the ridiculously absurd!
Deflect?...let me get this straight......you want me to defend someone on sex charges.....on a porn site? do you realize how stupid that is?…..I am not going to defend someone on sex charges when the right leads the country on that anyway.....from the white house on down to former leader of the house serving time down to several state and local official's on the right and the sex charges……...but you want to talk it on one democrat....and ignore all those in the republican party...…..no wonder you like trump....you think just like him
"subhub" for the second time in as many generations I find myself having to expound upon your comment, and I quote; "... no wonder you (you're) like trump .... you think just like him" .... unquote. They don't think like Trump, they're DEFINATELY LIKE (SIMILAR/IDENTICAL) TO TRUMP in that neither of them "think!" It's simply a matter of their brains being in neutral while their mouths are in overdrive! In other words, bullshit baffles brains!
told you how many times now...name one...you haven't yet....if there have been so many one shouldn't be that hard to come up with

NUMB - as in numb nuts - many many many people have over and over enumerated Presidents Trump’s accomplishments - YOU just don’t recognize or accept them. SOOOOOOOO nobody bothers responding to you throwing that out anymore - GET IT.
You wouldn't say that to me face to face, You Democrats are educated idiots, blind and ignorant.

in World NewsD’Souza Traces Roots of Democratic Party to Hitler’s Nazi Party
Author ties Soros-funded Antifa anarchists to Hitler Brownshirts of 1930s
Jerome Corsi
Dinesh D’Souza’s most recent book, The Big Lie, Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left is truly an extension of his previous book published during the 2016 election campaign, Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party.

In Hillary’s America, D’Souza successfully undertook the challenge of establishing the Democratic Party was truly the party of racial division, tracing the history of the Democratic Party through its support for slavery in the South during the Civil War, its support for racial segregation through the walkout of the Dixicrats led by Strom Thurman from the Democratic National Convention of G1948, through the Democrats opposition to civil rights legislation first proposed by President Eisenhower and the Republicans in Congress in the 1950s.

Now, in The Big Lie, D’Souza sets out to prove the hard-left of Saul Alinsky socialists, from which both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama derive, trace back to the National Socialist movement on the left in Weimar Republic Germany of the 1930s that gave rise to Adolph Hitler and the Nazis.

Once again, D’Souza succeeds, proving now that the Democratic Party is the ideological descendant not only of slavery, the Reconstruction Era, and racial segregation, but also of fascism, understood properly as a movement on the political left.

In achieving this feat, D’Souza joins Jacob Goldberg’s 2008 classic, Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left from Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning, in establishing correctly that fascism arose not as a right-wing movement in the 1930s, but as a leftist ideology that sought to compete on the left with communism.

Where both fascism and communism are leftist cousins, as Goldberg and D’Souza correctly argue, the Nazis embraced the idea government should control international global business conglomerates in the production of their social welfare utopia, while the communists rejected all private property, arguing the means of business should be collectively owned, managed, and operated.

Thus, while the mainstream media portrays the Soros-funded Antifa disrupters as “heroic resisters trying to block the rise of Nazism in America,” D’Souza points out that George Soros funds Antifa precisely because the Antifa movement is an anarchist Brownshirt-like violent hard-left group the Nazis in the 1930 would have understood to be one of their own.

Still, D’Souza acknowledges the mainstream media in the United States is uncritical of the Democratic Party’s insistence that Antifa anarchists view themselves with waging an anti-fascist struggle, with the standard Antifa radicals’ depiction of President Trump is to portray him with a Hitler mustache.

D’Souza identifies the “big lie” as the decision after World War II to portray Mussolini and Hitler as “right-wingers” and the people who supposedly brought them to power as “conservatives” – a reversal of the truth that allowed the political left in post-World War II America to portray themselves as “the glorious resisters of fascism and Nazism.”

D’Souza warns that we are experiencing “a fascist coup” in the Democratic Party’s refusal to accept the legitimacy of the Trump presidency.

“By a fascist coup I mean the exertion of power by the unelected arms of the Left—mainly the media Left—to overturn the outcome and the mandate of a free election,” D’Souza writes.

“If the coup succeeds, America will effectively cease to be a democracy,” he warns.

“The fascists—dressed in anti-fascist garb—will have proved that they are fully capable of canceling the will of the electorate,” D’Souza explains. “In a sense, there will be no point in even holding elections anymore because the Left would have established veto power over the results.”

D’Souza points out he wrote The Big Lie in order to unmask the hypocrisy of the political left and the Democratic Party in the United States today.

“The Left’s efforts to oust Trump by any means necessary should be recognized for what it is: an attempted fascist coup,” he warns.

D’Souza calls for an aggressive conservative agenda that he sees as necessary if we are to turn back the attempted fascist coup against Trump – an agenda that involves both appointing more conservatives/libertarians to the federal courts and building conservative/libertarian universities to counter the left’s takeover of academic institutions across the nation.

In the end, D’Souza makes an appeal for a Trump Justice Department to have the moral courage to investigate and prosecute the Democrats for their abuse of power and repeated violations of law.

“While leftists will scream political vendetta—the only vendettas they want to see are from their own side—in reality we’re doing nothing more than holding Obama, Holder, Lynch, Hillary, and Lerner accountable for their actions,” he advises.

“In sum, to crush the fascism of the Left, we don’t need to fight lawlessness with lawlessness,” D’Souza concludes. Rather, we can fight lawlessness with lawfulness. But we have to be firm about it, recognizing the kind of people we’re dealing with.”

D’Souza is confident we are up to the task.

“Are we conservatives and Republicans up for the task ahead?” he asks. “Yes, I believe so. Look at our history. We’re the party that fought a great war to end slavery, fought lynching and segregation, shut down the Ku Klux Klan, opposed eugenics and ****** sterilization, and resisted the incipient fascism of the street thugs in the 1960s.”

He ends by noting that Republicans and conservatives have for a century and a half, combated the fascism of the political left.

“We’ve won before, and we can win again,” D’Souza insists. “We have the power now to stop them. We just have to do it. In the words of that slogan from the 1960s, ‘If not now, when? If not us, who?’”

Outstanding piece - and - makes perfect sense. The left ALWAYS accuses their opposition of EXACTLY what they themselves are doing.
"subhub" for the second time in as many generations I find myself having to expound upon your comment, and I quote; "... no wonder you (you're) like trump .... you think just like him" .... unquote. They don't think like Trump, they're DEFINATELY LIKE (SIMILAR/IDENTICAL) TO TRUMP in that neither of them "think!" It's simply a matter of their brains being in neutral while their mouths are in overdrive! In other words, bullshit baffles brains!

Like I said lefties ALWAYS accuse their opposition of exactly what they’re doing.
Bullshit baffles brains describes the left PERFECTLY!!!!!!
NUMB - as in numb nuts - many many many people have over and over enumerated Presidents Trump’s accomplishments - YOU just don’t recognize or accept them. SOOOOOOOO nobody bothers responding to you throwing that out anymore - GET IT.

Are Trump Supporters Really As Stupid As We Think ...
May 04, 2017 · There has been a long standing belief that those that support Trump are the percentage of the country that is ignorant, naïve of politics, gullible and flat out stupid. This opinion was not developed by sheer chance, but has been based on both the behavior and the comments made by his supporters.
Like I said lefties ALWAYS accuse their opposition of exactly what they’re doing.
Bullshit baffles brains describes the left PERFECTLY!!!!!!

10 Things Trump Supporters Are Too Stupid To Realize


Mar 12, 2016 · Trump Supporters Aren’t The Sharpest Tools In The Shed ... Donald Trump is the worst kind of idiot there is: a dangerous one. He’s a short-fingered trust-fund baby with a comically absurd hairdo, hell-bent on becoming the president for personal gain, and he’s willing to say whatever stupid people want to hear in order to achieve that goal
Nice post @stacycuck but watch out for @subhub174014 as he believes the Democrats are perfect.
they are...….any doubts you may have I can clarify!
Deflect?...let me get this straight......you want me to defend someone on sex charges.....on a porn site? do you realize how stupid that is?…..I am not going to defend someone on sex charges when the right leads the country on that anyway.....from the white house on down to former leader of the house serving time down to several state and local official's on the right and the sex charges……...but you want to talk it on one democrat....and ignore all those in the republican party...…..no wonder you like trump....you think just like him
Well seeing that Ilhan Omar is "perfect", being a Democrat as you said @subhub174014, as she is apart of the "perfect" party defending her homewrecking activities should be a breeze whether if it's in a coffee shop, a bar, Speaker's Corner that @Subby maybe familliar with, or even on a porn site @subhub174014 . Perhaps the Democrats are not as perfect as you alleged the other day? :unsure:

Recent activities of Ilhan Omar if anyone is interested to read right here....
Your too STUPID to realize what stupid is.

All you Dems have are insults - name calling - negativism - unpatriotic - unAmerican behavior - your platform and candidates are soooooooo weak - attack is all you have - so clear.
Well seeing that Ilhan Omar is "perfect", being a Democrat as you said @subhub174014, as she is apart of the "perfect" party defending her homewrecking activities should be a breeze whether if it's in a coffee shop, a bar, Speaker's Corner that @Subby maybe familliar with, or even on a porn site @subhub174014 . Perhaps the Democrats are not as perfect as you alleged the other day? :unsure:

Recent activities of Ilhan Omar if anyone is interested to read right here....

Are Trump Supporters Really As Stupid As We Think ...


May 04, 2017 · There has been a long standing belief that those that support Trump are the percentage of the country that is ignorant, naïve of politics, gullible and flat out stupid. This opinion was not developed by sheer chance, but has been based on both the behavior and the comments made by his supporters.
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