Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Whether we believe it or not we need 4 more years of President Donald Trump to keep our world from caving in all around us. If the liberal Democrats with all their Socialistic agenda or ever Republicans that have become part of the swamp take power again, we will slide down that slippery slope to destruction. Free Health care? No one has free health care, some one pays the bill and it won't be the wealthy, that leaves the middle class and the poor. The poor can't pay so common sense says the middle class will be ****** to. How long can a country stand until the government siphons the resources dry?
Whether we believe it or not we need 4 more years of President Donald Trump to keep our world from caving in all around us

In case you haven't looked or not wanting to...it already is and it's his doing....just one more of his accomplishments....the arms race

Republicans that have become part of the swamp take power again, we will slide down that slippery slope to destruction

become part of?
they and their leader have the swamp so overstocked it will take years to drain it

No one has free health care,

The U.S. is the Only Very Highly Developed Country Without ...
Claim: Unlike every other developed country on earth (those with <a href="//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_Human_Development_Index#Very_high_huma…

Why is the USA the only industrialized country without

The poor can't pay so common sense says the middle class will be ****** to

and why is that.....don't suppose it falls on republican and big biz greed do you

How long can a country stand until the government siphons the resources dry?

Deficit spending - MarketForum
Jul 30, 2019 · Will the reserve dollar continue to enjoy world confidence. I think the USD will continue to be the reserve dollar for a long, long time. What I don't know is how long the USA gov't and other world gov't can continue to run huge deficit spending programs and not hit a brick wall. I suppose the question might be??
How does christ's statement that 'it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God' and the fact that most Republicans oppose free healthcare for all on the grounds that it is a socialist agenda sit with the pursuit of health, wealth and happiness?
i like the lord helps those that helps themselves. You get what you give
Funny how liberals want to keep religion and God out of a debate on politics in a country founded by religious people who came for religious freedom.
That's not it at all blkdlaur, its just that one can't condemn or defend someone's beliefs using money as your persuader and/or who the person you are for or against. Its called HYPOCRACY! Regarding religion, that's pretty serious. Here's a cartoon example:

Jerry Falwell and Franklin Graham, as well as the Christian group American Family Christian group pour money & support into Trump because he caters to their demands ... simply not consistent with their own "scriptures" that they live by. Supporting a man who's paid hush money to adult film actresses and/or prostitutes ... the same man who has committed adultery on all 3 of his wives. Particularly Jerry Falwell Jr who got support from Michael Cohen to quieten a sex tape of him made.
i like the lord helps those that helps themselves. You get what you give

Except that isn't a biblical saying, for someone who professes to read/believe the bible, it might help knowing what is and isn't IN the bible.
Actually that comes from an article written by Algernon Sydney titled "Discourses Concerning Government" .... in 1698.
Ben Franklin made it more famous using it in the Poor Richards Almanac in 1757.
i like the lord helps those that helps themselves. You get what you give
And I'll challenge you on the last part as well ... "you get what you give" .... so, how many RICH folks (top 1%ers) in the US would agree to such a declaration you make there? Imagine a billionaire investing $50 million and only getting $50 million in return? Kind of sounds stupid, now, doesn't it?
And I'll challenge you on the last part as well ... "you get what you give" .... so, how many RICH folks (top 1%ers) in the US would agree to such a declaration you make there? Imagine a billionaire investing $50 million and only getting $50 million in return? Kind of sounds stupid, now, doesn't it?
reap what you sow sound better. And it wasn't ben Franklin it was kid rock only god knows why
So, you're a hypocrite, huh? If you believe in God and god's teachings, but then say "Everyone For Themselves" ... you're a hypocrite. You should be concerned when the Rapture occurs ... I have a feeling you'll be watching the event, not joining it.
I have no problem helping some that tries and need help but to not try and expect someone to shoulder there responsibility im not your huckleberry .
guess not...you helped put a pervert and a crook in the white house

Says U - he’s the President of the United States - your lack of patriotism knows no bounds.

I was not a fan of Obama but I never spoke of him with disrespect - the office if not the man deserves RESPECT
Says U - he’s the President of the United States - your lack of patriotism knows no bounds.

I was not a fan of Obama but I never spoke of him with disrespect - the office if not the man deserves RESPECT

Letter: Let's not forget how the right treated Obama ...
I could write the same letter, substitute "Obama" for "Trump" and show how the Obama administration was truly treated by the right-wing of the GOP and many of its supporters.

History Won’t Forget How Barack Obama Was Treated
Obama somehow survived eight years of this. Tap here to turn on desktop notifications to get the news sent straight to you.

Here's how America peacefully responded to Obama's 2008 ...
In light of the anti-Trump protests raging all over the US, here's a reminder of how Americans responded to the election of Barack Obama in 2008. Here's how America peacefully responded to Obama's ...

10 Crazy GOP Meltdowns After Obama’s Re-Election - News One
Nov 15, 2012 · Even though Barack Obama decisively won re-election last week, there have been a few, let's just say, "disgruntled" voters that have done some pretty outlandish things to protest our President's ...

Senate GOP Pledge to Block Dems' Legislation - CBS News
Dec 01, 2010 · Senate GOP Pledge to Block Dems' Legislation. Mr. Obama and the senior GOP members emerged from the White House with an agreement to begin negotiations on a compromise to "break through this logjam," as the president put it, on how to extend the Bush-era tax cuts that expire at the end of the year, but CBS Radio News White House correspondent Mark...

The Party of No: New Details on the GOP Plot to ... - TIME.com
Aug 23, 2012 · It reveals some of my reporting on the Republican plot to obstruct President Obama before he even took office, including secret meetings led by House GOP whip Eric Cantor (in December 2008) and Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell (in early January 2009) in which they laid out their daring (though cynical and political) no-honeymoon strategy of all-out resistance to a popular …

want more...….the net is full of them....and you whiney little fucks want to complain because your "traitor" is being picked on
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