Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Agreed @syscom3, if Trump truly is a dictator he would desire the death of @subhub174014 but I don't think he lives an itinerant lifestyle moving from place to place fleeing from Trump's Secret Assassination Police being a critic of Ze Fuhrer Trump? Instead he appears to be comfortably situated wherever he lives in America.

death maybe out of the realm....don't think even the right will stand for that..but he wants Comey Hillary Clapper and a few others in jail...any difference there?....think not..he is still a dicktator wannabe

and if you go back to what Voltaire wrote many years ago,,,,,and a few others.....he is doing everything pretty much the same as most dictators....I just wish this was france...heads would roll!
death maybe out of the realm....don't think even the right will stand for that..but he wants Comey Hillary Clapper and a few others in jail...any difference there?....think not..he is still a dicktator wannabe
At least in jail you are alive to serve a sentence. When you are killed just like opponents of Kim Jung-Un were, some for very minor violations, that is it, you do not pass Go, no $200, YOU ARE DEAD!
a person granted absolute emergency power

he has not been granted absolute power...he is just taking it and the right doesn't have the balls to stop him...afraid of his tweet storm this close to election

one holding complete autocratic control

you mean he isn't...he has blocked or refused every subpoena that has appeared making him right now above the law!

one ruling in an absolute (see absolute sense 2) and often oppressive way fascist dictators

He is doing just that or haven't you noticed....anyone that opposes him or speaks out against him....he is oppressive......now you being a trumpie are just blind to all that
At least in jail you are alive to serve a sentence. When you are killed just like opponents of Kim Jung-Un were, some for very minor violations, that is it, you do not pass Go, no $200, YOU ARE DEAD!

doesn't change anything...he is still trying to be a dictator...….but even then there is only so much the right will stand for...you do know why he had trouble with the FBI......he wanted Hillary in jail.....they refused as there was no law broken!...so he fired them and got another....and in this free country we don't jail or ******* the opposition......something trump has yet to learn

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Nov 11, 2016 · “Lock her up!” was his supporters’ fervent cry. But it’s Donald Trump who may find himself in political shackles, stuck between his followers’ yearning to put Hillary Clinton in jail and ...

Trump Wants William Barr to Indict Secretary Clinton for ...
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Trump Wanted to Order Justice Dept. to Prosecute Comey and ...
Nov 20, 2018 · Trump Wanted to Order Justice Dept. to Prosecute Comey and Clinton Image President Trump stoked his enmity for Hillary Clinton during the 2016 race and since taking office has publicly and ...

Trump reportedly sought to order prosecutions of Hillary ...
Nov 20, 2018 · President Donald Trump said he wanted to order the Justice Department to prosecute his former presidential opponent Hillary Clinton and former FBI Director James Comey, The New York Times reported ...

Trump Wanted to Order Justice Dept. to Prosecute Comey and ...
Nov 20, 2018 · WASHINGTON — President Trump told the White House counsel in the spring that he wanted to order the Justice Department to prosecute two of his political adversaries: his 2016 challenger, Hillary

and remember this one from your DICKtator

he has not been granted absolute power...he is just taking it and the right doesn't have the balls to stop him...afraid of his tweet storm this close to election

you mean he isn't...he has blocked or refused every subpoena that has appeared making him right now above the law!

He is doing just that or haven't you noticed....anyone that opposes him or speaks out against him....he is oppressive......now you being a trumpie are just blind to all that
How do you sleep @subhub174014 knowing that Trump has access to the nuclear missile launch codes? A true dictator like Kim Jung-Un plays with his missiles all the time like you previously stated?
How do you sleep @subhub174014 knowing that Trump has access to the nuclear missile launch codes? A true dictator like Kim Jung-Un plays with his missiles all the time like you previously stated?

I don't.....I built a guard post in case we are attacked.....some think it is a deer stand...but I know better
in this neck of the woods you can't have a basement because of the water level....but most have tornado shelters partially in the bround….mine has to be the only one in the world equipped with a gun safe!\

besides he can't just push the button......it has to go through norad and another before there is a launch...….just for that very reason!
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I don't.....I built a guard post in case we are attacked.....some think it is a deer stand...but I know better
in this neck of the woods you can't have a basement because of the water level....but most have tornado shelters partially in the bround….mine has to be the only one in the world equipped with a gun safe!\

besides he can't just push the button......it has to go through norad and another before there is a launch...….just for that very reason!
I feel so sorry for you @subhub174014 , I hope that never happens.
I am familliar with that quote @Zwing. If Trump was a true racist thinking Blacks are lazy and stupid, why would he hire Black guys to count his money in the first place? @subhub174014 suggests Trump tolerates Kushner because he brought in money and those connections that would invest with Trump. So what additional benefit would these Black men provide Trump seeing that Trump is such a "racist" man? Thanks for illustrating that fact @Zwing that Trump is not racist. :)
Do you think Trump did all his own hiring? Why would he say he didn't want black guys counting his money if he isn't racist?
Do you think Trump did all his own hiring? Why would he say he didn't want black guys counting his money if he isn't racist?
It is really easy @Zwing, if Trump is a true racist he could instruct any employees to not interview any Black people or say that the interviews are over should any arrive at any of his businesses despite how qualified they may be. Since these Black guys were hired there is no hindrance there. So that talk is just talk. Do you remember the old TV Show, "The Honeymooners"? Ralph Kramden always threatened his wife Alice that he would punch her so hard she would end up on the moon. Did that ever happen? Or did he ever physically abuse her? No, as it was just talk usually when he was frustrated. All these gotcha moments with Trump is no different.

It is really easy @Zwing, if Trump is a true racist he could instruct any employees to not interview any Black people or say that the interviews are over should any arrive at any of his businesses despite how qualified they may be. Since these Black guys were hired there is no hindrance there. So that talk is just talk. Do you remember the old TV Show, "The Honeymooners"? Ralph Kramden always threatened his wife Alice that he would punch her so hard she would end up on the moon. Did that ever happen? Or did he ever physically abuse her? No, as it was just talk usually when he was frustrated. All these gotcha moments with Trump is no different.

you get s low on the pole I doubt he knows what is what or who is doing what....but why would managers at his resorts tell blacks to make them selve scarce when he is around.....some one else hired them...he has no idea...and they don't want them to be seen by trump for whatever reason...fire the black or fire the manager...…..just keep your head in the sand! and telling your self what you want to believe
you get s low on the pole I doubt he knows what is what or who is doing what....but why would managers at his resorts tell blacks to make them selve scarce when he is around.....some one else hired them...he has no idea...and they don't want them to be seen by trump for whatever reason...fire the black or fire the manager...…..just keep your head in the sand! and telling your self what you want to believe
All employees are timid when the big boss shows up. That is true of any large business especially when they are looking at cost cutting and when they were not hired by him/her.
It is really easy @Zwing, if Trump is a true racist he could instruct any employees to not interview any Black people or say that the interviews are over should any arrive at any of his businesses despite how qualified they may be. Since these Black guys were hired there is no hindrance there. So that talk is just talk. Do you remember the old TV Show, "The Honeymooners"? Ralph Kramden always threatened his wife Alice that he would punch her so hard she would end up on the moon. Did that ever happen? Or did he ever physically abuse her? No, as it was just talk usually when he was frustrated. All these gotcha moments with Trump is no different.

Wow. Just wow. Your mental gymnastics are quite impressive. Trump can't do those things. An all white multi national company would be too obvious. You can justify anything you put your mind to, can't you?
it's unanimous...…….every one of the democratic candidates said trump was responsible for all the killings
So are you responsible for violence toward women since you post on this site which promotes racism and violence toward women? People can hide behind its a fetish if they want. I have requested to close this profile, however the administrators don't give you a way to do that. Maybe its the Russians.
They are trying to stand out as a leader to face him as the Democrat's leader. If they could get away with calling him names like you without being sued or arrested like you do on this site @subhub174014 they would too.

this is still America and as much as he would like to...and has been trying with the press we still have freedom of speech

they are just stating facts....the more the right and the NRA condones this and does nothing.....the bigger the democratic party gets

you notice the FBI brought up white extremists again...….nothing from trump except sorry....understand he has been told to say more tomorrow.....lets see if he reads some scripted speech like a 5 year old
since you post on this site which promotes racism and violence toward women?

well then I would have to say you are on the wrong site!

I have requested to close this profile, however the administrators don't give you a way to do that.

again I would say you are on the wrong site

I have no idea what you are talking about or referring to...…..I think maybe you have "issues"...with someone

but like most on the right you make no sense at all
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Wow. Just wow. Your mental gymnastics are quite impressive. Trump can't do those things. An all white multi national company would be too obvious. You can justify anything you put your mind to, can't you?
Thanks for the compliment @Zwing , I think? But there was one noteable multinational that did get away with racism in their workplace. Have you ever heard of Abercrombie and Fitch?

Here is an exerpt from their wiki page:

In a 2004 lawsuit González v. Abercrombie & Fitch, the company was accused of discriminating against African Americans, Latinos, Asian Americans, and women by preferentially offering floor sales positions (called Brand Representatives or Models) and store management positions to Caucasian males.[95] The company agreed to a settlement of the class-action suit, which required the company to (1) pay $40 million to African Americans, Latinos, Asian Americans, and women who applied and were not hired or worked in certain store positions, (2) revise its hiring, performance measurement, and promotion policies, (3) revise its internal complaint procedures, (4) appoint a Vice President of Diversity, (5) hire 25 recruiters to seek out minority applicants, (6) discontinue the practice of recruiting employees at primarily white fraternities and sororities, (7) include more minorities in marketing materials, (8) report to a neutral court-appointed monitor twice per year regarding its progress in those areas, and (9) report to the court once per year.[96][97][98]

In June 2009, British law student Riam Dean, who had worked at A&F's flagship store in London's Savile Row, took the company to an employment tribunal. Dean, who was born without a left forearm, claimed that although she was initially given special permission to wear clothing that covered her prosthetic limb, she was soon told that her appearance breached the company's "Look Policy" and sent to work in the stock room, out of sight of customers. Dean sued the company for disability discrimination, and sought up to £20,000 in damages.[99] In August 2009, the tribunal ruled the 22-year-old was wrongfully dismissed and unlawfully harassed. She was awarded £8,013 for loss of earnings and wrongful dismissal.[100][101]

In a lawsuit filed in September 2009, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission v. Abercrombie & Fitch Stores,[102] in U.S. District Court by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 17-year-old Samantha Elauf said she applied, in June 2008, for a sales position at the Abercrombie ******* store in the Woodland Hills Mall, located in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The young, who wears a hijab in accordance with her religious beliefs, claims the manager told her the headscarf violates the store's "Look Policy".[103] The United States Supreme Court agreed to hear the case on February 25, 2015,[104] and ruled 8-1 on June 1, 2015 against the company.[105]

In 2010, a Muslim woman working at a Hollister store in San Mateo, California, was fired. Before being dismissed, Hani Khan had refused Abercrombie & Fitch's human-resources representative's demand that she remove her hijab. The representative reportedly stated that the headscarf, which Khan wears for religious reasons, violated the company's "Look Policy". The Council on American-Islamic Relations has stated that the dismissal is a violation of nondiscrimination laws, and filed a complaint with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.[106]

In 2011, the Belgian Centre for Equal Opportunities and Opposition to Racism started an investigation into A&F's hiring and remuneration policies. The firm was suspected of only hiring personnel under 25 years old, making heavy demands on the physical appearance of its staff and rewarding a premium to male models that work shirtless.[107]

In November 2009, Abercrombie & Fitch was added to the "Sweatshop Hall of Shame 2010" by the worker advocacy group International Labor Rights Forum.[108]

If Trump is such a shitty boss why is not CNN covering the trial(s) of his racist practices at his businesses just like Abercrombie and Fitch if any do exist?
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this is still America and as much as he would like to...and has been trying with the press we still have freedom of speech

they are just stating facts....the more the right and the NRA condones this and does nothing.....the bigger the democratic party gets

you notice the FBI brought up white extremists again...….nothing from trump except sorry....understand he has been told to say more tomorrow.....lets see if he reads some scripted speech like a 5 year old
Well you keep stating Trump is a dictator and I was mentioning traits that other true dictators have that Trump lacks @subhub174014 so Trump is not a dictator. However I know I will regret seeding this idea in your head but if...if...IF....IF.... Donald Trump were to nationalize his enterprises and turn the Democrats and Libertarians and Independants into outlaws then you could make a more convincing argument for him being a fascist as fascism is a very right-wing political system in which the government is very powerful and controls the society and the economy completely, not allowing any opposition controling everything like a monopoly just like Mussolini did in Italy.

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