Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Did you mean this groundhog day the movie @subhub174014 ?

If so I fail to see how that comedic movie featuring Bill Murray equates to your prior posts featuring your citations of Voltaire, dictatorship, and Orwell?

yes that movie.....and I wasn't talking about my ONE TIME posts of Voltaire......I was talking about your repeated posts of the same thing....making us answer them over and over

racists and blacks do not agree on anything...….just you and a few others that can't see the facts as presented!
Your propensity toward the absurd is unsurpassed only by your complete ignorance of the real world around you!
You might deserve more pity than criticism, then again, maybe not! Au Revoir!
Someone who uses Reuductio ad Nazium ad Nauseum and then tries to call others absurd. This site should charge for access to this. The comedic value is most impressive
trump is responsible for another 29 people with gun violence last night...plus earlier this week!

How many more americans will die before we get this Charles Mansion wanna be out of office?
and the people that support him?....not a care in the world...white supremist are nice people to!

Stochastic Terrorism

There’s a phenomenon well known to those who study violent extremism and authoritarianism: the use of mass communication to inspire lone wolves to commit acts of violence.
About six years ago it got the name Stochastic Terrorism, named for a principle in statistics about seemingly random things still being predictable.

Stochastic terrorism doesn’t make a direct call to violence. Rather, it leads people to take matters into their own hands. So stochastic terrorist violence is statistically predictable, even if it will not predict that a particular individual will commit a particular act against a particular person.

Next you’ll be telling us President Trump is responsible for the pimples on your arse - actually surprised lefties haven’t started accusing him of that yet : |
Someone who uses Reuductio ad Nazium ad Nauseum and then tries to call others absurd. This site should charge for access to this. The comedic value is most impressive

but I can see someone of your intellect thinking all this is funny...after all the right condones all this

The Stochastic Terrorism Playbook

In the weeks just before the 2018 mid-term elections we saw President Trump use many elements of the stochastic terrorism playbook, that were amplified by conservative media and by Trump supporters who were running for office.

These include:
  • ehumanizing populations. This includes referring to groups of people as vermin who are infesting the country. And carrying disease – in this case including diseases that have already been eradicated or are very rare, such as smallpox and leprosy. But still scary.
  • Claiming that an entire population is a threat. From his first day in the race, Trump defined Mexicans as rapists, gang members, and criminals. Candidate Trump also called for the total and complete ban of Muslims entering the country. And on his second day in office he passed an executive order, later overturned by the courts, banning people from seven primarily-Muslim countries. What the singling out of these groups, and others, have in common is that they create an Other — a group to rally against.
  • Labeling an ordinary thing a serious threat. President Trump labeled rag-tag group of impoverished men, women, and children walking north seeking asylum a Caravan. Note that seeking asylum is legal. And the people were more than a thousand miles away at the time, and on foot. Despite this, he further said that the Caravan is invading the country. Hence the very word Caravan (always capitalized) became itself a menacing word, repeated across all forms of communication — in speeches, in social media, and on television news headlines. He called the Caravan a national emergency. He also called to mobilize the military to prevent its arrival. And this wasn’t even the first time he had used the Caravan scare. He did it in April as well. That group of migrants fizzled out before most of them reached the border. Those who arrived sought asylum.
    • group of migrants fizzled out before most of them reached the border. Those who arrived sought asylum. We should have recognized the pattern.
    • Attributing vague menacing identities to that group – such as that the Caravan has been infiltrated by a number of middle easterners.
    • Saying that something is part of an evil conspiracy — that the Caravan is funded by George Soros, which is white supremacist code for an international Jewish conspiracy. Note that the first bomb received in late October was sent to George Soros. Followed by an attack on a synagogue by a person driven by an urgent need to prevent Jews from bringing in refugees in order to ******* Americans.
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Someone who uses Reuductio ad Nazium ad Nauseum and then tries to call others absurd. This site should charge for access to this. The comedic value is most impressive

it is absurd what your party is encouraging

Within a week of Trump calling for a ban of all Muslims entering the country we saw a rash of attacks on mosques and on people perceived to be Muslim or Arab. We have seen people removed from his rallies while being taunted by Trump from the podium, calling for his supporters to punch the person being removed in the face. In the aftermath of the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville in August, 2017, which President Trump refused to condemn, we saw dis-inhibition in the workplace. People who previously would have kept their racist or anti-immigrant or anti-Semitic opinions to themselves felt emboldened to act out, treating colleagues and customers with insult, rudeness, exclusion, and even violence.
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I would make a concerted effort to show what whining cry babies the left have become but I feel they really illustrate that eminently well themselves ;}
Someone who uses Reuductio ad Nazium ad Nauseum

now you know just how we feel about some of your posts...they make me nauseous...you think ours are repetitious try reading Blkdlaur day after day....I think sometimes I feel like patting him on the back and saying there there it will be alright
and your posts...same thing in support of your party...no matter what
and your refusal to admit you are wrong can go on for days
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Hey - a few seconds have gone by without you flooding the thread with your subversive horseshite

Aren’t ya gonna tell us for the kazillionth time that President Trump is a:

Nazi Russian agent Head of the KKK and responsible for all your gnarly ass zits????!
Very tragic with all these recent killings that even CNN quoted Trump saying these things:

Trump called the El Paso shooting an "act of cowardice" on Saturday and said there "are no reasons or excuses that will ever justify killing people."
"Today's shooting in El Paso, Texas, was not only tragic, it was an act of cowardice. I know that I stand with everyone in this Country to condemn today's hateful act. There are no reasons or excuses that will ever justify killing innocent people," Trump tweeted Saturday night.
9 dead, 26 injured in a shooting in Dayton, Ohio
Trump ended his two-tweet message Saturday by saying both he and first lady Melania Trump sent "heartfelt thoughts and prayers to the great people of Texas."

Information is still coming in, but at least @subhub174014 cannot blame Trump as this shooter was motivated by the killing in Christchurch, New Zealand according to RT:

"The suspect has been identified in the media as Patrick Crusius, a Texas native from Allen, near Dallas. There have been reports of a Christchurch-massacre-inspired manifesto that the attacker allegedly left behind, espousing anti-Hispanic extreme-right views."

Perhaps with the Dayton, Ohio shooting you might choose to blame MrPutin as he used a Russian made Kalashnikov made gun as RT said here:

"The Dayton, Ohio mass shooting suspect used a Kalashnikov-type rifle to ******* 9 people before being killed by police, the city mayor said. Local hospitals treated 27 people in the aftermath, and some remain in critical condition."
Hey - a few seconds have gone by without you flooding the thread with your subversive horseshite

Aren’t ya gonna tell us for the kazillionth time that President Trump is a:

Nazi Russian agent Head of the KKK and responsible for all your gnarly ass zits????!
If I were Jared Kushner as a Jew I'd be scared to have my *******-in-law in the Klan, but undoubtedly @subhub174014 and friends will connect the dots for us @blkdlaur
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Very tragic with all these recent killings that even CNN quoted Trump saying these things:

Trump called the El Paso shooting an "act of cowardice" on Saturday and said there "are no reasons or excuses that will ever justify killing people."
"Today's shooting in El Paso, Texas, was not only tragic, it was an act of cowardice. I know that I stand with everyone in this Country to condemn today's hateful act. There are no reasons or excuses that will ever justify killing innocent people," Trump tweeted Saturday night.
9 dead, 26 injured in a shooting in Dayton, Ohio
Trump ended his two-tweet message Saturday by saying both he and first lady Melania Trump sent "heartfelt thoughts and prayers to the great people of Texas."

Information is still coming in, but at least @subhub174014 cannot blame Trump as this shooter was motivated by the killing in Christchurch, New Zealand according to RT:

"The suspect has been identified in the media as Patrick Crusius, a Texas native from Allen, near Dallas. There have been reports of a Christchurch-massacre-inspired manifesto that the attacker allegedly left behind, espousing anti-Hispanic extreme-right views."

Perhaps with the Dayton, Ohio shooting you might choose to blame MrPutin as he used a Russian made Kalashnikov made gun as RT said here:

"The Dayton, Ohio mass shooting suspect used a Kalashnikov-type rifle to ******* 9 people before being killed by police, the city mayor said. Local hospitals treated 27 people in the aftermath, and some remain in critical condition."

just fake sympathy....if he wanted to do anything about it he could...but he doesn't.....like even the FBI says that white extremists now are far more dangerous than Al Queada….what does trump do......wants to make the Black Lives matter group a terrorist group

you arguments are as fake as his sincerity

see post #6005
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Boy, you righties are just gonna HAVE to start keeping up with the conversations. We've had this discussion at least three times THIS YEAR alone, yet you guys take off from the political posts for a few months then come in and want to start hashing over the same conversations we've had over and over already. I'm not gonna spend time retyping ******* all over again for you ... you did learn to read in the 1st & 2nd grades, didn't you.
Tell you what, syscom3, I'll mention just a few things thus far THIS year and then provide you a chart which identifi8es the traits of a dictator, how's that? I already have plans today with my ******* ... hashing over this crap again is way down on my list of "give a shits".
..... How About:
.☻ No Person Is Above The Law ... ie: stopping & obstructing investigations to his assumed illegal acts​
.☻ Ridiculing Judges who disagree with him (calling them Obama Judges) in order to create distrust of that judge (SCOTUS Roberson corrected Trump on doing that) "the President must be respectful of ALL independence of the Judiciary".
.☻ Intimidation & Restricting Social Media and calling Media "enemy of the press"​
.☻Threatening to change libel laws​
.☻ Attacking football players and other civilian people outside the government ... taunting them and titling them with ridiculous 3rd grade names.​

Read this and check 'em off YOURSELF ...
View attachment 2761967

How many articles and attachments do you want from me ... 5, 10, 20 ... that support my statement. How many can YOU give me that refute my claim?
If your mind is made UP, why have THIS discussion? Trump said himself, he could go down on Time Square and shoot someone and get away with it ... so basically what he's saying is he's ABOVE the law and can BREAK the law and not worry about being prosecuted. Go Figure ... sounds like the attitude of a dictator to ME.
You're a funny guy. None of that involves a dictatorship. Maybe in your world. Now list all of the elections he has suspended. The judges he has suspended. The people he has jailed without trial. The elected officials he has had murdered. List the media and press outfits he has shutdown.

We are all waiting.
Donald Trump Antichrist 666 Beast Little Horn Trump of ...
www.thehypertexts.com/Donald Trump Antichrist 666.htm
Trump is the opposite of Jesus Christ is every way, and that is what the term "anti-Christ" means. How can a man who gold-plates his toilets claim to be a follower of Christ, when the Bible clearly says that a man cannot serve God and Mammon? Trump's real allegiance is to Mammon, and thus according to the Bible, he must hate God.

Is Donald Trump the Antichrist? - Prophecy Proof Insights
The Antichrist spirit is in Donald TrumpTrump doesn’t have the spirit of Christ. You will know those who are of Christ by the fruit that they bear..Galatians 5:22-23 (NIV) But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-contro

Trump The Anti Christ: Absolute Proof: Trump Is The ******* Of ...
Aug 17, 2018 · Trump The Anti Christ The proof is overwhelming. Trump is the AntiChrist. Friday, August 17, 2018. Absolute Proof: Trump Is The ******* Of Satan Christopher Lamb. Professor of Journalism, Indiana University-Indianapolis. WikiLeaks released scores of documents Sunday that reveal that Donald Trump is the ******* of Satan.
Kushner would sell his soul for money...look at his deal with the Saudi's
Even if that was the case about Kushner @subhub174014, why would Trump associate himself with a Jew is he were a true racist? Let alone help out Israel by moving America's Embassy to their true capital? If Trump was a racist as you allege @subhub174014 it would be real easy to turn his back to Israel and shut the door on Kushner's face preventing him from marrying Ivanka, and looking for some nice WASPy kind of guy for her to marry instead?
(WASP - White Anglo-Saxon Protestant)
Trump: Black Lives Matter helped instigate police killings ...
Jul 18, 2016 · Donald Trump believes the Black Lives Matter movement has in some cases helped instigate the recent killings of police officers. Donald Trump believes the Black Lives Matter

Trump on Black Lives Matter: 'I think they're trouble ...
Trump on Black Lives Matter: 'I think they're trouble' ... and suggested that supporters of the Black Lives Matter movement are promoting "hate." ... The Black Lives Matter movement that sprang up ...

Donald Trump is no friend to black activists. They should ...
Aug 13, 2017 · Black Lives Matter activists must resist the temptation to refocus on states and localities under the Trump administration. (Photo by Mike Brown/Getty Images)

Trump Considers Declaring ANTIFA A Terrorist Organization ...
President Donald Trump said Saturday that he is considering declaring the far-left Antifa activist group a terrorist organization, equating it with the MS-13 street gang amid reports of members physically attacking conservative demonstrators and journalists at rallies across the country.

No, Donald Trump Can’t Declare Antifa a Terrorist Group ...
Aug 31, 2017 · That Donald Trump, as well as, many in the media of picked up on a variation of this narrative has troubling implications. The movement to label Antifa (or Black Lives Matter) a terrorist organization is meant to legitimize increased state repression against protests and political speech.
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