Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Reductio ad Hitlerum, the last bastion of the intellectually absent....along with some good ole ad hominems for good measure.

Of course given the propensity for the intellectually lazy in here to use this falacy, we might be on the cusp of christening a new variant of this logical fallacy: Reducito ad Nazium ad Nauseum.

I would have to say that applies to you.....you often try to distract to hide your....."errors??????"
Its the Democrats fault ... they won't agree that the only way to stop these mass "facist" killings is to give all the "good people" guns, too ... just think, that young mom, killed while taking her baby and packages to the car, could still be alive if she conceal carry inside that baby stroller and had pulled out a mini gun. Democrats just don't get it!
View attachment 2762705

the dems were part of his manifesto.....thought the state was going dem
we don't cry we just state facts that seem to make you cry
u seem to have been doing a lot of that....since moby dick was a minnow...….professional whiner is what you seem to be......you want to quit whining you might try doing something to take you mind off of things that irritate you....like facts.....you might try sucking on something....and just trying to help you out mind you...but I can help you out with that

American Idiots: Poll Proves Trump Supporters Are The ...
The Trump supporters are out of touch reality on every level, and they have taken over the Republican Party. Donald Trump is just a symptom of the conservative movement’s rejection of facts and ...

Why Do Trump Supporters Ignore His Lies and Broken Promises?
Why Do Trump Supporters Ignore His Lies and Broken Promises? Rick Shenkman ... For years afterward that young man wondered why he had been so slow to …

Are Donald Trump’s supporters idiots? | The New Republic
Are Donald Trump’s supporters idiots? Jonathan Chait has a theory about why Trump’s success took him and other pundits by surprise: “The Republican Party turns out to be filled with idiots ...

10 Things Trump Supporters Are Too Stupid To Realize
Mar 12, 2016 · 7. Trump Hates Poor People… Including You. Most of Donald Trump’s supporters are poor. You might hope to be wealthy like The Donald someday, but chances are, you won’t be. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, I’m just being honest with you. And because you’re poor, Donald Trump thinks you’re a stupid person who doesn’t deserve to vote.

Are Trump Supporters Really As Stupid As We Think ...
May 04, 2017 · In the end, a summary of whether Trump supporters are as stupid as we think is probably stated best by actor and comedian, John Cleese, of Monty Python fame: “The problem with people like this is that they are so stupid, they have no idea how stupid they are.”

Why do people think Trump supporters are dumb? - Quora
Mar 07, 2016 · Because their support isn't rational in any way. It's based on a series of irrational premises which just don't add up. Trump Tells It Like It Is. Except he doesn't. So much of what he says just doesn't hold up to any kind of scrutiny. Politifact ...

there is a lot more but you get the idea

btw....those ARE actual links......click on one!

Bunch of whining propaganda posting subversives - all you do is whine and piss and moan - apparently HATE that I point this out.
Bunch of whining propaganda posting subversives - all you do is whine and piss and moan - apparently HATE that I point this out.

you are just pointing what you do and all you have done...….cry when you don't like the facts......cry about being picked on...and yet to say nothing to defend your man....not a lot of character…..if all you can do is whine

never have anything to say except to cry about being picked on.....you are a broken record when it comes to anything close to being input......NOTHING constructive...just ….whaaaaaaaaayy
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You’re the ones on a never-ending TDS inspired rant - I just point it out - you liberals never quit - like lil flies buzzing about - don’t accomplish a damn thing cept for running your mouths with your propaganda facts that the DNC gives the media - don’t mean nothing.
You’re the ones on a never-ending TDS inspired rant - I just point it out - you liberals never quit - like lil flies buzzing about - don’t accomplish a damn thing cept for running your mouths with your propaganda facts that the DNC gives the media - don’t mean nothing.

Whaaaaaaa bbooooo hooo
Its the Democrats fault ... they won't agree that the only way to stop these mass "facist" killings is to give all the "good people" guns, too ... just think, that young mom, killed while taking her baby and packages to the car, could still be alive if she conceal carry inside that baby stroller and had pulled out a mini gun. Democrats just don't get it!
View attachment 2762705

Well unless the US completely bans and confiscates and melts down every single weapon in the US mass killing will continue.

How about we get to the root of the problem. Hint, its not the weapon. Its that these fucks are mentally ill and should have been in a hospital.

I heard today a polititian crying about assault weapons. Really. You think banning assault weapons will really make a difference. Have they not heard of Virginia tech. 33 killed, only 2 handguns used. NO ASSAULT RIFLES. So yeah ban them and the crazies will just use what the can get. Then once the next mass shooting with a handgun happens then what. Everyone will be ok with it because it wasnt an Assault rifle.....NO they will start talking how we just need more gun laws and oh maybe no more semi auto handguns....etc...etc.etc. It never ends
Boy, you righties are just gonna HAVE to start keeping up with the conversations. We've had this discussion at least three times THIS YEAR alone, yet you guys take off from the political posts for a few months then come in and want to start hashing over the same conversations we've had over and over already. I'm not gonna spend time retyping ******* all over again for you ... you did learn to read in the 1st & 2nd grades, didn't you.
Tell you what, syscom3, I'll mention just a few things thus far THIS year and then provide you a chart which identifi8es the traits of a dictator, how's that? I already have plans today with my ******* ... hashing over this crap again is way down on my list of "give a shits".
..... How About:
.☻ No Person Is Above The Law ... ie: stopping & obstructing investigations to his assumed illegal acts​
.☻ Ridiculing Judges who disagree with him (calling them Obama Judges) in order to create distrust of that judge (SCOTUS Roberson corrected Trump on doing that) "the President must be respectful of ALL independence of the Judiciary".
.☻ Intimidation & Restricting Social Media and calling Media "enemy of the press"​
.☻Threatening to change libel laws​
.☻ Attacking football players and other civilian people outside the government ... taunting them and titling them with ridiculous 3rd grade names.​

Read this and check 'em off YOURSELF ...
View attachment 2761967

How many articles and attachments do you want from me ... 5, 10, 20 ... that support my statement. How many can YOU give me that refute my claim?
If your mind is made UP, why have THIS discussion? Trump said himself, he could go down on Time Square and shoot someone and get away with it ... so basically what he's saying is he's ABOVE the law and can BREAK the law and not worry about being prosecuted. Go Figure ... sounds like the attitude of a dictator to ME.

I'll respond by saying, why repeat the obvious, subhub17404 has already said it!
For God sake man, stick to the "facts!"
As President Reagan often said, "Believe but verify!"

@MacNfries as you know there are true dictators out there that actually ******* those that oppose them like Kim Jung-Un and maybe to a lesser extent MrPutin unless you really piss him off enough just like Litvinenko did where he was poisoned by radioactive Polonium. I know America you can get many things but I don't know if you can buy it at a 7/11? But getting back to Kim Jung-Un he had his half-brother murdered ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Kim_Jong-nam ), he had his uncle killed by being ripped apart by dogs ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jang_Song-thaek ),
he had his Minister for Education killed in 2016 arrested and executed in 2016 just for having a bad attitude ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kim_Yong-jin_(politician) ), and he incinerated his cousin alive by flamethrower for supporting the uncle Kim Jung-Un killed ( also in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jang_Song-thaek ), other murders he committed are listed here ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_officials_purged_and_executed_by_Kim_Jong-un ).

If Donald Trump was 1/100th the dictator you say he is where are all the people he killed in the same fashion as Kim Jung-Un or MrPutin? Moreover Kim Jung-Un had one case where he killed his Minister of Education for having a bad attitude. So if Trump were the same way and with the power of being the POTUS why are you so openly defying Trump? Maybe you might be in a secret underground bunker nearby @subhub174014 's bunker ? If so, I hope your IP address is untrackable. Because if Trump was just like Kim Jung-Un why is it you still draw breath each day? If you were North Korean openly defying Kim Jung-Un you would not be alive very long as the Secret Assassination Team will have you killed ! Therefore I say Trump is not a dictator, unless your definition of a dictator is softer than Kim Jung-Un maybe?

On another note pointed to @Drillher4me what evidence, if any, could anyone produce that could "verify" the fact that Trump is not a racist? Or at least stun you to a degree to make you think otherwise? For me it would have to be if Melania, or his ex-wives, any of his c.hildren ( or Barron when he comes of age ) writes a tell all book after the fact detailing how Donald Trump was a racist and how he got away with it. What would make you question your position?

My Evidence
Just like a lil buzzin fly

just like your hero...………………….

Bully Trump is whining about being picked on
@MacNfries as you know there are true dictators out there that actually ******* those that oppose them like Kim Jung-Un and maybe to a lesser extent MrPutin unless you really piss him off enough just like Litvinenko did where he was poisoned by radioactive Polonium. I know America you can get many things but I don't know if you can buy it at a 7/11? But getting back to Kim Jung-Un he had his half-brother murdered ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Kim_Jong-nam ), he had his uncle killed by being ripped apart by dogs ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jang_Song-thaek ),
he had his Minister for Education killed in 2016 arrested and executed in 2016 just for having a bad attitude ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kim_Yong-jin_(politician) ), and he incinerated his cousin alive by flamethrower for supporting the uncle Kim Jung-Un killed ( also in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jang_Song-thaek ), other murders he committed are listed here ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_officials_purged_and_executed_by_Kim_Jong-un ).

If Donald Trump was 1/100th the dictator you say he is where are all the people he killed in the same fashion as Kim Jung-Un or MrPutin? Moreover Kim Jung-Un had one case where he killed his Minister of Education for having a bad attitude. So if Trump were the same way and with the power of being the POTUS why are you so openly defying Trump? Maybe you might be in a secret underground bunker nearby @subhub174014 's bunker ? If so, I hope your IP address is untrackable. Because if Trump was just like Kim Jung-Un why is it you still draw breath each day? If you were North Korean openly defying Kim Jung-Un you would not be alive very long as the Secret Assassination Team will have you killed ! Therefore I say Trump is not a dictator, unless your definition of a dictator is softer than Kim Jung-Un maybe?

On another note pointed to @Drillher4me what evidence, if any, could anyone produce that could "verify" the fact that Trump is not a racist? Or at least stun you to a degree to make you think otherwise? For me it would have to be if Melania, or his ex-wives, any of his c.hildren ( or Barron when he comes of age ) writes a tell all book after the fact detailing how Donald Trump was a racist and how he got away with it. What would make you question your position?

My Evidence

just curious...how many times did you watch ground hog day?

I thought it was just a movie......until I started seeing your posts....you make it ground hog day for all of us here

see post #5945 and post #5944 and #5928 in this thread
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trump is responsible for another 29 people with gun violence last night...plus earlier this week!

How many more americans will die before we get this Charles Mansion wanna be out of office?
and the people that support him?....not a care in the world...white supremist are nice people to!

Stochastic Terrorism

There’s a phenomenon well known to those who study violent extremism and authoritarianism: the use of mass communication to inspire lone wolves to commit acts of violence.
About six years ago it got the name Stochastic Terrorism, named for a principle in statistics about seemingly random things still being predictable.

Stochastic terrorism doesn’t make a direct call to violence. Rather, it leads people to take matters into their own hands. So stochastic terrorist violence is statistically predictable, even if it will not predict that a particular individual will commit a particular act against a particular person.
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we need to start calling him Donald Mansion
and as stiff keeps saying....my evidence is listed below…..

Why White Supremacists Love Trump: Ex-KKK Leader Explains
May 07, 2016 · Why Do White Supremacists Love Donald Trump? Ex-KKK Grand Wizard Explains “It takes chaos to deteriorate the empire,” Tom Metzger, one of America’s most notorious living white supremacists ...

Donald Trump isn’t just a champion of white supremacists ...
Donald Trump isn’t just a champion of white supremacists. He’s their leader. There was that “birther” rubbish he flung at President Obama in an attempt to delegitimize a presidency that his own will never surpass. Now he won’t stop tweeting about the “foolish” removal of “ our beautiful statues and monuments ” — you know, the ones for seditious men who fought and lost a treasonous war to keep …

The White Nationalists Who Support Donald Trump - ABC News
Mar 10, 2016 · The White Nationalist Super PAC That Robocalls for Trump. “Donald Trump has two of the three components that white nationalists support: He's a populist and he wants to control our borders and that's good for us," Johnson told ABC News. He bristles at the label of white supremacist. "I'm not a white supremacist.

Donald Trump’s Message Resonates With White Supremacists ...
Mar 01, 2016 · Donald Trump’s Message Resonates With White SupremacistsDonald Trump’s Message Resonates With White Supremacists. After the CNN interview, Mr. Trump pointed to his disavowal of Mr. Duke’s support two days earlier. In an appearance on NBC’s “Today” show on Monday, he blamed a “very bad earpiece” for his equivocation. And a spokeswoman for Mr. Trump, Hope Hicks, said he broadly disavowed all white supremacist
and they are commie lovers too?!

Extremist White Supremacists Support Donald Trump | ADL
Mar 02, 2016 · Anglin now refers to Trump as “our glorious leader,” and extols Trump at every turn. White supremacist William Johnson, head of the American Freedom Party does more than talk about supporting Trump. He has actually created the American National Super PAC, which has paid for a series of robocalls supporting Trump for president.

Charlottesville's Alt-right Leaders Have a Passion for ...
Charlottesville's Alt-right Leaders Have a Passion for Vladimir Putin. The alleged ties between the administration of President Donald Trump and Russia are currently the subject of intensive media scrutiny. But perhaps less well known are the connections between a Kremlin ideologue described as “Putin’s brain” and key members of the U.S.
we need to start calling him Donald Mansion
and as stiff keeps saying....my evidence is listed below…..

Why White Supremacists Love Trump: Ex-KKK Leader Explains
May 07, 2016 · Why Do White Supremacists Love Donald Trump? Ex-KKK Grand Wizard Explains “It takes chaos to deteriorate the empire,” Tom Metzger, one of America’s most notorious living white supremacists ...

Donald Trump isn’t just a champion of white supremacists ...
Donald Trump isn’t just a champion of white supremacists. He’s their leader. There was that “birther” rubbish he flung at President Obama in an attempt to delegitimize a presidency that his own will never surpass. Now he won’t stop tweeting about the “foolish” removal of “ our beautiful statues and monuments ” — you know, the ones for seditious men who fought and lost a treasonous war to keep …

The White Nationalists Who Support Donald Trump - ABC News
Mar 10, 2016 · The White Nationalist Super PAC That Robocalls for Trump. “Donald Trump has two of the three components that white nationalists support: He's a populist and he wants to control our borders and that's good for us," Johnson told ABC News. He bristles at the label of white supremacist. "I'm not a white supremacist.

Donald Trump’s Message Resonates With White Supremacists ...
Mar 01, 2016 · Donald Trump’s Message Resonates With White SupremacistsDonald Trump’s Message Resonates With White Supremacists. After the CNN interview, Mr. Trump pointed to his disavowal of Mr. Duke’s support two days earlier. In an appearance on NBC’s “Today” show on Monday, he blamed a “very bad earpiece” for his equivocation. And a spokeswoman for Mr. Trump, Hope Hicks, said he broadly disavowed all white supremacist
If racists and Blacks can agree on basic facts like 1+1=2, or the color of unpolluted water is blue does not make those details wrong. So why can't there be an agreement that Trump is good for them both? As your facts show they see something in Trump and the Black community sees something else they trust in Trump too.
If racists and Blacks can agree on basic facts like 1+1=2, or the color of unpolluted water is blue does not make those details wrong. So why can't there be an agreement that Trump is good for them both? As your facts show they see something in Trump and the Black community sees something else they trust in Trump too.

well....we know trump is a racists and the white supremist support him....what does that say for minorities that support him?

you don't think it is odd that you support him when over 80% of blacks don't like him?

Trump's Record of Hate to Date - diversityinc.com
May 26, 2016 · CONTINUOUSLY UPDATED. Donald Trump has insulted numerous individuals, groups, ethnicities, religions and others during the past year of his presidential campaign. Below is a round-up of some of Trump's most direct insults.

How Donald Trump Speaks to—and About—Minorities - The …
How Donald Trump Speaks to—and About—Minorities. The fact that his policies simply don’t line up with what most African Americans want in a president is one reason his numbers with black voters are so bad. Another factor is a presidential campaign driven in large parts by divisive appeals to racism and bigotry against Hispanics, Muslims,...

Donald Trump Hate And Violence Map - americasvoice.org
This map shows documented instances where President-elect Donald Trump, his supporters, or his staff have harassed or attacked Latinos, immigrants, Muslim-American, African-Americans, and other minority and marginalized groups.

12 Reasons Donald Trump Would Not Be Great For 'The Blacks ...
  • Author: Zeba Blay

    1. He was once sued by the Justice Department for racial discrimination. In 1973, while serving as …
    2. He placed a racially charged full page newspaper ad calling for the return of the death penalty in …
    3. He thinks black people are lazy. According to a book written by former Trump Plaza Hotel & …
    4. But he also thinks educated black people have it way better than white people? Trump has …
  • See all full list on huffpost.com
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just curious...how many times did you watch ground hog day?

I thought it was just a movie......until I started seeing your posts....you make it ground hog day for all of us here

see post #5945 and post #5944 and #5928 in this thread
Did you mean this groundhog day the movie @subhub174014 ?

If so I fail to see how that comedic movie featuring Bill Murray equates to your prior posts featuring your citations of Voltaire, dictatorship, and Orwell?
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