Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Liberal bullshite is liberal bullshite nothing to understand - we’re just lucky you’re only about 20% of the population :}

there you go again...….that is talking about dictators of old and comparing to trump...quite similar...but your lack of education prevents you from reading and understanding

true libbers are only about 20%......but trump only at 40%....the rest...anti-trump!
Please provide evidence that the president is installing a dictatorship. Be specific.

I've asked for that a 100 times. Fact is their fears are based on feelings and opinions - no Facts. I am still waiting for al ink to ANY piece of legislation that shows Trump is trying to change our form of government. Instead all I get is propaganda, rhetoric, and feelings.
Same goes for asking for legislation that shows Trump's administration is taking rights away from any minority group or setting laws that benefit/discourage based on race.
What the hell! What we're looking at in Washington is what Europe looked at during the 20's on through the end of the Second World War in 45! Hitler ******* the German people via any and every means possible in order to gain their support. He built a fortress of "yes" men around himself so that many of his dirtiest deeds couldn't be directly traced back to him. Hasn't anyone ever read anything about Hitler?

Ever read this little excerpt of German history: (Encyclopedia Britannica) "Kristallnacht, (German: “Crystal Night”), also called Night of Broken Glass or November Pogroms, the night of November 9–10, 1938, when German Nazis attacked Jewish persons and property. The name Kristallnacht refers ironically to the litter of broken glass left in the streets after these pogroms. The violence continued during the day of November 10, and in some places acts of violence continued for several more days." Now reoplace the Jewish reference to those of Mr. Trumps, re: Mexicans, Muslims, etc. That has to have a familiar ring to it!

Ever read about Neville Chamberlain, born on March 18, 1869, in Birmingham, England. He served as British prime minister from 1937 to 1940, and is best known for his policy of "appeasement" toward Adolf Hitler's Germany. He signed the Munich Agreement in 1938, relinquishing a region of Czechoslovakia to the Nazis. He called the agreement "peace in our time" as he emerged from his plane in London and waved his papier-moâché agreement! We all know where that agreement led to! Didn't Mr. Trump tell us about his love affair with Mr. WhoFlungDung from North Korea! Do I hear the familiar ringing of history repeating itself? I surely hope and pray not!

Ever read about the The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, officially known as the Treaty of Non-aggression between Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics! This so called peace treaty was a neutrality pact between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union signed in Moscow on August 23, 1939 by foreign ministers Joachim von Ribbentrop and Vyacheslav Molotov, respectively. We all know how that ended up! Hitler, when it was convenient to his own warped logic (and against the advice of his top generals) tore up that agreement, faked a border crisis and attacked Russia! Sound familiar! Mr. Trump has openly stated, and I quote: "..... I'm smarter than all the generals .... !" Unquote. Trump has torn up many agreements since taking office, like the Iranian nuclear agreement, and I might add, not because it was a bad agreement but it was an agreement signed by President Obama! Can't have that now can we! Then what about the signed nuclear agreement with Russia? He's already threatened to attack Iran!! Anyone believe he's joking? You trust he is! Good riddance! I wouldn't trust that tub of s _ _t as far as I could throw it!

Ever wonder where, when or why the Volkswagen car evolved? I suspect many don't so here's a little bit of history.
It was a promise made by Hitler in the early 30's to the German people that every German family would have ownership of a car under his regime! To help Hitler keep his promise to have every German capable of owning an affordable car (Volkswagen—the People’s Car) the DAF subsidized the construction of an automobile factory, which was partially paid from worker’s payroll deductions. None of the 340,000 workers who were paying for a car ever received one, since the factory had to be retooled for war production after Nazi Germany invaded Poland. Did I read, or hear on TV that Mr. Trump was going to give every worker a tax break! He's unquestionably cut taxes alright, by $1.5 billion, but 95% of it has gone to the top 5% of the wealthiest corporation and people in the US! Any bets that the Trump entities hasn't benefited handsomely! Any bets who'll end up paying for those tax breaks! Go line up and remember the Volkswagen caper!
So, Wake Up America! Wake Up! Before it's too late!
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What the hell! What we're looking at in Washington is what Europe looked at during the 20's on through the end of the Second World War in 45! Hitler ******* the German people via any and every means possible in order to gain their support. He built a fortress of "yes" men around himself so that many of his dirtiest deeds couldn't be directly traced back to him. Hasn't anyone ever read anything about Hitler?

Ever read this little excerpt of German history: (Encyclopedia Britannica) "Kristallnacht, (German: “Crystal Night”), also called Night of Broken Glass or November Pogroms, the night of November 9–10, 1938, when German Nazis attacked Jewish persons and property. The name Kristallnacht refers ironically to the litter of broken glass left in the streets after these pogroms. The violence continued during the day of November 10, and in some places acts of violence continued for several more days." Now reoplace the Jewish reference to those of Mr. Trumps, re: Mexicans, Muslims, etc. That has to have a familiar ring to it!

Ever read about Neville Chamberlain, born on March 18, 1869, in Birmingham, England. He served as British prime minister from 1937 to 1940, and is best known for his policy of "appeasement" toward Adolf Hitler's Germany. He signed the Munich Agreement in 1938, relinquishing a region of Czechoslovakia to the Nazis.Apr 2, 2014. He called the agreement "peace in our time" as he emerged from his plane in London and waved his papier-mâché agreement! We all know where that agreement led to! Didn't Mr. Trump tell us about his love affair with Mr. WhoFlungDung from North Korea! Do I hear the familiar ringing of history repeating itself? I surely hope and pray not!

Ever read about the The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, officially known as the Treaty of Non-aggression between Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics! This so called peace treaty was a neutrality pact between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union signed in Moscow on August 23, 1939 by foreign ministers Joachim von Ribbentrop and Vyacheslav Molotov, respectively. We all know how that ended up! Hitler, when it was convenient to his own warped logic (and against the advice of his top generals) tore up that agreement, faked a border crisis and attacked Russia! Sound familiar! Mr. Trump has openly stated, and I quote: "..... I'm smarter than all the generals .... !" Unquote. Trump has torn up many agreements since taking office, like the Iranian nuclear agreement, and I might add, not because it was a bad agreement but it was an agreement signed by President Obama! Can't have that now can we! Then what about the signed nuclear agreement with Russia? He's already threatened to attack Iran!! Anyone believe he's joking? You trust he is! Good riddance! I wouldn't trust that tub of s _ _t as far as I could throw it!

Ever wonder where, when or why the Volkswagen car evolved? I suspect many don't so here's a little bit of history.
It was a promise made by Hitler in the early 30's to the German people that every German family would have ownership of a car under his regime! To help Hitler keep his promise to have every German capable of owning an affordable car (Volkswagen—the People’s Car) the DAF subsidized the construction of an automobile factory, which was partially paid from worker’s payroll deductions. None of the 340,000 workers who were paying for a car ever received one, since the factory had to be retooled for war production after Nazi Germany invaded Poland. Did I read, or hear on TV that Mr. Trump was going to give every worker a tax break! He's unquestionably cut taxes alright, by $1.5 billion, but 95% of it has gone to the top 5% of the wealthiest corporation and people in the US! Any bets that the Trump entities hasn't benefited handsomely! Any bets who'll end up paying for those tax breaks! Go line up and remember the Volkswagen caper!
So, Wake Up America! Wake Up! Before it's too late!

Yeah just like this guy ;}
Only in the mind of TDS delusional lefties.

are you still crying and whinning?
don't you ever quit?
damn...can't face facts and can't handle the truth

you need to seek help....oh wait that is something else the right did away with...guess your are just fucked and will have to live with no direction in your life
are you still crying and whinning?
don't you ever quit?
damn...can't face facts and can't handle the truth

you need to seek help....oh wait that is something else the right did away with...guess your are just fucked and will have to live with no direction in your life

Your response is PERFECTLY suited to yourself.
Your response is PERFECTLY suited to yourself.

wrong you got TDS....trump dipshit syndrome....
we just post facts...and you cry you are being picked on
open your eyes and see what's going on around you....or sit there and cry....your choice

politics is not for the weak...and if you can't take the heat you need to get out of the kitchen....try gardening this time of year
wrong you got TDS....trump dipshit syndrome....
we just post facts...and you cry you are being picked on
open your eyes and see what's going on around you....or sit there and cry....your choice

politics is not for the weak...and if you can't take the heat you need to get out of the kitchen....try gardening this time of year

Why is it - that liberals ALWAYS feel compelled to accuse others of that with which they are culpable of????!
Drillher apparently reads the same bedtime storybook as Mac....

View attachment 2762580
Only in your dumb ass mind!
Do something intelligent .... like read some history!
History isn't made up of "alternative facts", history in itself is fact!
History cannot be rewritten!
But then again you wouldn't understand that, it's away above your intelligence level!
Many, many Germans of the same intelligence level as you is what gave rise to Hitler!
The world, and Germany, sure found that out and much much too late!
Why is it - that liberals ALWAYS feel compelled to accuse others of that with which they are culpable of????!

we don't cry we just state facts that seem to make you cry
u seem to have been doing a lot of that....since moby dick was a minnow...….professional whiner is what you seem to be......you want to quit whining you might try doing something to take you mind off of things that irritate you....like facts.....you might try sucking on something....and just trying to help you out mind you...but I can help you out with that

American Idiots: Poll Proves Trump Supporters Are The ...
The Trump supporters are out of touch reality on every level, and they have taken over the Republican Party. Donald Trump is just a symptom of the conservative movement’s rejection of facts and ...

Why Do Trump Supporters Ignore His Lies and Broken Promises?
Why Do Trump Supporters Ignore His Lies and Broken Promises? Rick Shenkman ... For years afterward that young man wondered why he had been so slow to …

Are Donald Trump’s supporters idiots? | The New Republic
Are Donald Trump’s supporters idiots? Jonathan Chait has a theory about why Trump’s success took him and other pundits by surprise: “The Republican Party turns out to be filled with idiots ...

10 Things Trump Supporters Are Too Stupid To Realize
Mar 12, 2016 · 7. Trump Hates Poor People… Including You. Most of Donald Trump’s supporters are poor. You might hope to be wealthy like The Donald someday, but chances are, you won’t be. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, I’m just being honest with you. And because you’re poor, Donald Trump thinks you’re a stupid person who doesn’t deserve to vote.

Are Trump Supporters Really As Stupid As We Think ...
May 04, 2017 · In the end, a summary of whether Trump supporters are as stupid as we think is probably stated best by actor and comedian, John Cleese, of Monty Python fame: “The problem with people like this is that they are so stupid, they have no idea how stupid they are.”

Why do people think Trump supporters are dumb? - Quora
Mar 07, 2016 · Because their support isn't rational in any way. It's based on a series of irrational premises which just don't add up. Trump Tells It Like It Is. Except he doesn't. So much of what he says just doesn't hold up to any kind of scrutiny. Politifact ...

there is a lot more but you get the idea

btw....those ARE actual links......click on one!
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I've asked for that a 100 times. Fact is their fears are based on feelings and opinions - no Facts. I am still waiting for al ink to ANY piece of legislation that shows Trump is trying to change our form of government.
................ pci_BoxOfROCKS.jpg ......... pic_rock2.jpg "I just don't get it!"

So, TwoBi, you expect the Trumpster to just come out and announce he's changing our Constitution, huh? Is that how you expect it to be done?
The President has been attacking and running rough shod over the US Constitution since taking office on DAY ONE. What do you WANT, pictures? Your hatred of liberals is simply so intense that you choose to DENY & IGNORE all the signs being given by this con artist. Obviously you refused to read & comprehend post #5,956, didn't you? The day the "pea brain" walked into the oval office he began violating the US Constitution and Mueller report and Mueller, himself, pointed out at least eleven violations of obstruction to the investigation alone. The President has simply been lucky to surround himself with dishonest people, just like himself. If he didn't have his executive orders, he wouldn't accomplish anything whatsoever. Hell, his violation of the emolument clause Article 1, Sect.9 and Article II, Sect 1 should be enough to normally impeach a thug President if it wasn't for a chicken ******* Republican party afraid to go against him. Receiving foreign payments to Trump firms around the world?
Have you not noticed the number of Republicans this past month who have announced they are NOT running for re-election? Have you wondered why?
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well looks like another trump supporter (white nationalist) strikes again...kills 9 wounded 15...at least in El Paso!
Its the Democrats fault ... they won't agree that the only way to stop these mass "facist" killings is to give all the "good people" guns, too ... just think, that young mom, killed while taking her baby and packages to the car, could still be alive if she conceal carry inside that baby stroller and had pulled out a mini gun. Democrats just don't get it!
Only in your dumb ass mind!
Do something intelligent .... like read some history!
History isn't made up of "alternative facts", history in itself is fact!
History cannot be rewritten!
But then again you wouldn't understand that, it's away above your intelligence level!
Many, many Germans of the same intelligence level as you is what gave rise to Hitler!
The world, and Germany, sure found that out and much much too late!
Reductio ad Hitlerum, the last bastion of the intellectually absent....along with some good ole ad hominems for good measure.

Of course given the propensity for the intellectually lazy in here to use this falacy, we might be on the cusp of christening a new variant of this logical fallacy: Reducito ad Nazium ad Nauseum.
Reductio ad Hitlerum, the last bastion of the intellectually absent....along with some good ole ad hominems for good measure.

Of course given the propensity for the intellectually lazy in here to use this falacy, we might be on the cusp of christening a new variant of this logical fallacy: Reducito ad Nazium ad Nauseum.

Your propensity toward the absurd is unsurpassed only by your complete ignorance of the real world around you!
You might deserve more pity than criticism, then again, maybe not! Au Revoir!
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